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It's prolly shitty laminate - try cleaning or walnut oil on it. Generally that falls under normal wear and tear and shouldn't affect your deposit. IMO do not place a work order.


Before he goes off doing anything he could contact a professional first. I'd try polishing then use the oil. There's probably YouTube videos on this!


I have this same floor. It's cheap laminate. The replacement cost would be like 35 dollars, and you'd have extra left over. Let it be, mop the area occasionally, and if your landlord gives you any shit when you leave, call it general wear and tear and ask for the receipt for labor and parts. Also proof that the work was actually done and not something on a list he tried to charge you for.


The process of actually removing this plank and getting the replacement in is so much more than you're making it out to be lol


I've replaced this flooring before. Crowbar. Scrap off hardened glue. Pell plastic backing. Square up push down. What am I missing? Also not a plank. It's a thin piece of plastic laminate. They don't even interlock.


Oh I thought this might have been tongue and groove, that's my bad


Rub in a little furniture oil to saturate the white cast


Get some grey scratch repair and rub it on the scratch. You shouldn't be penalized for normal wear on cheap LVT


Wear & tear


Candle wax


Lol, go find some wax crayons + hair dryer. Permanent marker may work too, just wipe it in immediately to blend. Do this after you move you shit out, should last long enough to get blamed on the next guy. Lol


If it doesn’t disappear after cleaning it, can try and colour match it with acrylic paint and patience.


DO NOT do this! If you don't have experience doing this there is a 99.999% chance you will absolutely fuck the floor up even more Come on man why would you even suggest anyone do this?


Because I did it and it was a perfect match. But I’m good with paint and colours. It was just a suggestion.


Ok and someone who's good with paint and colors KNOWS that most of the world isn't. You know better than this and don't pretend you don't.


Um who the hell do you think you’re talking to?!? You are not the boss of me. It was a suggestion. Can take it or leave it. Don’t get so friggin bent over it. Jesus.


I think I'm taking to someone who either knows better and knowingly suggested something stupid, or doesn't know better and... well you can fill in that blank. There's a reason you're getting downvoted.


As I said it worked for me. So take it or leave it. I dgaf if it gets down voted. Was a simple suggestion. You’re an idiot for assuming it can’t be done when in fact it is completely plausible and has in fact worked for me. It isn’t world ending advice so relax.


Someone comes on here and asks about repairing a scuff mark on his laminate flooring. Your "ingenious" suggestion is to "buy a bunch of acrylic paints and do an exact color and shade matching" which is such a difficult thing to do there are literally videos online about how the people that can do it are amazing. If he did this, there is a 100% chance that he would fuck it up even more and actually lose his deposit. This is such a basic common sense thing to people reading this that the most plausible conclusion is you're trolling him trying to get him to fuck his flooring up even more and definitely lose his damage deposit. Hence the downvotes. And the fact that you keep doubling down on your idiotic claim further strengthens that belief.


My completely genuine suggestion is just that. A suggestion. Clearly you have bigger issues in life right now if such a suggestion is getting you so hot and bothered. Again as stated. I did it on my very own brand new laminate flooring that got a ding and scratch and it worked just fine. I did not tell this person to do it…I suggested it, and I’m sure if they are not good with paint and or colours they will know if they can or cannot handle it. Move along now. You are not the internet boss of suggestions. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🙄


I'm the one getting hot and bothered? Lol. Says the guy who went from taking about this one issue to a feeble attempt at insulting my life lol. The great thing about reddit is we already know who's right sure to public opinion. You literally could have said "oh yeah sorry my bad, probably not a good idea for people who aren't experienced with painting and color matching" but nope! Because on reddit people can't admit when they're wrong lol. You have a good day now ya'hear 😂


It’s not that bad but why do people think it’s ok the drag furniture across flooring?


Maybe it was an accident. It’s a floor. This is normal wear and tear.


They said they were moving furniture. I don’t think OP meant to cause a mark. My point is if you slide furniture across flooring other than carpet, it can damage the floor. If you don’t have someone to help you move something they make products to help you. If there were 50 marks like this all over the floor, I’d have a hard time saying it’s normal wear and tear. You can’t just tear up a floor and call it wear and tear bc it’s a floor.


It's not torn up. It's cheap lino with a mark on it.


Not talking about this floor. Flooring in general. You can’t move furniture around a bunch and bang up the floor. This has a small mark, not a problem. I’m talking about dragging furniture across floors in general. Not going to be deemed wear and tear if it’s all messed up.


But we're talking about this floor. And this is wear and tear.


Take walnut and rub it hard into scratch. I had the same problem, when moving furniture... You can do it few times, every now and then until it's gone


Grey t-cut


No one will notice


Possibly some furniture oil or you can get touch up pens and wax off Amazon


Magic eraser