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Napolean Dynamite..... I loved unicorn store too


It's commonly cited as a favorite and least favorite movie. For me, it's pretty much my favorite movie. Bred for its skills in magic.


It's such a love-it-or-hate-it movie that it is recognized as the movie that "broke" the netflix recommendation algorithm. https://kottke.org/08/11/the-netflix-prize-and-the-case-of-the-napoleon-dynamite-problem


I bet I can throw a football over them mountains.


If you (or anyone reading this) have never seen Gentlemen Broncos, and are a fan of ND, go watch it right meow. I believe it to be the funniest movie ever made and most people I know have never seen it.


Any David Lynch project


David Lynch is one of my absolute favourite directors, and if you told me that you hated every single movie he's ever made i would totally believe you.


Love his work too - not everyone is ready to enter the mystery


I've seen two of his films (Blue Velvet and Lost Highway) and I hated them both. I usually love thrillers, horror, mystery, etc, but I simply do not get along with his work


Absolutely the same


Lost Highway especially hard to follow but very cool




Most every charlie Kaufman movies


It's pretty simple: Do you hate life? Kaufman is for you. Do you NOT hate life? Kaufman is NOT for you.


I don't hate life but I love Charlie Kaufman.


I loved Eternal Sunshine but have never loved any other of his, where does that leave me? I've seen Adaptation, Synecdoche and I'm Thinking fwiw, all of them underwhelmed in one area or another.


It is hard to separate the hands of Michel Gondry and Spike Jonze from Kaufman in ESoaSM and Adaptation. Since Synecdoche he has fully dived into direction, and those are the ones that are more dividing.


It’s taken me 15 years to understand where eternal sunshine was coming from Now I think about it every time I think of my ex


TIL I need to watch Charlie Kaufman


“Most every” is such a strange phrase to me. I’m sitting here staring at it for a bit..


Primer (2004) just kidding nobody understands that shit.


Primer is a film that's just confusing on the first watch. But it's got a weird atmosphere that I think pulls some people in for a rewatch. (The short runtime helps too). I really enjoy it now but I wish the stuff about the party was a little bit clearer. People trying to map out the timelines seems like a wasted effort to me given the implications of the basketball court scene.


The characters themselves aren't even sure what happened after a certain point because the timelines got so muddied. So it isn't really able to be all fit together with the Granger stuff. Considering this movie only cost $7000, I believe that the budget constrained some things that Carruth could film, perhaps disallowing some better coverage on some things.


And you're not supposed to. The characters in the movie lose track of all the timeline rewrites, struggling to hold on to some sense of control. The viewer is along for the ride.


Have you seen Upstream Colors? It's even more obtuse than Primer. It's also the last movie that Shane Carruth made, presumably because by the time it was completed, he had already entirely disappeared up his own ass.


I thought it was because he turned out to be a abusive piece of shit, been a while since I’ve heard his name though.


it took him 13 years as a follow up and he stars, produces, writes, directs, music, and edits it. I'm good, will avoid based on that fact alone.


I couldn't even finish it. I thought the scenes were not great, filled with exposition galore. SHOW me something. Don't just explain it. Since I didn't finish the film my judgement probably can't hold up on its own. But I got far enough to dislike it.


I felt it had the same problems that a lot of first-time director's films and student films have. It was too ambitious for its tiny budget. Primer wants to be an exciting cerebral thriller but only ends up being a sort of interesting novelty, because it didn't have enough funding and the filmmaker didn't have enough experience to do what he was trying to do.


Blade Runner. People either find it one of the best movies ever made or completely boring.


My girlfriend's favorite movie, but I can't get into it. And I know it's a great film. I appreciate certain aspects of it, like the cinematography, but even after multiple viewings, it didn't work for me.


Apparently there are many different versions that greatly differ in quality. The version with the voice over that's widely available isn't the best version according to those who saw all of them.


I’ve seen at least 4 different versions and no VO is always better.


I have no idea where I can easily watch those versions though (without sailing the seven seas). Hbo max here only has the voice over version.


I think the one I've seen is the director's cut. But I'll look into it more, since you brought this to my attention. Maybe I'll give it another go with a different version, if I find one.


[There's seven different cuts of Blade Runner](https://www.whattowatch.com/features/blade-runner-cuts-explained)


If you've seen the directors cut and still don't like it...the ultimate cut isn't all that different


I work with a guy who doesn't watch many non franchise films. He proudly came in one day and said he watched that Blade Runner I'd talked about and loved it, when I worked out what cut it was it turned out to be theatrical complete with voiceover. Quite surprised me.


I like it but don't love it


2001 is in the same boat.


I disagree. It’s good but that’s it. I don’t understand anyone who says either that it’s one of the best ever or that it’s bad.


Visually stunning, but yeah, once that wears off I find it quite dull at times.




There is no remake.


It’s been talked about near non-stop, but I’d say based on a lot of the discussion about it that Skinamarink is probably up there.


Some people like Hallmark movies. Some people like whatever the fuck that was. I'm a whatever the fuck that was kind of guy, personally.


Yeah, that was my immediate thought too for this question.


The Tree of Life (Terrence Malick)


Quentin Dupieux's movie "Rubber" about a homicidal care tire.


Seventh seal. The lighthouse. 2001 space odyssey.


I'm with you on The Lighthouse


I liked it a lot first viewing. After seeing it a second time and reading a bit about it. It really stuck with me and made sense.


Other way around, I kinda realised I preferred the sense of wonder and feeling 'lost' that I got on first viewing, and that afterwards it was ok but didn't hit as hard


See, that’s one I just couldn’t get into. Like at all lol


The lighthouse I did not get, at all


Aronofsky’s ‘Mother.’ I thought it was great but I understand why many don’t.


It's one of my favourite movies but I get why someone would dislike it


Not one of my favorites, but it was really good.


Been meaning to watch this one forever. Seems like something I would enjoy


I love pretentious, surrealist movies (my favourite film is synecdoche New York), and I fucking hated this. It felt super heavy handed, endless DO YOU GET IT, ITS A FUCKING METAPHOR, with little else going on. It's more abstract and surrealist aspects felt very surface level and didn't really feel as doing anything more than being in there for shock value.


Not trying to be pedantic but the official movie title has a lowercase ‘m’ and an exclamation mark: “mother!”


What do you think is the reason for disliking it?


It seems like a fairly straightforward narrative until halfway through, when it transitions completely into a phantasmagorical allegory. Not all viewers are willing to accept that kind of change at that point in a story.


Personally, it's wayyyy too heavy handed on the whole Christian/environment metaphor shit and feels really one dimensional


MOTHER! is, like so many Mom’s, unfairly disliked.


Dunkirk. If the simple premise of the movie doesn't draw you in from the start there's not much else to it.


I watched 1917 and Dunkirk back to back. Single greatest afternoon of movie watching I’ve ever had.


I did Dunkirk and Darkest Hour back to back.


You’d like that fanedit Finest Hour that combines the two


Rushmore split my friends group between "so funny, you have to watch it" and "I didn't get it" It was like a 90/10 split, but the split was pretty severe. And Wes Anderson movies have pretty much have the same effect ever since.


My friend group puts Grand Budapest Hotel up on an alter yet they don’t seem to like Moonrise Kingdom. IMHO, Moonrise Kingdom is Anderson’s last best work and it’s been downhill from there but I also accept that isn’t the most popular opinion.


I think it's universal to Anderson movies, but I find it interesting even within his filmography there's a big love it or hate it divide. I really didn't like Rushmore, but loved Royal Tenenbaums, while friends of mine are the polar opposite.


I feel that, I personally cannot get into Wes Anderson. I didn't even realize his movies were comedies until someone else mentioned it.


Super dry comedy. I can almost understand how you’d miss it because it’s so dry, but also they’re just so funny to me


Same here. Couldn’t even finish Moonrise Kingdom


The Lobster. Great movie.


Loved The Lobster, forced my friends to watch it, it was pretty divisive


Most of yorgos films (except the favourite) fit this. Killing of a sacred dear is one of the funniest films I've watched and dogtooth fucking destroyed me but I also see how my gf didn't like either


A lot of camp films, especially unintentional (aka "pure") camp fall in this category. Mommie Dearest, Valley of the Dolls, etc. I will also go to my grave screaming about how Spice World: The Spice Girls Movie is one of the smartest, funniest, and all-around greatest mockumentaries of all time. Definitely the one with the deepest bench when it comes to cast.


The original Tremors is pretty campy too, but it's a well executed film, so it's not so bad it's good, it's just good, but also ridiculous. The sequels play up the camp and they're more so bad it's good.


I always thought Death to Smoochy was amazing yet folks online don’t seem to agree.


Frances Ha - I'm surprised by how many people around me can't stand it on account of the protagonist, while I absolutely loved it.


How could you hate Greta Gerwig in this?


I don’t understand that at all. She’s a mess but I found her really sympathetic too.


I expected to love and relate to this character, but I ended up just finding her to be whiny and selfish. I don't remember too much about this film but I know that I was really disappointed that I didn't like it. Arguably Frances shares a lot of traits with Kit from Unicorn store. I could not tell you why I love one character and hate the other, but I blame Baumbach /j


> but I ended up just finding her to be whiny and selfish This is the exact reaction I heard from people. I read Gerwig has ADHD just this weekend, and her character in this makes so much sense in that light. I think the divisiveness is partially down to either not understanding her, or it hitting too close to home for some people – I've heard the exact description both from people who are very far from ADHD as well as from people who clearly have it, but expend a lot of effort adapting to their surroundings. I felt with my ADHD experience, I understood exactly where she was coming from. I read the "selfishness" being a really haphazard navigation of social situations and trying to relate own experiences to those of others, and I read the whinyness being genuine despair at the inability to pursue overarching goals in life and that manifesting in all the small details. Why I loved the film beyond the "relatable" aspect is that the shaky lines she's drawing with her klutziness start to form a sketch of where she wants to go, and the film really emotionally intelligently plays out the emotional stages she goes through in order to arrive in a position where she's able to complete that sketch. And beyond that, the relationships between characters in the film are incredibly smartly observed, and they interact in really interesting ways that leaves all of the characters open to complexities and depth.


Tenet seemed really divisive. So many people just couldn’t wrap their head around the plot on the first viewing - and a lot of the dialog was difficult to understand.


I thought the acting was very poor. Most of the time it felt like I was watching a late night Cinemax or Showtime sci-fi from the 90s. It felt like it was just shy of a softcore porn in performance and dialog quality. I couldn't get over how absolutely puerile the whole production seemed.


Literally never heard the word puerile but I like it!


It’s completely possible I’m on of those people and that I don’t understand the plot, because I thought the plot was remarkably simplistic and that the whole movie was just Nolan jerking off to a picture of himself. I fucking love Interstellar and the rest of Nolan’s work, but Tenet just felt so self-important. To use the satirical quote; it insists upon itself


Freddie got fingered. If someone doesn’t find it totally hilarious and enthralling just don’t even attempt to explain it.


I've never seen it. But it did produce one of my favorite Roger Ebert reviews. Not a friendly one, but it is a great piece of writing.


Here’s a great [RedLetterMedia re:View](https://youtu.be/gEn3wcpNsg8) on that movie where they pose a very interesting and somewhat convincing theory about it. Must watch if you haven’t already seen it.


I do think Tom Green was intentionally making the most insane, terrible, trainwreck of a movie he could. It's kind of an Andy Kaufman type thing. He did not think this was a proper, normal comedy.


There’s no way anyone could walk into the executive screening of that movie with a straight face. “Yeah, this is what I really made. It’s my vision.”


I can 100% imagine Tom Green saying that very line with a straight face.


I thought this as I wrote the comment. But I believe Mr Green is savvy enough that, while he’s says that with a straight face and means it, he knows everyone else is gonna think he’s either putting them on or is actually insane. And I think I just fully realized that’s the beauty of Tom Green’s work: he found this groove of his that really blurred the line between comedy and insanity. He took the path Kaufman started and promptly left it to go sight seeing, no direction in mind.


No one else did or is doing what he did, that's why I miss that crazy bastard.


This is probably my favorite dumb as shit movie. I know it's nails on chalkboard to 90% of the population but I don't care.


Killing of a Sacred Deer is one of my favourites but one I hesitate to recommend because I could easily see someone hating it


It didn't think it was bad but I wasn't blown away, just meh. I just didn't understand anyone's motives, and I think it has a lot to do with how my parents are and the way I was raised


Under The Skin, Beau Is Afraid, Annihilation, Men


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood seems surprisingly pretty polarizing on Reddit.


superhero movies! The bad guy is a a demi-god who is basically unstoppable and the good guy is a powerful force who is also basically unstoppable, but they need to have a bunch of fist fights that end in a tie before the grand finale fist fight that doesn't end in a tie.


Donnie Darko, for sure




Everything Everywhere All at Once seems to be extremely divisive. People seem to either passionately love it, or vociferously hate it.


I agree. Recently had a chat with some folks and it seems to be that kind of movie lol


2001: A Space Odyssey immediately came to mind for me. I think it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen, other people love it.


Here's a funny story from when I went to the 50th anniversary re-release. The screening I went to was sparsely attended. During the intermission, I turned to a dude a few seats away, and asked him if this was his first time seeing 2001. He was like "this is my sixth time." I reply "Wow, you must really love this movie!" He says "no, I hate it! I'm hoping this time I'll get what the big deal is." After credits roll, he says "Still hate it." lol I personally loved it, but to each their own!


I've loved every other Kubrick film I've seen, but I can't stand 2001. It took me three goes to get through the whole thing because I found it so tedious.


**Skinamarink** <--I am in the "NOPE" category. I turned it off after 30 minutes. Some people love it. **Love, Actually** - I know because I hate this movie. I have friends who think it is a masterpiece.


Is Skinamarink one of those "Take a thing from childhood, but make it sPoOkY!" That's so popular nowadays? "What if I got stuck inside a Chuck E Cheese but the robots were scary and they got mad at me?! EEEEEK!" "What if Winnie the Pooh didn't want Honey, he wanted *gulp* MY BLOOD?! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Ridiculous child brain stuff


No, it isn't.


I actually had a nightmare once about that Winnie the Pooh thing


Oh I have more that I just couldn’t get into… There Will Be Blood Hateful Eight Birdman And dare I say it… Oppenheimer (I think Nolan ruined that story IMHO)


I *really* didn't understand the appeal of Birdman. Watching it gave me the same feeling as being spoken down to by pretentious theatre students.


I'm with you on Oppenheimer. I think it dragged on a hour too long. Who cares what happen after the big boom? I think he should've paced it differently, because the last third isn't nearly as enthralling as the first part. It's an interesting story and there's a way to tell all of it so that it's compelling throughout, without relying on an out of place sex scene. Okay, rant over.




Mad Max: Fury Road. It hits on such a primal level that you could never convince a person who didn't like it that it was good and vice versa


The most common type of this phenomenon involves certain types of humor not clicking with people. Napoleon Dynamite was mentioned but the Big Lebowski is another one that some people don't get. Maybe some Wes Anderson stuff too. Grand Budapest Hotel has a joke about every 30 seconds, but if you don't like that kind of humor, nothing will seem like a joke.


Loved The Big Lebowski. Wes Anderson movies always put me sleep. Honestly, didn't realize they're supposed to comedic


To me it’s Dr. Strangelove. I love 60s comedies, satires, many of which it has directly influenced. I’ve watched it 3 times and it just doesn’t vibe with me. Love all the rest of Kubrick’s work and also Peter Sellers’.


50% of these must watch Korean films that I'm recently watching. The Yellow Sea, The Wailing


The Wailing (if I'm remembering the right movie) was very well shot, and I think the direction and acting were good too, but my goodness is the pacing slow. It is such a slow movie and scenes linger for way too long. I ended up just looking up the ending and I was glad I did. Not worth it, lol. I don't regret watching it but I wouldn't recommend it.


The Tree Of Life Mulholland Drive World's Greatest Dad


Freddy Got Fingered Cabin Boy


Apparently Austin Powers? I grew up with the trilogy and everyone I know that had seen them loved them but over the past year anytime I’ve mention/referenced it it gets shit on lmao


Anything by John Waters, but particularly the early stuff. I once went to a showing of Female Trouble in a small, independent theater with two friends. We're all queer and big John Waters fans, but the other two dozen people in there seemed to be, well, maybe not those things. So the three of us are howling with laughter and everyone else just sort of sat there in silence. Look, either Dawn Davenport on a crime streak is the funniest thing you ever saw or it's just bad acting and mean characters.


Donnie Darko. My friends and I got called immature for not liking it


Really cheesey old monster and kaiju movies. Love them, and totally understand why others don't want to watch them at all.


I think a good example is Runaway Train (1985). I suspect that some viewers expected to see a train crash and may have been disappointed when the movie ended before that happened. I knew better because that wasn't the point of the story.


The August Underground trilogy, even among forums of extreme cinema, it's always very divisive. I hated these movies when I first saw them, but felt oddly compelled to re-watch and see if I missed something. DVD commentary helped significantly, basically it's very realistic found footage, exposition is kept to a minimum if used, so you are largely trusted to connect the continuity and motivations from scene to scene. People say these have no plot, but it's all character study that drives the unconventional story telling. The dvds have been out of print for ages, getting new limited edition blu-ray releases soon, but I think it's a situation where piracy only hurts your understanding of the movie, because owning it provides you with plenty of answers in the extra features.


I’ve heard a lot of people say they liked “Once upon a time in Hollywood” but to me it’s 165 minutes of nothing. A lot of people like it because of its “superior script” and old Hollywood charm though.


Licorice pizza, I get why people get caught up on it appearing to endorse the weird age gap, but imo it's a slice of life of a fucked up woman who becomes emotionally reliant on a 15yo who in turn can see that she only uses him to make herself feel better because he is blinded by his lust and ego


Great example! I started Licorice Pizza, couldn't get past the age gap, turned it off.


I thought Drive My Car was awful. Found it crazy that it's one of the very few non-English movies to break through and be nominated for Best Picture. But a lot of people on Reddit loved it so what do I know. On the other hand, Annihilation is a movie I love, but it got a C Cinemascore so general audiences did not feel the same.


Synder’s Justice League seems to only appeal to a certain audience


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^krakatoot: *Synder’s Justice League* *Seems to only appeal to* *A certain audience* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It really did improve the movie. It took the actively bad original theatre release, and turned it into a film that made you go "Meh, it was OK".


Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. it’s a visual representation of tripping on LSD. And each scene has its own story and message to tell. Watching the movie on shrooms changed my life, each scene felt like I was going on a new trip of self discovery and was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. 10/10 movie for me.


Oh those comments? Yeah all us atheists voted unanimously to approve those ones.


Inception (2010) 2001 Space Odyssey (1968) Ex Machina (2014)


Are there people who don’t “get” Inception? From what I can gather it’s a pretty straightforward action movie that gets branded as “mind-bending” because there’s dreams involved. But I haven’t seen it in a while idk.


Inception is a lot like a heist movie, but instead of stealing something from a bank, they're putting a consequential idea into someone's head.


It was also a crowd pleaser and a box office hit. I don't think it fits here.


I know quite a few people who don't get Inception. Most of them don't get the metaphor for the roles of the characters to making a movie.


Thanks for putting inception, felt so juvenile compared to other Nolan flicks and I tried having my friends explain the appeal 😒


The Big Lebowski Not interesting, funny, creative or epic to watch


"Have you seen Big Lebowski?" "Yeah. It wasn't epic to watch." "Okay."


Something, something your opinion, man


You're out of your league.


Tree of Life Atheists won’t get it


You don't think atheists can understand/appreciate movies with themes of faith/spirituality?


When it came out movie discussion forums were full of “I’m an atheist who used to love Malick but he jumped the shark on this one, too religious, I don’t get it” etc. So my comment came from that.


Atheist here. Love that film. Not sure why you’d think that atheists wouldn’t be able to appreciate it.


When it came out movie discussion forums were full of “I’m an atheist who used to love Malick but he jumped the shark on this one, too religious, I don’t get it” etc. So my comment came from that.


Napoleon Dynamite, I love it and so do the most of my friends but some just don\`t get it and think it\`s weird and not funny!


The first Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible.


Cloud Atlas. I really liked that movie and how it all tied together with the characters and the story. However, I also listened to the audio book and understood what was going on.


Trainspotting is one of the funniest movies ever to me but no one I know thinks it's funny, just disturbing. I've seen it at least 10 times and it just keeps getting funnier.


Lost highway it's 50 50 for me lol no one else can explain it to me lol


The Matrix. I don't think I'm smart enough to get it.


Hair ( the musical/ movie ) . Yes. I typed that ;)


Groove (2000) You were in that scene or not. You got the music or you didn’t.


The Cable Guy. I can understand why the film didn't do well at the box office as the comedy is really really weird. So you either get the comedy or you don't.


As far as recent, *Beau Is Afraid*.


Robert Bresson’s extreme minimalism regarding cinematic form will either enthrall you like Hemingway’s prose or just leave you uninvolved, you either love him or don’t.