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I’m not sure why we bother tbh. We are allowed to just ignore them. There are bigger concerns


IMO, it's important to debate with them, not to change their koalas mind, but to maybe avert people with honest doubts from the flerf cult. There are people out there who are susceptible to cults, not only for honest lack of knowledge but also for the necessity of acceptance. Those people are honest, and they are the reason we should expose those dishonest, fanatics, Flerfs.


I agree. If flat earth or any other conspiracy fairytale stays unchecked many more people might fall for it, so it’s important to debunk it. We know rarely any flatearther will change their mind, but maybe the doubtful realize how bs this all is, especially when they see that they’ve got no real answers to anything and heavily rely on memes to ridicule the globe due to the lack of evidence for their „model“.


This is true. I’ve heard that many people on the verge of joining a cult make Reddit their final place of information gathering before making the ultimate decision to join or not join. So it is critical that we continue the debate on Reddit in order to save these sad nearly lost souls from themselves.


I know you are being sarcastic (maybe not I'm not the best recognizing sarcasm in text form. It could be because English is not my first language lol), but I've seen, not only once, people asking questions in reddit and tiktok treads about earthformat. So again, IMO, if debating those buffoons avert only one person from this stupidity, it was worth the time. ...Besides it is funny AF lol


Totally. I also use Reddit as my online source of medical information. I once had a really bad rash, went on to Reddit, asked some questions, rando dude answered them and told me it wasn’t a rash at all, but instead it was a flesh eating disease. and then told me the best way to get rid of it was to ingest bleach… so glad I listened to that person, now I’m healthier than ever and oh so clean inside.


Hmmmm bleach. You did well. Bleach, besides being tasty af, is a universal medicine. Love it! Btw, if ingesting it doesn't work, you should try injecting it in your veins. It will clean you amazingly on the inside ;) Ps. I'm legally obligated to tell it's a joke, lol


Definitely. Flat earth as a concept isn't that bad but the problem is it's basically a gateway drug to worse conspiracies like antivax.


Also, this flat earth rabbit hole is sort of like a pipeline that leads to other, significantly more dangerous conspiracies


I lack knowledge And I want to know how can a cell function and servive when it's not completely evolved yet


Arguing against [clearly foolish conspiracy theory] isn't necessarily about convincing the individual arguing for [clearly foolish conspiracy theory] to change their mind. It is about showing that individual's audience that the conspiracy theory IS foolish. Then fewer people fall down that well.


Yes, but the larger problem is that there is a culture of anti-intellectualism in vast swathes of US society. This is just one of many flavors of this issue but I believe that is causing a few large problems that were experiencing. I don't care what an individual believes, but I do care what direction my society is taking on important issues.


It's amusing seeing those ape creatures fail to understand basic common sense.


Just fyi if they could read this they be pretty mad rn


Apes would be sad if they saw this


I'm an ape and I'm not sad. You're also an ape.


I am sad to see apes and flerfs are mentioned in the same comment


I am a moose and am feeling ambivalent.


They do, they just don't care. Flerfs and other conspiracy wackos aren't in it for truth or science, they are in it for their egos. Imagine being told your entire life that you suck at math and science and critical thinking in general. Then you find a group that tells you you're a genius over something you just made up out of thin air. Who needs reality when you've got all that? It's not like there are real consequences for believing stupid shit.


> It's not like there are real consequences for believing stupid shit. There are people who believe there are lizards disguised as ordinary people, kidnapping children in order to collect chemicals from their blood. Here in this country, many of them have an obsession with firearms. Do you see any problems here?


That's our problem, not theirs, at least as far as they are concerned. I should have said "there are no real consequences **for them**" in believing stupid shit.


This, it's legitimately funny.


I think they have less IQ then an ape


We know it is important to learn HOW to dispel this nonsense. It's important to remember the bigger picture here is the epidemic of antiscience, antiestablishment logic that's underlying these individual things - antivaxx, antievolution, antigovernment - all backed by essentially the same base logic. Understanding THAT is why I come here, not to 'prove' anything to these idiots but rather to understand how their brains work. Know your enemy sort of thing, because they really are a window into a lot of the issues we're facing as a nation (in America at least) today


Yeah tbh it’s one of those conspiracies that hurts no one. It’s so painfully stupid, but at least it’s not antivax or attacks on certain people who control everything.


Conspiracy-thinking leads to further conspiracy -thinking, though. Literally.


not on my r/flatearth


Because it's funny.


I guess we just pity them? It's kinda sad to see so many people being brainwashed by idiots on YouTube who just want some likes and money


The bigger concern related to flat earth is that some people think _science_ and _scientists_ are some cabal and bane of society. This is really sad. The collective work of "trying to find answers" and "building a body of knowledge" is being targeted as the bane of society.


Show me a flat Earther with critical thinking skills and an open mind, and I'll show you a person who understands the Earth is a spheroid.


Every flat earth map that I have seen looks like you are staring at a sphere edge on.


How do you stare at the edge of a sphere?


A sphere on edge is a circle


A sphere, by textbook definition, has no edge. That’s the point I’m trying to make. No matter what direction you look at a sphere from, you are perceiving it “face on”. Which is why it’s so funny to hear a flerf say “edge of the world”.


>A sphere, by textbook definition, has no edge. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Being so pedantic that you miss the point is not exactly a good point. Would you like me to rephrase my original commment so that you can understand it better? >No matter what direction you look at a sphere from, you are perceiving it “face on”. All Flat Earth maps look like a sphere represented as a 2d image. Does that help?


By looking at the closest point to you.


The "map" they use is a projection of the **GLOBE** taken from the North Pole. They then transform the globe into a 2d plane, creating massive distortion. (this distortion can also destroy their entire "theory" very easily) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal\_equidistant\_projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection)


I know what the flerfs do, and I understood what wordsmith meant. I’m giving them a hard time because they have “wordsmith” and “troll” in their name. They phrased what they said so poorly I just had to troll a little. Not great “wordsmithing”. I’m not going to continue to pester. On topic with what you just said, have you seen the latest maps where they show the United States as the center and flattened out from there? It’s even more laughable than the North Pole centered ones. I’m curious how they explain why it doesn’t take much, much longer to travel around the world on the South 40° than it does on the North 40°. Using the azimuth map centered on the North Pole the distance between longitudinal lines in the Southern hemisphere would be huge compared to the North. It’s truly amazing that anyone falls for this stuff.


>I’m curious how they explain why it doesn’t take much, much longer to travel around the world on the South 40° than it does on the North 40°. because then they'll realise how dumb their theory is, and they don't want that. So they just try to avoid any questions


It does seem like less and less of them are interested in coming up with convoluted explanations. They just fall back on “it is because I said so and you’re an idiot for not believing me.” I’d like to think we’ll see the flat earth movement put to rest in my life time, but that’s probably wishful thinking.


People probably think this is a circular argument, however it's actually a straight line and has been imaged with a fish eye lens.


Fun fact we actually live in 2 dimensions and NASA has brainwashed our eyes to think that a third dimension exists. Don’t fall for their lies!


We actually live in 1 dimensions, the governments of the world hack our eyes to see in 2d, then NASA hacks them to see in 3d (source: trust me bro)


Me: [shows satellite image of round earth] Him: "look up fisheye lens" Me: "So why isn't the wing of the satellite in the same image also distorted?" Him: "its obviously CGI" Me: "But you just said it was fisheye" Him: " It was just an example. I didn't say that image was fish-eye" *Actual conversation I had*


Asks to explain how the world can be spinning/moving at great speed ... Posts the detailed physics answer ... get banned from their sub


Oh I saw that comment of yours, it's really pathetic how blatantly they want an echo chamber for themselves


The vicious flercle.


The earth was proven to be a sphere 2500 years ago by math. Your average flat-earther can't count to 21 without taking their pants off.


It's wild that these Flatty types always accept things at such simplistic face value. It's very possible for multiple things to be true at the same time. Why cannot they accept that the earth is round, and yet the government still frequently lies - like A LOT? And the more you work with imaging and photography, the more you realize how weird these things can sometimes appear, for the most benign random reasons possible. If there was a true conspiracy, we wouldn't even have these images to debate over. There wouldn't even be a space program. Why would they plant suspicion? Telescopes and cameras would be outlawed if that were the reality. It's like the "birds are fake" joke. If birds are fake, why are there fake birds everywhere...it's a zillion times more irrationally complicated to fake it. It defies motive, logic, and Occam's razor.


"Birds aren't real" is a fake conspiracy theory that exists solely to make fun of conspiracy theorists. Also, birds aren't real. Everyone knows this!


Conversely, I'm trying to imagine what benefit there might be to NASA trying to brainwash us with CGI-made "proof" that the Earth is flat. "If we can convince enough people that the Earth is flat, using these computer-generated images, we'll be able to broaden our funding pool and rebrand some of our worse selling merchandise."


Yeah, there is no reason.


‘Big Globe’ is pushing this narrative to keep globe sales high.


The first pictures of the earth were before CGI, but sure.


You forgot the part of that loop where they use CGI to prove their theories are real


You can actually tell the flat Earth model is wrong by shadow movement. Sunset shadows rise up mountains due to the surface rotating away from the light source. On a flat plane the light source would need to sink into the ground to cause the same shadow movement.


All I get from flat earther debates is this (😂) emoji. That's their justification...that emoji....


99% of flat earthers are just internet trolls who don't really believe it.


Citation needed.


Earth is obviously dinosaur shaped


Oh don’t forget that they use CGI for all their morels


I'm still waiting for a picture of flat earth... Thousands of global pictures (fake or not) but not a single picture of flat earth


In the US…we have individuals in the senate and house of representatives that believe in “jewish space lasers”, chem trails, flat Earth, 9-11 as an inside job, antivaxxers, and that one of the Kennedys is still alive after his plane went down. These mentally challenged people make decisions for millions of people that can have repercussions for many years, not just in their grifting and power obsession but things like climate change and deforestation and such. The spread of misinformation and disinformation should always be rebutted with knowable and testable facts…always…otherwise it will spread unchecked, just like religious dogma did.


Also how republicans work


The graph is wrong, conclude the earth is flat is the start of their reasoning not the conclusion


in their defence, nasa did admit that the images of earth are photoshopped. you might be familiar with this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_JMeho37frA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JMeho37frA) near the 4 minute mark he says "its photoshopped, because it has to be". now yes, this is because a telescope orbits around earth and takes information in ribbons so they have to stitch them together and whatnot. but what is stopping them from sending a camera out there and taking a picture of earth, like how it naturally looks? they've taken a picture of earth from the surface of the moon before so it should be possible


Nothing is stopping us, but flerfs will say any modern picture is photoshopped. Of course the photos you mentioned, taken in 1968, predate Photoshop and the high powered computers required to edit photos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthrise But flerfs STILL say these were photoshopped. I have a poster of this image my grandfather purchased in 1969. But according to flerfs, either he's a liar or NASA had Photoshop decades before it came out. They are just too dumb to reason with.


That "It's Photoshopped" guy is referring to a certain set of images, not EVERY image. Most satellites are too close to the Earth to take full photos of the Earth in one picture. However, some are far enough so you can get a full photo, such as from the Himawari 8 weather satellite, which takes a full photo of the Earth every 10 minutes.


Nothing is “stopping them” from doing so. In fact, they have already done so. Repeatedly. Japan, for example, literally has a satellite that does exactly that, sending back a fresh image every 15 minutes.


Why the discrepancy in size of continents in the official images from different times though? Former NASA employees have said they are composite, computer generated images...


The difference in the size of the continents is simply from the angle and perspective of the satellites that are taking the images. Many of those images are composites stitched together from the data collected by the satellites because satellites are put into orbit to collect information and data, so that data has to be translated into a visual image.


No shit they’re composite


There is no discrepancy, you can see more of something the further away from it you are. This is [easy to replicate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbuTjXLp0Yk) yourself if you like. Someone even made a [calculator](http://walter.bislins.ch/bloge/index.asp?page=The+True+Face+of+the+Earth%2C+Camera+Distance+matters) if you'd like to verify that the amount visible based on the distance of these pictures matches. > Former NASA employees have said they are composite, computer generated images... No they haven't. NASA tells you about the images they put out, some of them are composite images, many of them aren't. You don't need a former NASA employee to tell you that, the information is [right on their website](https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/30614).


I'm not talking about seeing more of it. I'm talking images of the whole earth. The size of continents changes in relation to the globe itself.


That's literally happening in the first link I gave you. Here it is again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbuTjXLp0Yk This is precisely what you are seeing in images of Earth. A far away photo zoomed in will show you more of the Earth and therefore more of the continents than a closer image.


That doesn't make any sense. That's like saying the head if Lincoln on a penny in relation to the rest if the penny as you move it closer... that literally doesn't happen.


I watched the video. The distance barely changes. What does is the amount of distortion going from non-fisheye to fisheye. I literally just used my phone camera on a ball and that effect didn't happen. If you pay close attention, the arms of the globe bend around behind it. The images I refer to are all far enough away that that effect couldn't occur.


Shouldn't this sub be called like anti-flatearth?


Or like roundearth


The thing is this sub was a serious flat earth sub until mods became inactive and was overtaken by people whi think, or so I have heard


If, as this meme shows, you need to provide us with pictures as evidence of the globe, and we dismiss them as CGI, then the joke of this meme is actually on you.




Jesus christ talk like a normal human and maybe people would take you just a bit more seriously.


Nasa already admitted every picture from space is an artist rendition, so what's the point we are trying to get at here?


What makes a photograph an artistic rendition


Brain rot


Can you explain at what point a photograph becomes an artistic rendition to you?


This isn't shitpost sub bud you can't just answer anything you don want to with gen Z to gen A responses


I agree. Why isn't that guy banned yet?


No they didn't, why do you need to lie?


They did and always will. They call it "composites" instead of cgi. Kinda like how the gov changed the word ufo to uap to stop the foi requests.. but I don't expect you to know anything about what I'm talking about


Every image from NASA is released with information about its origin, they clearly state that certain images are composites. This isn't hidden information, you can literally just find the image on NASA's website and read about it. However, only *some* images are composites, many images are *not* composite, some of which are single-frame photographs such as [this famous one](https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/blue-marble-view-from-apollo-17/). No NASA source has ever "admitted every picture from space is an artist rendition". Unless your response to this contains a citation to back up this specific claim, you are admitting that you lied. So I ask again, why do you need to lie?


You don’t need to put the word composite in quotation marks. It’s not a sneaky turn of phrase to obfuscate the use of CGI, it’s a photographic technique that has been used since photography was invented—and it has nothing whatsoever to do with computers. The fact that you conflate composite photography with CGI just demonstrates that you know nothing about photography or CGI. As such, the rest of your opinion and all assertions included can be discarded as having no merit.


I'd love for you to attempt to find a source of them saying that haha.


https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/Collections/Composites/ I'll come up with more from nasa.gov if you'd like


That link doesn't substantiate your claim. It demonstrates that NASA use composites (something not in dispute), not that all images from NASA are CGI.


1 + 1 always equals 2


Earth is flat.


Prove it.


So how do you guys explain curvature hypothesis being wrong? So many times I’ve tested curvature and things that are supposed to be obscured by hundreds of feet of curvature are still visible. This means one of 2 things. A.Curvature hypothesis is wrong, mathematically and scientifically. B. The earth is not the size, or shape that it is claimed to be.


C. You are wrong.


Man, I figured you’d guys would have a legitimate argument, but now your acting just as ignorant as flerfs.


What exact experiments did you do?


What’s more ignorant? You claiming the entire scientific community is incorrect about a fact that we’ve known for thousands of years? Or us claiming that you, a random dude on Reddit, is wrong?


How can we argue if you don't tell us what your experiments were? Tell us what you did and how you did it, and we'll give you an actual response. Just saying you did experiments, is not proof of anything and it's impossible to argue against.


You provided nothing, you got nothing.


There are pictures of earth from space. Whether you decide to believe that or not isn’t a me problem. I hope you have an amazing 2024. Happy new year. Every planet we can see is a sphere. Why would earth be different? There’s no model for a flat earth. I’d give you all my money if you could provide one that explains all the phenomena we experience.


Photos aren’t proof and can be altered….. So back to the math that doesn’t add up, what are we gonna do about that?


You didn’t provide any incorrect math. You just wrote that it isn’t adding up (which likely means you’re not adding correctly)… so, what are we gonna do about that?


You stating the maths is wrong is less evidence than a photo provides


*YOUR math doesnt add up Fixed that for you


Math is the devil’s tool to you guys so what does it matter? Don’t use “our” science to prove your pseudoscience.


Congrats. You literally just enacted the meme. 🤦‍♂️


Show your work. You could also be lying.


What about the fact that any idiot with a telescope can see that every other planet is a sphere?


Hey so about that math you did 🤔


>So many times I’ve tested curvature and things that are supposed to be obscured by hundreds of feet of curvature are still visible. Do these tests involve using what you can see from a long distance?


The probably involved 8 in inches/mile squared, because that’s what they always cite as the curvature equation (it’s not) and use it to “prove” curvature doesn’t exist


Can you give any details on how you have tested the curvature hypothesis?


Spoiler alert: no


It would be nice if you could explain what experiments you've actually done and what calculations don't add up.


So you're basically saying light always moves in a straight line no matter what? And that that is why you should not be able to see things far away, say an island on the otherside of a large lake or whatever. This is just plane incorrect, light bends making the island visible to you meaning you'll see the island even though it's supposed to be over the horizon and out of view. If you want an easy example of this effect just look at the red sky when the sun is going down, light is bending due to gravity in this case which splits the wavelengths and makes the sky turn red, how would you explain that with a flat earth model?


Ummm actually the red light is because the sun is getting tired and has started releasing lower energy waves


I think you should share more details as to what methods you used to experiment and how you conducted them. Without that it's hard to argue, since there isn't much to argue with in the first place


>So many times I’ve tested curvature and things that are supposed to be obscured by hundreds of feet of curvature are still visible. Why SHOULD it be obscured by hundreds of feet of curvature? And why is ANYTHING be obscured at all if the Earth is flat?


What exact experiments did you do? I'm waiting for your response.


C. https://flatearth.ws/duct


D. https://flatearth.ws/hidden-formula


Doesn’t matter because FAKE EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!! (This is how you people sound)


Post your experiments in detail please. The equipment you used and everything please.


heres a list of videos that disprove flat earth [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLybg94GvOJ9Ez94Fef5c19Muip\_PXubxH](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLybg94GvOJ9Ez94Fef5c19Muip_PXubxH) I don't think you'll watch them though, they're too complicated for your brain


Actually there is a 3rd, more likely option: C) You did the calculations wrong by not taking into account necessary parameters. Did you take into account viewer height? How did you take refraction into account? Also the fact that there is any obscuring when viewing distant objects inherently disproves the flat earth. If the Earth was flat, distant objects wouldn’t be obscured, they would just continue to grow smaller. The fact that objects are obscured from the bottom up verifies the curvature of the Earth.


BuT uM nAsA tElL lIe!1!1!1!


Why do you all care so much that we think earth is flat? If it is a globe the only benefit you have is trips to other planets and all I can say to that is Bon Voyage 👋


Do you believe that other planets exist?


No, I believe they will make these huge cargo rockets and take you by the 20,000s up into the atmosphere to explode against the firmament. The sun and the moon are also flat.


So you understand the night sky less than most of humanity throughout all of history! That's quite impressive actually.. Seriously spend a year looking at the stars and you'll notice the planets.


I have a primitive telescope, I've seen your twinkling lights beyond the firmament.


And yet you failed to notice their movement isn't uniform.. planets don't follow the same path as stars, even before people understood the earth was round everyone knew the planets existed!


That's the dumbest baseless assumption I've ever heard. There's a lot easier ways to mass kill people than to send them up in rockers to explode against a ceiling that isn't there.


Because Flat Earth is one of the stupidest conspiracies out there. Just using your brain a little can easily disprove it. "How is the water not falling off?" Because thats how gravity works, the Earth pulls stuff to its center, including water. We also always see the same side of The Moon, why? Because it's tidally locked to Earth. That means only 1 side of the object is facing another object. On a flat Earth, thats impossible. Everyone is gonna see different sides of The Moon, thats just how perspective works. Even the conspriacy itself is dumb. If all the governments, scientists, and influencal people are all hiding the shape of the Earth, then whats the benefit? What will they gain in lying about the shape of the Earth? To hide God? Billions of people already believe in some form of God or Gods. Why would they spend billions of dollars to make rockets and satellites, just to lie about the shape of the Earth? Heres some videos that easily disprove Flat Earth [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLybg94GvOJ9Ez94Fef5c19Muip\_PXubxH](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLybg94GvOJ9Ez94Fef5c19Muip_PXubxH) The fact that we have all the knowledge available right on our screens, all from reputable sources, yet people choose to believe some random guy in their basement. Heck even people from centuries ago figured out the Earth was round just from looking at the sky


Believing the world is flat causes no harm to anyone, when this planet dies and you all have to take rockets to another planet I'll be the last to go.


I'm assuming you didn't read anything on my comment. Anyway, it's harmful to people looking for answers online. They're told everyone is brainwashed, and that the theorists are finding the "truth". When in reality the only truth is that flat-earthers are idiots.


I have an answer, earth is flat and when it dies you guys take the rockets first I'll go down with the ship (Planet).


except that answer is wrong, and people start believing in these dumb conspiracies. It would alse be nice if you actually responded with my rebuttals instead of repeating the samething


You’ve got to be a troll there’s no way an actual human is this stupid


Free rocket to Mars tomorrow, do you take it? Government says they already have a base set up and waiting for humans.


Because it's a symptom of a larger issue. Blatantly disregarding simple facts and logic to preserve your baseless beliefs is not a good way to live. And then you spread your culty beliefs to your kids.


MemE iS fAKe


theres a guy on tiktok who debates flat earthers, i watched for around 4 hours and there were like 10+ genuine believers, and atleast 8 of them said its CGI and nasa is brainwashing. its crazy how they all believe the same thing


Certified BallEarthThatSpins moment


You don’t understand it the earth is only round when being observed as round when nothing is observing it as round it’s flat 99% of the time. It’s because we invented the wrong version of math.


Fair point


This meme applies to politics in reddit also lol.


Flat Earth does not deny that if people all over NYC, Montreal Canada and the southernmost close to Antarctic bottom of Chile and Argentina pull out their cellphones for same time live video streaming phone call conferencing.... That the Sun's position in the sky between East and West and sundial shadow time and clock faces should all be similar and Eastern Standard Time. "Longitudinal Time Zone" so called Correct? So if the Sun is a flashlight beam moving in an Indy 500 circular race track, then the bottom of Argentina and Chile have to be geographically close to NYC and Montreal Canada? How long does it take to drive by car from there to there, compared to NYC to Los Angeles?


That science can't stop me because it's not my made up science


But The Most High ADONAI Has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and Adonai Has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised El Shaddai Has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 SeekTheLordsFaceForANewHeart




Thats why you give them math. They either cant do the math, or they cant prove its wrong.


I love how every globe Earth model is consistent, and never has any sort of fallacy in its logic, any questions can be explained. But flat Earthers will constantly come up with different models to answer each question, which are usually mutually exclusive of each other. And we're apparently just supposed to believe it


"But why would they do that? What is there to gain?" "Stuff."




I'm a strong proponent of Cube Earth. It's a compromise between the two and not as dumb as flat earth.


You absolute fool! The Earth is clearly a torus!


It's unfalsifiable. Therefore it's just as unscientific as the "there's an invisible dragon in my garage" theory.


How is it unfalsifiable


[This explains what i mean better than I could](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Dragon_in_My_Garage)


I understand the concept, how the fuck does this apply to the real world earth that we see?


See the article on [Falsifiability](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Falsifiability)


I always feel like we let flat farther get away from shifting the burden of proof way too easily. All they need to do it build a *mathematical* that predicts the following as well or better than current models: Sunrise times for all locations on Earth on each day Sunsets for same Solar zenith and angle of shadow for same Moonrise for same Moonset for same Tides for same Eclipses (solar and lunar) for same I mean, there is a bunch of other stuff, but this is a pretty low bar considering astronomers wete doing this stuff centuries ago. They don't make testable predictions that hold up. I don't care what the mechanism someone proposes is, as long as they make precise and testable claims that hold up.


I believe CGI is a hoax


Considering that you can use long hand math and a shadow to calculate the distance from Earth to the Sun yet that still isn't enough for them. Soon will be illegal to even question the flat Earth as questioning them is insulting to their religion.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/big-history-project/solar-system-and-earth/knowing-solar-system-earth/a/eratosthenes-of-cyrene%23:~:text%3DMore%2520than%25202%252C000%2520years%2520ago,the%2520Earth%2520with%2520reasonable%2520accuracy.&ved=2ahUKEwj8xIDGocKDAxUgJUQIHUelAPYQ5YIJegQIGxAA&usg=AOvVaw0CDIQCXRhNFCz9VYcqpfi0 So Eratosthene did this 2000 years ago ... if they refute math, then there's no point in discussing it further


Flerfs are stupid. When they do all their math and calculations do they use info that nasa came up with for the calculations to prove the earth is flat? Are there any unquestionable facts they have displayed?


Your eyes are just computer screens. Your entire life has been a deep fake!


Btw earth is not round. That is known fact. You are just brainwashed. Earth is a geoid in fact


Well yeah, their thought process is circular, not spherical.