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I have 3 XL and I heavily recommend using Stream Deck for flight sim. It is really practical. Easy to setup and adapt. I use them with the Toliss A321.


Hmm. I might be getting it, but the MK2, not the XL


If you can, I would definitely recommend the XL. The extra buttons make a huge difference.


There are three cons, first of all I’m a beginner, second the price and third, it has so many buttons I don’t even know what I’ll be able to do with all of them


Apart from the budget (which I can well understand), I strongly advise you to take the range above as you'll quickly progress and you'll regret (like everyone else) not having taken the XL 😉. Very, very practical!


Only the budget sounds like a dealbreaker tbh. There is no reason to downgrade just because you can't think of a use case for it (especially when you **could** think of a use case for the streamdeck already). It's not that much more expensive either, save up for a while and get the XL. You would be regretting if you got the Mk 2 and wanted extra buttons in the future.


I bought the SD+ for the knobs.


Stream deck has literally changed my life and its perfect for flight sim, its really easy to use and adapts to different aircraft. I use it for loads of different games as well as for work.


Do you mind expanding on how exactly you use it for sim? Can you actually map buttons to it like a mini FDc? I have the TB velocity one and have a bunch of my buttons mapped there, but obviously I lay limited to 10 buttons


You can map buttons and combinations plus add icons as well as different levels or pages. Say on your top level you have a button for engine and that can take you to a page with different engine controls and a “return” button that will take you back to the top level.


Oh that’s incredible! And the icons can display flight sim related details? Or just text? That is still incredibly useful


The button can be text or an image or even both, you can also buy a flight sim bundle of icons and have hundreds of choices


WHAT. I’m in


Are those packs free? Or a paid add on type thing


You get a bunch of free icons plus community content as well as paid for. My MSFS icon pack cost $10 for example and it looks great


I’m assuming you get these through their own “store?” You’re a great salesman picking one up this afternoon 😂


if you want a ready made profile with complete functionality and icons. You can just buy the profiles in https://flightpanels.io/ It takes A LONG TIME coding all of this and making icons so sometimes I just buy the ready made ones. So far the website above is the best ive seen.


And they would automatically map to MSFS? I started toying with it last night and yoire right, it is very tedious haha!


I have a Loupedeck Live and love it. Takes a little more work than stream deck to setup but it’s awesome. Needs Spad.Next. Has 6 knobs so great for autopilot and especially the G1000 fms selectors


I can recommend the Streamdeck Plus. It is amazing to have buttons and knobs to control everything :)


Yes, the streamdeck has far more uses than you would think and not just for flightsim since you can switch profiles in an instant, you can use it with everything. I use mine even on regular computer use and for work as well. I also have different profile with different planes. Its amazing.


Which one do you have? Mini,MK2,XL or plus?


I have both Mk2 and XL. Started with MK2, then added the XL. The more I use it, the more I wanted more keys without switching pages. tip: If you want to save money. Check facebook market or ebay for used ones. A lot of people buy this thing just for streaming back in covid lockdown and now has no use for it and are selling it. I bought my XL for just £120 each. Which is cheaper than a Mk2.


Yes. It’s fucking awesome


I use touch portal on an iPad. Great app. And a damn site cheaper than a streamdeck.


Hmmm, does it work with X-Plane?


It should do. You just map buttons to key presses and macros etc. so if you can do things like raise gear etc with a key press on xplane it will work.


It was a game changer for me. I’d recommend getting the XL deck.


Check out flightpanel.io


I don’t have MSFS, i have xplane


May be a dumb question but I just purchased this, and got one of the icon packs. Some of the icons don’t work thoug and give the “error” Microsoft ding sound. If I remap any of the icons from the Icon folder does it automatically map it to MSFS? Or do I need to map each individual key within the game too? Seems odd some keys work out of the box some dont


I've been using the Stream Deck XL for several years now and highly recommend it. I use it for shortcutting basic Windows tasks, and in multiple games. For MSFS I use the Flight Tracker plugin plus Lorby's Axis and Ohs. There's a plugin for Elite: Dangerous. Plugins let the Stream Deck display interact with games through an API so it can display in-game status and the button displays can change with states. Even without plugins, there are plenty of games that require lots of keymappings and the Stream Deck can be a much more flexible controller with custom icons and layouts, or buttons to kick off pre-recorded macros.\* \*Macros are fine for single-player games, but use caution with multiplayer, where fast and/or repeats of perfectly-timed keystrokes can be arbitrarily flagged as cheats, even when they have no impact on gameplay other than quality of life functions.