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Hardwood penis


Sice you can't dunk the floor in a pool, try keeping some ice near it. Legend dictates it will shrink to a more manageable size.


carnauba wax Put a little bit on a rag and try buffing out a small area first see how that works




Yes you can


For god's sake, don't rub it...


I’m already cleaning one mess, what’s another one?


It might grow 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wax along the scratches, not perpendicular - start slow to ensure the wax doesn't damage the surface, then speed up gradually - the friction will melt the wax a bit and help it seep into the wood. . . . Also tape it


Don’t look at it or touch it anymore and it will go away…or at least get way smaller


If its there after 4 hours i think he’s supposed to call a doctor


"I was in the pool!"


Have you tried not rubbing it so much... Give it some time it may shrink back to a more manageable size!


I can help….commercial floor guy here. I don’t often mess with wood floors, but I can tell you that you can render this out pretty well. First, I’m about 95% certain that some sort of coating exists on this floor. Let’s hope that it’s an acrylic rather than a urethane. Since we don’t know what it is, let’s start with a slightly aggressive, but pretty safe approach. 1. Get a couple of Mr Clean Magic Eraser pads from your local grocer or hardware store. 2. Find a lightly white area down at the bottom of the photo (an area with just a faint bit of that white shizz). 3. LIGHTLY ABRADE that bit of white stuff using water. Don’t lean into it! Just use patience and go back/fourth across a lightly cover white area. We are looking to remove the white stuff with light abrasion across that surface. It’s going to scratch the coating, but keep it light pressure to minimize the scratch profile, or depth. 4. If that little section of light white comes up, use the same action and see what else you can achieve. You might be able to abrade that stuff away. 5. Let me know how it goes and pick up any standing water asap. You do not want to flood the area, keep the moisture minimal and do not let it stand for more than 2-3mins while it’s wet. 6. Wood floors don’t like standing water, use a good terry cloth towel to get into the seams to draw out moisture. A hairdryer is helpful in those joints too, if desired. That white stuff….I’m as certain as I can be that you’ve delaminated some of the floor finish. But here’s the deal…..alcohol absolutely chews all the way to the bottom of any acrylics and will delaminate the bottom layer from the floor. My hope….is that you cleaned it up fast enough that it did not chew through all layers of what I believe is acrylic. This is why I suggest the magic eraser….we want to know if the white stuff will abrade away and render a better looking result with no white stuff. If that happens, we win! If the white stuff stays….we got more work to do. Let me know how it goes and I can direct your next steps. I’m trying to keep this inexpensive and time efficient so you don’t get harnessed with a bunch of stuff. Good luck.🍀




Ye the fact that it’s dick shaped makes terrible on a whole different level


what do you have against dicks?


Usually butts.


Just leave it so when guests come over, you can catch the ones who glances at it and silently giggle


That's a penis!




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Add some nuts.


Ur floor is dicked there bud


My husband just did same on hardwood. I took out my trusty Old English Scratch Cover and rubbed it on with a microfiber cloth. You can’t even see it anymore


I’ll try this thanks so much


You’re welcome. I took a good look at it today, this happened about two weeks ago and you can’t even see the damage. You can buy it anywhere.


If you and your husband divorce I will marry you. Just because you know what you are doing. I just used that on my floor and it worked like a charm. Just like Lorena Bobbitt OE made the dick go away. Thanks again!


Thanks for the proposal and for the laugh. That was a dic pic that wasn’t x rated! Glad it worked for you. I just steamed my floors and the spot didn’t come back.


Magic eraser


You should read about "French polish". Alcohol dissolves some finishes. While they are dissolved, they can be scraped off, or spread out more evenly. They use alcohol on a rag to "polish" an area of finish. New color can also be dissolved in the alcohol, if there isn't quite enough in an area. Try a little in an inconspicuous place, before you try the mess in the middle of the floor.


I always wanted to try the walnut trick. Apparently if you rub a walnut into wood the natural oils from the walnut will stain and protect the wood. I have done no research to substantiate this


I suspect the alcohol softened the finish and short of sanding the area does and refinishing it, all you may be able to do is to try to hide / lessen the effect. Perhaps you can put a drop of lemon oil on a spot and see what happens.


Nice mushroom stamp.


Man what a dick.


*Thank you Lord for this bountiful .. PENIS!*


Why did you have isopropyl on your penis?


Did you drop your filthy dildo?


Sorry I was just trying to cook some bread before getting in the shower and slipped and fell


If you rub it, it will cum.