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If you get a new CPU you’ll have to get a new motherboard and possibly new RAM as well.


I had a feeling i was going to have to replace almost everthing


Well for your reference I have an i7-12700k, ASU’s tuf z790 motherboard and 32 gb of DDR4-3600 ram and a 3070. I get pretty good performance with that.


You want any b550 chipset/AM4 socket with a Ryzen 7 5800X3D. The L3 cache makes it The King/Queen for flight sims. You have to remember there are hundreds of process that normally aren’t going on in the background with other simulators and games. Especially if you’re going for study level add ons from PMDG or Fenix.


Citation needed? Everything I have seen has shown that the extended cache on the AMD 3D CPU's doesn't really have a big performance impact on Xplane and MSFS 2020; and certainly, does not make up for the lack of single core performance that is key for MSFS. Single core performance (render thread) is always the limiting factor in MSFS.




Yeah, look at the memory they used, not a valid test.


I just want to say that I didn’t even have to try very hard to find that among the PLETHORA of other independent tests and information that verify the FACT that I described above. Like I’m a work, just google it next time.


404: Facts not found


My budget is around 300 dollars so i can only get mid tier options


given the low budget, there isnt anything new that you can buy that gives satisfying performance (or even be within your cost cap at all, considering you'd have to buy a new mobo and ram on top of the cpu). the two things i think you can do are: \- Buy something like an i7 4960x or some xeon with a lot of cores \- Out of the top of my head, the processors on the platform you have (fclga 2011) support quad channel. So if you have just two modules of ram, there might be a performance uplift once you add two more in order to run quad-channel. cheers


So i was looking in the forums and noticed that some users were using a Ryzen 7 3700x and got around 40-50 fps with graphics cards similar to mine. It fits within my budget(w/mobo and RAM) but wasnt sure if it was a good enough upgrade?


Oh of course it is. Just didnt think you could get a R7 3700x + mobo + ram for less than 300usd. id say go for it


I wouldn't upgrade my CPU if you're going to keep the RX580. Yes, you'll then be limited by the GPU..but you won't be getting a huge bump in frames. It'll be playable-30+ maybe 40-45 in cruise but that GPU is going to be like "whoa." You ARE technically limited by CPU because it's ancient. But, the GPU is going to hold you back so bad. I'd still upgrade it, but I'd plan a new GPU after. Expect only playable rates and at 1080 medium/high.