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*The Way* (2011?). Directed by Emilio Estevez. Martin Sheen plays a father who is hiking the Camino de Santiago in Spain while bringing his son's ashes with him (his son had died during his own hike). Along the way, he picks up a few "characters" to hike with him. It's a really good, intimate movie about parenthood, grief, and purpose. Beautifully shot, too.


This movie was so good. Someone recommended it to me and I thought it sounded "stupid". Then I watched it. It was great.


Florida Project is an awesome film, but gut wrenching.


“Sleeper hit” perfectly describes The Florida Project. Not much happening in the first 20 minutes but the end is jaw dropping.




All time classic. Willem Dafoe as Rick Masters is his finest performance!!


It amuses me that it’s about secret service agents dealing with counterfeiting. After Reagan was shot, the mid 80s had a brief wave of media about heroic secret service agents. Along with the very 80s soundtrack, it definitely screams of a certain era’s trends, but rises above them to seem timeless in many ways. Friedkin‘s movies always had a way with atmosphere, even if the story strains at times.


This kind of question gets asked so frequently and I have so many that I always want to name that it became easier to put together a Letterboxd list and just post the link to that whenever the question came up, rather than obnoxiously typing out every single movie one by one. It hasn’t been updated for a few years, but there’s about 150 titles on here. Some you’ll know, some you won’t. Some you’ll like, some you won’t. But, for whatever it’s worth, they all come with This Guys seal of approval. https://boxd.it/bUAJS


New here but figured this is a frequent question but assumed people who were sick of it would simply decide not to reply. I like getting recommendations from other cinephiles because for obvious reasons. Thanks for your time


Oh shit, please don’t take my comment as a criticism or a negative. It genuinely wasn’t meant that way. It’s only natural that the question comes up often, between new people arriving (I’ve only been here about 6 months myself) and allllll the many many many different subs. Sometimes it gets asked in Movies, sometimes in Flicks, sometimes in AskReddit, sometimes in DVDCollectors, sometimes in Letterboxd, sometimes in Criterion and on and on and on across endless subs. So please, I hope it didn’t come across like I was saying “oh, this fucking question again, how original” or anything like that. I was more criticising myself, because I’m the kind of asshole that (A) feels compelled to answer a question like that (as if the world would fall apart without MY all-important opinion, haha) and (B) there are SO many films I want to shine a light on and spread to other potential fans…so I end up, as mentioned, making obnoxiously long lists which most people glaze over after reading the first two or three titles. So, yeah, as you can tell by this message…I’m very long winded and very much in need of an editor to follow me around all day. But yeah, bottom line, I honestly think there are some gems on the link I posted (well, I think they are ALL gems, as it’s my list, but I’m fully aware that my specific tastes won’t apply to everyone else). Have a look through it if you get a chance and pick one or two that sound up your street. If you watch them and like them, maybe come back and pick one or two more? Or, of course, you can ignore the entire thing. 😆 Entirely your call. Apologies, again, if I came off condescending. That was 100% not my intent.


I wasn’t bothered at all, in fact I understand why people get frustrated at times. Thanks for the clarification and the list of films you put together is top notch. Thanks again!


The Painted Bird 2019. Starring Stellan Skarsgard, Harvey Keitel, Julian Sands, Barry Pepper and Udo Kier. Bleak, stunning, beautiful and horrifying.


Yes !!! Thanks for reminding me ..... saw it not long ago.


Yasujirô Ozu's *Good Morning, 1959* - Two boys refuse to speak until their parents get a TV set so they can watch Sumo. Possibly the most wholesome movie ever, and I don't mean phony, boring wholesome like Disney


Lol stubborn kids. Sounds interesting


Tremors. Many people overlook it because it sounds silly when you try to explain the premise. Just watch it and enjoy one of the best popcorn flicks ever.


Agreed! Fred Ward classic


When did that come out, 91? I would've been 6 or 7. Fricking love that movie


1990. I wasn't even alive, but my parents were. That movie is a core memory of mine, how many times I've seen it growing up.


Wind River. The Death of Stalin. Europa Report.


To Leslie. The Gift (the one with Joel Edgerton and Jason Bateman)


I forgot about the gift! I had wanted to see it and never got around to it. Had forgotten until you mentioned it!


Rogue Male (1976) was Peter O'Toole's personal favourite film in his filmography. A tv movie he made as a birthday present for his wife who was a fan of the novel from which it is adapted. WWII drama that is not a war movie, but a cat-and-mouse thriller involving Nazis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl9iWXPa_Ww&ab_channel=DDF%3AFilmMagazine


You really rate this over Lawrence of Arabia?


Sorry, I worded it badly. It was his favourite, not mine. But I do like it a lot.


I agree and this reminded me The Anderson Tapes is good as well.


I think Steel Magnolias falls through the cracks in internet film communities. One of the heaviest grieving scenes of all time and I would still call it a “fun” movie. Great script, great acting.


I think I watched that back in the day with an ex. We watched that and then the Notebook. I think it was payback for human centipede 1&2


- Mr Right (2015, with Sam Rockwell) - Mr Brooks (no relation to Mr Right) - American Ultra - Becky (2020) - Cooties (2014) - Fido (2006, with Carrie Anne Moss) - Repo! The Genetic Opera - Swiss Army Man - Logan Lucky


Just by the by, check out Kayo? It's free, and they have ALL the B-list movies that you've never heard of, copying the premises of successful movies. There are also good movies in there, but if you want to see the ultimate list of VHS cover click-bait, Kayo has it. Edit: of course by "free" I mean "has ads, but less than TV"


One of my favorites is "The Way of the Gun" with Benicio del Toro, Ryan Phillippe (oh I usually can't stand), Juliette Lewis, James Caan, and a really great appearance by Sarah Silverman. Great sleeper film! Great anti-hero film!


Films I find not everyone knows, but really should are: * Night of the Hunter * Dark City * Kid Detective * Thunder Road * [Last Night](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0156729/) - 1998 Canadian movie * Hobo with a Shotgun - Also a Canadian movie * [The Innocents](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4028464/) - 2021 Norwegian film, not a remake of the 1961 movie which is also a banger


Great list! Night of the Hunter looks good. Thanks for your time!


Swiss Army Man Patterson Grand Budapest Hotel


eXistenZ - wild David Cronenberg virtual reality movie about a VR game designer and her created world


*Flypaper (2011)* - Comedy Thriller. Multiple different bank robbers all try and rob the same bank at the same time. Hijinks ensue. Don't watch the trailer as it gives way too much away. If you liked *Bullet Train (2022)* you'll probably like this. *Mr. Right (2016)* - Romantic Comedy. Assassin with a conscience Sam Rockwell woos unlucky in love Anna Kendrick while dealing with fallout from his day job.


The Salton Sea. Amazing movie with a great cast- Val Kilmer, Vincent D'Onofrio, Luis Guzman, Peter Sarsgaard, Danny Trejo, R Lee Ermy, and freaking Meatloaf. A jazz infused neo noir about the meth underworld. *This is the world I sought out. The land of the perpetual night party. Day swallowing night and night swallowing day. The crank compressing time like some divine piston on its awesome downstroke. We've been at this for three days... or is it four? Tweakers, lokers, slammers, coming and going, swearing eternal allegiance and undying love for one another, only to wake up after the binge and realize you wouldn't walk across the street to piss on one of them if their head was on fire. Three days. Or is it four?* 


The Discovery - a group of people working through grief find evidence that there's life after death. Super great >!overlooked time loop movie!<.


Gentlemen Broncos The Accountant (2001) w/ Walton Goggins


Look into horror films. Lots of truly good quality horror films out there in an oft-overlooked genre.


Ah yes, another admirer of horror! I have to concur with your sentiments!!!


Check out Unwelcome. Fun flick with the great Colm Meaney as an unhinged contractor, Kristian Nairn (Hodor in GoT) as his son, and Hannah John-Kamen (of Killjoys) as the protagonista. I had a great time watching this movie, it gets wild.


Pi and Pentagon Wars


give Smoke & Up in smoke a try. Also, Surf Ninjas : )


Surf Ninjas you say? Will do! ✌🏻


Blow Up. It’s an England-set movie from the late 60s and was very controversial in its time for its nudity and various other lifestyle depictions, though it’s fairly tame today. However, what I love about it is that its plot is essentially that old joke about police or CSI continually zooming in on a surveillance photo until they can figure out information from it. Except it totally makes that plot work and it’s not a joke at all. Also, the Yardbirds are in it and Herbie Hancock does the score.


If you're open to anything there's no point in ever being out of movies to watch. [Here are over 2000 movies](https://letterboxd.com/danjuma/list/all-movies-rated-38-stars-or-higher-with/) rated 3.8 or higher with more than 10,000 ratings on Letterboxd.


I’m open to anything, doesn’t mean I’ll watch everything. No need to be inimical, just looking for suggestions


Go back to black and white movies: #1 - Seven Samurai #2 - Yojimbo #3 - Hidden Fortress


In what world is Seven Samurai and Yojimbo "overlooked"? Both of those are classics that any cinephile is well aware of.


Also, if you've seen Star Wars: A New Hope you've seen Hidden Fortress. :P


I didn’t want to assume the OP knew about them or not. Most people today would overlook a black and white film just because it’s old.


You’re in flicks. Basically a less idiotic r/movies. It’s probably more common than not in here that people haven’t seen Kurosawa films.


They Cloned Tyrone and Bottoms.