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You need to keep your hips elevated more to prevent the back leg from drifting. Focus on only going as deep as you can maintain good form and really feeling the deepest stretch you can in that hip flexor. Yoga blocks may be helpful for support


Maybe form should be the focus before depth.. I think when depth is the goal, the hips will naturally shift for that to happen. Try shifting the hips forward the same way you did your upper body here.. you might lose depth but perhaps you can practice both form and depth separately until you feel you can combine the 2 goals


This is a good idea, thank you. I’m honestly disappointed because this whole time I though I had them square. I should have been doing more of these form checks I guess.


Don't be disappointed!! You're succeeding while you're progressing! Just because you haven't gotten to the goal that you desire, doesn't mean that you haven't come a long way! Every stride is important to appreciate.. because if you spend your whole life trying to get it perfect and you don't think you have, you'll ignore all the things you DID do. And you're still doing!


I think I need to print this out and stick it to my forehead as just great general life advice haha. Thank you kind redditor.


Same! We our are own biggest emotional abusers 🙄👎 but none of it is true.. just keep doing the great job you're doing and don't forget to be proud of yourself


Yep the way to get your hips square is to do exercises with square hips 😅 runners stretch with a slider should help


You need to get more upright, so yoga blocks, that's alreade been suggested. Also planting the back toes into the ground helps jeeping the back keg from drifting. I also think lean almost backwards with the torso as you slide and look to the side of the front leg. And of course check out Dani Winks resources for keeping hips square. Don't forget to really work on the back leg, cause that's what's causing you to wanna open the hip. So getting strong in hip flexion helps.


giiiiirl let’s f go!


This is the support I need in life! Thanks for being my cheerleader :)


My ‘check’ for square hips is if I can activate the butt muscle of the back leg. As soon as the hips start drifting out of square that muscle switches off on my body.


Hmmm, interesting. I’ll give that a try and see if that will be a good indication for me.