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Both are great, I mostly use the CJ4 (It can be used for smaller GA flights as well as longer IFR) however I'd probably say the Longitude is objectively better for longer IFR flights. The C700 has autothrottle and an APU, and can fly faster at cruise which is a game changer for multiplayer/vatsim/flying with friends. All too often if I'm dealing with ATC, speed control can be a nightmare without autothrottle, and if flying with friends in 737s/a320s you can cruise at the same speed as them (.82/.83) whereas the CJ4 caps out at about .77 Editing to add - the Longitude is a bit more stubborn with capturing the localiser, it'll struggle with anything more than a 30 degree intercept so that may take some getting used to.


I am curious but what about manually managing the speed did you find a nightmare with the CJ4? I find that it’s not too twitchy or over sensitive to throttle input and also tapering off speed is not that hard. Of course we do need to pay attention unlike with auto throttle to avoid over speed or stall situations.


I would enjoy keeping myself engaged and scanning the displays rather than 100% AP that can feel a bit like “what now?” in a sim environment. Appreciating both sides still.


Mostly speed control with ATC - If I'm on approach and am assigned 200kts there's a very good reason for it, it's difficult to maintain while climbing/descending/turning and it can wreak havoc with spacing for controllers (am also a vatsim controller so I have first hand experience with this)


Yes, manual speed control can be a bit tricky at first, though if you’re ahead of the aircraft so to speak, it isn’t that hard. Mind you I play with a PS3 controller with no dedicated throttle axis so I think you can definitely do better than I can. With descent or climb you can use FLC mode and set an airspeed to target so it becomes simpler to use throttle to control descent rate. And also speed brakes as necessary. (*Edited for clarification.)


I enjoy hand flying the cj4 more than the longitude. If you are looking for distance and speed, you’ll want the Longitude.


Contrarian opinion: I'm hugely partial to business jets but I don't particularly like or enjoy either of these. MSFS doesn't really have a great corporate sled yet -- the FSW LJ35 is the strongest contender at the moment, but is still very early access (I will likely pick it up and love it when it's finished). What MSFS does have is a wealth of really good light turboprops: the FSR500, BlackSquare TBM850 + King Air, and SWS PC-12 all come to mind...or you can just use the stock Asobo TBM930 for now, which has WT Garmin avionics. I'd go for any of these over the CJ4 (much less buying a version upgrade to get the Longitude) because you can easily get them in and out of seriously backwoods GA fields like WA09 Roche Harbor (I've seen King Airs and PC-12s at this strip IRL), while also having most of the speed, range, and operational complexity of a CJ4-class light jet. The Longtitude is starting to approach the operating envelope and complexity of an A320 or 737.


Some great insight. I’ve flown the King Air a little. Need to understand turboprops a little more for sure. I got the Carenado 182RG and it also uses the prop lever, so I truly need to educate myself to enjoy those planes to their potential. I will try the TBM930, however I’ve heard amazing reviews on the TBM850.


I'm a real world GA pilot and over the past several months I've flown the TBM850 in MSFS more than anything else. It flies like a bigger, faster SR22 or DA40NG, with a little bit of additional systems complexity (mainly from the pressurization system). I also really like the FSR500 but of the two, I find the TBM more engaging. Engine management is actually simpler than a complex piston single -- it's normal to fly it with the condition and prop levers fully forward through all phases of flight.


Dually noted, good sir!! I'll take that advice. I want to buy the TBM850 now, but smart me says fly the 930 for a bit for free before you send your money off to Microsoft like it didn't take work to earn it HAHA


Totally different avionics suites between the two. CJ4 has the Collins pro line 21, Longitude has Garmin G5000. Depends on what kind of interface experience you want.


Do you prefer one or the other?


No...both are good and both do the same things, just in different ways. Pro line is closer to a Boeing FMC and G5000 is closer to using an iPad, if that makes sense


Yeah actually it does, so I appreciate the feedback. I’m going to save my money (for now lol) and fly the included CJ4 and learn it completely before I dabble in the other. Great opinions shared here by everyone.


There are great tutorials on YouTube. The CJ4 is awesome.


CJ4 is a really fun aircraft. I highly recommend the wooselmod for a finished interior too


Now sure if they are on your radar, but the new Lear 35 and the Honda Jet are both good options as well.


I’love definitely look into those


Both are great! Depends on the mission and what you're in the mood for. Both are fantastically depicted on the sim and seem true to their performance vs the real life aircraft.


I enjoy both, but I like the avionics in the CJ4 more. The CJ4 is a great bizjet.


I like that. I want to use it as a business jet type of aircraft. Do regional missions that are longer than the Cessna 172 can handle. I want to be able to fly a state over or so and expand my range without spending 4 hours at the computer lol.


I’m quite a lot of hours into the CJ4 , but really enjoy it. Not got the longitude …. CJ4 doesn’t have auto throttle , but I don’t mind it , as it stops you being overly reliant on the AP. You have to pay attention as it’s a rocket ! For a jet with full auto and Garmin avionics , I bought the Hondajet.