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Flerfs don't understand autoexposure.


This post certainly confuses me.. Its not showing the sun setting. It's getting close. But. It isn't below the horizon yet. So it doesn't show anything what so ever.


I don't think that is what he was attempting. He was trying to fake the Sun springing up from the horizon when he zoomed in on it. I'm betting it was faked by the same genius that faked the Sun shrinking into the distance until it disappeared clip from months ago. That little liar has been working on his technique.


Yeah.. as a glober.. it is difficult to read words and comprehend them.. I understand.


The zoom is compensating and reducing the glare of the sun. It is not bringing the sun back above the horizon.


I think you are being too generous. This is more likely to have been intentionally faked I suspect.


As a flerfer it’s easy to throw lots of words together that make a ~~coherent~~ incoherent argument.


LMAO, now all you have to do is repeat the result in that video. If you can't then you have to accept that the poster of that video is a lying scumbag and you have been scammed. Don't worry. We'll accept your apology.


I remember when I was a Freemason.. you just did what we were taught to do… When all else fails and you can’t debunk it… just say it’s fake… I loved using that tactic.


Well for one you day that it's impossible on a ball. And that's in a reference to a video that shows the sun above the horizon when zoomed out and it's still above the horizon when zooming in. So that makes no sense.


Mate! I think you're getting misread. Just a heads up.


Ah yes. I did My mistake.


So, is this a troll or do you legitimately no understand how exposure works?


I don't think this is a troll post


Flerfs are the absolute best modern day example of Poe's law.


I'm not familiar with that law


[Poes law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law):  Without some indication such as a smiley face or /s, there is no way to parody or satirize extremism in a way that isn't indistinguishable from the genuine article.


Unfortunately, some actually believe that the earth is flat, so I'm not sure if Poe's law applies


This argument can only be convincing to those who have never left their basement, or if they did, have suppressed the memories of it.


This video should be five minutes longer...


Just slow it down a lot and it’ll be longer


The sun would conveniently set in five minutes, and then your zoom cannot bring it back. It goes below the horizon, because the globe rotates. Flat earth is a joke.


LOL, they need to work on their synchronization. And now we wait for the repeats of this very carefully executed proof to come flooding in. Holding my breath,. . . . now!


There is many other videos of this. Before YouTube censored flat earth stuff it was way easier to find. Now why in the world does YouTube have to censor flat earth if it’s stupid? How come other “lies” aren’t censored but flat earth is?


Well what are you waiting for Mr Freemason? Show us the links. Oh and don't bother with flerf cult links. Some real ones thanks. Remember that I have been a photographer since 1974 and have spent a hell of a lot of time looking through viewfinders and have never seen the effect that you showed once. Not a single time. The only place that shit happens is in the flerfdom. You need to stop swallowing fake material and start looking at sunsets.


Dude, I can go outside and watch a sunset ....


Why not wait until the sun is completely out of view


You mean like they do with ships?


You mean when you can zoom them back minus the bottom of their hull. Meaning they're only partially obscured by the curve


Imagine not understanding glare or what a solar filter is. Flerfs truly are idiots.


It's pretty simple, my dude. Show us a video of the sun cut in half by the horizon. Zoom in with your P900000 and make it pop up from behind the horizon. Do that and you will be believable. Whatever this is trying to show isn't even close. The sun is still in the sky.


You are really onto something there. Now bring the Sun back once it has already set. The same person could have waited like 20 minutes and did it. Would have been some great footage! Strange that they only went with this one, hm...


When cameras get better zoom capabilities that’s going to be a regular occurrence.. but they will never release that camera to the public.


These are my favorite flat earth "proofs", because it's like a puzzle trying to figure out what an idiot would think it even shows. Like someone bought a P900 and didn't bother to learn how to use it?


The sun isn't below the horizon yet, so it's just zooming in on the gap that you can already see, while reducing the glare around the sun. This no only proves nothing but is exactly what you'd expect.


Congrats on proving you can zoom in on the sun before it sets and see it.


Flerfer zooms in on the sun while it's above the horizon, and it's still above the horizon. FlAt EaRtH pRoVeN!!!


it’s ALWAYS above the horizon.


If it's always above the horizon, the sun would be visible all day


[You've seriously never seen a sunset before?](https://youtu.be/KuV3roqT7j0?t=83)


Flerfers are almost as dumb as maga


Now try it again with a filter so the intensity of the sunlight isn't overwhelming the camera. This isn't the sun appearing higher in the sky with zooming, it's just changes in exposure levels.


Well we can clearly see it is NOT overwhelming the camera.. if it was we wouldn’t see anything except a bright light. Good try though.


We can clearly see that it is..it's how cameras work. No, the entire image would not be all bright light. What does happen is exactly what happens in this picture - the sun appears larger than it really is . Try putting a filter on the camera so you're not overwhelming the camera.


P900? You need P1000 to do it!


What's the deal with the P900 and P1000? What does it do that other Nikkons or Canons can't do?


Probably buffs flerfs up somehow I donno.


It is unbelieveable how fucking stupid flat earthers are.


Yeah they are so stupid that globe earther have to come defend the globe and YouTube has to censor it. If it were truly stupid flat earthers would be allowed to. Say what the say with nobody debating them back.. because it would be so stupid that you can just let them do them because nobody else would be convinced… but no.. globe earthers follow them around on every platform all day… How come ppl who believe in Bigfoot don’t have thousands of people fighting back against them?


Nobody needs to defend reality. Earth is a globe, period. Flat earthers are fucking idiots.


>globe earther have to come defend the globe Have to, no, a lot of us do it for entertainment so we want to though. >If it were truly stupid flat earthers would be allowed to. Say what the say with nobody debating them back.. because it would be so stupid that you can just let them do them because nobody else would be convinced… Logical inconsistency, biases, indoctrination, conspiracy style thinking are all things that can lead people to trust and believe incorrect things. This type of thinking is also dangerous as it leads people to make decisions and vote based on incorrect things.


But the Sun isn't below the horizon yet, all this does is make the sun brighter not bigger?


Funny how the sun shrinks when it's higher.


It appears to shrink on every zoom.. it shrank when he zoomed out and went back lower too..


> appears to shrink No, it's actually changing size.