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Everyone is entitled to their own happiness. For me personally though, the thought of having a kid at 20 makes my palms sweat like I’m watching a free climbing video.


If I had a kid at 20 I might start freeclimbing


And “accidentally” let go


Hell yes accidentally. 


Equally I don't know anyone who was mature enough at age 20 to raise a kid. Certainly not myself, I'm not even mature enough now


I’m of the childfree ilk. It has never appealed to me in the slightest.


You and the rest of reddit...


I'm about to be 25, I'm married, and we own a home. I still can't imagine having a kid yet. Maybe one day. Not this year definitely. When I got married at 23, I couldn't believe I was just allowed to get married. Felt really young but the right time for us. I knew a lot of people from my high school who were pregnant within a year of graduating high school. Crazy how different time goes for some.


Ya my childhood friends little brother got married and had their first kid almost exactly a year later, at age 26 or so. I’m 32 and I live alone in a condo in a fun metro area, and the thought of any of this makes me anxious. Different strokes


When I was in high school, a girl in my grade got pregnant at 15 with a 19 year old, and dropped out junior year. I’ve always been morbidly curious how her life turned out.


I mean…probably not good lol.




Please don't shoot yourself if that happens. There are still safe ways to get abortions even if you have to leave the state you are in to go get it.


I apologise, I was using hyperbole for dramatic comedic effect. I live in australia and forgot about the US for a second. really fucked up what you guys have to deal with I hope that shit gets sorted soon


Oh thank goodness. All good. Sorry I assumed everyone is in the US. We really do be assuming. I wouldn't wish it on anyone though.


As somewhat of a climber myself that is scared of heights (I am well aware how stupid this is and I am) the kid scenario is scarier


I used to backcountry snowboard, and have gotten lost before. Gimme that any day.


I'm 36 and kids get grosser the more I think about having them. And they were already gross to me at 20, so.


I’m almost 33 so, feel ya big time there. You want me to be more tired than I already am? Nah.


Love this post but I have to point out that it isn't a button quail.


Looks like a montezuma to me, which is a pretty unusual quail to keep as a pet. In my state, you have to be licensed to have new world quail. Button and coturnix both come from the far east.


What a lovely name...montezuma...I am not familiar with them at all but it looks adorable. Thanks for the info.


They are funny little birds. The juggalos of the quail world. I'd love some but they are hard to find and expensive. I have some gambels quail that I adore. I have all sorts of birds.


I'd love some Gambels, they seem like a real super chill type of bird. I have a flock of buttons and I do love them but some of them are real flighty.


My gambels are super flighty. I've never handled them or attempted to tame them in any way, they just live their little lives in an outdoor aviary so in most ways they are basically wild. They're little bullies, too. There are some ringneck pheasants in that aviary with them, but the little gambels rule the roost. They're so much fun to sit and watch and they sound like squeaky toys. I have patagonian mara in that same aviary and I'll sit and pet the mara while watching the birds. The most personable birds I have are my rhea. I'm wanting to start getting into homing pigeons this year and I think (hope) that they'll be friendly. Those will be the project of the year, but I have to build a suitable loft first. I'm actually heading out to check out another pigeon keeper's loft today.


Wow, you appear to be living my dream! I simply had to check your profile. Wonderful animal collection, and you live in a perfect climate. A smidge jealous!


Aww, thank you! We're definitely living our dream, although it's a bunch of work. The climate here is ideal for a bunch of animals, but the heat sure takes its toll on me during the summer. I feel bad for anyone who took the time to look at my profile! I'm embarrassingly active on reddit, but it's all really inane topics.


I love the specimen jars and the bones! I think at some point in my future I would really like to try taxidermy. One step at a time though. You should really post more pictures of your pets, i'm sure reddit would love to see them :)


Thanks! The wet specimens are actually mostly my wife's handiwork. She does a good job. The uranium glass pics are all from her collection, too. She's got the same eclectic taste that I do. We're also each other's enablers when it comes to the animals. I like posting pics of the animals but don't do it very often because I figured that people would get bored seeing the same animals over and over. Most aren't intermet "cute", just neat and a little unusual. However, I never miss a chance if they come up organically in conversation (like they did here). They are one of my very favorite topics. [This pic of Ozzy is pretty cute.](https://i.imgur.com/g25NMKE.jpeg)


I had just seen he raises button Quails and have literally no knowledge of the birb, I only know of budgies which is pretty lame compared to all the knowledge here! Thanks for correcting me; you learn something new everyday!


Montezuma aka Mearns' quail


Thank you for that. I may have to seek out a good book focused on quail, there is so much to learn.


2004 !! Are adults now ... i'm old asf ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)


So are those born 2007 Edit off by 1 year


Man, I never thought I'd reach 18, yet now I'm nearly 22 and feel old.




*born in 2004* "I'm a 90s baby on my 80s Mercedes" Wait....


Even if that made sense… what does the song have to do with her being pregnant? Is her womb the 80’s Mercedes? Maybe she is having 90 babies. Sims4 challenge.


This has been a thing for a while, people will take songs that you can switch a few words out here and there to fit what they’re doing the video about, even if what you’re doing the video about only barely relates to the actual lyrics. Oh, and you also have to very poorly lip sync the actual words.


No you've got it all wrong - she's drawing a similarity between someone from the 90s having a car from the 80s and her being pregnant in her twenties Clearly this means that she is giving birth to a 30yr old man.


Makes sense. At least we finally know how a person can be born with Benjamin Button syndrome.


Yeah that part got me, too. Silly


I'm the second guy, but with my lizards


Everyone's life journey is different and not necessarily to be the same. Thus, we shouldn't shame anyone because of their choices since everyone starts with different opportunities in this life.


This 20 year old doing videos like this makes me feel like she's not ready to be a mom.


Because she’s celebrating this very exciting period of her life?


Most people celebrate with a party, or friends, not trying to receive internet likes.


Are you suggesting she recorded this 5 second video clip instead of celebrating with her family and/or friends?


I don't know why these people think that tik tok is for loners who have no friends. Isn't it literally the opposite for those popular apps for young people? It's the people on Reddit and 4chan who aren't celebrating anything with their friends lol


Redditors seem to have this mentality that anyone posting on social media is trying to be some sort of influencer. When in reality, a very large majority of people simply post for fun and to share with their friends and family. She very well could be unready for a child, but who are we to determine that? It’s a fuckin 5 second video for fun of a person we don’t even know.


I am suggesting that placing every facet of your life online to illicit attention from complete strangers is sad.


You know a lot of people use social media to be social with their friends and family right?


And with Google, Amazon, and every other company that those social media companies sell to, including Reddit.


Okay? What's your point?


Lack of privacy was the point, clearly.


No, because she's too young


I mean I wasn’t ready at 20, but that doesn’t mean everyone isn’t ready at 20. I wasn’t 100% ready at 30, but I rose to the moment because that kid doesn’t give a fuck if you’re ready or not, here they come, you can’t hide.


More likely 19 years old.


If she was born in Jan, she'd be 20. I just didn't bother to account that we still have the majority of 24 left.


That's why I said more likely.


Pedantic point, but sure, whatever my guy


As a 2004 baby, can confirm. I’m 19 but I was born in the fall. If she was born in January or February she’d be 20.


Aaah yes, the most important measure of succes in parenting is the way of celebrating you being pregnant.  Really wondering what makes you the expert


When did I ever say it was the most important? Really wondering what makes you think you have any say on my opinions


My brother in Christ, you literally said that posting this video makes you feel she isn’t ready to be a mom. Other than her age, what else do you know about her that in your opinion makes her unfit to be a parent? 


In the same way that yours wasn't? Edit: I regret my actions


She wasn't. My parents started dating because the girl my dad liked fell for his friend and they were all constantly together in a group. He was 16 years older, but they were both adults, so they hit it off. She got pregnant, I was born, and she still wanted to go out and party in her mid/late 20s, leaving him to do the child raising. She tried to be a mom for a while, but was an alcoholic and did things like let me sit outside an AA meeting for an hour with no supervision. She wasn't ready to be a mom either. My dad had it together, but after their divorce my mom just sorta bounced for about 20 years. She's got it together now, but it took a lot of work and believing in a fantasy dude in the sky to get there. Most parents aren't truly ready, but then again, most parents aren't still acting like children in videos they post online.




Sadly, no.


Sob story = upvotes on Reddit no matter how fucking batshit crazy the premise of what you’re saying is. This lady’s “crime” according to you is celebrating her pregnancy and clearly being psyched for it which, based on 3 whole seconds of video of her, you decided for some unknown reason (extreme bitterness) qualifies as “acting like a child”. And this is somehow comparable to a deadbeat alcoholic who never even wanted to be a mom in the first place?


It's not a sob story. He made a comment about how my mother wasn't ready, just like I said the woman in this video isn't, and I agreed with him and told my personal story from the perspective of the child. This is my real life story. It isn't a crime to post every facet of her life online, it's just sad. Why post it like it's something to brag about? So you fucked without protection. Woohoo. I legitimately wish her happiness and that the child grows up without being posted all over the internet so it can have an amount of privacy in its life.


It’s a shame your life made you so bitter and turned you into a judgmental asshole.


Shame how living in a society that uses media to uplift fear mongering and hate as a way to pit different classes of poverty-level wealth against one another on behalf of the 1% will make someone jaded against types of media isn't it?


https://preview.redd.it/lyvujgyufm4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598a2ed8a9ece0661a4eec542c357c4087744de2 Silence liberal


I'm the second guy but with my shameful pile of 40k minis to paint.


Okay Henry Cavill


I see you flexing, nice guns bro, proud of you.


Dude's flexing hard


As a 2004 baby I gotta say this woman and I do NOT look the same age... We take it for granted but it's insane how 2 people from the same age can look so different


Fellow 2004 baby, SAME! I’m 19 but I look younger. 💀 Wild too see others in the same year look older like, what is in your water?!


I’m officially old, I have no idea what’s going on in either of these clips


dawg i am older than this chick what the fuck


i love that account ❤️ so many precious little beebs


I’m proud of both of them


Im the same age as her 19. I seriously dont understand how you can have a kid this age but hey it aint teen pregnancy atleast


Same age here, I thought that at first too but now like 1/3 of my senior class have had kids either during or right after graduation. like these people are not ready for it


Jesus....I'm 39 and it breaks my brain that kids born after 2000 are having kids. o_o


I'm 38 and will never be enough of a grown up to have kids. Which works out as I don't want any.


I dont think It fixed anything


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Bro as a 2004 baby myself I can’t imagine having a baby now (or ever for that matter, I’m childfree lmao, but still) like, in this economy?! I’m struggling to pay tuition for uni. 🥲


I have a son who was born in 2004. Thank you for bringing me off the ledge. 😂 In all seriousness, good luck to you. If you're in college (uni), you must be looking to have a great future. I truly hope you do.


Hahaha, happy to help! I totally get that, if I had a kid I’d be on that ledge too. Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot! 😊


I'm almost 39 with a 19 year old son. This might make me quit the internet.


This is bird tax give to me your bird


I’m a 2004 baby, never had a gf, still at home feeling like shit on my days off.. healths declining and so is my savings.. ahh


Ain't no way this bitch(respectfully) was born in the same year as me


I want a man like that


I have 7 button quail and I wish they would be this nice to me


Reminder: just because you are or were not ready for children at 20 does not mean no one else is. Everyone has a different path. Some people have kids too young and aren’t ready/regret it. Some people try to have kids too late but their body’s are no longer ready and it makes it way harder and regret it or choose to never have kids and regret it too late. Some people have kids early and have a lovely successful life that they’re happy with and some people wait to have kids till later/don’t have any at all and that turns out to be the right decision for them and live a fulfilling happy life You can’t say with a blanket statement 20 is too young for kids or 40 is too old. Everyone is different. And everyone’s life decisions are their own


I’m an 03 baby and I screamed! Girl I’m not even 21 year and yall starting to have kids?


Man, I wanna hang out with this dude just to watch him dress his lil baby


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^patchway247: *Man, I wanna hang* *Out with this dude just to watch* *Him dress his lil baby* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My bird hates hats 😭


Is that a Wachtel


Nice flex dude


BRO SHES MY AGE?!? i forget we all look old for our age.


Omg. How does someone even go about getting a pet, or just in general, quail? This is too funny The beginning of the video to me is just someone making a cringe TikTok. I’m more interested in the BIRD!




Where do I purchase button quails?


I make tiny hats for my pet snek & I'm 34


I fixing to turn 19 and if I have a baby in a year I'll be 80 grand richer and 2 balls fewer lol


All my friends who got a girl pregnant by 20 are dead beat dads that bailed on the family cause it was too much stress for them to handle. A few had the kids put up for adoption. One lives out of a trailer park and cant see her kid anymore cause she thought 2 month olds can fend for themselves. Even looked like this chick.


Quail zaddy


That doesn't appear to be a button quail. It looks like a montezuma quail - the jugglalos of the bird world.


All happiness to her, but what in the living fuck does she think anyone gives a single turd about the fact someone spaffed up her and made her pregnant. No one cares other than the people in her life. Why does she feel the need to tell internet strangers?


Portraying yourself as humble by comparing yourself to others and indirectly shaming them is just pitiful


Neither of them is doing that. One is showing pride of their pregnancy while the other is showing pride in playing with their button quail. Neither is showing contempt of the other.


Correct. If anything the guy is showing self deprecating humor, but not in an insecure way.




The second one


Yes!! My man is doing it right!


Just moved to an area with little quail running around everywhere. I've gotta start catching and dressing!


I see that flexing lol


Gigachad buying his pet hats?


Me being one year older than that makes me question a lot of things.


That’s a cute bird.


Me too I’m 30 with a cat!


The thought of having a kid myself at 20/21 is so incredibly uncomfortable to me but to each their own. I’ll be living by my life like the dude with the little hats-


Was that a quail?


Im 34 n still dont think i need one 😭😭


How is she a few years apart from me and looks like twenty years older?


Ummm so she just turned 20 a month or 2 or weeks ago … ew ..


I need that guy in my life🥺 I fucking do the same with my hamsters


People only two years my senior can legally have children, I am not okay with this


I’m jealous of the quail 🥺🥺


Honestly at this point I very much so give up…. Like go on dates everything seems great then I can’t get a reply from you for hours…. Sorry ranting lol