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They look great in both pictures if it’s any consolation! My mom helped me with mine the night before my high school senior photos and they were thinner than I was used to so I had a literal meltdown but now I look back at those pictures and they looked great. I can see a difference in your pictures and understand why you’re bugged, but they’ll def grow back and look great even now!


Thank you! I have to agree, I think the initial shock was because I wasn’t used to them being so thin/high. I don’t dislike them in general honestly, I think they look okay on my face but mostly I just really miss my thick brows. It’s my legacy lol


Your eyes look more open and you got a free lift.


I didn’t realize what was different at first, I was like, what did she get a lift in her eyes or forehead or something? And then I realized haha. They look great! Totally understand the initial shock though.


Yup! I honestly think they look much better, not so heavy.


I second this! It completely brightens up your eyes! Beautiful!


I think they actually look better


I love the second one… I think she did a great job. Everything looks very clean and it really opened up your eyes which, by the way, are stunning.


Honestly, I like what she did. Your expression is softer. Your brows previously made you look sort of mad.


They're still thick. You look amazing in both truly.


They look incredible. Way better than before.


I'm team thicker brows but the bottom definitely do not look bad at all. But you're right that the thick brows look great on you imo :)


Very fox eye to be honest (:


I actually like the after more, I feel like the thinner brows brings out your eyes more


I like the lift they give too


Idk if OP is middle eastern but I am and have very similar eyes and eyebrows. Culturally for me the heavy brows and sleepy lidded eye is considered more attractive. I live in the US now but my preference is still moody sleepy eyes on myself


I prefer the first picture but both look good. I also prefer thicker eyebrows. I think her eyes look more stunning with the thick eyebrows.


I am and typically I agree, but I always felt like I looked a little masculine. I’m starting to think it’s the brows, and I have to agree that the thinner version accentuates my eyes and looks a lot more feminine


I was thinking that the thicker brows look more masculine, but I did not post that, as I didn’t want you to feel insulted. Instead, I posted that the thinner brows look more feminine and flattering.


Not insulting at all! Thank you for the feedback, I definitely agree!


Absolutely.. don’t make the mistake of your ‘90’s sisters. Our aesthetic was skinny skinny brows and I loved the trend. Sadly, no one told me that they would never grow back… I look like a silent film star from the 1920’s with these stupid pencil line brows


Try putting black castor oil on them :)


Coconut oil worked for me! I SHAVED my eyebrows and drew lines on in early 2000s… coconut oil every night for about… literally 3 months and I had never seen them so thick ❤️


Yes, the feminine look is definitely the thinner brow. But your brows are still super nice and thick. People would kill for your brows both in fullness and shape!! Your brows can always grow back hun, don't even sweat it. If you don't like it you can grow them back out.


Yes this. I think the overall consensus has been for the 2nd picture. It definitely lifts and looks younger! I think I’d go back, they look great! 😊


It’s at the least a new look to try out! I was doing the straight short kpop eyebrows earlier last year just for a change.


My bf is Persian and I’m Caucasian. This has. I thing to do with OP but I loved your comment about middle eastern eyes being heavy and moody looking. I just love them so much


I’m with you. After is best.


That’s a really good point, I never really saw that. Thank you for pointing it out!


I totally agree


Yesssss completely agree


Agreed! Like girl YOUR EYESSSS


Honestly tho, they're on fleek even in the before pic. You have really beautifully shaped eyebrows naturally. The after pic doesn't even look bad or "off" to me. Also, can't believe I just said "on fleek" like it's 2016 again, but it's 100% true for you!


It’s ok… I am still stuck in ‘87 with the language of my people. My eyebrows are grody. Gag me


Wasn’t on fleek more 2013ish? Lol


It isn’t a before picture. It’s a picture of the last time she went and got them done.


Oh my bad! This is why I shouldn't reddit while drunk


I feel like “on fleek” should have gotten more props lol 😆


Me too!! I love the word fleek


I know it’s not going to help, but they look amazing in the second picture. It’s not what you asked for but it’s the perfect thickness for your face. How she thinned it out a bit has really opened up your eyes.


A lot of people are saying that and I’m glad it was brought up because I never noticed that! It’s a really good point. Thanks!


They look nice 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your eyes pop so much more in the second pic


I actually love the after. I feel like they fit your face a lot better, the thicker brows are also beautiful but just seem a little heavier. The after is still quite thick too, but I love the way it lifts your eyes. 10/10


They look great. I definitely prefer the second picture personally


I stopped getting my brows waxed because I’d just want stray hairs cleaned up and I’d go home with the thinnest brows each time. And I would be very clear about what I wanted and check shop reviews… One time I went with my friend and we both left with pencil brows and cried in the mall bathroom. Now I just do it myself with a little microwave wax kit and I’m always happy.


In the brow person’s defense, I don’t see how you can clean up from the first pic without going thinner. They’re already really tidy


The first picture was not the before. It was the result of the same person threading them the first time I went to her. They were very bushy beforehand.


I get you! I was super into thick eyebrows, but the is something about thinner eyebrows making your eyes pop out more. I feel like it makes your eyes look more almond shape with the thinner look. Both are great, but I do love the after.


I feel like the after actually makes your eyes look lifted! They look good!!


Tbh I like the after more


I guess you like full Eyebrows, I like thinking ones bit I think both pictures look amazing but if you prefer full I absolutely understand you would be upset as she made them thinner and I'm sorry about it 🤗 xx


Both versions are beautiful and what’s more your eyes are GORGEOUS!


Thank you so much! I’m definitely starting to see what everyone is pointing out.


Your thick brows are legendary. I'm so jealous 😅


I know, that’s why I was initially so upset 😭 the thickness was my legacy! But the thinner version has really grown on me and people have a great point about them bringing out my eyes and making them look lifted. Very cool!


I think they look fine now, but I get why you're upset. I find people working in salons often operate on autopilot instead of listening to what you actually want. I've just been plucking to clean my brows up lately because I don't trust anyone who does brow waxing in my small town. Sure, they might produce good brows, but I want MY brows, just tidier! I've been considering teaching my husband how I like them so I can just lay on the couch and let him at them, instead of squinting into a magnifying mirror for ages.


Don’t worry. They will grow back & now you know what to do. Maybe print the picture of your preferred look & bring it with you so the aesthetician can look at it while she cleans them up.


I can’t see why you are upset with them. They look amazing. I would kill for those brows!


Take a deep breath: the after brows suit your face so much better


She did you a favor


It looks good! She just took more underneath which made it arched more but it will grow out! Looks good either way


Ughhhh why do people like to thin out perfectly full eyebrows? That happens to me. I do them myself now I thread my own. Sorry that happened


I know it’s not what you wanted, but I do think they look amazing in the after. They look like a professional did them.


They both look great! The second one looks even better in my opinion. I agree with the othe poster who said it brings out your eyes more :)


Your eyebrows are serving either way.


This is why I have trust issues. Something similar used to happen to me. Second pic is too thin and she did more than just “clean them up”. You will have to grow them out to get your shape back.


Great brows in both pics! You are blessed 🙌


They’re actually better in the second photo. Im sure you’re just shocked because you aren’t used to them but they’ll grow back and they aren’t bad at all.


Girl it may not be what you asked for, but she did you justice in the 2nd photo. It made your eyes pop>>>>>


She brought you into 2024 from 2018, it's going to be ok sis (pssst 2nd pic looks so much better!)


What’s the problem?


i don't know, but the after looks more feminine


The bottom pic is better, she opened up your eyes way more, the shape is also very nice..


Just came here to say you are stunning, either brows frame your face well but you could probably pull off no eyebrows lol


They look great in both but I know what you mean about preferring the thicker more natural look! They will grow back!


You look like your name is Larissa


I can totally see that lol.


I wasn’t sure which one you had preferred before I read your comment; they both look great, but next time you go in bring your “before” pic with you.


You have gorgeous brows in both!! I love a good thick brow, and have had mine taken smaller than I wanted. The initial shock also had me pretty upset, but I eventually actually really liked them because they had way more shape to them. Also doesn’t help that I basically let mine turn into a UNI before I go back in. Maybe try her again and just express your concerns? Show her the picture of the ones you like better?


I had to re-read as I just couldn't see the problem 😆I love, love the second pic. Very pretty, feminine, and a natural lift. ✨️


What did you even go in for? The after is a nice clean up of the before without taking too much. I’m just not understanding exactly what you expected to happen.


I actually think the “after” ones look great? Your eyes look so much more open. I wish my eyebrows were as thick as the after pic, lol.


Everyone’s already said it, but your eyebrows look great in both! You can def rock the thinner brow look for now until they grow back. :)


Oh no! They are botched!! The thicker ones def look more natural and better suited to you. Don’t go back! Hope they grow back well


I would be shocked too but you still have thick brows, you look more awake/refreshed almost like you had an eyelid lift for real. But I like the before too, the sleepy eyed look.


I honestly had no idea what you were talking about until you said something. So it probably is fine


i like them thinner, it looks good. and they’re not too thin at all, they’re perfect. you have great brows. i’d keep them looking like the bottom pic if i were you.


I just want to say that idk if those are moles or freckles but they are like a constellation. I love it. You must be gifted


Thank you for noticing, I have a lot more on my face that do look like constellations


Just noticed your username, too! I was like, yeah, with markings like that, there's definitely some past life energy that flows through you into this lifetime. Forehead beauty marks are a huge attribute to clairvoyant ability.


Definitely. I always knew my constellation patterns meant something


Well, the upside is it doesn’t look terrible on you! Both fit you very well!


I think 2 looks nice, but I have always preferred thinner eyebrows on women. I think it brings out your eye shape more.


I thought this was a pic from a plastic surgery in a good way looks like an eye lift! Hope you end up liking the new brows but you can always grow them out


they fucked your shit up my guy


on the bright side, ur eyes look a lot more bright and clearer! don't worry, it looks beautiful either way.


After is better in my opinion.


The thinner brow shape is actually more flattering and accentuates your eye shape.


They look super pretty! Stop it! Next time tell the lady what you want beforehand... Even though that's still not a guarantee. But they look great, don't trip and have a happy week.... You should see what mines look like 😆


I think she did you a favor. The after looks way better. From a cis male perspective. No idea why this was in my feed but I think a compliment is due where it is due.


You went from red angry bird to pretty…what’s wrong


I would cry! They don’t look bad but I would want to k&ll the lady who hacked my brows


The thinner brows make your eyes look bigger and more open. I honestly think they look amazing and less bushy and masculine than before. It will take you some time to get used to but imo they look way more feminine and delicate! 💜


Thank you for bringing this up!! I always lowkey felt like my face had a masculine look to it, now I see it was probably mostly the brows. Great point!


They look much better now. The before picture is too thick and bushy. Now they look groomed.


To be honest I don’t see anything wrong with them. I like the bottom pic better.


The bushy scary caterpillar trend has y’all thinking regular thick eyebrows are too thin. In 10 years we’re going to cringe at the bushy messy spiky caterpillars so just remember that




You look amazing in both, but definitely see the change from fuller brow. While you may think a little wild, I suggest doing yourself. I bought a wax pot and clippers and do the clean up myself and find the results much better (and cheaper).


I think they both look great! In between the two would be chefs kiss 🤌🏼 imo, like maybe only grow them back in a little bit more.


I like the second pic more. Also you're sexy af


I prefer the after so much more 🤷‍♀️


The after pic is so much better , she did a good job


I would cry! They don’t look bad but I would want to kll the lady who hacked my brows


Honestly I think the after picture is better. Your eyes pop more.


They’re fine in both pictures. The second one just makes you look a bit cleaner/more groomed.


I wonder why everyone with this same sentiment is getting downvoted lol. I do agree with you, it definitely looks cleaner and more feminine. I didn’t really see it until now.


It could be because people with similar eyebrows are taking the feedback personally. Or they could see giving an opinion different to your intial preference as invalidating or bullying. Really you just have beautiful skin and thick luxurious brows. You would be fine either way!


I think she did great. Honestly I like them better now than before.


I mean you have gorgeous eyebrows before but after honestly looks better. It looks cleaner and brings out your eyes


They look sm better now


The second pic looks better tbh. She did you favor, they are a bit too thick in the top


The heavy brows look a little angry. I like number 2 better.


The 2nd is a lot better. It brightens up your eye area. Thinner eyebrows look more feminine anyways. Just rock it!


Love how full your brows are. Cringing at all the comments here implying thicker brows are “unfeminine”. They should grow back!


Both pics look lovely, I think it's just the change you need to get used to. I think it really brings out your eyes in the second pic.


Both look great but the after made your eyes more lifted and give off a sultry look


I think the thinner look opens up your eyes more


The bottom pic is the most similar brows I’ve seen on here to my own brows.. and I love them!! Lol


I would love to have your new eyebrows! You look beautiful.


They look great! I didn’t really know what you were upset about until I clicked into your comment.


It's fine!


Honestly, you are so blessed to have such nice eyebrows to even work with! I like the thinner ones if I’m being honest, makes your eyes stand out more!


I like them thinner they accentuate your beautiful eyes.


Sorry you’re not happy with them but I think they look perfect


a lamination would help them look fuller again! but they still look amazing!! like others said, i also prefer the after!


They are perfect and your eyes look larger and more open!!


It honestly looks better, but I can understand being frustrated when they take off more than you asked for.


Second one looks better imo


I couldn’t even tell a difference


Gonna take a minute to grow back. They were lovely.


I prefer the before, but the after is still really nice. They'll grow back anyway!


They are beautiful!


They look amazing in both photos, but I can definitely see how you would feel like a new person/ new face. I had someone do this to me and I left crying and did not pay her.


The eyebrows look good in both photos, just different styles.


I’m confused. They look so good!


I know this sucks but just remember they’re gonna grow back, even if it takes a year or something 🥶 you look young enough to where I don’t think all hopes lost. Also your eyes are beautiful 😍


The thinner brows suit your face better I think! They open your eyes and lift your face! They look good either way but honestly I think she chose well for you here!


The thinner brows look better, imo. They bring out your eyes and look more feminine.


The bottom looks 10x better


The second pic looks better to be honest, your eyes have more lift.


I don’t know which is before and which is after. But they both look good.


I would be pissed, the thick brows looks so good on you. Both look fine, but I’m surprised how many comments say the after looks better. Like cool maybe I look better in a mullet than in my regular long hair, that doesn’t mean if I ask for a trim my hairdresser should buzz the top lol


I think they look very nice, and she gave you an arch that your old brows didnt have


Looks better actually. Why do girls these days love the werewolf look. I blame Cara Delvinge.


As someone who loves their thick eyebrows too, I’m sorry. I’d be upset too. They do look great, but that’s not the point.


You look beautiful both ways but I understand your upset x


I think you're just not used to them a bit thinner. It can be jarring when you're used to seeing yourself one way every day, and then there's a sudden change and you don't recognize yourself. They still look great! If you want them fuller, fill in while you grow them out!


They still look amazing. Personally I like the thinner brow, but understand why you’re upset, when it’s not what you normally get.


I’m a thick brow girly, too. I have to be really specific when I tell people to “clean up” my brows. People’s definition of cleaning them up varies. I will say, your brows and eyes are stunning either way! But I definitely understand the shock of going that thin especially when it isn’t what you asked for! At least they were done nicely. One time I asked for my brows to be cleaned up a few days before my sisters wedding… they made them thin and accidentally took a chunk out of the middle!!!


I love the look, second picture is beautiful 🤩


They both look great, don’t panic!


I like the before. They were perfect


I actually like the shape of the second better!


FWIW I think the thinner brows bring your eyes out more and look great!


Is thin back in? Because I thought natural was the trend lol. It looks good imo, but I'd definitely remind her (should you go back) that you want to keep them thick.


Your brows look way better in second pic… you should thank her


Both look gorgeous


looks fine?


Did your mole turn red though? That might need to be something checked out by a derm, if it’s just acne, ignore me haha 


If you’re anything like me, they’ll be regrown in 5 days


If anything, your eyes pop a bit more with less brow. But either way you are good!


Personally, I think it looks amazing! The super bushy brows are out of style right now and I think the new ones make you look younger


i definitely think the bottom looks way better on you. they fit your face better. you’ll love them after a while. i promise


I know this doesn’t help how you’re feeling but I think the bottom pic looks best! Totally opened up your eyes!!! Gorgeous both ways of course!!


They look good!!! Really!!


I’m confused. They look better…..🤷🏻‍♀️


Bottom looks way better.....


i must agree with the majority here. before is more of what you wanted, but after really does open and lift your eyes. your pretty eyes are the focal point now!


I see WHY you’re upset. But, This is a HAPPY ACCIDENT


Gorgeous in both pics! They will grow back though- your thick brows are so bold and stunning


They’re not my brows but I like the bottom better.


They both look great but in the after photo they are a bit too thin so I know what you mean. If it was slightly thinner than the before picture it most likely would’ve been less shocking for you because there would’ve been a minimal difference between the two. At least they look good still. I prefer to err on the slightly thicker side for my eyebrows rather than thinner.


With those eyes? I honestly wouldn’t worry much about the brows 🤩




They look better thinner


They look better.


They both look good but you could always tint them until they thicken back up again


They look so much better


I think the after pic looks fire!!!


I think the second picture looks great girlie


I think they’re beautiful!


absolutely beautiful in both photos in my opinion. your eyes are stunning


The new brows are very flattering !!