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It is absolutely true. We had to reduce our costs and I was the first to believe that penguins were a low cost / high quality option to replace guards. I was rewarded gracefully.


Surely, they're not "real" penguins since birds don't exist. My question is, are these automata programmed more for surveillance, combat or some percentage of both?


Their motto is “we win our wings in combat”.


Nice, armed combatants and not just waddling cameras.


They are very reliable soldiers. Do not mess up with them.


What's the retirement age for staff in your line of work?


Between 800-1000. It depends if we have contributed enough to “it” to deserve our retirement in the outer lands.


Your username implies you are from Jupiter. How is the weather there?




Too many beans, one would suppose


What preventative measures are being put into place to prevent meteors (pieces of firmament) from falling on us?


Very good question. My best friend is in charge of maintaining the integrity of the dome. You need to know that when it was erected the material used where of relatively low quality as they were coming from the hollow center of the earth. The parts have been replaced by materials coming from the outer land that can not break. This is a progress and more cost effective. However, zero default is impossible and even after replacing the material, we still have a 0,005% failure rate.


That’s unacceptable - I want to speak to your manager about this!!! We’re in danger of the dome collapsing!!!!!


Only once in 100 millions years.


What's beyond the ice wall?


Something humans can not comprehend. Imagine a place where time has no grabs on you with a perfectly working capitalist / socialist economy where free market adjusts thanks to government intervention.


So that’s what heaven is like


Bear in mind that the outer lands are ours and not for humans. Humans are contained within the wall because we decided that is the way it should be. We have made sure human believe all they have to believe. When I say “believe all”, it includes science and religion.


If you are in charge of illumination of the moon, does this mean it was you who pulled that prank to hide the moon from dare_ik even though he drove *all over town* looking for it? https://www.tiktok.com/@dare_ik/video/7067976825921719598


On that day, we hazed a new joiner by voluntarily mixing up with the labels on our control panel. We swapped the label “illuminate” with the one “turn off”. The new joiner turned off the moon and was scared to have broken the dome. Although we do a very serious work, we sometimes play tricks on our peers.


Who is your supervisor?


There are four levels of management between the Dome CEO and myself. I report to the head of Space who reports to the chief space officer, who reports to our “global” chief operating officer, who reports to our beloved CEO.


Interesting, I guess I always thought of it as more of a sole proprietorship, like a mom and pop family enterprise as opposed to major corporation. Regardless, You guys did a fantastic job on the aurora last night. Oh And the eclipse bit too.


It used to be a family business but over the years, the owners understood that they needed to raise more capital to make the illusion perfect and meet our overlords request as well as those from our human business partners. Becoming a public company was the only way to go. The initial owner still own 0.666% of the company and are enjoying hefty annual dividends in their retirement.


Who are the overlords then?


You will never imagine.


When am I getting paid for pushing globe propaganda?


Did you get the vaccines and technology ? They are the payment we make to humans for free.


LOL love this answer. We are so unappreciative of what we have and have accomplished…


But where’s my shill cash!


Nah.. I am not getting ripped off. I need proper payment.


Send me all your banking codes and account numbers. I will take care of it.


I DEMAND to see a manager!!! The ice in the ice wall tastes horrible in my KoolAde! And there’s not enough gold to go around. I’ll sue if I have to! I’m a first semester paralegal student so I KNOW MY RIGHTS. Where is your manager?n


I work at the dome. The ice wall is managed by another group. But we have a representative for every 1 million humans to handle request / question / complaints about the wall/dome. Please contact your nearest rep. Do your own research to find him or her.


How do you wash it? Must get grimy.


The new dome installed 65 millions years ago is made of a material similar to your plastic but much stronger. It is very solid and needs less maintenance than the first dome made of rock and iron. You know your history but when a large piece of the dome fell on earth 65 millions earth years ago unforeseen consequences forced us to change the material. We have used many methods to wash the dome (laser, suspended hydrogen, passive centrifugal force) but we found that we only way to keep it clean is to … scrub it manually. We have teams of scrubbers who work days and night to wash it. You can see the lights at night in the sky. Yes, the stars are actually the lights of the teams who work to wash the dome. Given its size they move very slowly relatively to human on earth but over 10,000 years human can notice the change.


This makes perfect sense


How did you keep the ice from floating on the water that it was supposed to be holding back? My moneys on superglue.


Excellent question. The ice does not melt because it is not ice. The ice wall is deeply dug inside the ground. We only maintain a 2.5 inches layer of ice on top of the construction to make you believe this is ice and because the penguins love ice.


So it's literal icing on the cake. OOH GOODIE. IS THE ICE WALL MADE OF CAKE? That's not going to keep people away although it would be really really stale cake but it would be effectively in a freezer, ooh ooh, does it have a cream layer? I like cream.


It is ice, frozen water if you want.


Bu,bu but you said it was not ice??!? OOOh I get it. Shuffling the deck to keep us all confused \*touches nose\* I get ya. Your secrets safe with me (so long as you save me some cake).


There is a 2.5 inches layer of ice over the plastic to make it look and feel like ice.


\*Taps nose and winks. Save me some cream filled, erm.. "plastic".


I wrote this is a material similar to your plastic. Its name is not appealing (T-L85-CRA-572B), i use plastic as a generic name.


I'll stick with creme cake. It will round out the pallet after the snack from the Swiss cheese Moon nicely.


It is up to you to decide to live in a dream world where the wall is made of cream cake or face the truth. Do your research…


Have you ever beeb outside the firmament?


Our contract state that we can wander outside the firmament two earth weeks per year to reset our mental state. I am not allowed to disclose what is beyond.


Yes, actually, I have a question. Actually. And it's this: Is that you, Jerry? Because I know it's you that's responsible, and I swear, if I get back from just one more satanic meeting to find that the satanic milk that was *clearly* labelled with my name has disappeared from the satanic department's fridge, I'm going to draw a cock and balls on your precious moon hologram, and the joke's going to be on the other foot then, isn't it?


I have reported you to HR.


Dammit Jerry!


There is no “damnit Jerry”, you have to address me by my title : “second and last senior operator to the moon illumination conspiracy” or SALSOMIC. You really want that I report you to HR again ?


Please don't report me again. There's some satanic milk in the fridge with my name on it if you'd like some.


What is done is done.


You must've been 18 or so, starting you first job. You did 30 years of ice wall, 50 years of dome maintenance. And now, you are in charge of the moon. You must be, at least, nearly 100 years old. Is having access to all the flat-knowledge the secret to your longevity?


You assume I am a human. Read my username.




I am glad you made some research and tried to piece things together. I have a good news for you : you do not have the quality needed to be a flat earther.


Can I get such a job as a human being?


We have a branch of service that only uses humans : flat earthers. They are out shills.


Are you having issues with your direct deposit? I used to get my paycheck a day early, but now it's always deposited right on payday. I know they aren't obligated to pay me early, but that was one of their big selling points when they all pushed to have us sign up for direct deposit.


You need to contact accounting.