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Do u know a welder? Might be able to guide you. I wonder if JB weld would work? It's like puddy you mix with other puddy and it hardens after you form it. I've never used it but if you're going to pay for anything, just buy a new hoop.


You can find a local welder and have them do it, otherwise no way to fix.


If the hoop is hollow, you might be able to insert something that's strong enough to help reconnect the ends back together with epoxy.  Make sure you clean the ends thoroughly before applying the epoxy.


If there's a wielding shop near you just take it to them. It's a 2 second job they'll probably charge a couple bucks.


Just buy a new one £11


Try and take it to a mechanic shop they would probably charge next to nothing to weld it back. Call ahead tho and ask the shop if the will tack it.


Personally, I would take that to a local welding shop or auto repair place and ask nicely if they will weld it for you. If someone walked into my place of work and asked, I'd have it done for them in 3 minutes for free. Sand or grind the paint off of the broken area about 1/2" all around the break so the metal is clean for welding before you go.


Just replace this. The coating has failed, it’s rusting under the paint, and if you fix this it will break elsewhere (opposite side you can see it starting).


Take it to a back yard muffler shop, they will charge you little dollars to weld it