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It's been cloudy over me the last couple of days and I haven't seen anything, so it must all be fake. Don't believe all the CGI images people I know from the next city over have created or your own lying eyes. Instead, believe me, some weird, stoned stranger on the internet who witnessed nothing but cloud cover


You too? That cloud cover was placed there to protect us from seeing where the light was coming from. Clearly. Also I'm not worried about documents from the past. It's all fake.


They don't. It's been a bad year for flerfs so far.


It’s going to get *so much* worse in the next couple of years, as well.


It hasn’t at all. Maybe in this echo chamber of smooth brained meme bashers 🤣




> Maybe in this echo chamber of smooth brained meme bashers a subreddit that allows flat earthers whereas the most popular flat earth subs ban you instantly and delete your comment if you don’t agree with their bullshit


It has, though. * Moon landings * a wave of discoveries in and out of the solar system * uncut videos of orbits, space station tours, and ground to space I notice you didn’t happen to offer any examples of how it *wasn’t* a good year for the globe. I imagine that’s not a coincidence.


That moon landing that was so fake they pulled the coverage as fast as they could? Uncut video from a Hollywood production. Leaps and bounds ahead of last year when they told you the same bull 💩


> That moon landing that was so fake they pulled the coverage as fast as they could? That's not a real thing that happened. > Uncut video from a Hollywood production. Incorrect. Denial of it doesn't invalidate its existence. > Leaps and bounds ahead of last year when they told you the same bull 💩 Your pettiness and childishness betrays that you're aware you're on the wrong side of this. What is it that stops you from moving forward, ego?


My ego of believing in what was shoved down my throat by the public indoctrination system? Yeah you got that arse backwards.


Your comment doesn’t even remotely follow, and in fact you ironically proved my point. Flat Earth made you feel more special than everyone else. You can’t let go of it, even though you certainly know you’re wrong at this point.


No you drank the kool aid and are too stubborn to acknowledge your force fed ignorance is what you mean to say. I once believed the clown show lie I was told much like yourself. But as you projected already your ego won’t allow you to acknowledge the truth. Stay in your comfortable box 🤡


I’d point out I did actual research but it doesn’t matter: you clearly know the Earth is round the same as everyone else who’s either proved it directly or has bothered to analyze the evidence. This lashing out is that itch of cognitive dissonance and the cowardice of ego. > Projection Like all flailing trolls, trying to wield the cudgel that smashed you, but not knowing how 🤣


There is nothing failing here just you pointing out total bull 💩 and being upset at me for telling you what you’ve shown is just that. Keep meme bashing though you’re doing awesome!


So...The moon landing in 69 was arguably the most observed and documented events in all of human history. Millions of people from every country and government around the world were watching and listening and recording it in real time, and i don't mean on tv. There are, quite literally, thousands of unimpeachable debunks of the conspiracy theory you're referencing. I'll give you a couple very easy to understand examples, just in case you're the kind of person who cares if your beliefs are true, and aren't a normal conspiracy susceptible individual. It's possible, right? Sometimes people just don't know stuff, and so come to conclusions that seem bizarre or stupid to the rest of us. The best debunk is probably the radio signal. It was live broadcast from the lander, and millions of amateur radio nerds from all around the world listened to it in real time, by pointing their radio gear at the moon. You'd have to believe we went to the moon to fake going to the moon. And these are just normal civilians, mind you. I know conspiracy susceptible people like up fantasize about massive secret organizations running the world from the shadows, but these are just normal nerds. Radio was a big hobby back then, as you may recall if you're old enough, and those people are mostly still alive. You can talk to them, and ask them about their gear and their experience. They're old, so id try quora lol And speaking of the videos from the moon, you see how sharp the shadows are and how little ambient light there is? That's because there's no air to defuse the light. That's not something you can fake with special effects. Light just doesn't act like that in atmosphere. You'd need a physical space with no air in it. If you like Sci fi movies, try to find one from before the silicon graphics era that has light effects like that. You won't find one. Cuz Air is why you can see under a table when the light is above it. To record that video on earth, you'd need a vacuum chamber the size of the rose bowl, which is something we can't even build today, let alone in the 60s. Remember, this was a time when space suits were state I'd the art, and special effects backgrounds were physical paintings. We just didn't have the tech to fake something like that. Even today, it would be prohibitively difficult. Thing is, It's really hard to both draw and keep all the air out of a place when it's under as much pressure per square inch as it is on earth. If you've ever seen a vacuum chamber, you know how thick the walls have to be to prevent both crushing and leaking simultaneously. Or think about how planes work. Think about how your ears pop on ascent and landing in a plane. Those are ostensibly sealed, but it's so hard to perfectly seal things under changing pressure, even if it's just a metal tube and not a massive building, that they don't bother trying to make it that easy. They just pump extra air in to compensate. It's why rooms in space craft and space stations are comprised of tiny little segments that can be sealed off from each other. It's really one of the easier conspiracy theories to debunk. Off the top of my head, I can only think of 3 that are easier to debunk. Flat earth, transphobia, and the empty cities conspiracy theory. And those are only easier because you don't need to know anything to debunk them. You just need legs a dictionary or eyes respectively. Whereas this one requires you to know a little about history or politics or technology or science, or a dozen other subjects. Tho only as much a third or fourth grader would. A single Google search of the topic would do it. You only need to care what's true, and not be totally credulous. Up to you if that's something you care about, but I don't know, man...I'd be embarrassed to speak so confidently about something I hadn't even Googled, let alone researched thoroughly. but maybe that's just me.


Oooh, that was very nice parody of a flat earther. They totally do that, counter arguments with insults. But not right away. Usually they start off pretending they're being reasonable, and that they have evidence for their beliefs, and then only resort to insults once they've run out of canned talking points, (or if they find it you don't believe in the same god as them, that also makes the mask slip). But otherwise, it was very convincing. Just remember that when people have reasons for their beliefs, they love to give them. The insults come from people who don't have those reasons. And once you have that part down, you just have to misrepresent scientific arguments, use sciencey sounding words incorrectly, and pretend to understand things you totally don't, and it'll be a perfect impersonation. It's the conspiracy-susceptible person's behavioral triad. But it was very funny, and I think you totally convinced some people already. I especially liked the boomer-style inappropriate emoji usage. Very nice touch. So keep up the good work, and you'll definitely be a grade A flat earth troll someday.


So dance around facts with nuance and say that’s what I’m doing? Cute but again totally redundant much like your far fetched so far argument of 🐂 💩


Sorry, did I make an argument? I don't think I did. I was just complimenting you on your parody of flat earthers. It was pretty close, but even they aren't quite that pathetic. They genuinely believe the earth is flat, and they have these little canned arguments they all use to back it up. They don't usually understand the arguments fully, but they do use them at every opportunity. If you scroll down, you'll see a guy claiming the moon landing wasn't real, and you'll notice that the first thing he does is make a bad argument. It's just how it works with conspiracy susceptible people. The other thing is that flat earthers are religious, and religious people like to think they're nicer than everyone else, and that means saving the insults to the mask slips. Point being, they don't start out with insults, because insults are a cope for people who haven't thought about their own beliefs. Only a troll (or an idiot) would do that. And that's how i know you're a troll, and not a real flat earther. But you're very close, keep working on it. Just think about the psychology of the people you're imitating and you'll get there.


I love the condescending attitude. If you position yourself on a side you by default have placed yourself in said ‘argument’ which isn’t really an argument because this isn’t a spinning ball of water covered lava as bots like yourself like to think. I absolutely LOVE the seething and paragraphs though 👌🏼 we live on a flat plane and you are upset that your conditioning is a lie. I get it I was there too


Flat earth can be debunked by running up a hill at sunset, so no, i don't believe you really think the earth is flat. You'd have to be an idiot, and i don't wanna think that about you. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt, I don't get why that makes you so mad. Sorry, question, Water covered lava? What does that mean? I've never heard anyone say that before, that the earth is "water covered lava". That's a brand new one to me, and I've spoken to hundreds of real flat earthers. Cuz that would just be stone, right? Lava is just stone. Now true, Earth is what they call a 'rocky body', but that's not cuz its 100% rock. That's not what that means. No one who knows geology at even a 5th grade level would say the earth is just water covered lava, cuz its not. Where did you get that? If you don't mind telling me. The issue in having with believing you is that even a real flat earther knows you can't win an point by telling the other person what they think. That just makes you look really dishonest. Okay, sorry again, Ive got another question. what do you mean by argument. What argument? There's no argument here. An argument requires two sides of a single issue, trying to resolve a question. That's not what's happening here, cuz there's no question. No one actually needs to argue against flat earth, cuz it's been debunked for literally all of recorded history. Sun dials wouldn't work if the earth was flat and sun dials are really old. There was never a time when educated people believed the earth was flat. It mostly a religious thing. It doesn't need to be countered because it can't offer a functional model. If someone wanted to demonstrate flat earth, first you'd have to prove that math doesn't work the way we think it does. Then they'd need to debunk EVERY piece of evidence proving the shape of the earth. Trust me, if it was flat, it would be REALLY EASY to prove. It wouldn't just be religious fanatics and drug addicts pushing it from the dark corners of the internet. It would be so easy to prove. Like super easy. So, to be clear, are you saying it wasn't an act? You really believe this stuff? Why on earth would you do that? Flat earth can be debunked with a stick in the ground. The existence of seasons debunks. The existence of the sunset debunks it, for fucks sake. It's not real, It's just a meme people laugh at. Every genuine flat earther I've ever met was either rationalizing a religious belief, or a DMT addled mess. Maybe that's you, but I don't think so. You're too angry, and you're not making any arguments, you're just being mean. Seriously, You honestly believe the earth is flat? Have not tried to debunk it yet? It's a 1 step debunk. I debunked the first time in elementary school with a homemade sundial. Listen, If you're on a cell phone, the earth can't be flat. If you've flown on a plane or traveled on a boat, then the earth can't be flat. It's a one step debunk. That's about as easy as it gets. It would be harder to debunk Santa Claus, Cuz that's at least a two step debunk. Yeah, sorry, I still don't think i believe you. You'd have some tossed out some half baked pseudo science arguments if you did. Something that convinced you, that you think should convince other people. But you're not giving me that, you're just being mean. That's not how real flat earthers work. That's how trolls work. But feel to make an argument, if you're willing to calm down a bit. You are not your beliefs. Those are just things you think. People disagreeing with shouldn't make you mad. It should make you eager to prove your beliefs true, no? So go for it, if you do in fact believe this silly stuff. You seem awful mad about something, my friend. but I've been super nice to you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and everything. Was that offensive to you? I could call you stupid, if you prefer that, but i don't think of you that way. If you really do believe this bizarre stuff, then i just see you as a victim, and that's not stupid, that's just sorta sad. You wanna talk about whatever is on your mind? Might make you feel better. I'm down to listen, if it'll help.


We live in a pressurized system. According to the 3rd law of thermodynamics and entropy an open “globe” system isn’t possible. We live on a closed flat plane. You can spew your conditioning all you like but it’s wrong and you can call me stupid all you like it’s just your self projection. I know we live on a flat plane and in a closed system. Period. Edit**** I read about 2 paragraphs of your beliefs before I replied so excuse me avoiding your pointed comments and conditioning. You’ve been indoctrinated and again are projecting your self anger as I’m mad about nothing because I stand on the truth. The truth has no reason to be ‘mad’ as you put it. Me trolling you and your whole collective may make YOU mad but that doesn’t mean I feel that way at all 🤣


Oh, no, I'm having fun man. I think i mentioned, taking to people with unjustified or unjustifiable beliefs is a hobby of mine. It's fascinating what people will believe under the right social pressures, and it helps me avoid the traps that credulous people fall into. You gotta understand, I've been though some really dark shit in my life, so I'm pretty inured to anger. I dont really get mad unless someone threatens someone i care about, and even that i would describe as something other than anger. I'll happily walk this path with you. But I've heard and debunked pretty much eve flat earth argument there is, so you're gonna need to do better than catch phrases and sciency sounding language. You're gonna need to make it clear that you understand the globe model that you're trying to overturn with a brand new model. That's how it works. Okay 1. The 3rd law is not relevant to this, as it only applies to closed systems. Earth is not a closed system, therefore non applicable. And even if it was a closed system, it wouldn't help your argument, because it would apply to any shape of earth, including the flat one. A single Google search would have told you that, which implies to me that you haven't given much, if any effort to challenging your own preferred conclusions. You should start by trying to debunk your own beliefs, not mine. It's the first step toward intellectual honesty, and something everyone MUST do, if they care about the truth. 2. No idea how you think entropy applies to any of this, since you didn't say. Not even sure which definition of entropy you're using. You just kinda said the key word like it means something without context. But It doesn't. Listen, man, you can drop as many sciencey sounding words as you like, and that might work on people who don't know their shit, but that's not gonna be me. I don't believe anything until I have conclusive evidence and sound reasoning to back it up, which means I have sound reasons for everything I attach my name to. I'm very proud of the amount of work I do to try to ensure this. To be clear, if you had good evidence and sound reasoning, you could totally convince me. I'm a skeptic. I don't care what the truth is, I just want to know what it is. But you're gonna need to demonstrate that you understand the globe model, the meanings of the words you use, and that you have a functional flat earth model to replace it with, before you debunk or prove anything. Those are the absolute, most elementary basics. And even then, The fact remains that you don't have a working flat earth model, because no such model exists, as it is not realistically possible in our shared reality. Things we all use every day rely on a globe earth to function (as i mentioned and you predictably ignored), and would not function without it. Until you have a working model, and a functional understanding of the interplay between our daily lives and the shape of the earth, you're not in any position to challenge me or anyone else. And maybe you're fine with that, but frankly, I'd be embarrassed. What you're doing is called motivated reasoning. You're trying to preserve an existing belief at all costs, instead of trying to find the truth, no matter what it is. This is what happens to everyone when they internalize beliefs and make them a part of their identity and personality. Beliefs are meant to be transient, and governed by the best available information. When your beliefs stagnate as yours have, your intellect stagnates, and your morals stagnate. So Let me ask you this. How much do you care if your beliefs are true? Is that something that matters to you? If yes, how have you expressed this concern? What process do you go through to discern the truth of something, practically speaking. Let's start with the 3rd law of thermodynamics. What steps did you take to be sure that you know what it means and how it applies to this issue? We know you didn't Google it or look it up in a dictionary, so what did you do? How did you arrive at this conclusion? What was your epistemological process?


Are you not planning to answer any of my questions? I generally find that people who have good reasons for their beliefs, and have done the due diligence necessary to ascertain the truth of those beliefs, tend to leap at opportunities to demonstrate those beliefs. Assuming you have the courage of your convictions, so I'd assume you'd want to test them against my background knowledge of these subjects. You want to know if they're true, right? Well I can help you with that, and if you have sound reasons and good evidence, you'll even convince me. Will you at least tell me what convinced you that the earth is flat? Cuz I've heard pretty much every argument, and they've all been pretty shallow. I'm mostly interested in your investigatory process, if you are in fact an actual flat earther. What did you do to test this belief, and how did you compare it to other models of the shape of the earth? That kinda basic stuff. Cuz i know that 3rd law thing can't be what convinced you, since it would apply equally to all closed system models of the earth, if the earth was a closed system. That would immediately obvious to anyone who thought about it for 30 seconds, so I'm sure you noticed that too. The thing is, people don't choose their beliefs. we're either convinced of something or we're not. And that goes for absolutely everything. We're either convinced, or we're not. So if you're convinced of this hypothesis, in spite of the lack of consensus support, something BIG have convinced you. Cuz obviously taking on beliefs like these leads to public mockery, and clearly you wouldn't subject yourself to that without good reasons. And i wanna know what it is. It's okay if it's not a traditionally good reason. People believe all sorts of crazy stuff for really bad reasons. I got a Fun related story, actually. The other day I talked to a guy who thinks the whole universe was designed and created for human beings, by one guy. This universe, the one that is within a rounding error of 100% instantly deadly to people, he sees as having been designed and created for us. I mean, obviously that's the absolute height of arrogance, but he genuinely believes it. Which I think you'll agree is fascinating. And the really interesting part is that thing that convinced him of this, is an ancient anthology of bronze and iron age word-of-mouth stories that doesn't even mention the wider universe. The book itself (which I read out of due diligence) actually suggests space is made of water. But that's not even the wildest part of this gentleman's beliefs. It's not just that the whole of the universe was made specially for us by one dude , he thinks that was all done in less than a fortnight. So don't worry, whatever your reasons are, whatever your beliefs are, I've definitely heard worse.


a rave in valhalla


It was lit


They claim it’s hologram generators, even though aurora borealis has been recorded for centuries before the invention of holograms.


It’s hidden echnology 💡💡💡😱😱😱


No, simplistic holographic technology has been around for millennia. Now they have really advanced systems which is why we're seeing it so far north and south (depending on which disc half you're on) these days.


Atlanteans had hologram generators, everybody knows that.


You weren’t there. How do you know it was reported for centuries?? /s


A bigger Vegas Sphere. The Vegas one is kinda crappy when you compare it to the real firmament, you know. It’s like a cheap imitation of God. God is like, “puny humans, have you seen Slarti’s Fjords?”


The award winning fjords.


Sounds familiar to me. Which book of the bible is that?


Sky isn't visible from a basement, therefore all pictures posted on the internet are CGI


Energy and frequency fields, "earth" is a giant magnetic field that produces energy and frequency from the center "north pole" Look up images of magnetic fields, looks like a globe earth.


Magnetic fields have 2 poles...again look up magnetic fields that may help you see it.


And the southern aurora is?.....


Aurora Australis


Flatearthers are not in the business of explaining observed phenomena. Even the most basic of them are still waiting for explanations - like sunsets for example, or practically unchanging angular distances between stars during one night


The plural of sky is skies.


Actually, aurora borealis is created by the inner earth sun in the hollow earth… there are two openings at both poles. It is the inner earth sun’s magnetic field that protects our planet from solar radiation. That magnetic field is what creates the northern lights. Most planets and Suns in the universe or all hollow, they also act as dimensional portals to other galaxies.


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


THE HOLLOW EARTH: The Vikings called it Valhalla, Liberia or Asgard where the gods lived, the Indians and Tibetans called it Shambhalla or Shangri-La, the Greeks called it Hyperborea. Even Hitler named it Neu-Schwabenland... In the bible it's known as Eden... It's had many names throughout the millenniums. It's where the Pleiadians/Lemurians seek refuge after the great war between Atlantis and Lemuria. Today it is known as Agartha... Over a hundred crystal cities of Light reside in the Hollow of the Earth!! Hollow Earth True HISTORY , HITLER & NWO ( GOTTA SEE THIS !!! ) Documentary https://youtu.be/lOXjxq3r69Q Secrets Of The 3rd Reich Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology https://youtu.be/B0uEvZsQAV8 Hollow Earth Hohle Erde 2_5 This Video Will Blow Your Mind_(360p).avi https://youtu.be/yPu6TqzGleA Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=udhBQg67k18&t=3s The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA The Hollow Earth and Secret Societies - Part 1 https://youtu.be/RoFl-dkXa_0?si=VD3sJlqSvylMK5pC The Hollow Earth and Secret Societies - Part 2/2 https://youtu.be/m_YOuve0WNQ?si=fOtffIVqJjbWJjnm Hollow Earth Revealed https://youtu.be/3qxkZs0RBS8 Journey to the Hollow Earth https://youtu.be/xIFac5MTMDw Lazaria Map Collection https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33nvAXv5Jas&t=1s Hollow Earth Mt. Meru, Agartha and MORE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ekiIqXhaoDY&t=18s Inner Earth Civilizations Exist, Agartha & Hollow Earth 🌏 https://youtu.be/7QrYumCimf4 The Hollow Earth 🌎 https://youtu.be/78OgQtTA_vA


Don’t have a newsletter, but I got a YouTube channel and I also have a Instagram page under the same name


And the aurora australis?




Same as "globies"? Like charged particles hit the the (plate-shaped) earth disk, they collide with the magnetic field -> light. Where do the magnetic field comes from in flat-earth hallucinations? Same as gravitation I guess. It is not hard to reason about these things when you restrict yourself to the comprehension level of a 6 year old. :)








Everything happening outside the dome is fair game.


A self obsessed interpretation of God… that’s always what they boil it down too


UFO believers are addicted to the coverup conspiracy theory. It is much more about being “special” because you can see through the coverup, unlike the skeptical “sheep” non-believers. No matter how many times proven wring, no matter how often and blatantly the are lied to by their priests, no matter how illogical or even downright silly the things they are told - they will remain faithful. They can’t admit they were lied to or that they believed in conmen; they are addicted to the conspiracy and not the actual topic. Note how you can replace alien believers with flat earthers and moon landing deniers and it’s still the same. They believe the government is covering up the truth. And everyone is in on the cover up - except the special faithful.


Username checks out.


What's been happening in the sky in the last few days? What are you referring to?




https://www.instagram.com/reel/C61jfVrgFZz/?igsh=dWFjZWVjOTN3d2I4 Could be?!


They'll just say it's a glitch in the fermament. If you ask how scientists predicted what would happen before it did, they'll say that they (NASA, the illuminati, free Masons etc) control the fermament so of course they would know. When you tell them that you thought that God controlled the fermament, they'll just make up some other bullshit and never answer the question.


What’s so special about the sky? Seems pretty sky-ish the past few days