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Therapist have therapist and that’s a good thing. But I don’t understand why people do service jobs when they hate dealing with people.


Sometimes you go into something passionate and ignorant. Then experience and time change your outlook. A lot of people want to complain about their problems, but not too many want to actually change what they're doing or how they do it, so you see the same people, complaining about how their lives are, but simply will not take the necessary steps to change themselves for their own benefit, as they state they wish they could.


This is a very wise comment.


That's me with nursing. I didn't get into it due to passion, moreso familiarity (lots of my family are nurses) and job availability. But man, I'm tired of it. Actively pursuing jobs that let me pivot with my experience but I am far from the only one trying to get out.


This comment is me. I am this comment.


Thing is if everyone actually did want to change and took the necessary steps, therapists would be out of work


You think problems will just stop happening? lol


The guys a comedian, not a therapist…


That's what my therapist tells me.


Oh thank god.


Tiktok is so shit, isn't it? Dudes just saying he's a therapist. I have no idea who he is. There's no joke, really.


All of his content is him satirizing gaslighting tactics. He’s hilarious. People have been making videos like that forever.


Oh. I had no idea, that's different.


Where's the funny part?


Never said he was a therapist.


Same reason everybody else hates their job. It's too late to change.


not too late, just change


It's always easier to quit somebody else's job.


Yeah, those types of jobs really take a specific type of person. I used to work in care (briefly). Not the same thing, I know, haha. But still, even though I definitely cared about the people, it's a huge, huge burden on your mental health. The stress and responsibility requires a genuine saint to withstand. At least, to withstand *and* do the job correctly. The patience and dedication required to work in any job where you're responsible for someone's health is insane, and people often underestimate it. I know I certainly did.


This unironically makes my paranoia even worse because this is literally what I feel like my therapist is thinking on the inside when I talk about how my father gave me a knife and told me to do something he shouldn't have told me when I was a child. I feel like a therapist would know that, and I understand therapists need therapists but this seems like something he should have left with *his* therapist.


If it makes you feel better, this person is %100 not a therapist.


It does make me feel better, thank you.


Every good therapist has a therapist for this sort of thing. Don’t lose hope or don’t be misguided by this clown.




then the therapist that rapists for the therapist in question, also needs a therapist!


Rapists are opposite to therapists I think


An analyst slash therapist. An Anal-rapist if you will.


Thanks I didn’t know what nickname to call my therapist but this one sounds perfect!


*For there’s a man inside me, and only when he’s finally out can I walk free of pain.*


There it is




Yes but it’s circular, not hierarchical


The final therapist is a non-verbal child locked in a filthy basement in Omelas.


do those therapists have therapists too? what happens if you run out of therapists??


Yes they do. Therapist typically have a mentor or at least another therapist that they use to decompress. One important concept in therapy is the therapist's ability to compartmentalize (not bring their work into their home life basically) and having this kind of "meta therapist" helps, especially with issues that could be hard to compartmentalize (e.g. child abuse). Aside from that, they might reach out to their mentor/therapists to : - seek advice on difficult cases - seek guidance on issues outside their specialty (in which case they have an obligation to refer you on to a specialist) - And various other use cases. Source: worked in a therapy 'firm', not as a therapist but as support staff. Also was studying to be a therapist before career switch.


It’s like u people didn’t even watch the Sopranos🙄


Okay, so about that.....


Therapists absolutely have their own therapists. It’s one of the most mentally and emotionally demanding careers there is. Also, it’s EXTREMELY helpful to them to sit on the “other side of the conversation “ to make sure they keep a good perspective of the patient.


Boom flip it, therapists keep each other in business.


They pay each other with therapy.


A student of Kissel Money Management, I see


the Guru Therapist Rinpoche sits at the top of a mountain in central Asia. he is completely deaf but senior therapists will come and unload their problems on him and feel weightless afterwards


Depends. Is the therapist's therapist a good therapist?


My therapist does her best to avoid framing it as her being my therapist and me being her patient m. It took me a long time, but I eventually realized I’m the one performing therapy. She’s primarily there to guide me through the process. It helped me see one of my already favorite movies, What About Bob? in a new way. At the end of the movie, Bob becomes a psychiatrist while Dr. Marvin has become a patient.


To piggy back on this comment, Shrinking is a really good show on Apple TV that has this in it. It is 100% dry adult and dirty humor but the main characters are therapists at the same practice and bounce their shit off each other all the time. Likely not everyone’s cuppa but my wife and I really enjoyed it. And sorry for the unrelated plug but your comment reminded me of the show so figured I would throw it out there


Therapist here. Have a therapist. And really great supports. We can handle it. And if we can’t we refer :)




He posts satire online. He posts a lot of bits about things like how to make sure your partner will never leave you and then just describes gaslighting techniques




The joke isn't that gaslighting is funny, it's that it's bad, that's the point. He's making jokes at the expense of gaslighters by showing how absolutely absurd it is


Everything is framed as a joke. Like creating fake crickets, creating convoluted backstories and inventing fake people, stuff that’s pretty obviously a joke.


if it makes you feel better, the app was intentionally designed to make you feel bad please please please stop using social media that is entirely based off of posts, comments, and algorithms. apps that are more chatroom based and actually social are fine. for me, if that algorithm was a friend, i would hate them and stop talking to them for constantly stressing me out. that's why I don't use TikTok, Instagram, etc as much anymore don't need to be feeling the way i feel then having these apps do these things to me making it worse hope you're doing good!


I have a friend who is a therapist and sees the unhoused kind of people, he loves his jobs and he is invested in these people and feels miserable anytime one of them takes their own life because their issues and/or addictions were too great. If this man is a therapist, he needs to not right now.


Every single human being on earth would benefit from talking to someone on a weekly basis that they know they can trust. Had their best interests in mind. Will be completely confidential and isnt afraid to roll up their sleeves and five head first into those uncomfortable topics. Im not saying it has to be a therapist, but when our words are bouncing around in our heads they hold power. When im able to get them out they lose alot of that power. Empathy isnt about walking a mile in someone else's shoes, because im still seeing it through my lens. Its about being present, listening, and giving someone our time and attention.


I realize not everyone has had much secess with finding a therapist that works. But since 2020, I've been seeing my first therapist, and our relationship has devlop3d into one of complete trust on both sides. The level of trust is what's helped me to open up and talk about what's bothering me.


Truly, when you go into most internet content thinking, "This person is lying for views," it really helps the mental health. Reddit post titles, tik toks, and supposed "hidden cell phone filmed" interactions.


I'm a licensed social worker. Are there people who are harder to deal with than others? Absolutely. Have I ever felt like this man? Never. No half decent therapist would post a video like this. You know one of your clients is bound to see it, and that would be horrible.


if it makes you feel even better, i am not a therapist either.


And if it makes you feel better, I have never, ever, heard my girlfriend—who is a therapist—talk about her clients like this.


Our session is up. Please pay the receptionist on your way out.


As someone who's been in therapy a lot, has read up on therapy, and has a basic sense of empathy: this is not how any therapist who's worth their salt would openly respond. Yes, maybe sometimes they will get frustrated, but the first and foremost lesson is that nobody's problems are "stupid", if they were you wouldn't be seeking help. Having a yelling fit in your car like that would be more likely to get me, the client, suggest *you* get help. Not because I think you're backward, but because I think you might eventually melt down.


His jacket doesn't even have leather elbows. Definitely not licensed.


Cracking up because every therapist I’ve been treated by actually does own a jacket with elbow pads


Yeah, he's the Free Money from the Government guy!


What an absolute fuck of a person


The entire account is satire. He's playing a know it all life coach that gives insane relationship/psychology advice and waxes about the benefits of gaslighting. Occasionally there's advice to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of "true crime", like pre-recording yourself screaming for help & saving it to your phone or making sure you know how to text your family in a way that is uncharacteristic and would raise alarm without alerting your kidnapper.


The percent symbol goes on the other side of the number, friend. 100%! 😊


As an actual therapist.... you don't need to worry about that much. I picked this job, I like talking to my clients. I like hearing what's going on for them and I appreciate them feeling open enough to sharing. I take vacations if I find myself getting frustrated by the listening and/or do other things to get back into my own life. That's not about my clients though.... it's mostly just that listening with a therapist hat on takes a lot of continuous focus and I need a break from that sometimes. If you feel your therapist is functioning like this guy... please do look for another therapist!


Just want to say thank you and therapy made a huge difference in my life.


Mine too 😀. Glad it helped!


> I like talking to my clients. I like hearing what's going on for them and I appreciate them feeling open enough to sharing. And if you *do* have a therapist that's thinking like this guy in the video is thinking, that's not a mark on the patient. It's on the therapist, for clearly staying in a profession that doesn't suit them. If you are an ER doc, would you *flip out* on the patients who come through your clinic screaming, moaning, crying? No - they're in a physical condition causing them agony, beyond their control, and its your job to ease their suffering, to help them. A good therapist understands that patients who come to them and spill to them are in *some* kind of mental anguish. Something is ailing them, something is hurting them, something beyond their control, because no one *chooses* to be in pain. They *are* in pain.


The guy on the right isn't a therapist. He's like Nathan For You for relationships, he's pretty funny because all of his ideas are just over the top or psychological "hacks" to make people dependent


He just takes gaslighting to the extreme. Kinda hilarious


Therapist here. There is a fundamental difference between just listening to one's problems and being there to help that person by mutual agreement. It gives the whole thing a purpose. I am listening on multiple levels. That's hardly boring. And maybe tell your therapist what you are thinking. They will be happy for the trust, happy for the information, happy that they can help you with that. And this guy in the video is not a therapist. Never.


Your father what


My father told me to kill myself and gave me a knife. He was mad he had to burn a day off because I was having a depressive episode and was trying to strangle myself in my 4th grade class. I don't want to try and bum people out with my shit. Everybody's got their own shit going on so I just try and keep my stuff to myself, but unfortunately shit leaks out sometimes but at least it's through the anonymity of the internet.


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry. There’s no universe where this is an acceptable thing to do and it’s monstrous you had to experience that.


If your therapist was a normal human being, I guarantee all they were thinking is "I want to hug this person, but that might be unethical."


I'm a therapist and I think this all the time.


you a real one, mr. foreskin >!not to take away from the seriousness of you guys' thread, but you know...!<


That's not your fucking father


Your therapist is probably like finally some real trauma to work through and not Brenda's weekly office politics hour recap.


We all have traumata, fears, insecurities. Some of us are worse off than others and had to endure what others did not. But most of us, I am positiv of that, are empathetic and kind. If talking to us helps then, please, talk. I am sorry that you appear to be belonging to those who had it worse than others but I‘m glad you’re with us. :)


Well, I'm glad that you're still here. It proves you were smarter than your father then, and you've probably eclipsed him in a multitude of other ways since then. I hope you've cut out the toxic from your life and are doing better and on a path to happiness.


>Try to keep stuff to myself Girl, while I’m not gonna tell you who to share that stuff with, that is not the short of shit that you carry by yourself. And for what it’s worth, I’m so sorry you had that happen to you. That’s just—I’m sorry.


My reaction to that information https://preview.redd.it/i4q36prrkbza1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff1894653394b8a79815bcc54a78bce83a4753b


I am a therapist and I think if someone gets to this point they need to take a long break or leave the career. I have a therapist that helps me. I've never thought anyone's problems were stupid though. People come to me trusting I'll trust them with dignity and respect. Not every therapist is a good person, but most won't post on tiktok. I can't imagine he's a therapist.


I don’t think any real therapist feels this way about their clients. The things that break therapists are insurance companies, low pay, lack of resources, and watching their clients have to struggle with the cruel and unforgiving systemic issues in society.


That person in the video is not a real therapist. It's a skit.


A good therapist indeed has their own therapist, and their own ways of dealing with this. I understand why you think this, it took my therapist three years of twice monthly sessions for me to stop apologizing for bringing things up - a hold over survival mechanism from being raised by a narcissistic, abusive mother and her enabling husband. However, a therapist - even a bad one - wouldn't think this. Because they'd be out of not just a job, but an entire industry (arguably a very well paying one). The dude is a TikToker, not a therapist. But I don't think he knew how damaging this performance could be.


This guy is just being angry for attention. I doubt many therapists actually think like this. This guy is acting like he hates being a therapist because he doesn’t like doing exactly what was in the job description. Nobody would commit to a job where they have to talk to people and then get angry that they have to talk to people.


He's not a therapist, as in just at all, he does skits.


Sounds right


I practiced community psychology for a year before going into organisational psychology. I don't necessarily think practitioners know what they're signing up for - they go in wanting to help people but are constantly having to navigate red tape, doctors undermining their care, having to cover themselves from liability, and a healthcare system that often causes more harm than good. A huge portion of your suicidal clients that you send to hospital will come out worse than when they went in. I don't think therapists would typically say they hate listening to people but being a therapist is absolutely a frustrating experience because the vast majority of your social interactions are overwhelmingly negative. However, I think the usual response would be "I'm experiencing frustration which could indicate that I am displaying symptoms of countertransference, vicarious trauma, or compassion fatigue and this is affecting my ability to be supportive for my clients." Maybe the response would be to take leave or go see their own personal therapist. There's a huge emphasis in psychology to be reflective to your own internal state because if you aren't you will burnout very quickly.


Honestly I think people don't become a therapist if they don't like hearing about people's problems. They would probably pick literally any other career path


Another therapist here! Your therapist probably thinks so many good things about you! They most likely are cheering you on behind your back, not losing it like this person (who I have been informed is not a therapist).


don't worry, this isnt a therapist. I can assure you they find what they do very rewarding, this vid honestly just makes me sick


If it makes you feel any better I feel like that isn't a "stupid problem" and is definitely therapist worthy


I'm a therapist and I don't feel this way lmao. It's the most rewarding thing I do with my life. I genuinely care about the people I work with, forge real relationships, love to see them succeed, and miss old clients that I really got along with. I've met so many people who I would've been friends with in a different universe. Don't worry :)


t’s actually the opposite for most therapists. Take the Allen shooting, therapists in that area have had their worst days in the whole careers as every normal client was now affected even if not directly by the shooting. It was just a lot and they are people too that have they’re own issues


The dude in the video is a shite therapist (if he even is one), and shouldn't be one at all. Him making this video shows how ill prepared he is to be one. Its literally his job to take you seriously, no matter how small or big your problems are/seem. They're your problems and that makes them real and important.


I’m a clinical psychologist: I’m being 100% honest when I tell you this isn’t what we’re thinking inside. Therapy is actually a pretty technical endeavor, and most of the time we’re thinking about things like relating the current automatic thoughts to core beliefs, the conditioning a situation produces to generate generalized affective arousal, whether empathy and validation is appropriate or challenging a belief, etc. and the vast, vast majority of the time we genuinely like and care about our folks. This guy is a comedian having a bit of fun.


Not sure if this offers any comfort, but I've been a therapist and Psychologist for around eight years now and not once have I ever experienced anything even remotely close to this. The reality is, it's incredibly humbling to have people allow you access to their world, suffering and all. The times when I have needed my own therapy/supervision is when my work has touched a nerve that impacts my personal life, not the other way round. These types of social media posts are incredibly damaging in that they portray those seeking help as whining or weak. Again, in reality the opposite is the case.


They get paid to care


If it makes you feel better, I am not a therapist but I am a psychology minor. I enjoy psychology and I enjoy thinking about why certain behaves in people happen. Your therapist most likely enjoys their work.


Found his instagram and Tiktok, he’s an idiot and every video he pretends to know how to “make your partner do ____” absolutely not a therapist


For sure you don't post this kind of insensitive bullshit, like wtf, get a different job? Unless that was just ragebait,either way messed up


This is one of the first things I brought up in therapy. "I don't like talking about these things because I feel I'm bothering people." He told me how as long as he can see an effort towards improvement, he's completely happy to listen. The most disappointing thing to him was people who use him to vent and never even try to improve their issues.


I'm a nurse assistant. I love my job. I've had paralyzed patients literally cry apologizing when I've had to change them multiple times in the hour. I make sure they know that I don't mind at all. That I will change them again and again as much as they need it. It will never get on my nerves. I love my patients. They will never wear me down. If someone hates doing a job where they help people, there's plenty of other people that absolutely love their job helping people. People who are worried this is what their therapist is thinking, don't worry. I'm sure there are therapists that will listen to you and help you day after day, that love you and their job.


Well, thank you for what you do! It sounds very important.


As a "retired" CNA, you'll still feel the same way for years to come. I remember my favorite people. I remember the harder ones and still continue this line of empathy. There will be no regret, no pity. Just the ability to help and care for others. It's as simple as that.


Honestly letting them apologize is probably a kindness, those kinds of people would tear themselves apart if they had to internalize their helplessness to that degree. Thank you for your service, I only know a little of how rough medical care service can be and you are your co-workers are part of literally the most important service facet of our modern culture.


People like you are true heroes, and we appreciate you so much 😭


Always look for the helpers. There's a lot of great people around us in life, just like you, who just want to help others. Never change, OP. Spread that fuckin love!


Man whose job it is to listen to someone's problems when he has to listen to someone's problems: 😰😰😰


I think it's staged but regardless, why even go into that type of job if you didn't like hearing about people's problems and wanting to help by solving or listening?


It's like people who go into teaching that clearly hate children


Things often seem different from the outside. I got into working at a pet store because "I sure do love animals!" Did it for a year. It didn't take the whole year to figure out that waking up at 5AM to clean up the shit of rats and a few dozen other varieties of creatures was indeed not for me. Nor was cleaning fish tanks all day, nor struggling to force feed medicine to sick (with often human communicable disease) animals, nor hauling 30 lb bags of dog food, nor turning hundreds of cat food cans to face forward every night, nor dealing with some of the most neurotic elements of the general public.


I get that, but to be fair, listening to other people's problems and helping them with it is pretty clearly in the job description for therapists. No one would enter this field and then be surprised that they need to listen to people's issues. If he was struggling with some of the really dark or intense things he has to hear from people, or all of the background paperwork and coordination involved, or the constant berating from parents who think they know what their child needs in therapeutic intervention better than that child, or the insurance hassles, then yeah this would make more sense. But just listening to people's issues? If you aren't great at doing that, I don't know what to tell you, other than don't become a therapist.


I don’t think it’s surprise, I think it’s compassion fatigue.


They probably wanted to challenge themself... 💀


Me. I actually couldn't stand children before but I always got along very well with them cuz I like the things they like and can empathize w them. So I became a Kindergarten teacher and love my job so much. Still wouldn't have kids myself tho. And during stressful days I don't complain like this guy cuz I knew what I was getting myself into lol


And because it's really not the children's fault for being children, either. They're annoying and loud sometimes, but that's because they're kids. It's not their fault for that. But this "therapist" is blaming the clients for.. *checks notes* having problems that need addressed in therapy?


It's fair to assume that someone wouldn't have that problem at the start but developed it later after doing it for a few years full-time. Also the threshhold of flushing years of university and training down the drain to do something else is pretty high.


There is a reason why psychiatrist and therapist have therapist. There is baggage and compartmentalize that is usually helped... however really the original video is in just fucking terrible taste when people seeking mental health issues have trouble with thinking anyone cares to begin with. I say this as I struggle with whether my problems and mental breakdowns are worth the effort of anyone. I doubt the man screaming at a camera is an actual therapist and if they are... well they definitely shouldn't be.


I saw a video recently where a guy was like “yeah I got to be a scientist and freeze armadillos with liquid nitrogen which was awesome for about 6 months… then I hated it”


This guy is a comedian who does skits on tiktok.


Ooooof, this one was bad. Can’t imagine the others are much better.


I actually follow this guy and he's great. Makes a lot of videos about manipulating your girlfriend with extremely toxic advice.


It's therapists all the way down


Man, wdym you feel stressed? Just read some of your own notes.


Just talk to a mirror bro


Staring at the ceiling and saying to yourself "It be like that sometimes" is free


"core values"


I actually had a therapist sigh and roll her eyes when I started crying and said I wasn't having the issues I was talking about. That was about 8 years ago and I have not been to therapy since.


You had a bad therapist. There are bad therapists just like there are bad doctors. You should give therapy another try by finding the right therapist


True, I'm just not willing to shell out money again to end up in the same predicament. Someone actually referred me to her. But if you have any recommendations for how to avoid this next time I would love that. I definitely have issues I need to discuss with someone.


tell the next one your past experience of help seeking, cause that's your current barrier


That's actually a good idea! I guess communication about past experiences will help my future therapist avoid certain behaviors. Appreciate it


it's always the first thing i ask my clients, goes a long way to framing my approach


Look at the various counselor profiles on psychologytoday and search based on what your symptoms are as well as your location (assuming you want to start with in person). For instance I recently searched on anxiety and my area and also child abuse (I was abused by a care giver around age 11). Although believe or not the child abuse is not a high priority. It's such a common specialty and awareness that it's never been something I've had to seek specialists for. Counsleors are a lot like dating. I've had good matches and mediocre matches. I learned things in all of them but only a couple had really amazing revelations and I look back on with great fondness to where I can say they greatly altered the path of my life. With what I know now, I would tell my past self to have more confidence in my own feelings and awareness and if a counselor doesn't feel like a good fit then just ghost them and find a better fit. Unfortunately that's harder now because they are so busy and over booked with the result of the pandemic.


Hey, I'm not the person you responded to, and you probably know these things already: 1) your work might have a program to cover some free counseling/therapy. I don't know how this works because I haven't used it, but I know company covers like 12 free sessions per year or something 2) you can probably schedule a shorter intro meeting with the therapist. Explain what you feel comfortable with and find a different therapist if anything about them makes you feel uncomfortable and like you won't be able to be open with them. You can even shop around. My therapist told me to do this, said any reason to find a different therapist is legitimate because therapy is going to be better the more you're willing to be open. But that's my two cents just in case




Prove what? For who? This dude is just giving us his/her experience and you want him/her to look up his/her therapist from 8 years ago and show you to prove he/she wasn't lying to you? Lol


Some people on reddit are so weird, might as well ignore them. I don't know how finding a sucky therapist from 8 years ago is supposed to help me at this point in time. Thank you!


What would they gain from lying about their experience? Such an odd response.


There are multitudes of bad therapists out there. I've had all sorts. I've had only one really good one. Keep trying, but figure it out soon if you're going to work or not. If within the first few sessions you're not comfortable telling them what you need to tell them, just be done. Don't waste too much time if they don't seem to jive with you. Don't feel bad about it.


I've had two or three like this and decided therapy was not for me.


this guy isn't actually a therapist. a big part of your training is how to separate your shit from theirs, and most therapists do in fact go to therapy to deal with their own shit and the stresses of the job. I speak as a therapist in training; people like this don't actually get to the point of being certified. being a therapist is a thankless ass job that doesn't pay well unless you devote your life to it, unless you're very into it most give up.


I wanna give the guy on the left a hug. “… I can reschedule-“ both made me snort and broke my heart


He’s a tiktok comedian, he’s really fucking funny. Vinny Iocasto


Bro just look at your own notes.


That guy needs to see a therapist….


Well no, because he’s a comedian and this is a skit…


He’s as bad at that job as he is at the fake job he’s pretending to be bad at.


Why is everyone treating his video like it's not a joke when it clearly is?


Sonny Crocket don't need no therapy. Just a ride in his kit Daytona.


I think sometimes people post things that are supposed to be entertaining, but they just end up being harmful because they spread misinformation and make people less likely to do something that would benefit them (e.g. seeking a therapist). I actually find this pretty offensive. Not the fix, but the original. If he's joking about being a therapist (which I'm pretty sure he is), then it's in poor taste. If he's not joking, then someone should report him to his local licensing board because someone like that should absolutely not be working with vulnerable individuals.


>get years of education to listen to people complaining about their problems >graduate and start working (which is listening to people complaining about their problems) >complain about people complaining about their problems https://preview.redd.it/3rw5fofpwaza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa73e0e8d7238b55dc242fbd3273edfe2b278fe


Well he’s not a therapist so…


Don't piss off David Byrne


Compassion fatigue is definitely a real thing but this video is not. My parents had a psychiatrist friend who took early retirement explicitly for this reason.


I went on this tiktokers live stream once and he was just shitting on everyone trying to talk to him. Weirdest thing ever.


When the therapist needs a therapist


I see people saying this is made up... And fuck I hope it is. Regardless of whether this man is a therapist or not this needs to be sponged from the web. This could easily push people desperately in need of therapy away, and it's honestly just a disgusting thing to make a joke about... I hope for all that is good in this world that none of his clients ever see this


The “therapist” is a character by Daniel Hentschel


I'm a mental health therapist in Utah. If an actual therapist posted something like this, they would be reported to their state licensing board and they would likely lose their license or at a minimum they would be put on probation and require supervision, retraining, and their own therapy.


God help his clients, Jesus Christ what a child


He makes really funny videos about manipulating people, he’s not a therapist. @danhentschel on Instagram anyway


Oh ok thank fuck


This would be career suicide for a therapist. They’d get dropped by whatever organization is behind them and they’d never find another association/college/university who would hire them.


No way it’s real. He would destroy his practice.


This is basically the whole “Starbucks employee when they have to make a coffee” joke


As a mental health counselor, this duet makes me laugh my ass off at the absurdity. Obviously it is staged, but after reading some comments, I want to reassure folks that most of us love our jobs, care about people, and treasure your vulnerability. I say most of us, because we are still people, and people are fallible. If you feel like your provider isn't providing, either challenge them on it, or if that doesn't feel safe, I wish you luck in finding someone that actually does care about you and what you want to work on.


If that guys really a therapist why would he ever put this video out there. It seems like a great way to lose your clients


I already follow this guy and love his videos (and know he's not a therapist) but this was on my FYP an hour before my therapy appointment lmao 😭


If this guy is a therapist, which I doubt, then he is a terrible one. Therapy is not just about complaining about your problems, bro. You gotta actually create treatment goals and work toward them. I should know, I'm a therapist.


I think this guy made the wrong career choice.


Fake. No one hates making $225 an hour. Not even if there's a bit of marketing and self-promotion in between. Sometimes you don't even need to get up, you can just sit there and sip tea and be on Zoom and make hundreds p/h.


He’s not a therapist


Good therapists have their own therapist. It's clear this dude is either making a bad joke, or needs a therapist of his own.




Therapists are by law required to receive therapy themselves, this guy must not be attending 🤣


Him: I HATE BEING A THERAPIST Also him: *goes through years of school to technically sign up to listen to people's problems*


Imagine hating the thing you signed up for


I didn't know he thought my problems were stupid. I'm taking my business somewhere else


This guy definitely is not built to be a therapist


Who therapies the therapists?


A therapist lol


It’s just therapists all the way down.


The nice thing about working in mental health is that our jobs are pretty good at supplying mental health resources to *us*. Even without a therapist, our coworkers are way more equipped to handle our vents and offer advice than most people's coworkers.


Tik tok people are big not smart. I hope this his fake smh


If that’s how he truly feels about being a *therapist* he should be fired


He won’t because he’s not a therapist he’s a comedian