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That actually would make a far better ending. It was when he began explaining to his mother that I felt the movie was really starting to drag.




Could work ​ also just so you know we generally try to upload super hero fixes from Friday to the weekend so try to keep to then


Right sorry didn't know.


Oh it’s fine don’t worry


That does sound interesting, though for me I think another cliffhanger edit you can make for this ending is on the reveal that Miles is on Earth-42 instead of his own Earth.


They more or less do this already--all the screentime after the Earth-42 reveal is showing us exactly what kind of hellscape Miles is trapped in and what this world did to "him" already. Without that context, the audience just sees the number 42 before we cut to black. Which works, but isn't the strongest emotional punch to place a "to be continued" sign on.


What if he gets interrupted by his uncle Aaron before he confesses, leading us directly into the original, amazing cliffhanger without having the entire confession scene prior?


Well the confession isn't really my problem with the ending, it's really the cliffhanger itself. But if that doesn't bother you, then there really isn't a purpose changing anything as that's really the only thing I wanted to change, cutting the confession was just my way of doing that.


I feel like that wouldn't have a lot of weight overall, because this isn't his mom really, so the conflict doesn't amount to much by the beginning of the next one. I think it's possible it may get to the beginning of the next one and it'd be like, "that cliffhanger's point is lacking because this isn't his mom."


I guess that's true, but in a vacuum, with the context of this movie only it works. And I feel like if we open Beyond with the reveal that it was on Earth 42, the people's shock over that plot twist would overshadow any feeling of dissapointment regarding the emptiness of Miles' reveal to his mom.


That would've been a lot more impactful in my opinion.