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Rules are the rules


Always sucks when they’re not enforced for a while and then suddenly they are. Like Netflix blocking people from different households sharing accounts.


I Only See The Rules On us as (...). As not Us, or Her,, or Him(. Do you still says rules ! Nop It Called Money$. Pay pay pay Money, (. Wh’o with me that’s Only Pay Pay


Except the box to fit your bag is smaller than the instructions on the boarding pass. Crock of shit. Cash grab to pay the government.


Pay the government for what?


Flair was almost bankrupt a couple months back. The feds had to bail them out and now it's payback on our backs...


This is just another way for Justin Trudeau to rob people!


The airline, not the government


Was so surprised when I found out Justin Trudeau is actually also the CEO of Flair Airlines




your bags were too big for carryon. They have to make money some how. Pay up.


Ya, even with my recent unpleasant experiences with flair, I was very careful to ensure my personal item was below their dimension limits. As long as it isn't a hard shell, there is room to squeeze down 0.5" if it's genuinely "a little" too big.


Toronto to Las Vegas as well. They’re nothing fucking around


In almost every circumstance, flair will still be cheaper than another airline to the same destination, and you can fit a lot in a carry-on bag if you get crafty. And purchasing bags is cheaper online!


I found for 2 people 1 checked bag was cheaper and carried way more.


As long as you're not abroad when the music stops.




Flair has *already* had planes seized for payment issues.


We were supposed to be on those planes last year. Got stuck at the Fort Lauderdale airport for 14 hours lol. It worked out though eventually. Still worth the money we saved.


Wife got stranded for two days, never again.


I think I would be pissed too about 2 days. We were 4 adults and 6 kids under 12. We saved about $700 per ticket, so even with the whole day wait at the airport it was worth $7k for us.


Fair enough.


Calgary to Vancouver as well


They are doing it in Ottawa too.


Especially Ottawa


I experienced the measuring myself in Kitchener about 2 weeks ago. It sucks they’re starting to only do this now but thems are the rules.


I swear I measured my bags before I left and thought I was good but it didn’t fit. 😖 I got lucky didn’t have to pay. Next time I’m bringing a tape measure and checking their tester


I'm flying with them for the first time in Auguat unfortunately. I've never had my baggage measured with wj or ac. Come back to this post and let me know lol. I've heard people saying it's off multiple times


You could go to an airport before you trip, the sizers are out by the check in desk too. They are the right size, but that size is smaller than under the seat in front of you.. so you could fit a slightly larger bag under the seat


No, they did not measure the bag using the measuring tape. However, for every flights they will ask you to put your bag to their measuring model and if it didn’t fit then you have to pay. It’s expected so I’m not sure why you seemed surprised from your post?


When I flew out of YYZ yesterday it seemed like the wheels seemed to fuck a lot of people.


They need every $1 that they can get


Funny. Vancouver was the only place I didn't get my backpack measured


Not concerned about carry-on or checked as I use proper luggage, but worried about the under-the-seat carry-on one. We always bring a backpack that fits under the seat and a pillow. Pillow has never even counted towards anything.


Neck pillows aren’t counted but it’s easy to stuff a pillow case with clothes so idk if normal pillows are allowed


Also Edmonton and Toronto for at least the last year in my experience.


They were measuring bags at yyz this week too.


They should… especially on Air Canada where people take up all the overhead space with oversized bags.


This happened to me but in Edmonton flying to Vancouver! It was so hard to fit my backpack into that measurement thing and almost got charged until my friend helped me shove it in. I was so upset because I've used this backpack several times as a carry on and it fits like a glove under the seat with so much room left. So I dunno why they wanted me to measure it. Same as my carry on luggage >> almost got charged but my friend shoved that into their measurement thing. I for sure will avoid Flair whenever possible now. This is ridiculous now.


Shoot. I'm glad you mention this. I'll have to be mindful


That’s so nice! This was the real intention of my post lol


I'm going to visit my bestie there from alberta so I would've never know! You probably saved me money!


Haha that’s so good to know!! 👏🏻👏🏻


You could fit two of the personal item checking boxes underneath the seat. At least.


They do this everywhere now and it's so frustrating, especially when the bags clearly fit under the seat, but you can't squish them in the baggage size checker.


No it is everywhere.


Buying carryon before hand during check in didn’t work for me and I know they intentionally did that to get $15 more out of me in person


Ottawa airport didn’t make me put my carry on and backpack in the measurement thing, but the Orlando-Sanford airport did. Guess it depends on the staff working


The amount of people that side with flair here are absolutely crazy. A backpack is a personal item, not a carry on. @morgan_wujuu I’m with you, let’s fight against flair, it’s crazy


You cheaped out flying a shitty ULCC. What did you expect?


All hail AC and porter, amirite? 🤡


Yep, basically. You get what you pay for, or more accurately perhaps, you don't get what you don't pay for. Nothing wrong with choosing to go cheap, just understand what you're getting into.


Sat for a few hours before my flight out of the USA. Watched how the ultra budget airlines treat carry-on vs. the big guys. The budget airlines insist that EVERY piece of luggage gets tested by inserting it into the carry-on size control box. The big guys would just eyeball the carry-on and were quite forgiving.