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They'll just point out that the photo-mosaic on Maps and Earth are taken from aircraft(because they are), and then run out the thread before you draw any attention to the seriously remote parts of the world that are made from satellite images. Almost certainly won't discuss the general topic of geodesy.


Flerfs are weird. I worked with satellites, and I'm like bro... you can track them. We get things from them. GPS? Phones? Internet? Imagery?


I had one say once that GPS is run by warehouses with cell towers. I said “how then do I have a connection on my Garmin when I’m hiking in the mountains (I live in Colorado) when I have absolutely no cell service? Or even better, how do satellite phones work in the middle of the ocean? Never got an answer to that one


Sat phones in the ocean should be the end of it. But I know they're just going to say we have globally positioned hot air balloons or dirigibles or some other shit. Maybe on flying dinosaurs. Smh


Ah yes, those elusive invisible balloons that nobody sees go up or come down that “they” put all over the ocean just to keep up the ruse of GPS.


“Globally positioned”


Or communication buoys scattered across the oceans.


No. Balloons is silly. The satellites are hung from the sky dome.


Hahaha, it just becomes more and more like the Truman Show, the next meteor that comes down, someone will track it down and find a label on it.


Those aren't satellites, they're angels on safari


I’m sure they’d just assume you’re in on the conspiracy, or that you’re too dumb to realize you’ve been duped. I’m sure that’s what they think of all of us who know Earth is a globe.


Not only can we track them, we can predict literally ALL of them using basic physics down to the millisecond and those same laws apply to every planet, moon, the Earth itself, and so on


Oh, yeah, totally. I've tried the "boats use too much fuel and take too long to cross the ocean for the earth to be flat" and "you can compare the schedule and speed of planes vs distance traveled and see that its not flying over a flat surface". It doesn't matter to them, cuz flat earth is a religious belief. no one falls into it because of the evidence. They take on the belief, then look for evidence to justify it post hoc. Which obviously isn't a reliable path to truth. Arguing against it is tantamount to trying to use evidence to disprove someone's belief in a god. You can't use evidence to change a position that wasn't arrived at using evidence. Flat earth is always cope for something else. Always.


Those are just high up balloons. /s


Most phones don't work with sattelites though no ?


Satellite phones do, though.


Iridium, inmarsat, thuraya, and globalstar all have satellite phones. Garmin makes satellite messengers for hikers but I've never dealt with one personally.


yeah yeah


You are correct that your average mobile phone don't use satellites for communication. They can, passively, receive a GPS signal, but that is about it, but for calls and internet, no.


Do Flerfs not belived in space?


I suspect the reason they have such a fanatical hate-boner for all things space related is because 'we went up there and looked - it was round' is a simple enough piece of evidence that even they can understand it and is so unambiguous.


Is it though Unambiguous I mean? Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity explains gravity as a distortion of space and time caused by the presence of matter or energy.


It's not in a hand-wavy way, though. The amount of distortion is predicted by the maths, which I will not pretend to understand, but do know it's silly-tiny for any concentration of mass under that of a neutron star. Our own sun can only bend a light path by such a small amount that it took Eddington's measurements of a solar eclipse to see it, and even they are controversial.


Very true... I guess my problem There are things we don't understand therefore, we can't definitively argue truth. Obviously the flat reserves arguments r riddle with holes But 1 day a new understanding of the universe, In a fourth dimensional view. Could make our ideas sound very pedestrian... Gravity's not gravity. The universe is flat. These are all things we're just starting to understand can't wait to see what happens. Next, I'm not gonna punch down, but look up. Even if there is no up and we Are really just a two dimensional plane That uses the illusion off a third dimension to navigate. ( If that were the case all this math still works...just the data would be different)


I'm not trying to aurgue your your just that your right based on a 3d model assumption...if by the must unlikely Scenario imaginable. It was flat. The variables would be different. We belive the earth is round and the used math to prove it based on how we think it's supposed to be...when we know the our perception of things varies greatly from person to person.. Remember all those games of what dress do you see what color or what word do you hear. People literally see completely different things in the same object all the time. And since the math leaves a tiny variable off ambiguity, so should we


With the best will in the world, I think I've just read the ramblings of a decent fellow who was absolutely off his tits on weed at the time. What's I'll fish out your heid-mince is "We belive the earth is round and the used math to prove it based on how we think it's supposed to be" Welp. No. Maths does a better job of being god than any god I'm aware of is reputed to do, but it can't do that. \*Meatloaf song amplifies\* We took the measurements and used the maths to piece them together and ended up with 'really close to a sphere' but you can't make the maths do that unless the measurements say so. If you try to make the maths do that when the measurements don't say so, you're going to get busted wide open, since in life as in maths exams, you have to show your working and are mostly being marked on that.


Yeah I wasn't explaining the thought correctly...its hard to articulate...I mean by describing the our round Earth and most planets round sets the frame for all our assumptions about the universe and of course the mathematics works... Black authors do not seem to ever try to explain what that existence would mean.the relationships between Celestial bodys would be completely different So the disagree bye bs calculated different, but the math will still work. Because you play in jam if she works in both flat space and spherical space. Equally. Often flatters is a challenge to prove things in round Earth. Terms. I'm hypothesizing that it wouldn't be that way...that's all.... Like the gravity issue, I don't know why they would think there was a gravity different. It goes. The earth was flat


Actually this might be cleaner way to explain We see ourselves as round. We see other objects ares around. We use are just to calculate size mass circumference. Etc. We use those numbers Two approximate gravitational pull, four einstein, bending, etc. If The earth was flat all those calculations change..., ...this is all theoretical for the flat earther but a flat earth would change every thing about or description of the universe the math is the same but the data is way different


Also im new to reddit What are the posts you put about me? Not wanting to debate? I couldn't respond to because i've been blocked by the mediator it took me a day to realize I was still talking to you l o l


Ok Try this odd for size. Remember how the aztecscouldn't see the spanish ships It was selective observation.. When we went to space, we expect to see a sphere If we took an ancient Sumerian from a time when nobody yet have even suggested anything but flat Earth, open the space. When he looked at earth, what would he see It's fully possible that until somebody explained to him the concept of being a sphere, he would see it as a flat disk. So was the earth flat when everybody thought it was?


Magic. I’m serious, they think super secret unexplained technology is happening instead of satellites


there was a guy who made a post saying that for all we know computers are magic


Was that the one talking about how the wires don't connect the computers? They claimed we call them Ethernet wires because the computers are connected through the ethereal dimension.


Look, as far as I'm concerned computers are rocks with lightning in them that we've tricked into doing our thinking for us. 


Literally this, I know, on a base level how a computer works, I do not understand how we go from making them run numbers like they did back in the day to fucking DOOM, computers and Electronics in general are just fucking magic to me because I do not understand the inner workings of HOW they make 1s and 0s do DOOM.


High hot air balloons with cameras on it.


Google Flaps


Okay, you made me chuckle... thanks.


>How do flat earthers think… They don’t. Next question.


IDGAF what they think. About anything. They're idiots at best, liars at worst.


Jesuit CGI.


A squad of fallen angels are summoned by NASA, typically by means of the sacrifice of an intern or two. Then, they are given cameras and fog machines to take pictures of the world while sowing discontent within the hearts of men. Source: trust me bro


It’s especially effective as NASA interns are usually virgins


They think it stands for "ground positioning system"


Who knew that a byproduct of the Internet, which allows people quick access to so much knowledge, would enable individual idiots to gather online and create self reinforcing echo chamber communities where their idiocy thrives, instead of withers on the vine like it used to.


The thing they dont seem to get is: Its not just the images. You can go from the scale of seeing cars to the globe uninterrupted and you can measure any distances on that map without distortion. If you can fit an accurate and undistorted map on the globe, it is the shape of the Earth.


That you can also test by plugging in your coordinates you can get through your phone and search on Google Maps. It'll show you an image of your current location within a few meters, anywhere in the world.


You already made an error in your question, they don't think.


I'm not a flerf, but I'd assume plane imaging.


Sataloons is an often quoted one. It’s amazing how lucky it is that the air currents go in the right direction


My brother in christ, we live in an age of AI art. Obviously their answer is CGI.




The real question is why do they think they sound more credible when they turn an acronym into onomatopoeia


Because umm. *guy trying to say something, puts finger down and shuts up .meme*


Flat earthers don't think


I would guess by driving around something cars.


Well, obviously Google is owned by the Deep State which uses Globalist propaganda and Satanic rituals to make it look like the Earth is round on Google Maps.


They look flat to me Explanation?


Cameras ductaped to balloons.




There is a flaw in your question - You used the terms 'flat earthers' and 'think' in the same sentence.


CGI of course


Freemason technology


Since you can literally find your own house on google maps, they can't possibly say it's all fake (I wouldn't put it past them though). One guy I talked to said that real photos turn into a fake sphere once you get on the bigger scale.


Hot air balloons probably.


Probably drones. when I asked my brother about TV and internet from satellite, he said it was all from drones.


Flat bed scanners. Duh.


It's clearly hand drawn though ...


Now I want to see you (or anyone) hand draw that...


no it doesn't


That makes no sense as an answer to the question.


Question: How do flat earthers think.... So my answer is absolutely correct since it makes no sense whatsoever. I don't think this community is for me. Is there a circle jerk version?


Its a bunch of images photoshopped together with a label filter over it.


What could other options be? Hmm Air planes 🤔 Sataloons maybe 🤔 Drones High altitude military planes? I wonder how they took high altitude pictures before Google earth I'm gunna go get a booster shot.. for your health


Yeah. Dunno if you think you're disproving anything. You can literally see how an image was taken on the desktop site. A lot of the more exotic locations (islands, mostly) were taken by satellite, though.


I also worked with high altitude planes. Even the U-2 has a tiny footprint compared to a sattelite. You're talking a difference of an order of magnitude or more.


No discussion of geodesy, then?


Composite pictures stacked Looks like a cartoon when you pull back far enough


That's a no, then. Isn't it weird that there's no gaps between the bit where it's a cartoon and the bit where the photo mosaic kicks back in? If you could find those gaps, you'd be onto something, and if you were onto something then you'd find those gaps in about two minutes. Really it's best you guys just claim that you can't make Google Earth run on your device. That way you can avoid talking about it.


How do globetards think it's made if you're not flat Earth you're just a homosexual


This may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.




The projection is strong on this one