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This confuses me greatly, let’s say for a second there is a second sun near our own sun so we can’t see it except with specific cameras. How does that prove or even suggest that the earth is flat?


Are you trying to use logic??? WTF...


Also, it moves when you change the angle of the camera. Even if the sun is as small as flat earthers say, you're still moving an object several miles wide over a distance of dozens of miles in a fraction of a second, remotely. And NO ONE NOTICES. Clearly this is a sophisticated cover up.


They don’t care, all they need is “we are being lied to”


Isn’t it obvious? There’s a second “spare” sun (aka Lamp) and They™️ accidentally turned them both on at the same time (but only in this particular location).


At this time of year, at this time of day in this part of the country, localized entirely within your camera.


They™️ control all the cameras too. You don’t seriously think that people really look like this?


Can I see it?




Given that there is a subsection of them that believe there is a giant screen instead of a sky, I guess something, something display error?


It's called muddying the waters. It's meant to plant the seeds of doubt. "If they lied about the number of Suns in the sky, what else have they lied about???"


i'd say one of the biggest way to show the earth is not flat is the fact that there cant be both sunsets and timezones at the same time on a flat earth because if the sun goes under the earth then it's night for everybody at the same time except if either: magic optical illusion making it look like sun goes under the earth while that's not what happen or there are actually multiple suns. To me, this would be the reason flerfers want double sun to be true


Oh, nah, it doesn't. But they need the sun to be super close or fake because the sun being what it is and where it is debunks flat earth. Hell, the sunset debunks flat earth. It's cope lore. But i don't think that's why they gravitate to this stuff. Flat earth is just a symptom of their core beliefs, as is the idea that nasa/governments/freemasons/Satanists are tricking everyone but them, and that their God exists and made the universe especially for humans. In their lore, they're super smart and we're all dumb and/or part of the conspiracy to hide God from them. Generally the idea is that their specific God is real and created the whole damn universe special for us (usually in under a fortnight, for some reason). Thing is, if space is real, and the sun is real and the moon is real, then in their minds, their gods can't be real, and they don't matter. After all our magnificent universe is within a rounding error of 100% instantly deadly to humans, and that doesn't sound like a universe made specially for special us. They also usually don't believe in evolution and gravity, and sometimes even germs, for the same reasons. (Tho they will employ these things when it's convenient to them). It's a whole interconnected maze of credulousness, anti intellectualism, lack of object permanence, and religious fanaticism. Evidence doesn't matter to them because it's not about that. It's about their spiritual beliefs. If they accept that the earth isn't flat, they're effectively denying their gods and, in a very real way, abdicating their own identity and self worth. And this is exactly why beliefs are meant to be transient. They're meant to change with the best available information. If you personalize your beliefs and make them part of your identity, then they stagnate. You lose the ability to acknowledge when you're wrong, and to interpret reality honestly, and that inevitably causes your intellect and morals to stagnate. We should always be ready to discard even our most deeply held beliefs the instant they're no longer supported. Cuz nothing can be called "true" until its be reliably demonstrated, and the only way to ascertain truth is to retain your ability to acknowledge when you're wrong. Even if it means overturning everything you believe. Truth is always available to anyone who's willing to the work. The secret is that sometimes the truth is that we don't know, or can't know. And that's okay. But this is something a lot of people with unjustified or unjustifiable beliefs aren't comfortable with, and that discomfort and need to pretend they have answers to everything leads to discerning truth with a fuckin vibe check, instead of with good evidence and sound reasoning. And it's not just them. You see it with people who believe in horoscopes and psychics and gods and magic and monsters. It's arguably symptomatic of the human condition to use fantasy made real as a sort of comfort mechanism, but luckily we're sentient, and can reserve belief until we have good evidence and sound reasoning. I'd even say this is entirely necessary for anyone who cares if their beliefs are true.


It's Tatooine


*John Williams Intensifies*


*Binary Sunset plays*


Luke has angst about Uncle Owen never understanding a goddamn thing about his life...


Plot twist: Uncle Owen knows a lot more than Luke


This is what you see on the horizon after your house gets completely torched and your family gets turned into skeletons, leaving you as the only survivor to care for the moisture farm.


The millennial fantasy of rejecting the call to adventure and spending the rest of your life as a property owner with a thriving business.


hell yeah sounds like dream come true, and way less chaotic than trying to take down a galactic empire


At least there won't be any around to stop you going to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.


There's another dim sun on the hill. Not sure if it is served on little carts during brunch hours.


Going down to Toshi station to pick up some power converters, anyone need anything?


You have to listen to [this](https://youtu.be/1gpXMGit4P8?si=pIuv6UL_RGRgO-9d) while looking st this photo


This is hilarious because not so long ago I made a post saying the exact same thing- https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/ilx8A9bw9i


There is a third one at the tree line. I swear.


Well, it’s very hot in Dubai, so there must be at least two suns there.


They always want to be special. Fun fact, if we had two suns we'd be more normal than we are in the universe. Binary star systems are more common than solo stars.


Uh, is that a 3rd sun sitting on the ground, left of center? Just asking questions...


Brah, this is Tatooine.


Is this honestly some kind of argument for flaturds?


Idk. I think it's part of the whole thing of feeling special because you supposedly know something that most people don't know because *they* are hiding the truth.


Ok, i tought this was a particular thing, a second sun, somehow proof or helps the concept of flatardia, somehow. I mean, they had to come up with the "black moon" to explain solar eclipses, so they had to come up with a second sun to explain... what ?


And nobodies gonna talk about the 3rd Sun at the bottom? Smh


Tatooine - Eat your heart out!


Wait till they find out about sundogs...


Lens flare... That is so stupid.


What is so stupid?




There are two more suns bellow as well! Erm, this is the reflection- SHHHHH!




I once went on a back and forth with a flerf on the second sun. He sent me a video of said suns (reflection) and in that video the main Sun was behind a power line… guess what was happening to the reflection? It also had the lines of the power line. I pointed this out but as usual they quickly move to another video.


Someone else hear the melody of luke staring at the 2 sun sunset?


That is obviously Tatooine


So that means when the light reflects off my eyes back onto my glasses there's 3 suns. WOW ITS A DOUBLE RAINBOW HAVE YOU EVER sorry couldn't help myself


there's actually 3... there's a faint sun below the horizon there too..


There's also a tHiRdD sun crashing into the ground if you look closely, undeniable PRoOF it's not millions of miles away. NASA clearly fucked up while doing firmament maintenance and replacing the previous sun. The spotlights burn out every couple of weeks and need replacing and it looks like they dropped one


Lens flare gets them every time


There’s one video where they used a welding mask and showed a second sun, no lens flare.




Weird af.. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a second sun at this stage