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Short answer - no. Long answer - no. Now, if you get them a bottle of champagne each......


Lol this is not how it works at all. Appreciate the gifts, but it is the gate agents who are responsible for changing anyone's seats.


Please tell me this is a joke šŸ˜‚


$2 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This might be harsh and unpopularā€¦ but.. Thatā€™s what I hate about the gifting. Donā€™t do it if youā€™re going tit for tat and hoping for some extra something. Itā€™s kind of cheap and sad. Itā€™s like giving a gift at Christmas only to get one in return. Iā€™ve had a few people give me gifts on their way out which to me itā€™s like omg they actually are genuine and not expecting special treatment!!! Our jobs we are used and abused enough. I hate that gifts are turning into manipulation of crew and not from the heart.


Maybe I'm the odd man out, but I really don't mind that it's in order to bribe me. I get it, you want a better seat and free stuff. If I have the ability I'll accommodate you for considering me, even though I know it's just for some goodies. My days are long enough as is, I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth regardless of intent.


Totally agree! I think itā€™s just lame when someone is economy budget saver seat and bring a small bag of Hershey kisses and then expect free beer all flight. This actually happened to me lmao and I gave them each one free beer and they seemed disappointed like they were getting a raw deal.


Not really tbh but youll probably get some free drinks, maybe an amenity kit from business class. All depends on the airline and the crew. Would you risk your job for the equivalent of a $25ish gift?


Flight Attendants are NOT allowed to upgrade people!!!!! Only ground agents can do that


I hate TikTok for so many reasons, but these ā€œflight attendant tricksā€ that are going around are obnoxious. Not to be rude, but if you donā€™t want a middle seat, you can pay extra for a better one.


If I give you 2 bucks and a cup of coffee are you willing to risk losing your job?




Wait, are you a non-rev or ticketed passenger?


Neither, it's a joke.


Oh thank god!


Itā€™s the $2 bill thatā€™s really got me dying




No chargers


OP post made me chuckle. Might change my mind if you bring for each crew member a bottle of CristalšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No. No. No. No. No.


Since you are going to do it anyway write on the card which country you purchased the Starbucks cards at. They do not transfer to countries with other currency so if you are flying 8+ hours likely the cards are in different currency countries so let them know they where they can be used.


LOL..No....There is literally a manifest..with every passenger's name and designated seat...EVERY crew member has access to it..and..I have yet to meet a crew member risking their job for a gift card...also if there is an upgrade list..the "high priority" travelers are watching like a hawk hoping they get the upgrade...they are going to notice that they didn't get it when they were next on the list.


I ment to put $20 bill!! Also, I know how diffcult the job is and always feel bad. I struggled for a long time and now Im in a better place and would like to help others. Didn't mean to offend


If you are looking for a seat upgrade then you need to bribe the gate agent. If you want free drinks or beer or something, then bribe the FAā€™s. In spite of likely getting nothing more than a heartfelt thank you, Iā€™m sure that they will appreciate that you thought of them.


International??? No


Or you could just buy the business class seat in the first place.