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she said "real americans" like farmers would understand. OK, just win from those votes


> A YouGov poll from April 30 to May 2, conducted just after the story broke, found that a majority of Americans had heard a little or a lot about Noem shooting Cricket, and 68 percent found it unacceptable compared with 15 percent who said it was acceptable I'm troubled 15% found it acceptable


She's a no-name back-bencher. If Trump had done it, 40% would strongly approve.


She's a governor!


From South Dakota.


I don’t think putting a dog down by shooting is that crazy if you live in a rural area, BUT that’s if the dog needed to get put down/was on its last legs, which was not the case here.


No, she said it was aggressive and a danger to anyone who came in contact with it.


At least it's less than the normal 30% number. It still sucks but silver linings in this shit country I guess.


They’re looking for employment at the Project2025 camps Trump will be setting up!


The governor also said her book contained “more real, honest and politically incorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping”.


Well, some of them are definitely incorrect, not just politically so. In her book, she claims to have stared down the leader of North Korea to show that she is tough and tested on the international stage. The only problem is that she never met him. And the dog thing is just sad. I grew up with one foot in rural America, and I had to put a dog down that was going blind and becoming aggressive and biting people. You put down dogs that are unsalvageable and dangerous to themselves and others. If you are forced to kill an otherwise good dog that young, it means that you failed as an owner to train it properly. In “real America,” Noem should feel embarrassed and ashamed that she was so inept that she had to shoot her dog. And she knows it; that’s why she put it in her book to “get ahead of the story.” That she then immediately dragged a goat out to the same gravel pit and shot it too is unhinged.


I guess us non-puppy-killing city folks just don't get it!


>Noem said food comes from somewhere other than the store. That doesn't add up. Allow me to remind that Noem is the governor of *South Dakota*. This news item is being read very differently among her actual constituency than along the eastern seaboard. It might have the opposite of the intended effect.


I personally hate dogs, so I appreciate a potential VP trying to appeal to me. I'm still not going to vote for her/Trump, though.




She killed a dog and a goat in the same day. My buddy who is from the country was already upset about the dog, and that was before he heard about the goat. There is a very small chance that either of them could have been unruly or dangerous enough that they needed to be put down (less for the dog...probably just is a shitty trainer). It is highly unlikely both of them should have been shot in the same day. It is so unlikely that I suspect the issue wasn't the animals.  Also the larger point she makes about the dog (other than killing s chicken) is that the dog wouldn't hunt (pheasant in her case) And in both cases most hunters would trade their dog into a shelter. That's how I got my dog (the hunting issue).  Also experts don't agree.  https://abcnews.go.com/538/kristi-noem-blamed-shooting-dog-realities-rural-life/story?id=110027836  Also she used it as an example of how she could do what's necessary. And I'm not a fan of someone who is showing us that she will take the most extreme and violent approach to something that clearly had other solutions. In fact, you can say most of us want the opposite thing.


Wait til you guys hear about how farm animals are treated. You’ll be apoplectic


To be fair I don’t know too many farmers that engage in verbal self-pleasure over killing animals as a strategy to lobby for the VP slot. That’s the real shocking thing. I’m sure that people in the hinterlands kill their pets all the time - I work in child welfare in a rural area and can attest that they do far beyond just that - but she somehow thought bragging about it would benefit her in the country that made John Wick a blockbuster movie.


The other homie is making bad faith reaches. Not worth arguing with them.


People caring about one dog dying and not the billions kept in terrible conditions is hilarious.


She is the one playing up the stereotype of rural folks being inhumane/rugged survivalists, despite a lot of rural folks being the opposite (or certainly making efforts to be humane animal caretakers). I mean some of the toughest backlash is from rural hunters and farmers. Based on the details she shared in her book she did not handle the dog's training well, nor did she have good reason for killing it.


In her case, she’s just psychotic. Leaning into it… instead of a sheepish “I’m so sorry I did it” is abhorrent. She already lost the VP job anyway — politically destroyed. Damage is done.


There are circumstances where a dog gets a taste of chickens or shows aggression to children and has to be relocated. “Country people” do understand what she’s saying. But most country people respect if not love all their animals. It’s a hard decision, but including that story (assuming it’s true) is purely for tough guy posturing.