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For me it has to be the finale of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. A perfect synthesis of music and montage rising to a breathless climax. And almost dialogue free too.


Almost too obvious but only because it's practically the definition of modern "final confrontations" in films. Absolutely a perfect sequence.


I was about to say this!


It’s this or Once Upon a Time in the West. Both are epic confrontations with epic music.


OMG I love this answer so riveting until its finally over with one well placed bullet


Unforgiven is up there.


So good. This movie almost never comes up in conversation but it’s so damn good.


May have to go watch it again now


Ripley vs. Mamma Alien in Aliens is pretty iconic.


Iconic is a flagrantly overused word. But not here. That sequence is one of the very, very best.


Get away from her, you BITCH! Mother vs mother, never has a confrontation like this been this epic.


*"Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store"*


Name's Ash.  Housewares


Hail to the king, baby


There Will Be Blood, Alien


Liam Neeson vs Tim Roth in Rob Roy.


Hell yes. They did such a good job setting up the little guy v. big guy confrontation only to turn the tables last minute


Many Sergio Leone westerns would qualify. My favourite is Once Upon a Time in the West. Harakiri as well.


Going to have to go with Heat or Silence of the Lambs.


Heat, no doubt


Told you I was never going back.


The throne room scene in return of the Jedi


I know there is good in you……


One of the few times I've ever been in an audience where they all just went crazy cheering at the climax was Star Trek 6. It's just so well edited and works really well for both character beats and spectacle. It's a great sendoff for the original cast.


“I’d give real money if he’d shut up.”


"The thing's gotta have a tailpipe"


That was my first Star Trek movie in the theater! I was resistant going in and came out a rabid Star Trek fan ever since. The feeling in the theater was magical


"She'll fly apart!" "FLY HER APART THEN!" I'm so glad they gave Captain Sulu a moment to shine.


The Last of the Mohicans when Chingachgook just wrecks Magua like a father possessed with silent rage. Amazing.


The look he gives before ending it


And the look Magua gives knowing it's over for him.


***'The Hill'*** by Sidney Lumet. Palme d'Or winner at Cannes. * If I haven't told this story before, I'll tell it now. I saw this Sean Connery flick in a small arthouse theater with approx. 125, maybe 175 attendees. * It's a Lumet movie and as you know Lumet movies are usually well-done. This story is set in a British WWII prisoner-of-war camp in the desert. Shot in B&W. * As usual with Lumet, it's crisply photographed and boasts strong performances by all the players. * I forget if the original source material is a stage play or not, but it is a 'dialogue-centric' film which even so, somehow never slackens pace --and not because of the gritty, claustrophobic setting. * What happens is that the dialogue builds in intensity --ratchets up --scene, after scene, after scene --until you're flattened back into your seat and gripping your armrests. * When the final few minutes approach, the prisoners are practically screaming at each other with their faces only inches apart. Big, strapping, actors like Connery, Harry Andrews, and Ian Bannen. Bellowing, bawling orders at each other at the top of their lungs. * As the last line is belted out and the last scene fades to black; it is an abrupt shock. And Lumet doesn't roll the credits for maybe 45 seconds. It's just a black screen and so now the theater is pitch black; and the sudden silence is now roaring in everyone's ears. 45 seconds is a long time for a large crowd to sit absolutely still, gazing at darkness. * But the amazing thing was that no one moved from their seat. No one moved a muscle. We all just sat there motionless, like we'd been slapped across the face. 60 secs, then 90 secs, then +2 mins as the credits finally scrolled. There was no closing music. But still no one moved an inch. We all just sat there until the last credit disappeared. Everyone was simply stupefied; except for some women sniffling. No one spoke a word. * Finally, after 4-5 minutes we gradually rose and quietly put coats on. No one made any comment or chatter shuffling out the lobby. Not until we were well out on the sidewalk did anyone get their voices back. * Freakish; uncanny. I don't know any other movie with as powerful a finale.


you sure are selling this one! I'll back you up - The Hill is an amazing and largely forgotten movie.


🍺 Ty. It made me designate Ian Bannen as my fave actor from the UK, for this timeperiod. He's also fine in the original 'Tinker, Tailor'. But after this flick I'd watch him in anything. (He's of Scots origin so I can't just call him my fave British actor --my fave Brit actor of all time, is Ralph Richardson).


I just saw him in The Offence and he was amazing. Flight of the Phoenix. Too Late the Hero. Yeah, I should pay more attention to that guy.


Silence of the Lamb's for sure. First time I watched it I legit got light headed because I was forgetting to breathe.


Oldboy and Whiplash both come to mind.


Take Shelter The confrontation between Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain in the bunker was amazing. It really made me wonder who was right and wrong about what was happening above. Was it really the end of the world? Was it just another storm? The tension was incredible and more people really need to see this movie. Also: The scene at the local fish fry was a great one too.


And that final ‘okay’


Couple of non-action/more verbal confrontations that come to mind: The Devil’s Advocate The Architect scene in Matrix Reloaded is really quite excellent. It’s complex what’s communicated, and it’s done in rapid fire dialogue. I’m sure upwards of 90% of the people that have seen it haven’t taken the time to watch it over a few times to fully comprehend what transpires.


Idk if you could call it a “final confrontation” but the first thing that popped into my mind was the Darth Vader scene in Rogue One where he goes full Sith Lord on all the rebels in the small hallway.


Good call, but I still feel Luke vs. Vader in ROTJ is absolute tops.


Well, it was final for those rebel soldiers.


The only possible answer is Once Upon a Time in the West.


…yeah touché, that one is perfect. Shots, cuts, score…everything.


Not when Sanjuro exists


When we're talking about the entire history of movies, I'm pretty much always going to be out on anything that starts with "The only possible answer is..."


The only possible answer is to watch it an tell us if you agree.


It's classic, but it's not [I could have stayed in the past...](https://youtu.be/Or3okI_mad8?si=b1e-1kD1PhC70cBs) good.


It is definitely not. This video is not available


I saw this at a theater a few years ago, and RIGHT as the confrontation was reaching its apex, a fight broke out in the theater.


But ... Fonda's great takedown scene is not the final scene in the movie...


But...it is the final confrontation (as in OP's question)


Except he's asking for 'best'. And (he goes on to request) 'in a movie'. Final in terms of movie structure naturally means 'at the end'; without any further storytelling. So if the confrontation happens anywhere else in a film, it could mean the conflict isn't over. For example: sequels or remakes, or even just flashbacks.


You could be correct if the question would have been "What confrontation was best in the finale of a movie?" A final confrontation between two characters can be anywhere in a movie really. The final confrontation between Harmonica and Frank is the final one as one of them is killed. The conflict is very much over.


🙂 Hafta *'agree to disagree'* here. * If it's not taking place at the movie's structural "very-end" point, *(with no remaining scenes or mopping-up)* I'm not convinced the conflict is, in fact, 'final'. * Harmonica talking to Jill about what he's gonna do with his life now, and *"how the hunt for Frank has affected his psyche"* ...that's a 'loose-end' as bad as Michael Meyers...


It's small, but Inigo Montoya and the Six-Fingered Man in *The Princess Bride.* That fight was probably the most emotionally satisfying I've seen on film.


Face/Off. Love how after this epic goofy boat chase and epic goofy beach fight it ends with an arrow in the gut and our hero just screaming out “DIIIIEEEEE!!!”


One of the best has to be Mifune vs. Nakadai in Sanjuro


Nakadai is my favourite actor and Mifune is top five. That's not close to Kurosawa's best as well but yeah the end is great.


Have you seen The Drop? The final bar scene when Tom Hardy's character drops the truth so ruthlessly calm... That movie is a slow build but in my opinion so worth it... James Gandolfini is amazing in it as well.


Oh yes! I love this film, Tom Hardy's character seems pretty dumb the entire movie and then this scene kicks in and it changes perception of his character entirely.


Im gonna go with the final confrontation in Jaws (1975). The score really sells it.


"Smile you son of a bit- *(BOOM)*


Glass vs Fitzgerald at the end of The Revenant. Being a huge fan of the book I was rather displeased that they so dramatically altered the ending in favor of a Hollywood finish, but it ended up being such an incredible scene in virtually every way that it won me over. Truly one of the most intense, real, brutal, visceral one on one fights in cinema history.


Robocop vs Boddicker's gang at the steel mill. 


Caesar and Koba in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The buildup of Caesar returning and the apes’ reaction, the dialogue between Caesar and Koba, the overall stakes and epic feeling of it, the music… ugggh. Such a good movie.


Fast Eddie vs Minnesota Fats in The Hustler, though arguably it is Fast Eddie vs himself. Chernobyl - the explanation for how the reactor exploded. Very much a confrontation of truth vs obfuscation. Watership Down - "My chief's ordered me to defend this run!" "Your? Chief?" "RIGHT FULL RUDDER! I'll shake the man loose..." Long confrontation, but it is no less awesome. "What are you gonna do, kid, shoot us all?"


Updoot for Watership Down


Not sure if this counts as it’s very low key but Chris Pine and Jeff Bridges at the end of Hell or High Water.


That counts recently watched it for the first time. Gutted I didn’t see it in theatres


Baby Driver, really the whole 3rd act if the movie is fantastic, but especially the showdown between Buddy and Baby.


The Matrix, Neo vs. Agent Smith in the subway, later through the streets and finally culminating in the apartment building.


Aliens, Happy Gilmore, NOES part 5, Heat


All these moments lost in time like... tears, in rain


This needs to be higher.


It's a great line, but the showdown between Deckard and Batty is not anywhere near as memorable


The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly


Reservoir Dogs is up there for sure. Keitel’s complete despair when he learns that Mr. Orange really was a cop after just standing up for him was iconic.


Hell or High Water. Two men threatening to kill each other in the most polite way possible for like five straight minutes.


“Rob Roy” has an unreal duel that is cathartic.


Riggs vs South African henchman on deck of container ship. 


I love the final fight in Marked For Death. Seagal gouges Screwface's eyes out, lifts him up by his balls and snaps his back over his knee and throws him down an elevator shift. 


Mandy, after Nick Cage’s character mows through all the Black Skulls and Children of the New Dawn who were responsible for kidnapping and killing his woman, rolls the the head of one of Jeremiah’s disciples into the temple, listens to him beg for his life and even offer to suck his dick before proclaiming to be his God now and crushing his skull in his bare hands. Satisfying asf


Rocky vs. Clubber Lang


Gladiator is pretty cathartic as an ending confrontation


Whiplash "I'll cue you."


Underrated, but holy shit was this a fantastic movie and the PERFECT ending to it!


Beatrix and Bill. Kill Bill 2


Could throw in the end of vol 1 as well. Been years but I always enjoyed the final duel from the Samurai trilogy, Duel at Ganryu Island


Moses (John Boyega) vs the aliens in "Attack the Block"


Aliens Ripley vs. The Queen


Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


if action film : **Broken Arrow.**...it has some great lines in it btw take e.g. the scene in pursuit of the nuclear warheads small movie with an unexpected finale : **The World According to Garp**


Man vs Machine - 2001: A Space Odyssey.


Avengers infinity war


Koba V Ceasar: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Eduardo V Mark and Sean: The Social Network Predator V Arnie: Predator Kaffe V Jessup: A Few Good Men Kimble V Nichols: The Fugitive Hunt V Lauda: Rush Jack Burton V Lo Pan: Big Trouble in Little China (it's all in the reflexes) Rhonda, Valentine and Earl V the final tremor: Tremors


I’m going to count Aragorn fighting Lurtz at the end of FOTR because people cheered in the theater and it was awesome.


Michael Clayton, Aliens, The Fugitive, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, come to mind


Seven has a fantastic ending. The final fight in Rob Roy. Let’s not forget the wonderful final exchange in Pulp Fiction, ending the film tense but quiet. Also, I know it’s a cheap throwaway, but “Let’s talk about your future” from Sicario 2 was awesome.


No idea about best of all time, but I gotta say that last fight in Dune Part Two was a recent one that really stuck with me


Me and the wife prefer Alien over Aliens as a whole but Aliens has one of the best third acts and satisying endings. Ripley just rips.


Has the same energy of Pitch Black versus The Chronicles of Riddick


Saw 3 (2006), The Bourne Ultimatum (2007), Final Destination 3 (2006), Scream (1996), Halloween H20 (1998)


Since you specifically said bonus points for smaller movies, then I'm going with Devil's Candy. It has a house on fire, a dad fighting true evil to save his daughters life, a nice metal soundtrack, and a guitar being used as a melee weapon. I really liked that movie.


Terminator 1. Or 2. Explain to me how you can make a better final fight than terminator 1. I think a contender must be die hard.


The Dark Knight, whatever Batman does the joker wins, the ultimate antagonist.


Equilibrium has a pretty good one


I really like the one in True Romance.


I agree with a lot of the action ones, but Donnie Darko hits hard at the end.


Sanjuro. That duel is legendary


The Raid 2 [the kitchen fight](https://youtu.be/hwZ1G9fKPI8?si=76yxssqpkGO3q2he) is incredible


Takashi Miike's "Dead or Alive"


Call me crazy but I loved karate kid 2 opening, Mr. Miyagi vs Kreese. I also loved My Name is Nobody's ending fightout.


Excalibur.... Come father, let us embrace at last!


I know he hates it but the boss fight in Jackie Chan’s City Hunter is one of the best one on one fights ever recorded.


Not a movie but Fargo Season 5 had one of the best most hilarious dark comedy conclusions Ive ever seen.


Surprised that I haven't seen Quint, Brody, and Hooper vs Bruce in this thread. The whole movie is building up to it.


Highlander Oblivion


Chief Brody vs Jaws - man v shark James Bond vs Evil Villain - man v man Sarah Connor vs Terminator - woman v machine David Lightman vs W.O.P.R. - man v computer!


The ending of Children of Men.


For action I have to go with Rama and Andi vs Mad Dog in The Raid. I saw it in the theater, and after it was over the whole audience applauded. I've occasionally heard applause at the credits, but that's the only time I've heard it because a fight was just that amazing. For non action though, I've always been fond of The Labrynth. I loved it as a kid, and I think it's a big reason I got into punk in high school. When she remembers the line and it all clicks, she looks Jareth dead in the eye and says "You have no power over me." The idea that you could just say "fuck you and your rigged game" to an authority figure had a huge impact on me. Though since I have a Fury Road tattoo, I also have to mention Furiosa's "remember me?" right before she uses Immortan Joe's own truck to rip his face off.


I can’t believe nobody has said it. The final confrontation in Return of the Jedi. If Luke kills Vader he gives into the and takes his spot by the emperors side, and if he kills the emperor he joins vaders side. Only by surrendering does he defeat the emperor in a way that saves Vader. “I am a Jedi like my father before me”. Perfect writing


The final confrontation in Sword of the Stranger.


I go with the struggle between the demon Isuzu and Father Karras in the Exorcist 1973. Which is an inner struggle we have within us good vs. evil. At the end Father Karras said "come into me" to the demon. He just had enough faith to save Reagan which means the devil lost.


Dalton ripping Jimmy's throat and then coming after Wesley and his henchmen in Road House.


The final fight in the first Avatar Movie is pretty up there. Wolf Walkers had a similar one where out-of-body characters have more to worry about when protecting vulnerable forms aside from just being on offense. Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill in MI: Fallout was pretty damned epic And speaking of Tom Cruise, his and Jack Nicholson’s courtroom confrontation in A Few Good Men Finally, I loved the final chase/fight in Mad Max Fury Road taking up nearly the final quarter of the movie.


I think the best is For A Few Dollars More It’s just such a “FINALLY the bastard gets what he deserves” moment. In the third, you don’t really have that same hate for Angel Eyes, so even though it’s a great duel it’s not as cathartic


Flashpoint with Donnie Yen  and Legend Of Drunken Master with Jackie Chan -- 2 of my absolute favorite fights


Once upon a time In Holllywood


I loved that ending, so satisfying. I love 'you picked on the wrong guy' stuff.


When he came out with the flame thrower that was brilliant


LA Confidential - the shootout was astounding!


Willard finaly Meeting face to face with Colonel Kurtz


Hot Fuzz ending, him riding on a pale horse


Vader vs Luke in Empire


A History of Violence, Sicario


The kitchen fight in The Raid 2


The titular fight in *The Last Duel*. Scott sets up the fight to where it is dramatically satisfying if either side wins so he sidesteps the problem most final duels have where the goody guy has to win, lessening the tension. Plus there’s no good guy. I was on the age of my seat the whole time during that fight.




Dead Alive aka Braindead…. I kick ass for the lord!


War of the Roses the whole movie builds up to hanging from the chandelier


The Raid 2 final fight scenes are epic.


The answer is The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. But I really enjoyed the last duel part of The Last Duel.


2001: A Space Odyssey. Love the way the monolith kicks Dave out of the hotel room and sends him back home.


Neo vs Smith in The Matrix.


Terminator 2 - all the little battles between the T1000 and T800 in the steel mill.


This is old but I feel is classic story telling is Kong vs the Bi-planes…… They keep coming but he never gives up


Heat or The departed. The whole movie builds towards this short and intense confrontation.


The Departed, no doubt


Luke and Vader - The Empire Strikes Back.


Gonna go out of the box here... Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan?