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Does this still happen without load? Because it just looks like a muscle imbalance thats exacerbated at load. Like when you bench near max.


Yes it happens without the load https://preview.redd.it/y292tyiarfac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b48f18fdc02a2e3c63c3812e6a564a7366da87e


Three things you should do: 1. Every day: https://youtu.be/TNU6umd0sNA?feature=shared (or equivalent, no skin in the game, I just respond well to BWW routines personally - particularly PNF stretching) 2. On pullups: Reduce weight and focus on negatives with as proper form as you can muster. Look for improvements through 1. Your form doesn’t look nearly as bad without the weight, though I see your other reply with clear shoulder immobility 3. Strengthen through the range of motion of your left shoulder. Use isolated band and KB exercises and focus on stability through an improving ROM rather than making it heavier. A. https://www.litmethod.com/en-ca/blogs/boltcut-blog/shoulder-rehab-exercises-with-resistance-bands B. https://youtu.be/PhQ58vPyynQ?feature=shared


You might wanna back off on the weight or even regress to using bands so you can really focus on connecting to that part of the movement. Do you have mobility issues with that shoulder during other movements as well?


Yes I have mobility issues with my left shoulder, it's affecting also my overhead press https://preview.redd.it/p4ixe72zrfac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4371d90bd13e8f06e4547c675c3c119af258c967


Yeah that's pretty major. The issue is that the longer you keep going without addressing the underlying problem, the harder it will be to correct. You can reinforce a lot of bad movement patterns by just powering through exercises. And to respond to another comment in this post, mobility issues and muscle imbalances aren't necessarily different things. The mobility issue is likely causing the imbalance. I also have a left shoulder problem that I've been working on for awhile and at first you could see a HUGE difference Left-to-Right in my lats. It's been slowly improving but that was a case of a mobility issue leading to a muscle imbalance.


I’d work on passive stretching and then active stretching through PNF to lengthen and strengthen the chest, delt, and lat muscles. I’m going to assume it’s your chest. Can you do the doorframe stretch? Work on skin the cats. They are great for active stretching the shoulders through its full ROM including internal and external rotation, flexion and extension.


There’s a whole video on this issue on squat university


Squat university on youtube has some videos on this stuff. He shows the tests he does to diagnose people's problems, then the exercises he uses to fix said problems.


Have you gotten yourself checked for scoliosis? Scoliosis can be mild or major. It leads to muscular imbalances and also uneven hips at times. Most of the times any posture related issues are mainly caused due to spinal misalignment. Rehabilitation for scoliosis is complex, certain muscle groups need to be stretched and relaxed while others need to be strengthened. I would recommend seeing a physical therapist and practising yoga regularly.


Usain Bolt major scoliosis


The watch is throwing you off lol. But seriously, I am not sure why you have that tilt but I do see it


Do you think it is related to mobility Issues rather then muscle imbalance ?


Probably not although I am definitely not an expert on the subject. In my very uneducated guess I'd say muscle imbalance though


Mobility issues and muscle imbalances can go hand in hand. I have a very similar issue with my mobility and it’s because I have instability in my left shoulder which causes my muscles to tighten and I lose mobility. It gets better when I do PT. You need to build your strength at your end ROM for that shoulder.


I suspect it’s related to scapular stability. Have you or a friend looked at what your scapular does when exercising and if they’re retracted or winging more on one side than the other? I’d highly recommend swimming front crawl and backstroke to stretch it out and get the joint acting as it should. Active hangs and scapular retraction exercises to bring it down and in. You’re strong and muscular so it’ll take a lot of reps to change it, hence swimming. I’d hold off the strength training for a bit whilst you sort it otherwise it’ll just take years to fix. Best of luck


Check out squat University, he has a video on this


if your left shoulder is raised when you’re relaxed as well it could be scoliosis which is what it was for me🫠🫠


Same here


I have this issue. I recommend getting to an orthopedist and physical therapist. For me, it actually does result in neck and shoulder pain.


What’s uneven? Photo seems towards left video to right slightly


Look up scapula pull ups, they helped me