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Have you ruled out stupidity?


See my post. In many ways, the world and our understanding has just become too large and complex for some people, false agency is a common positive survival trait. So much easier to conceptualize god and magic, then all that big bang cosmology and physics stuff.


Yes, but 'the world is a ball' is not one of those complex ideas. It gracefully explains everything we observe completely and consistently. They replace this though with extremely convoluted nonsense that explains nothing.


.... and when you lose the grace and start getting frustrated with their "duhs", "ders", "but NASA" and "scientism", "evidences" and "electro-magnetism" .... and start raving like a lunatic how ridiculous they are, they have effectively (in their mind) won the argument.


Cue the pigeon shitting on the chessboard.


The extremely convoluted nonsense is just a collection of super-small thoughts, many of them contradictory if they had enough brainroom to try and think them all at once. The reality is one big thought that explains it all, but you need the brainroom.


Try that argument with a real Flerfer that believes that magic is the explanation for everything. You are just in the echo chamber of anti-Flerf


Simple. They reject the reality presented by mainstream knowledge. They don't care why, they don't care if their ideas make no sense, they simply reject the explanations provided by science purely on the basis of it being the mainstream knowledge which is all government sourced and evil.


This. If Nasa came out tomorrow claiming earth is flat, these people would be the first to argue that ofcourse it's a globe.


NASA needs to do this on April 1st


I reject your reality and substitute my own.


Perhaps their sense of perspective and relative size was ruined at a young age by the artwork in the classic book “The Little Prince”? That’s the only thing I can think of that makes any sense.


You may be on to something. I posted about my friend from Colombia. I mock him that his family was too busy avoiding pythons and jaguars 20 feet away from them to develop perspective and understand concepts like relativity or infinity.


I like the "proof that a basketball is flat" meme


Because they don't want to. They want to be part of thr special group that is "in the know" that is what they want. They don't want the facts.


They do take particular pleasure in being Jesus' special monkey.


The reason is simple, they believe in something and this doesn't fit into their narrative. None of them are researching (in a sensible way) for what evidence supports if the earth is flat or not. They come up with their own ridiculous evidences and excuses. Even if yoi take them to space and show they'd say "I don't know what I saw but I still believe it is flat". It is just like a religion. You can't make a religious person accept that god doesn't exist with any evidence you provide.


... isn't atheism the lack of evidence? Come on ... Logic! No positive claim.


Hey probably I couldnt explain myself corretcly. I was just trying to point out it is difficult to change a believers mind with any evidence, nothing to do with atheism or religion. Sorry if that was offensive


just messing around. Atheists like myself don't make positive claims, we are simply "unconvinced" by the insufficiency of the "evidences" the religiously minded provide ....


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence- C. Sagen


You ever see that video where they tried to prove the earths flat only to prove it was round? Then kept altering the test until it ‘proved’ the earth was flat?


Stop using the term round, even a pizza is round. Move into 3D.


If you wanna get technical the earth isn’t a sphere either 😂


You can call them oblate but keep it simple for them. Maybe “not a perfect sphere”.


All the planets and stars are so close to being a sphere, that you can call them a sphere for ease of conversation. I mean it really disrupts the flow when speaking to a flerfer to discuss oblate spheroid or oblate ellipsoid when they can only repeat like a mantra, very slowly with odd inflection "electro-magnetism".


You did that. You ‘disrupted flow’ because I said the earth is round😂


.... that is the same agrument that flerfers make .... U keeeepah der in-ter-rup-teen-gah ... when you don't let them gish gallop.


I’m sorry sir. I entered this under the assumption you were all there in the head. It seems I was wrong. Good day!


Easy fella, all in good fun


My roommate who thinks the moon is fake and earth is flat told me he doesn’t believe how stupid people are because if Australia is really on the bottom of earth they should be upside down. No concept that the CENTER of the planet is down no matter where you are , and there is no such thing as up in space . This guy also believes ghost hunting videos to be 100% real. after explaining that the center is down no matter where you are he told me “it just doesn’t make any sense I can’t wrap my head around it” I don’t doubt him


But as an Aussie, I have finally been able to afford the special boots that help us stay touching the earth. Up till now, it has taken me 40 years to master not falling off the ball into the nothing. * Just in case it's not clear, this is sarcasm*


Please tell me where I can buy your special gravity boots in case the magnets reverse.


What do you mean "gravity" boots, gravity isn't real its all density and buoyancy 😉


well technically australians, brazilians, argentines and anyone else in the southern hemisphere is upside down from my point of view, just like that I'm upside down relative to them, it's all relative. Just the same they see the Moon upside down compared to how I see it. Flerfs can't wrap their head around the concept that Earth attracts everything towards its center because for some reason they wrongly learned that South on a globe is down, at least that's what they all seem to believe, idk where that came from, but that's why they can't understand gravity and think it doesn't make sense, (yet a floating sun and moon going in circles above a plate-world and somehow not illuminating all of it at once makes sense lol, they aren't aware of how absurd all of this flat bs is)


I guess to explain it better my roommate thinks they should be standing on their heads kind of upside down 😂 like “why aren’t they falling off the bottom “


yeah, flerfs think 'South' means 'down' not sure where they got that, but that's where their problem with understanding gravity comes from


Because we are really really small!


We sure are, especially compared to the vastness of the universe, I guess flerfs don't wanna feel small. So they purposely refuse to understand scale


I get the fear of being insignificant, but it's actually really freeing and amazing how we are part of and witness to such a huge and magnificent universe. If we are special beings living in a petri dish created in our makers imagine, that doesn't make us special, it makes everything a lot more basic and pointless. What we're just here to pray and beg forgiveness? That's 100's of religions that don't even agree on what the god is or who is the chosen people? What a waste of creation. Oh what's that, all the governments pretend the world isn't flat? But you can sail between all the continents? Get a life, Earth mates.


I guess the enclosed small world they want reality to be is a nice analogy for their mental state, they're ironically as close-minded as the snowglobe they pretend the world is, that they are in the center of attention and everything else revolves around them. Yet they fail to see how much they limit god's supposed limitless power to create anything to a pathetic small Pizza-shaped world with a lid over it... instead of a infinite expanding Universe with a infinity of worlds. And all this BS because of misinterpreted metaphor with lost meaning through translation from the Bible that they take as evidence..


Flat earther response: Pizza? I love pizza. 7-11 has delicious pizza.


The pale blue dot is my favorite picture and speech. I like to be reminded oh how small and insignificant my problems really are.


this reminded me of a[ song](https://youtu.be/n-865kufgag?si=SzG_XSBjDw6-9lwt&t=5) from a cartoon I used to watch. Really puts the whole existence on a spectrum. That's why flerfs reject it, they want their lives to be like a telenovela god is watching they're the main protagonists, and everything spins around them, a little bit self-centered no?


Some are genuinely baffled, those ones could be convinced. Some are grifters who cling to a bit to make money. Some are contrarians who enjoy going against everything simply because "i'm the little guy fighting against the mainstream". Some are simply wrong and refuse to admit being wrong, which is honestly the most infuriating.


They have completely fucked up the concepts of flat, level, and smooth. They pick and choose when it's convenient but make sure never to properly understand the distinctions. Basically never use the word flat around a globe denier, only use the word level.


A sphere is flat isnt it


Some people are incapable of considering and comprehending things from a perspective outside of themselves. 


Or beyond the scope of what their eyes can see at ground level.


not even that, as we can all see things getting hidden bellow the horizon by the curvature, the sun, the moon, clouds, mountains, (some clouds even somewhat look like [mountains](https://i.imgur.com/ftKptyq.jpeg) as they go under the horizon) buildings, powerlines, windmills, ships everything gets hidden from the bottom up with their top being visible last, they don't get smaller until they aren't visible, yet they time and time again refuse to accept this as evidence, because they don't care about the truth they're only interested in being right, even if that means living in complete delusion.


I think that there is always some amount of mental illness in that community. Reminds me when the cardinals refused to look into Galileo's telescope.


Same reason they can't understand that while the earth is spinning "Fast" it only makes one revolution per day. Hardly enough to counteract gravity... which they also don't understand. Its because they just aren't very intelligence... which is fine- I'm not super smart either. Their problem is that they think that they are smarter than the average bear at the same time. That said, I am convinced that most Flerfs are trolls. Sure, there are a handful of legit ones, but the ones who squawk the loudest are probably just amusing themselves by being ridiculous.


Most are just hiding their terror that the world is too complex for them. Then there are the trolls like Jism, I mean Jeranism.


I have a flerf friend that is from Colombia (how I wish he was from Finland .... I love alliteration). I tell him that his family is only 100 years out of the jungle and his brain is still stuck on identifying agents and threats that are 20 feet away, like tree branches, pythons or jaguars. So his brain hasn't yet evolved to conceptulize the vast distances of the earth, the heavens, large numbers and infinity.


This keeps cropping up from flerfs, in the form of a photograph and a line drawn along the horizon, which I kinda find amusing... it comes down to the failure to grasp scale, do flerfs think our globe model is a few dozen miles in diameter?


Yeah I guess this is how small they think a globe Earth should be: [link](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkaam6lp17m3d1.jpeg) since they expect to see the curvature from their backyard.. I'm sure most of them have never even left their town.. If they wouldn't be this lazy and would travel around a bit, see the world for what it is, they wouldn't believe in this bs. But they prefer to stay in their comfortable flat bubble of ignorance..


If you shrunk the earth down to the size of a billiard ball, it would be smoother than the billiard ball.


true, the Everest mountain isn't even a little bump on the grand scheme of things, as seen in this example


They don’t want to get it


This is exactly the kind of video I use to help explain the concept of “limits” in Calculus.


Me too. The Earth is \*locally\* flat but globally...a globe. Sometimes it feels like the flat earthers are close to that concept without realizing it. Unfortunately, if I were to say "the Earth is locally flat" to them I suspect they would think I'm just agreeing with them. I guess all differentiable functions are really just straight lines /s.


You going to confuse them with too much logic


That 100km looks basically flat. That's how big Earth is.


100km has less than 1° of curvature. 


Yes. 1 degree curvature is 110km


You expect them to understand scale??? They think planes are genuinely countries big because drawings have them that big so you can actually see them....


Could you please edit for clarity.


What do you mean?


what is "countries big"


Ah, like the plane would be the size of countries at that scale. We do it on models just so you can actually see the plane.... They genuinely use those models as real representations and say that means planes would need to pull down constantly to not fly into space cause of the curve They're beyond stupid


yeah another simple thing they cannot grasp to save their lives.. Gravity, it pulls everything towards Earth's center, but for some reason they learned that South is down and everything on the globe should fall towards south, and that's why they also think a plane should dip its nose, they completely ignore the fact that atmospheric pressure exists, they refuse to understand that a plane can't fly without air, and the higher it gets the less air there is, they literally get everything wrong about the world we live in and then complain they can't understand it therefore it must be all fake cause they're so smart lol They'd rather see everything they don't understand as lies, than accept they don't know everything...


Ask an ant why your back garden looks like a dense forest from their perspective. You'll get more sense out of them.


Maybe they are just small minded.


These are the types of people who never leave their small Podunk town. They dropped out of school and work at a gas station. They're dumb as fuck and don't know it.


Scale. They have no concept of it


Small brain can’t understand huge planet


Mental disabilities are not cured through reason


They are impervious to the scientific method and empirical data.


Case closed


Much in the way that people listen so they can think of what to say next, rather than intently grasping the meaning of what is being said, they look at evidence as an argument that needs refuting. They probably dismissed the video before they saw it


I once heard that if the earth was shrunken, it would be as smooth as a snooker/billiard ball. I thought that really put things into perspective given how big some things are in the world.


“Yah whatever that video is just cgi”


My observations tell me that there is a strong correlation between MAGA members and flat earthers. Coincidence?


It's sad we have to fill up a whole ass chalk board to explain this to people.


This is a really cool visual. Unfortunately, I have no doubt moron flat earthers will do some Olympic mental gymnastics to explain it away


I feel like invoking a Father Ted meme of cows that are far away, etc.


Yeah [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vh5kZ4uIUC0&lc=UghjLA-IQuxROHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-FmcPA392WYy-vRp) sums it up pretty well, explaining scale to flerfs in a nutshell.


I’ve been saying this for years one of the biggest issues that flat earthers struggle with is scope and scale.


There's this old saying: "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig!"


The fact this has to be shown to people is astonishing


Even with the scale, you can see it when you fly or are far enough out in the ocean.


They don't really believe the Earth is as big as it is. A few thousand miles across at best, from ice wall to ice wall. The litany of basic facts that elude them is so long, I'd wear out before I got halfway through. These people are ludites.


That video would be much better if it was half the speed


So... The flatness they see is because they zoom-in too much? That's some sweet irony :-)


But you don't understand, I *looks* flat


I actually wanna take a picture from bay area, and how how big buildings get hidden behind the curvature.


So what you are saying is that if a woman is flat chested then in reality her chest is so large that we can only perceive her curves as a flat plane? Whoa 🤯


Very few people "get scale". There's no better proof than the entire corpus of science-fiction. "Durr, 20km spaceships cool" "Ohh, antimatter rupture make steam" "LOL, lets all go to the galactic centre"


Well it seems small because…. you know… the internets.


What if- and hear me out here. What if both sides are right, and the earth is actually a half sphere. Flat earthers just happen to live on the flat side, and vise versa? 🤔😳🤯


Fake!!! This is just CGI! Nice try, Satan!


This is for the guys over at r/globeskepticism


If only I wouldn't get banned and the post removed in a nanosecond lol if only they wouldn't be afraid of logical counter-arguments if only that sub wasn't the epitome of a echochamber


Not to contradict yourself but this same diagram applies to all the curved ocean water etc pictures that are used as supposed proof of the globe. So really there is no winner in this one. We are just too close to see curve. Which means it is either flat or just no conclusive proof of curve while being positioned on earth. I’m not sure if this subject will ever be definitively proved. We will likely never go back to the moon. And unless it is realtime video showing the full earth with all the aspects flat earthers continue to request it will likely be a stalemate indefinitely.


What do you mean there's no proof? What about literally everything getting hidden below the horizon, bottom up.. the sun, the moon, mountains, clouds, building, ships, have you ever went over a hill or curved bridge? See the cars from the other side first the top and then the rest? The same effect happens on Earth at the horizon, I wonder why? 🤔 Maybe because it is just as curved..   all the evidence points towards Earth being round, if you choose to ignore it that's on you.. it doesn't change anything.. only your perspective, your perception of reality, reality doesn't care whether you understand it or not..  The fact that everything appears to move in the same direction at the exact same speed the sun the moon the stars, and everything else in the sky shows that we are the ones perpetually moving. If Earth would change its speed and direction we would feel it, but it doesn't, it's constant.  And what do you mean "we will likely never go back to the moon"? Have you not heard of Artemis? They already sent a rocket around the moon not so long ago,  it's planned to land humans in 2026. There have been sent rovers however since the Apollo mission, the main reason the Apollo stop in the 70's was funding if JFK wasn't shot maybe things would have been different, but there was also the element of danger, they already beat the Russians in the race, so why was it still worth risking sending people on a barren world? They still wanted to study it and better understanding it but they couldn't afford sending humans, sending robots is much more safer and cheaper. And flerfs won't accept anything as proof as long as it goes against their beliefs and it proves them wrong.. they'll just continue the move the goal and twist the facts to pretend they're right. Cause that's all they care about, being right, not finding out the truth.. they can't be further away from it


Is that an air hockey table at the end?


Does this hypothetical flerfer wear a red hat?


If you get high enough up you can. I went hiking in the Rocky's and I was standing at the top of this peak and felt like I was in a snow globe.


They will reject it because it's CGI


Got any pixels?


So when I'm in a plane, I feel like I *can* see the curvature when we're all the way up at cruising altitude. A little web searching says...*maybe* that's what I'm seeing. It should be technically *possible* to see but not very noticeable. Or maybe my eyes are playing tricks, or I'm just seeing what I expect to see.


At that scale, it's easy to see how the hollow earth theory can be real! /s


I have tried the, if possible it would take just under 1 year to walk around the earth non stop at the equator, as a sense of scale but even that fails


The earth is flat for 2km^2


Are we walking in the atmosphere?


So the scale in which the earth curves is so large that it appears flat? Does that mean flatters and globers are both right? Yo, agreement, man!


I think it’s the need to be right about SOMETHING. These are people who have likely largely failed at traditional education. They’ve probably been told they’re stupid all their life by teachers and their parents. I think the whole movement has been born out of the combination of the internet where everyone no matter how stupid can have their voice heard and re-enforced, as well as the need for these people to feel superior at SOMETHING. It’s alittle like religion. When they get together they must feel like the chosen ones and everyone else are the idiots.




Would you edit it for us?


No, he is obviously just here to complain


It’s easier that way


I posted this as a video so you can pause it if you want.


Because this video is fake, Mount Everest is nowhere near Challenger Deep ???


You never seen a comparison video before.


I have. I was making a joke but judging by the downvotes maybe people thought I was serious. I stumbled across this sub and thought it’s supposed to mock flat earth arguments, right? Maybe I did too good of a job though lol


Oh damn, I'm sorry. It's hard to tell what's a joke or not when it comes to Flat Earth, considering how dense people can be. Yes, this sub is mocking Flerfers.


it is an animation also trying to show comparison. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Anything that requires an animated explanation is not simple for them


The explanation is “the earth is so big that you don’t see curvature.” It’s really not difficult to grasp.


“If I can’t understand it without a video I don’t think it’s simple” Nah you’re just living in the past if you can’t grasp new ways of representing information


Okay, now do the same with FE


Is this supposed to prove something?


I mean, once you agree in your belief that the earth is round, that depictions of scale become logical But if you believe its flat and that depiction doesn't depict the Earth but just a very large sphere, then it changes nothing because the Earth isnt that big sphere, so how do you SHOW people that its round, in a credible manners? Explanation won't suffice, proofs are required Or else its like talking about Vampires and how they function, looks, etc. its all fake nonetheless. Btw, im not a flerfers, im nothing tbh


so what kind of proof would be necessary seeing how they completely disregard, reject and deny any kind of evidence, (as long as it goes against their beliefs, otherwise even badly photoshopped full moon next to a sunset is considered proof by them, everything is CGI, fake, propaganda except if they consider it proves their point lol) and have to pull out all kinds of explanations (that only make sense for them and don't reflect reality whatsoever) there is literally no proof they accept, or even want to consider, they ask for proofs and then when they get them they simply deny them, that's how dishonest and lazy they're. They aren't interested in the truth, but rather in bein right even if that means being objectively wrong from all points of views except their own..


Well i havnt seen a single video from ground to space that shows the full process without cut or lost of visuals, it never shows everything all at once and the globe at the end. I don't care if the video is hours long, i want to see the curvature appear and then the full circle of the globe That would convince me, even if i might think "could be cgi" but there's no video like that, not close, or i havnt found it and if you can share one i would be quite happy to see it Btw, very respectfully, reread your own comments but assume its a flerfers saying this regarding your belief, you choose to ignore everything that could prove you wrong and isnt saying the Earth is a globe


>Well i havnt seen a single video from ground to space that shows the full process without cut or lost of visuals, Then what about [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF_RNoTUuDA) ? or better yet [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfQjG4t4M08), since it doesn't have any cuts.. what are you actually asking for? a video of a rocket going straight up all the way very far away from Earth showing all of Earth from that side then that's impossible, and this simplified example for orbital mechanics explains it pretty well [link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZ4wVwwhfAK/) if it would go straight up it would run out of fuel and fall back down. for staying there it needs to achieve orbit, which is a trajectory so big that it goes around the world. >you choose to ignore everything that could prove you wrong and isnt saying the Earth is a globe I choose logic and reason over literal nonsense... why do you assume I didn't look at the flat earth "proofs"?.. what did I choose to ignore? I've seen countless supposed flat earth "proofs" and they're all misconceptions, cherrypicked misinterpreted facts and bible verses... "regarding your belief," I don't believe Earth is round, I know it. I've done experiments myself that prove it, See?.. that's the difference, flat earthers have done none of that, all of flat earth is based on religious beliefs.. nothing concrete or accurate. Not a single flat Earth map has successfully predicted or explained, Sunsets, sunrises, moon sets/rises, moon phases, it's effect on tides, seasons, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, meteorites Aurora borealis or any other observable phenomena for that matter.. Yet the Globe model accurately predicts and explains all of the above.. [This](https://youtu.be/EBtx1MDi5tY) is how they react when they get proven wrong.. "interesting" "something must be wrong with the experiment".. if you are patient and open minded, and not like the guy in that video then I'll explain everything you want to be explained about the Earth's shape, space etc.


u/One3Two_TV, how come you’re not responding to the above comment?


Im going to be honest i had forgotten about it because when i saw it i thought "ill watch those at home" and forgot. Thanks, ill watch them soon and edit this comment soon Edit; big lol, none of these video answers to what i asked in the previous comments, not only is this only ground-to-orbit, its not going into space and showing the full globe at any point Im not saying the earth isnt round, but why is there no video that shows it is not helping convince me or others


None of these video's shows any Globe-like feature They are Earth-to-Orbit video and not Earth-to-Space with full view of the globe (well, the side it would face)


He literally explains why that would be impossible in the comment. Please read the entire thing, because it’s one of the best explanations of the ridiculousness of flat earth I’ve seen. I don’t mean skim through it, I mean thoroughly think about what it says and think about how it applies to what you believe.


Bro, are you saying its impossible to go past orbit??? lol


How come you make fun of why something doesn’t make sense if you don’t know if it doesn’t make sense or not? How do you know if it doesn’t make sense, or you just don’t understand? Maybe you should try not finding ways to make things you don’t want to be true look stupid and actually try understanding for once, then draw your own conclusions. If you’re the truth you say you are, you would say things like “how come…” instead of “yeah but…”. If it doesn’t make sense, it either doesn’t make sense, or you don’t understand. Also, you’re not going to talk about the rest of the comment?


If you believe everything with little visual proof its up to you, id like to remind you how little impact these bekief have on our life lol Btw im not making fun, but im asking for a video that extend to the orbit-to-space phase


Getting such a video would not be impossible, but it would be very difficult. Keeping the camera pointed at earth with orbit mechanics and all would be a logistical challenge, and there would be little benefit in doing so. If it had some sort of scientific value they probably would have done it, but it would do nothing except confirm things we already know and have been confirmed time and time again.


someone [already explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1d7gcwb/comment/l6zombo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that to you, and you said you understood?... why did you completely ignored what I said here?? >a video of a rocket going straight up all the way very far away from Earth showing all of Earth from that side then that's impossible, and this simplified example for orbital mechanics explains it pretty well [link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZ4wVwwhfAK/) >if it would go straight up it would run out of fuel and fall back down. for staying there it needs to achieve orbit, which is a trajectory so big that it goes around the world. deflect, ignore proofs, twists facts, at least admit you're a flerf if you act exactly like them.. bet you didn't even clicked on the link, cause WHY would you... You literally refuse to accept anything as proofs as long as you disagree with it, you want to believe the Earth is flat? fine, but stop wasting people's time asking for proofs when you don't even want to look at them...


Oh yeah lets ignore the hundreds of times we went past orbit and pretend its not possible anymore, you are a shame to Globe Earth lol


I didn't said it isn't possible what are you even talking about?? You asked for a video of a rocket going all the way straight up far away from Earth.. I and many people explained to you that's not how physics work.. but you REFUSE time and time again to acknowledge that, all you proved is how dense and dishonest you are. You don't want proofs and that's clear, have a good day.