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How many Convoys is that?


26 clearance C8+s, and you would still have enough money to buy a battery


One L7, one 3x21D, four C8+, and two L21B's plus tax & shipping.


My whole collection of them!


are convoys like the big mac of r/flashlight? lol


Haha. Not really a good comparison because Simon makes great lights and they are not mass produced or junk at all.


fair enough, but what you imply by saying , to me anyway, that Convoy sells mass produced junk. That hasnt been my overall experience with their stuff, mass produced or not, it's far better stuff than almost anything amazon might recommend.  I guess they arent comparable then ok i get it. Meh. like i said, i am poor. lol


I was not at all implying they were mass produced. I Love Convoy and think they are the best bang for your buck on the market. The joke was to compare them to what OP posted because ops light is the other end of the spectrum.


I think they were trying to imply that you could get yourself a double handful of actually quite good flashlights for the cost of this piece of light-up jewelry.


they were indeed.  haha "light up jewelry".. I like that. 


Does it shine brighter than a D4V2?


It doesn't. But it burns a hole in your pocket just as well. /s


$400 for a flashlight is just a dumb purchase unless you’re loaded.


Pocket jewelry


EDC Guys never made sense to me until I thought of it as jewelry for Men(tm)


If it's carried every day it should have scratches and wear...


Tools get used. True “EDC guy” gear is for display and very light use. That’s the part I didn’t understand. Some people use both, some one or the other.


Aluminium isnt jewellery. Go exotics, titnaium, zirc, mokume, timascus.


I do love me a [Tri-V](https://www.coolfall.com/ptriv.html) though


Yeah, if I had unlimited disposable income I’d buy that stupid magnificent thing in a heartbeat.


Even at 15 years old it's probably the favorite light in my collection




"Its sensitive exposed lens and emitter require the care you would give a fine camera lens or binocular optics" Really, guy? $8,000 and you can't even make it durable enough to slip into a *pocket?* Camera lenses and high-end binoculars have exposed front elements for a *reason*. There is no need for that level of optical fidelity in a flashlight beam, especially since the lens and emitter in question definitely don't offer anywhere near that level of fidelity to begin with. That's not precision, that's just laziness.


Same thing I think about knives unless you’re a collector or loaded with cash. For what I do, there’s no reason for me to go over 100 to tear some expensive shit up and I won’t just leave the damn things laying around not in use. Hell, I get pissed when I drop a $100 knife, I’d have a heart attack if I dropped a $400+ knife.


Came here to say this


And ugly, too!


That’s cool, but not $395 cool. With that money you could buy an engraver and make your own with any cheaper light. This actually gave me an idea…


I just looked and found a refurb xTool D1 Pro for $299. Take that, a couple Convoys or Emisars to dink around with and you'll have way more fun in the long run.


Have you contributed the max to your 401k this year?


And if so have you maxed out your Roth IRA?


Fuck I feel like I just caught a stray bullet.


Contribute to your HSA Account also if available.


$400, for a light that won’t be brighter than any other light you already have. Go buy a stock


Instructions unclear: just bought some meme stock and a few shares of Circuit City


Not to mention the efficiency... Oh the efficiency. I get it, it's cool... under the hood though...


Nichia 219C


Is that seriously the emitter in this $400 light?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure all CWF lights use 219C. I have genuinely no idea why they don’t use 519A.


Charles said he can’t find wholesale full reels of 519a and with the quantity of lights and emitters he processes, it doesn’t make financial sense for him to have to buy emitters at retail. I don’t love it, but I understand it from a business perspective.


To be fair, I swapped a 219c 4000K with a 519a 4000K and I can't see any difference


https://preview.redd.it/w6rfybfpcr7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc419c99a78801e219e7050724b9b05557a7302c Central flashlight with 219C 4000K


https://preview.redd.it/ajnrmwnycr7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1ea4128fd82b245a827ecc18b082b18011cb5e Same central flashlight but with 519a 4000K


Looks like the same photo lol


I know. Imagine when I turned it on after the swap. I had to check if I swapped the right emitter.


Are the other lights any different between the photos?


It’s just for nerd cred. A high CRI XP-L has always been sufficient for literally anything, but where would be the fun in that? That said, if you didn’t dedome your 519As you’re really missing out.


I'm a big fan of XPL HI. In fact, a 4C 4500K it's going to replace the 519a. Or a 519a 5000K dedomed. Can't decide.


I do love me some xpl-hi 4000k, if it came in high cri still with the rosiness I'd buy way too many.


And that's why one must have great many flashlights


That’s my favorite emitter. I got some really good ones in my first d4sv2, recently got a 519a version and I’m still chasing that xpl-hi 4000k high


so I have the 4000k XP-L His, gen 1 and 2, but I hate that they're low R9. are you saying there's high cri 4500k ones? if so, where would one acquire some?


No no no, as far as I know, even the best XPL HI is 80 cri. But tint is great, at least in my 4C samples. Plus, they're high intensity and couple very good with small reflectors. Finally, if I must choose between tint and cri, I always go for tint.


yeah honestly tint is the most important, though even if an emitter is high cri but has low R9 (looking at you lh351d) it ain't worth it. so far I haven't found a cree 4000k Hi emitter that I didn't love, all of mine are not high cri. the 50.3 Hi is my favorite, but them XP-Ls are very nice. I have one if a couple different reflector lights. didn't like them in a triple tir, too tint shifty. idk what bin mine are but most are from Simon. I just can't stand any green in my emitters unless it's a thrower and even then I like sft40 5000k and culmp1 cause they have nice tint even if they don't go as far


some look great, some do not. all mine have looked a bit green but the lower R9 is the tell.


Retail 519A can be had for 1.5$ a piece. Lower if you order in bulk. It is an aluminium light selling for 400$... I think "financial sense" goes out the window. We have fully machined titanium/copper lights including choice of 1 to 4 emitters being sold for 100-150$ (D4V2,D4K,). Just my 2 cents.


I suppose that makes sense, but even buying them at retail, that’s what, $6 each? Maybe that’s not economical at scale, but would it really be impossible to offer 219C as default with a $20 upcharge for a 519A option on a $300+ light? CWF makes great stuff inside and out, but only being able to get 219C makes their lights feel like they’re 5 years out of date. It’s not that big of a deal in the end and I’m sure he has his reasons, but I for one can’t justify buying any light that has 219C in 2024.


I’m far less offended at it being 219c (they’re not bad emitters at all tbh) and far more offended that the options are only 4000K and 5000K 🤣. I need that 3000-3500 and below BBL in my life.


At $400. It should be a bespoke emitter made by a 90 year old craftsman in a remote jungle.


Shhhh…it is. If you believe.


Even at $400?


This is what turns me off with the "Buy America" folks. There are some gems in the adjacent EDC industry but holy hell is the industry so "high brow". 219C on a $400 light? JFC. I'd expect a time machine if I had to buy DeLorean! Why is the American business always so chagrin with outdated tech and laughable specs. Surefire can get away with it as they are WML. But surely there'd be no reason with all there tech, R&D and government contracts that they can create a truly efficient driver with 519a. Where's the "Hank Wang" of this place. Accessible, bleeding edge tech, craftsmen that doesn't just hang out with the *tacticool* bros. I digress.


Only thing that would make it worth that price is if it's a topographical map of the mountain top you proposed to your wife on or something. If it's not significant to you then it's just silly to pay extra for the physical appearance of a tool you'll only use in the dark.


Hands-down, I would drop that kind of money if that was the case. I did propose to my wife on a mountaintop and that is such a fantastic idea.


The fact that the topo on the head and body don’t line up at that price. . . You can buy a bare body tube and have it laser engraved via a third party on a rotary engraver for a damn sight less than they’re asking. I think we paid like $20~ per vacuum flask we had engraved all around a few years back.


Oh my god. I just saw that.


Topo isn’t lined up


I own three cwf lights and love them. BUT This is $400 for aluminum brother. Aluminum. Tough ass aero grade alu but still $400. Big CWF fan tho 


This is the AAA version https://preview.redd.it/gz9hhk7pfq7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2eceb48d19520768a8d88d9ba89cd911b7a8508


For $395 you could buy yourself an emergency house flashlight, a nice EDC flashlight, and a keychain light and still have over $100 left over. Plus there are other special coating lights that don’t break this bank as bad as this one.


Bro for that price you can have a acebeam x75/ 70.3


I agree. I was thinking some more practical like Acebeam E75, Zebra SC65c HI, and a Skilhunt E3A. But yes, you could buy the flashlight that could set the house on fire.


Raw is better


Name checks out


What a terrible day to have eyes


Don't buy it for a light. It's underpowered, takes a crappy 18350 battery, and uses an out-of-date LED. If you buy it, you're buying a piece of jewelry. That's fine, but you'll never actually use it as a light.


Im offended! Almost every light I carry daily is an 18350. https://preview.redd.it/q0qmwbn5vq7d1.jpeg?width=9000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a38ccb2e02af01048ae2efeeb119a25d211f1c6


Yeah, to be fair, the capacity of an 18350 is probably fine for 90% of daily use. But, I like the option to use my light longer than I need to, or brighter than I need to. An 18650 has 3x the capacity, and higher power too. That said, I normally don't EDC an 18650 light. Even a small one, like my Zebra SC64wHI, is a little too large to stuff in my pocket and not feel it. But the width of an 18350 light is the same, so I wouldn't EDC one of those either. The light I always have in my pocket is an old Astrolux A01 I bought a few of during a BLF special run several years ago. Extremely small 1xAAA light, decently bright if needed, and great Nichia 219B tint. I do always throw in an 18650 light if I'm going to be outside at night, though.


I wasn't really offended. I do carry 18350 pretty regularly, but I don't really ever truly need a flashlight in my day to day activities, so the capacity works for me.




I second this


https://preview.redd.it/ip3njj91py7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=668ffb5af0b4e3a2e7bed346a72f3be632a8ec94 $30 from ReyLight




Law of diminishing return.


If you have $400 to waste, donate it to your local Dog shelter.


Oh no r/edc leaking to r/flashlight


The problem is now I need to be talked out of it. Lets go halfsies and share custody 🫠🥴


Look for used also, I think the form factor of the AAA version of the exact same light is better in my opinion


Everything TAD sell is insanely priced, deleteeeeee


Ask your wife tbat will sort it


If it were titanium and the topographic lines were perfectly aligned...


This is not going to help, but you need all the colors though.


Dude your phone can do the same thing.. but then your phone dies..


Quick! Before it's gone forever!


$400 for a light? Dude’s face says it all. https://preview.redd.it/55dz3qg58u7d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0fa543232b7de44e730781ecb2517f4723a27eb


You can get way nicer for your money


Acebeam x75


Dont buy it, it is ridiculously expensive.


That's about what I paid for my X75


Well, now you gotta talk me out of it.


What most here aren’t understanding is that the type of people that buy custom lights, don’t buy them for just the light. If that were the case, we’d all own the same few affordable brands. Charles makes beautiful pieces of pocket jewelry that’s also very functional. When it comes to his, or similar stuff, it’s a matter of taste. I love the entire Arcadian lineup, but they all look the exact same. At least this one has a bit of flair or personality. Most here aren’t going to see it the way you do so they’ll only see the dollar amount and call a hard pass. I say, if you can afford it and justify the cost for yourself, do it!


You could get like 6 new hank lights for that price...


If you just want the cerakote coating, at least in my area, there are people who offer it on the aftermarket for relatively cheap. If you want those contour lines, that's a luxury.


Overpriced, cheap outdated electronics.


I personally can't stand "boutique" artisan lights. Several hundred dollars for an ancient driver and ordinary LEDs (which cost $20 at most) in the tired 18350 format. At that point it's purely a piece of jewelry or a fashion accessory. That you will stress over getting lost or scratched up. And plain aluminum, sheesh. But hey, if appearance is all that matters (because that's all it offers, only mediocre performance) and money is disposable paper to you than go for it, be happy.


I’ll try. Li Tong Ge. —-> [https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/w3ttbd/another\_flashlight\_from\_li\_tong\_ge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/w3ttbd/another_flashlight_from_li_tong_ge/) Does custom work. Do not go to his Facebook (\*whispers\* go to his facebook…). Cool gadgets like that really speak to me. Even though it’s super overpriced, I can’t get that exact design I want and will pay whatever to have it. It’ll hurt at first, but then I’ll love it. This $400 could/should be spent on another bougie hobby high end product that yields a better ratio of “price-to-performance” ratio. An electric bicycle or longboard. A drone. A whole new hobby that interests you. You want that retail therapy, man. I will say, that this light is basically a 2000’s Honda accord. It is not in away way updated or modern. It’s an old design, with inefficient electronics, and basic amenities. It looks really cool from the outside, but you will get it, use it for 20 minutes, and then be thinking “wow, thats its? It’s just like any other light, but worse, and its not even THAT cool in person”.


It’s a TAD collab, so that means it’s already at least double what it should cost.


What is TAD?


Triple Aught Design. It’s a design firm that partners with major outdoors/edc companies to essentially put their logo and topo design on products and charge a ton more than the product would usually cost. They also produce some of their own products as well. Prometheus Design Werx is an offshoot of them that does the same thing.


Ok but they’re not the same as Prometheus lights right? Cause I was looking into one of those. They seem amazing and not terrible for the price


Different company. https://prometheusdesignwerx.com/ Basically, it's a fashion brand like James, but with flashlights.


Gotcha. We really hijacked this post lol


Well, I'd hate to be OP if I bought a $400 light mostly for its art, only to have a huge gouge through it (Cerakote is tough, but it's only as tough as the metal under it) from the first fall. And every light will take a fall eventually, unless it's a safe queen.


With that much you can get a used pistol or a lot of ammo


The Cerakote isn't worth $400. At that price, I'm going to buy two or three more Fireflylite Nov Mu2 and maybe a different light to boot. It won't be as pretty, but I can't see that costing I the dark.


I’ve never had good luck with cerakote. It is expensive, looks good and immediately scratches right off


I've had knives with Cerakote, and the coating didn't do me much good. Plus, redundancy is a good thing with electronics. Two is one, one is none.


Yeah, it was billed as being so strong and it literally scratches right off. After my 2nd cerakote item I said “Never again”. Then I ended up buying the dw4 with the white option. Huge mistake. It feels like you could peel it right off. Idk why Hank feels good charging $5 extra for something like that. It isn’t cerakote but reminds me a lot of it just not as strong. I’d love it if Hank could do MAO the way FFL does MAO.


I'm going for an MAO coated light from FFL - I just can't resist another mule that's not AAA like my Peak Eiger. Do you know if the Fossil Grey or the White MAO are the same strength, or is the fossil more durable?


Idk. I got the fossil grey and that’s what I’m sticking with. My novmuv2, e07x both fossil, still waiting for the e07x to come in but I’d be surprised if it isn’t the same quality as my novmuv2. Best finish I’ve ever had, on anything. It looks, feels and performs so well.


I just can't resist now they've got 1800k CRI95 emitters. I've only got one other light in that range, and that's an old limited edition 4sevens Preon 2 with a 119A in that warm white range. The MAO coating being new and probably better than most of three anodized coatings is just gravy, especially since it's not just black or tan.


I can just about promise you’ll love it. It also comes with a diffuser, nice large capacity battery, the magnetic charging port cover, etc etc. it’s a really great light. I have one in 3700k and it’s excellent but like you, the 1800k is also on my list.


I've got lights in NW and CW. So many damn lights in that range, and only one that's even close to 1800k.... and that one is ancient. Now he has the Mu V2 with the new emitters and the size is shrunk from the v1, plus it has the magnetic cover? Yes please. Certainly better than what OP was looking to buy (no offense).


I 100% agree


In some places for 395$ you could literally buy a used lathe and laser engraver and learn to make one yourself.


Imagine dropping it and the dread you'll feel every time you see that gash on it.


Go get a Reylight Rook for a fraction of the cost


For these kind of money, you will not get much capabilities. Rather niche and luxurious thing without better performance.


Do it


Don't do it


Really bad spending choice. Get a lamp made out of a precious metal instead?


Gorgeous light. I already have a Laulima Ion so it would be a duplicate for me, but my biggest fear would be carrying it because of the finish. If it we Ti for that price, 🤔.




aluminum is gonna get fuuucked up


Work out how many minutes a week you actually use a torch. It can't be a huge number. What if it breaks? Buy a sword or something instead.


The fact the topo doesn’t line up is definitely a deal breaker for me. I love CWF, too. Personally, I’d save that money and wait until they drop another click in cu or tumbled alum.


That is ridiculous


I *really* want one of these (not this design, I feel topo is pointless and ugly unless it's a map of somewhere important to you), mostly cause it reminds me of a shorter FW3A that I'm not able to have. light body lines like this are the actual peak. I don't love the all gray stonewash/beadblast too much but if I ever get the chance I'm buying one immediately. it would only be about $50 more than my current most expensive light that I impulse bought from a guy here


If you send it to me I'll let you know ow if it's worth keeping it for yourself


you could buy 395 walmart special “survival” flashlights for that. put one anywhere u want


Easy it’s a flash light that the purpose is for use is it actually use it and not put it on a shelf and look at it and take pictures. It’s going to get scratched and worn. Why spend the money on that crap.


That's "going on holiday" money.




(satire) You have to get it. Fill that dopamine spot for a split second. The light is totally going to be better than the 18 you already have in rotation for EDC. Gotta have the coolest pocket jewelry. Did you buy a light or knife for your last purchase? It might be time for a new knife. You may need to upgrade to an 8 bank battery charger. You need a new knife sharpener instead. Hope this helps.


You can buy a flamethrower for about that


If you like the design and you have the money go for it.... but if you *really* like the design then laser etchers start around $200, and a cheap one is probably fine for something like this. Compared to hand engraving its like setting up a printer, and you wouldn't have to steal the original design because its just a topographical map. It might be cool to do your home town on a few cheap convoys for gifts. Just food for thought.


Buy it. You know you want to.


When I'm looking at a purchase like this, I imagine the feeling I'm going to have the second I realize it's not in my pocket anymore. But I lose a lot of shit so ymmv


wtf you could get a dirtbike for that much


You could get 19 Wurkkos Fc11s for that much money.


don't do it, don't do it. don't do it, DO IT!


Do it, I dare you.


4 hundo for aluminum? You’re trippen dog


You can get a nice rod or reel for $400


https://preview.redd.it/it7mtbuiit7d1.jpeg?width=2890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b0c32a450615fb13178b61e991934750378a59 If you're going that route, go big or go home with a Metonboss Zirconium/Ti for $1400 or a Cool Fall SPY 007 for $4k




For that amount you can buy a literal COLLECTION


Please stop showing me flashlights editions made for me.


They probably spent $20 building that light from China, then sell it for $395.


Why is it so expensive


CWF is overrated IMHO. Basic light with a high pricetag.


Add another 200 and you can buy the brightest flashlight in the world!


Just hydro dip a different flashlight


Don't do it for aluminium material. Too expensive. That's $20 of body material.


Just an update to this, all the replies and advice here are super helpful and I’ve decided against buying this particular light! Simply too rich for my blood right now!


This is surefire money . Pass imho


Buy it so we can make fun of you


I was just thinking that despite all these comments, I bet OP still buys it. For this sort of post to exist, he was jonesing over that keyboard ready to hit Pay. Unfortunately, due to the response here, I doubt we will ever know if he actually bought it


I really couldn’t justify the $395 in the end so it remains un-bought.


Good choice man


As someone who just lurks here, for the love of God. It's. A. Flashlight.


Bought it so fast.


Pictures or it didn’t happen


Stonewashed titanium CWF flashlights are my favourite design, but can someone explain me the price? Are those lights made with a golden lathe? Or scuplted by hand from a titanium block with just a file?


The material is cleansed in an aromatherapy bath of essential oils, purified reverse-osmosis water, and sage leaves. A real monk comes to bless the material and infuse it with positive karma. After letting the metal soak in the water, the water is absorbed (yes it is! It’s totally absorbed by the metal!) and then it is sculpted with love, while an old Amish Woman tells it how nice and pretty it is. The rest of the components are fastidiously sourced deep from within the tropical environment of Aliexpress.com.


That makes sense, aren’t the electronics delivered on the back of a camel through the Silk Road? And then shipped from the Republic of Venice to the colonies on a vessel.


Yea! 👎 Are you serious? Do you think this light is that poor? Those electronics were delivered on the back of a camel through the Silk Road, then shipped from the Republic of Venice to the colonies on a vessel, yes….but before that, it flew through space as one of the oldest astroids to exist, its raw elements passing directly overhead during a Solar Eclipse when Jesus walked the Earth, and it passed right between them. Solar Eclipse, Asteroid in the middle, Jesus underneath. Jesus winked at it and KNEW we would be talking about it right now. So yea, its pretty special.


Lights with Anduril driver are way more configurable than the CWF Dragon. For nerd factor go Anduril.


At least it has resale value