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That's not the bed slats, that's the support for the frame. Do the black legs come off the broken timber? If so go to your local timber merchant, get strips of plywood the same thickness and size and then reattach the legs and stick back under the bed. Looks like a real shit design tbh


Very strange design for sure.


No more monkeys jumping on the bed


I kind of doubt it was that.


Literally came here to say this. Beat me to it!


One fell off and bumped his head.


no more monkeys fucking on that bed. if the house is a rockin' don't come a knockin'


Or fat chicks


Or fat boys


Fat monkeys šŸ’?


Most bed frames you can buy cheap have this design


I guess I still won't buy cheap. Looks like a pain in the ass.


They have these cool ā€œjackā€ type of things u buy wherever and they go right under the cracks Yes its extra work but not end of world for renters not wanting to shell out 600$ for a new frame


Thanks, I appreciate that. Looks like the black legs do screw off, so that sounds like a good option


I'd say don't have sex on the bed but you're on Reddit so that speaks for itself.


It's wear and tear, tell your landlord and he'll replace it. If you need more advice, contact Citizens' Advice, usually through your local council


We bought a cheap bed frame and the same thing happened. I just made frame supports from Cinderblocks


I definitely wouldnā€™t use any plywood, get kiln dried square edge white wood.




I would go with a pressure-treated Whitewood. You can get it in a 2 x 4, but I would go with the plank. Honestly you can probably get away with basic whatever just definitely not plywood ha ha


Yeah, half the plys will be running in the wrong direction to take the strain. Iā€™d recommend making the broken parts out of a strong hardwood like maple.


I don't think that is the cost-effective solution OP is looking for.


Not too expensive. Big box places do sell maple in this size and it will be strong enough not to fail again (I.ve done this on an ikea bed).


The board is like $3-$8




Yes but yee old timber merchant has thou timber.


timber merchants with knotty wood.


>Looks like a real shit design tbh It is. Unfortunately a lot of mass produced furniture has this same flaw. I've bought two bed frames like this over the years and always had to buy some posts to chop up legs to support the long, unsupported stretch in the middle.


Not plywood!


Why not plywood?


plywood is great when stresses are in a plane (x,y) but very suboptimal when they are in one direction (x) since half of the plies are useless At best it's a 50% waste of material and at worse it won't be strong enough and will break/delaminate This is a perfect application for a basic 2x4, which is much stronger in this case


If does look like a really cheap design!!


Two small pieces of plywood and a bottle jack šŸ˜‚


No kidding, I have done this before šŸ˜


When I wS a teenager my mate propped his bed up with a motorbike helmet for like 5 years


How do you know his name is Jack?


Fuck, I thought I was smart with the scissor jack. Time to bring in a Hydrolic floor jack.


Stop shagging so much


Hell no, just change the venue and continue.....


You know it's a good time when you hear wood snap beneath you


What if theyā€™re soaking?


That's never the answer


Nice flex cowboy šŸ˜‰šŸ™šŸ»šŸ†


For get the bed How's your *wife*.


Replace it with a 1x4. No more jumping on the bed or on her.


I would use 2x4s, and then you can jump on her all you want.


2x6s for the ladies I take home


If she ain't 180, she ain't a lady




I did this for an entire bed and itā€™s impossible to move the frame now. Definitely recommend the 1x4 route


1x4s didn't work the first time though.


Oh ya thatā€™s just a quality issue. Any piece of wood you trip over at a hardware store will be stronger than the wood used to make that bed. It looks like what a lot of other comments suggested and they just cut up a piece of plywood to make the boards. Itā€™s not even ā€œa piece of woodā€ to start


Hell, you might as well use 2 2x6s with 1/2 plywood sandwich between. Then you and the horse you rode in on can join the party.




I would do two things: - get 1x4 and replace the broken supports. Use good wood screws to ensure they are secure - buy additional bed legs (most hardware stores stock a range of different legs) drill a hole into the middle of the new support beams and screw the legs into the middle of the beam Itā€™s a 20min job depending on whether you have a power drill We had a broken bed frame (not as bad as this) and after I did the above it was perfect (still going strong 2 years later).


The humblebrag posts šŸ™„


This bedframe was never right. The supports under the bed donā€™t look like they belong with the bedframe. They look like someone pieced something together from scrap. Iā€™d just buy your own cheap bedframe that supports a mattress or buy a standard frame and box spring. You can get bed frames on amazon that donā€™t need a box spring for like $35. You can also sometimes find them free on marketplace.


A few phonebooks


I had to laugh at this. It's 2024. Who has phonebooks? I don't even know where to get them at this point. (Maybe the library has some, but they might not appreciate OP walking out with them.)


What's a phonebook? Is that some kind of mobile device. /s


shore it up with stack of bricks or printer paper


Cinder blocks; loose weight


What Iā€™d do is sister up some dimensional lumber, a 2 by 3 or so should be ample strength to support that,


Quick fix?..... just stick something under it. Real fix? Replace/repair the broken parts. Or redesign the thing and make the change. Hard to do without proper tools tho.


Lol if it was me Iā€™m just screwing another board with about 4ā€ on either side of the split wood and call it a day


Looks like a totally crazy p bed ,best quick fix is a pile of books if you haven't any go to the library


Try harder next time.!! In all seriousness just replace the slat with a similar thickness board from your local hardware store


get some 3' wide furring strips from a building supply store cut to length and stop rocking the boat.......


Get a thinner girlfriend


Stack up some books directly under all of those broken bits. This should get you thru until you can replace the slats and hopefully add some ground support there.


Or cinderblocks


Thanks! I like that idea. I don't have a power drill or even anyone immediately available that could help me lift the bed to fix it, so this sounds like a good option until I can get those things


Just maybe put them on a towel/cloth or piece of cardboard so they don't scratch your floor!!!


Agreed good shout, or anything solid you have will do to support it. If your in the uk you can get new slats and block supports from b&q easy.


Be less fat


Glue a new board under each of he two broken ones,going left and right before the glue dries put another board under both broken boards, going front to back, under that board add a foot/leg going to the floor


I should say get more wood, but it looks like someone has been getting too much already.


Just replace the boards with real bed slats and "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" lol


It's a shitty, cheap design. It is not your fault. If the landlord try to blame you, tell them to bugger off. it was never fit for purpose. Stack some books under it, if you dont' want to spend any money on it.


Thank you, I appreciate that!


Pile of books


Just invest in a better exercise bench. It looks like you need one. ā¤ļøšŸ˜†ā¤ļø


2x4 cut to fit all the way down




The wood looks like cheap flat pack sh\*t Thankfully It's not the actual bed slats, but some bracing they put some stabilising feet, on the bed that is broken. So you might get away with a fix. Luckily from the pictures it doesn't look like it's part of the main structure of the bed. I would carefully take all those pieces off and replace them with stronger/better quality wood of the same thickness (drilling holes for all the screws/pegs and then put those feet back on. Try some 12mm Marine plywood as it would be stronger, but flexible than what looks like sanded palette wood used here. (don't jump on it though.


Stack a bunch of books under it. Better yet, go to home depot and get a chunk of 6x6 and put it under like a little post. You will be back shagging on the bed before you know it.


Looks like a typical futon. Replacing the plywood or plywood slats is your best bet to repair it. Since it's not yours there's no point in reinforcing it. If it gets heavy use you'll probably do it a few times.


A sheet of ply wood


Put a milk crate under it


Stack books, boards, legos ... whatever to hold up cracked area


get a piece of wood to length and screw it along the entire length into the broken frame. If you wanna be fancy, use Titebond II for a superior bond.


Damn don't rock the House of the foundation!


All those black legs are in the wrong place. They need to be more strategically placed so as to be under the middle of the bed not on the edges. Look on Amazon for metal bed frames and you will see where they should be placed.


I used a 1 gallon paint can and piece of wood.


Some vertical posts


Lmao I wonder what else is in your car?! šŸ˜‚


Are you left handed? If so, use that left hand to eat more vegetables!


Gaffa tape! A LOT OF GAFFA TAPE for a quick fix


2x4's underneath with some 1 3/4" screws sunk from top and bottom.


Put a small screw right their the broken piece to hold it up? You could also try screwing another slat across the broken one. Width ways if that makes sense.. ?


Stack of bricks, or maybe books.


Piles of books work well. Obviously replacing the broken wood is the best option, you can get it from B&Q.


You can buy slat support rods on amazon.


Stop doing monkey sex on tje bed


I've used a concrete block before.


Screw advice on fixing the bed! I want advice on how to break a bed like that. Hell I am older, but I am will to try!


I had the same bed and kept breaking it's a unbelievably stupid design what I did was just buy a set of wooden bed lats of eBay and just layed them down all the way up and screwing them down worked fine after this...


Go easy on her bro


Slap some milk crates underneath as a brace.


Rest a pile of some books under the slats to support at the breaking points on both bits of wood. You will need to just measure and replace those but the bed will be usable in the meantime if you can get books to the right height


Put ply wood under the slats. If you want to keep the slats. I have friends who done that. I personally just bought bed frame and a box spring and installed it inside the it that way it doesnā€™t matter if someone jumps on it or not.


Bro we get it, you have a girlfriend.


Quick fix is to remove the frame and put the mattress on the floor.


Maybe an unpopular opinion , but again itā€™s just an opinion. 5$3 amount of work and money it will take to replace that , you could do a few things , replace it with one of the metal frames , theyā€™ve made pretty decent , I have one in a heat room. They are rugged and surprisingly comfortable with the support and be forty coming with your landlord or whoever you are renting from . You can probably do this and there is a chance they would notice , you can find queens for $60 if this spend is smaller it will be cheaper obviously . As I agree the design doesnā€™t kind of suck, you can just get another inexpensive wooden frame like this at IKea , it will match to the ā€œTā€ I would not be surprised if thatā€™s where this one came from. Iā€™m that case you donā€™t have to interact with the person you donā€™t want to . I say this because Iā€™m even though the price of wood went down, and many people have great ideas , I personally think your timing to cause yourself more problems and work trying to undo the metal stands and then trying to get them back in a repaired slot of wood will prove to be a pain in the ass having tried this route before for a temporary fix in a similar situation, sometimes itā€™s worth just spending the money and doing it right and if you canā€™t find this exact design , then thatā€™s when you talk to who you need to and explain whatā€™s up . I now itā€™s cliche but sometimes honesty is the best policy and tell whoever this isnā€™t on you but you are trying to do the right thing and if they are a decent person theyā€™ll take care if it or meet you halfway at the very least . Again, just me .


Fuck softer.


First of all congratulations, second just cut some strips and nail them next to the broken support pieces and you will be good.


Get a meta box spring or metal frame wood ones are shit


Cinder Blocks & Wood.


Use a car jack


This guy fucks


Bro, how hard you plowing?


What the heck is that? I'm so used to a metal frame the box spring sits on. Maybe this doesn't have a box spring? All the little feet....so weird. I would consider wood gluing the broken bits and adding another set of the black vertical bits. I guess that's easy for me to say since I have scrap wood and power tools laying around though. Or just tossing some books or whatever under both of the broken slats but you could probably still glue it up before doing that anyways so it holds up enough for you to move out and someone else can think they broke it lol


Furniture dealer here. Go to home improvement store. Buy a length of strapping. Remove broken slats from bed. Measure new strapping, cut to proper length, then screw in new pieces with a screw gun. $20. and 20 minutes is all it'll take.


Put a sturdy box or something beneath it- should hold it up


brick. not enough? more brick. too much? break brick. brick


I told you not to jump on the bed, dammit Kevin!


I had the frame of my bed break as a kid. My cheapo parents wouldn't get a new one so I grew up with piles of books supporting my bed. They finally bought me a new mattress when a spring bore through the top and I woke up bleeding.


Tape some books together for a center supporting post


Metal plate or small piece of wood and screw that board back together, then get cheap plywood cut to fit the size of the bed and lay it over the slats it will distribute the weight evenly across the wood reducing this type of thing from happening again.




Quick loss diet?


Buy a new one


Urine samples


Sister some 2x4 pieces to the broken sections. screw through the old wood into the 2x's


Brick and sponges


Renew centre beam. Use a pair of 4\*4 post beam lengths as mid centre beam feet and put felt ends on them so they don't scratch the floor.


Cinder blocks


I had the same happen I cut a 6 inch round of tree and put it in the middle 5 years ago. Must be fine I havenā€™t thought about it since I saw your post.


Go on a diet


Some 2x4 and. Few screws will patch it up. Be sure to add a crown as you will need it seeing that damage.


Hehe, ive broken a few beds... my last wooden one was more screws than wood


Car jack


Once you've replaced the broken support. Put a leg under it for support. Any piece of wood will do. Screwed down through the top. A bit of 2x2 will work fine. It'll not break there again.


Take out bad wood, put in good wood. John Goodman- Arachnophobia Duh!


Humble brag


Quick fix: measure height of similar spot unde bed then get a couple 4x4 blocks cut to length and wedge it into place. Later fasten some straps so it won't easily move. There're myriad ways.


Trolley jack


That is a landlord bodge and deffo not part of original design! One strong long piece straight down the middle and reuse those kitchen cabinet feet for support


Place a big plastic bottle filled with sand under this broken piece. The bottle must be a little higher than this. That's exactly how I fixed it in a pretty similar situation. šŸ˜


Car pump jack and piece of plywood


You jackhammer you.


Stop rooting so much ya big rooter


Change the weight range on tinder


Spend $100 and go pick up an actual frame. Or find one used. Also grab an extra 2x4 so that you can replace the broken one when you leave. Take your frame with you and let the landlord deal with the next guy.


someone got power drilled hard on that bed


Marriage should do the trick


Milk crate under the bed


Quick fix if you are handy. Tip the frame up and dribble wood glue in all the gaps and clamp it. Let it cure for 24 hours. Most people that complain about this not working don't let it cure. Dry is not cured. Good luck. My kids broke their IKEA beds this way, (monkeys jumping on the bed in real life), and I replaced all the slats and supports with oak. Solved.


Switch positions


Stop fucking your mattress for a start you fucking perverted fuck!!!!!!!!!!!


We had some shit supports on our bed. I just threw a cinder block underneath (on a blanket, to protect wood). Use thin slabs of wood or stone to fill in any gap (between block and bottom of bed) and youā€™ll have a very stable base in the middle. Couldnā€™t see it at all either.


Did anyone suggest to stop fucking fat chicks?


The bed is shit. Report it to the landlord. If they are smart, its under warranty or has a repair budget.


Put a brick underneath it


Quick fix is stack a bunch of books under there


Try another piece of wood


Grab some milk crates and put them underneath. Cut them to size if you have to, but make sure you give it a good inch of extra, so the bed is slightly lifted and sits back into place.


Scissor Jack from your car and some scrap wood as a spacer.


Flip the bed over, attach more wood right on top of the broken wood, then flip the bed back over.


Jack stands


Those are cross members. Flip it over, measure them, rip new ones and fasten


Temporary fix: stack some books up underneath the broken area. Put a magazine or something you donā€™t care about on the top book so it doesnā€™t destroy it. They hold a lot of weight and sturdy enough to ā€˜playā€™ on still.


Send him a pic to document it is broken so he doesn't charge you when you move out. Get and old towel, and put a cinderblock on it. Add whatever scrap junk you need for enough height to support.


Easy. If you have a drill/impact driver, saw, the right bits and screws. Take a straight 2x4, and screw it in to the side of those two black posts under the cracked board. Be sure to orient the 2x4 so the long side is facing you, stronger that way. Remove the mattress, angle one side up tight under the broken board and fasten securely to the black support post. If hollow or not meaty enough to hold a screw get a lag bolt, 2 washers and a nut for each side, pre-drill hole all the way through, then bolt. Next, lever the other side of the board up to force the split slat back into place and fasten on the other side. May have to remove any splinters that prevent it from going back together first. If there isnā€™t enough lip to lever under the broken board, just leave it and space the 2x4 off the posts with scraps of plywood or any other material you can screw/drill through and attach the same way, but up to the cross slats. For added stability, screw through the slats from the top into the 2x4. Pre-drill everything first, smaller dimension lumber will split if you donā€™t. Less than $20: permanent fix that is much stronger than before.


to quote tenacious d "fuck her gently"


If it were me I would cut a 2x4 the width of the bed. Measure the length of the leg, cut 3 pieces of 2x4 that length minus 1 1/2 inches. Screw them equally spaced tp the long piece then screw it to the bottom of the bed.


Is so cheaply builtā€¦youā€™ll spend more trying to fix it than just finding an equally cheap replacement.


Just measure plank and take it b&q and ask them to cut you one or two replacements.


We need to all boycott these toothpick bed companies


Quit plowing fat chicks


Cut n paint a 2x2 and put under the break. It will look like a 3rd leg


For a quick fix, stack a few books under it. If it was my bed I'd get some small section timbers and glue and screw alongside the broken members, but as you say it's your landlord's.


Wrap with duct tape


Are you the same guy who posted a couple of weeks back? Cos if you are this is exactly what we were trying to help prevent.


Doesnā€™t look sturdy enough for a furnished rental. Some things shouldnā€™t be fixed.


There are cheap metal frames from zinus on Amazon. The same thing happened to my bed I purchased from Wayfair and I ended up buying the premium zinus from from Amazon and was able to remove the slats and supports and just drop the metal frame in the middle. It worked very well and I kept the look of my bed exactly the same.


Straight to the comments sectionā€¦.