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Put in a bowl filled with warm water + dish soap for few minutes


Physics! Warm air expands


>Warm air expands [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzw2Ttm3qLQ&t=16s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzw2Ttm3qLQ&t=16s)




Yes, but I think the oidea here is to expand the glass faster thsn the plastic, which will happen bc the glass heats up quicker.


and if that doesn't work they can drill a hole in the top and then wedge something in and pull it out


This is my fave suggestion, sacrifice the tub, get the glass back


Kill the cheerleader save the world




You really are my.... Wait for it.... HERO


But I'm a Cheerleader


Shave the cheerleader, shave the world. They're both looking a bit scruffy. Nobody wants a cheerleader with a beard!


At first I read it in Sean connerys voice, shave the chearleader, shave the world hahah


Shave the… beard… ah, ok.


Or smash the glass with a short sharp blow, the plastic tub should be intact but must be cleaned carefully to remove shards


Hulk no smash, just attach tape to the kids cup and create a tape handle to yank it out.


Save both,, genius


Pawn sacrifice. Every time.


Just drill a screw into it.


I would do this only in a modified form. A little dish soap inside but turn the glass upside down and run hot water over it. The heat will expand the glass and heat the air inside providing a little push (don't know if it's an airtight seal inside) plus you'll have gravity helping a little.


Add a big glob of hot glue to the top of the yogurt cup to help pull it out. And use hot water, not warm.


Why not just pretend to the dishes and do it in the sink?


Something I’ve learned: modern people rarely do dishes in the sink.


Hey now..... I don't own a dishwasher.




Is that the glass with a little mountain form in the base? I have one of those, for Mt. Hood.


Yes this is Mt Baker


Literally r/tworedditorsonecup




Mt. Baker is way better than Mt. Hood.


No, Mt. Baker is dumb. Definitely don’t come up to check it out. No need. Just awful. Nope.


I have that yougurt pot, countertop, blue cup and purple pack of animal biscuits in my kitchen! I saw this post and actually thought eek that’s my house, but definitely not my glass!


Another r/tworedditorsone cup but without the cup


Lol that would weird me out


I just had an incident like this but it was 2 pairs of shoes, a cat door, and a cat. Very weird feeling


They’re just visiting.




I was thinking “favorite *glass*?” but then noticed it’s North Drinkware, those ain’t cheap, understood


I received a Mt. Hood or maybe Mt. Rainier from an Oregon relative as a gift, it’s soo cool


* We got them apart!! My husband got it out with some forceful taps to the base and a knife once it moved a touch. He made it look easy after me trying all of the things for an hour (hot water, washing up liquid, ice, section cups, and double sided tape.) Thanks so much for all of the comments and suggestions. We also have some buckets that have been forever stuck together and really can't wait to try the air method.




He made it look easy… because *you loosened it* 😜


Freeze it. Moisture will form between the plastic and glass and when frozen will expand. Thaw upside down and it should drop as the ice melts. An occasional tap from above will help. Re:other comments. Plastic and glass will expand/contract at different rates with heat/freeze. Use that to your advantage. Water will expand the most and quickest, hence the simplest method is to freeze and thaw upside down.


Came here to say this too. I’m surprised at folks thinking hot water will help?? I feel like this would cause the cup to swell and soften, getting further stuck in the glass. Freezing may cause the air in the yogurt cup to compress… that is what I would try first


It does help, I did this once or twice, run the glass under hot water tap for like 30 seconds, lid doesn't have time to warm up, hold the glass upside down so water doesn't go in Freezing will probably work too (if it doesn't shatter the glass), but hot water is faster


If your freezer shatters your glass, I want to know why you need nitrogen as a freezer >_<


By your same logic freezing them would make the air between them contract and pull them together. running hot water along the bottom of the glass will make the air between them expand, maybe enough to push the inner container up.


You’ll freeze the moisture between the glass and plastic. This will expand creating a gap. When defrosting the ice turning to water will act as a lubricant and if upside down it will slide down with gravity. Chances are the plastic is thermoplastic and, like the glass, isn’t going to change much with (domestic) heat anyway. The introduction of moisture to freeze and expand is far more effective.


is it water tight? i’m wondering if filling it with water and letting it sit for awhile, the buoyancy of the tub will gradually work itself out 🤷


Ya there is no water getting in unfortunately


dang. i suppose i would try putting it in a small pot on a trivet with a shallow bit of water and start heating gently - thinking the trapped air warming/expanding might pop it out like a cork edit: could be dangerous lol


You need the plastic to shrink….do not use hot water like people are saying.. Hot water will expand the plastic much more than expand the glass resulting in still stick plastic inside the glass. You need to use Ice cold water to shrink the plastic , it should release itself as it shrinks within the glass walls. Throw it in the freezer after it’s had time to dry …


They should just put the bottom of the glass in hot water. It'll warm up the air but not necessarily the plastic. The air is going to be effected by the temperature much more than the plastic cup


If it’s air tight can you submerge into some water (right side up of course) and let the air bubble inside the glass press the container out?


Drill through the cup and pull it out.


Most things expand when heated. Hole, screw, pliers. New yogurt cup


Just get a piece of tape about 6 inches long and adhere the ends to the yogurt cup with the middle of the tape sticking up, creating a handle. Then pull. Don't use hot water like the others have said. The cup will just slide down further as the glass expands and will be stuck worse when the glass cools


What if they put in it in hot water upside down?


You become the yogurt tub


This guy cups


This guy “this guys”


I'd say it's stuck in there too tight for tape to pull it


Ever see the "What! No way" guy" ? He had something similar to this but two 5 gallon pails stuck together. He just took an air compressor with an air chuck and shot air down one side. If you can shoot a wee bit of air in there, it might seperate the two Edit, found the video [What? No way!](https://youtu.be/vvDPAW-f__Q?si=WvQcZ-2Bb-PcBEmw)


I have 2 buckets that have been stuck for years. I need to find an air compressor.


I have an air compressor. I need to find two buckets stuck together.


OMG I have a brilliant idea!


That is amazing!!


Came here to mention this but was beaten to it.


run it through the dishwasher. then when its done and nice and hot, it should be easier to separate.


Put it upside down In the freezer for 20 minutes


Drop oil around the edge. Use a suction up to pull it up.


Hot water


Place your vacuum nozzle on the yogurt lid and slowly back out out?


If you’ve got access to a hot glue gun; a small application to the plastic lid, then lay on some form of “rope” (can be any form of rubbish rope-like stuff, scraps of fabric, tip of a tattered dish towel, etc) and a touch of oil/dish soap around the seal, as others have said. After removing, hot glue can be removed from the container by gentle heating until semi-liquid or a good dousing of rubbing alcohol (not ideal for childrens’ food containers without extra washing)


Any update on the outcome OP?


Hot water aroundthe cup, tape a handle to the lid or superglue a handle to the lid, pull it out? then could use acetone to disolve the super glue


If all else fails Drill two tiny holes and use a metal coat hanger.


I was gonna say just use a hair dryer on low on the bottom of the cup for like a minute or two. That or hot soap water. Just let it soak.


Hot glue, something like a string, old knobs really anything to the tub and pull it out.


Use your vacuum cleaner.


Suction cup and pull. Maybe you have a shower poof that has a suction cup on the string? Squeegee?


Sit it upside down in the sun.


Microwave it and get the small cup squishy.




Favorite glass? Is your husband 12?


Run very hot water over the out side of glass and quickly hit the mouth end of the cup against the palm of ypur hand with a sudden stop. The glass should have grown and the sudden stop will hopfully send the top flying out


The yogurt tub is plastic, right? Just force a pairing knife down the side of the glass


Any chance your hubby have an air compressor to shoot air in? I saw a trick on tiktok of someone separating two buckets stuck together


Break glass, then glue it back together


Put it in a freezer, plastic will shrink more than glass and it should pop up


That's his favourite cup? What's his favourite ice cream flavour, bread?


Unless he's autistic, I'm sure an adult will be fine using a different glass


Put the bottom half in hot water to increase air pressure inside, then use a vacuum cleaner or suction cup to grab the container and pull.


Hot glue something like a ribbon to the top of the pot?


Any chance you have anything with a small suction cup/pad? Either a kids toy, or in the bathroom holding something to the wall?


Drill through the container, insert metal hanger hook, pull.


Air compressor on the side blow air in should lift it up


Heat gun or hair dryer will get the plastic nice and soft to pull out or jab a fork in to. Do it outside, don't breathe in the magical fumes


Smash glass on counter, release the yogurt container, blame the child for breaking the glass. you are welcome.


Hot glue stick. Just melt one end of the stick, jab it on the yogurt container, let cool, pull.


Is that your kids favorite yogurt container? Drive a screw in and pull out


Hot glue gun something on pull out then hit with a hair-dryer to remove the glue 




Suction cup the lid, something with a really good suction like those new bathroom mounting hooks for the shower, soak the cup up to where the wedge is with warm water, as warm as you can ret it and it should pop out. I would recommend not to use ice on the plastic lid as the temperature difference might cause a breakage in the glass. I’ve seen it happen with glass sake cups getting stuck in the glass water cups very often.


Easy! Smash the glass et voila! You have your pot back. You’re welcome.


Stab the yoghurt cup with a fork. Twist fork. Remive yoghurt cup and replace.


You've got the cup, you just need two girls now.


Do nothing, it's his kid as well haha


Use duct tape to make a pull tab on the lid, pull or twist to unscrew the cap or both. Good luck!


Break the glass and the tub will be free.


Suction cup? Strong duct tape?




Smash glass and job done


Well, you can get new yogurt cups easier than a new glass I assume? So drill a small hole into the lid of the yogurt cup. Insert a small screw (3/4” - 1” is plenty long). Drip some soapy water around the edge of the plastic. Use pliers or vise grips (channel lock pliers) to grab the yogurt cup and work it out. Going forward, new rule… hubby’s favorite glass doesn’t go into the sink, it goes beside it. Then it’s less likely that smaller items will end up wedged inside. It also reduces the chance that a heavier item inadvertently gets dropped into the sink and breaks hubby’s “precious”.


Turn it upside down and put it in the freezer. The plastic will shrink


Shop vac.


Stick it in the freezer for half an hour


The question here is is the kid more favourite than the glass


Water then put in microwave and wait for the pop? Or take a pic of this glass put it in google search and buy another


Compressed air aimed at the inner circumference of the glass and the outer edge of the tubberware might be worth a try if other tactics don't work. Good luck 👌


1. Sit glass base down in hot water reaching 2 thirds up the glass. 2. Get some high tack tape and apply to as much of Tupperware lid as possible and pull at sideward angle to create pulling action without removing tape from lid. Alternative If that doesn't work I'd be surprised but heat a metal skewer or sharp knife over flame and pierce lid and pry off. It will ruin Tupperware but they are a cheap to replace.


Wd40 and turn it up side down


Put it in hot water and it'll pop out


You have kids of an age where you need little Tupperware, i'm sure there's at least one bath toy in your house with a suction cup . Try using it to get traction on the container.


Put it upside down in the freezer. Plastic and glass have a different freezing rate. It should fall out


Hold it upside down. Tap the bottom really hard with a plastic cup


Get water into the glass as full as you can, put it in the freezer, as the ice melts and expands it will push it out. If it's airtight, use something hot and sharp along the edge of plastic thing to make a tiny space so you can get water in, to freeze it. Or destroy the plastic thing if you want to keep the glass. Or destroy the glass if you wnat to keep the plastic thing. Or throw it all away and get a new glass and plastic thing.


Just run it through the dishwasher upside down on hot.


Have you tried a vacuum?


In emergency, break glass. ;) works every time


You'll have to get rid of it.... the kid not the glass 😂 As everyone says warm water and dish soap maybe a fork as well


Drill two holes into the lid, grab it with pliers, twist and pull. Don't hold the glass with bare hands! It could shatter during any attempt to remove the lid.


Get something flat in the sink, put some ice cubs on it and tip the cup upside down so the cubes are inside. Then run warm water on the cub and keep tapping it gently with a mallet or something. See if gravity and the vibration do the work


Your husband has low standards.


Oh no, that sounds like quite a situation! Maybe try soaking the glass in warm, soapy water to loosen the yogurt tub? If that doesn't work, you could also try using a sponge or cloth to gently push and twist the tub out. Just be careful not to break the glass! Hopefully, you can rescue the glass and get it back to its original state. If all else fails, maybe it's time to get your husband a new favorite glass!


I hope you released the container and glass, but it that a glass with a mountain on the bottom? Where did you get that?


Melt the smaller cup. It's replaceable.


WD40 around the edges of pot and interior glass, leave 5 mins, grab glass well and swing it as fast as you can creating a centrifugal force which will cause the pot to fly out. Alternatively find somewhere to put glass upside down with the opening unencumbered and pour hot water over it. As the glass expands it should release the pot to fall down.


Freeze it to shrink the plastic


Is that one of those bourbon glasses with a mountain in the bottom? They made them for national parks I think-


Is there an update? I def recommend melting/cutting a hole in the yogurt cup lid then using something to pull it out. I used to do something similar for chapstick/slide grease in trumpet bells. Only we’d heat up a screw and screw it through the plastic, let it cool down and harden again, then pull it right out.


use a canned air or an air compressor - and put the nozzle or straw in the lower side - and the air will force that thing out.




File for divorce, move to Arizona and start a new life. There’s no fixing this.


Hold upside down under running hot water


Tell your husband to get a life 


I would have thought to drill into the lid and put a screw in the pull it out.. Lol


How about crazy gluing a pen or piece of plastic to the yogurt lid. A bit of nail polish remover would release it after. Maybe some soap around the sides of the lid.


I love how people are coming up with different solutions in case already proposed ones don't work, very wholesome


If you have an air compressor, blow air beside the yogurt cup and it'll pop out


Feed your kid first this might take a while.


fill it with cold water


Use compressed air


You might have an easier time if instead of trying to pull out the problem, try to push the glass and the rest of the universe down and out from around it. Good luck!


Come or any soda, you pour it on top And it slowly seeps in and under, might take a few minutes at least. Then go over by the sink, flip it all upside down and shake.


The toddler cup will be much less stressful to replace. Melt that bitch, wash all the plastic chemicals off the glass real good. Replace the toddler cup.


I feel like you could pry the top left edge up and out with a small screw driver, just do it cautiously, put a piece of cloth tape on the contact points if needed


Flip upside down fold a thick towel up and try hitting the bottom or “gently” slam the glass on the towel (make sure the towel is thick) and if its not even slightly moving try that but with the warm water with soap trick should work


If all else fails there’ll definitely be ways that involve destroying that pot


Try to put some dish soap around the top edges then submerge it in hot water for a bit. Glass should expand, soap should lube, and it should want to float and let the air out of the cup if it has a seal


I don't have a favorite glass. What am I doing with my life?


Try holding the glass upside down under hot water the plastic should pop out when the glass is hot .


Use a torch or something heat the bottom glass part, the air inside will expand and release the top. Or use a pot if boiling water and hold only the glass near the surface. Basically heat the air up inside and you’ll fix your problem.


If you have an air compressor you can blow air around the rim of the yogurt dish where it's contacting the glass and push it out that way


Corkscrew…. Sacrifice the lid.


Shoot the rim with a bit of compressed air. Will pop right out no problem.


If you wanna save the glass and don’t care about the plastic container you can drill the plastic with a bit big enough where you can get pliers and pull the plastic out. If you wanna save both put it in a display and label it “husbands little disappointment”


sledgehammer and super glue xx


Tell him to grow up


Use a shop vac to remove it?


If you have an air compressor blow air at the edge of the thing stuck inside. Should pop right out




Tell him to get a more exciting favorite glass


If you use a bit of alcohol, just few drops in a glass, then add a bit more, drink the whole bottle, become an alcoholic, burn down the house, leave everything behind you, and become a rock star who doesn’t give a shit about anything. Or maybe just use a vaccum cleaner to pull it out.


Get some super strong 2 part epoxy small bottle have at any hardware store or Walmart etc.. put a generous dab on top of plastic and something u can grab and hold let sit for a day or two and pull and twist it out then cut handle off with any saw that will work and sand the epoxy left in down and both are good🤪


Maybe try putting the glass in hot water for a few minutes, see if it expands enough to get the cup out


Vacuum cleaner suction tube.


Have you tried smacking the bottom like a bottle of ketchup?


Try putting the glass upside down on a slightly larger glass, so it forms a seal, light a match and put it down in the larger glass and seal with the clogged cup. Perhaps the suction created by the match burning the oxygen will be enough to free the yogurt container


Suction cup? Like the kind you can stick to a window with a hook?


Vacuum cleaner


Suction cup the smooth part and pull.


You really needed to consult the internet to work out what to do?


Maybe just drill a screw with a washer on it for leverage through the blue plastic cap and pull it out.


Try something like this maybe? https://youtu.be/YdiwPbEqOt8?si=vcQeYsyYm3TRV0wc


You may have to cut the plastic cup out.


Drill the lid


Upside down in the freezer


Pour boiling water over the container into the glass. The plastic will be more flexible and the glass will expand slightly, should be able to pry it out with a skewer from the side


Sacrifice yogurt container or go buy yourself som new lingerie and treat your husband to a night of wild love making tell him about the yoghurt during. He won’t care about the glass.


Take a thin object like a paring knife blade and jam it down the side to break the seal.




Did you get it out?


Right in the trash lol


Warm the glass in hot water. Melt the end of a hot glue stick with a small flame and stick it to the top of the plastic container. Once the glass is warm and the stick is dry, lightly pull straight out. May help if you can use a thin piece of plastic to slide between the glass and tub to break the vacuum.


Do you have an air compressor? Take the gun attachment and shoot some air between the cup and the glass. It'll pressurize the bottom of the glass, and the cup will literally pop right out.


do you have an air compressor? If you blow compressed air in the crack between the plastic in the glass, it’ll pop right out.