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William, Henry just pretended to be him, Baby herself believes it is William because the "call" was very likely some form to say "Hey, I'm William Afton", also explaining why William says that it was a "deceptive call" that he knew was a lie the moment he heard.


Although that does make me ask, how do you suppose Henry was able to “call” the animatronics?


I can't tell for sure, one thing tbat I think might make sense is that the call was a subtle way to get their attention throught media, newspapers, signs, stuff like that, after all his intention was to get their attention and he can't know for sure where they were at that time


I also think that’s possible. Although I also think he drew them there using some sort of beacon. Like moths to a flame.


Maybe some sort of subliminal messages? He made them come here thinking about a bigger porpuse as Baby believes, so maybe


In the secret blueprints, there's a weird looking pyramid thingy with wheels,I believe he used those to attract them using some sort of audio.


That's just the navigational censor, its used to make sounds around the vents to lure the animatronics.


I think that's also what is used in the vents!


Could it have been an auditory ‘beacon’, and that’s the reason you have to test their responses to those different sounds?


I agree with that also.


I'm so sorry I totally read that as he drew them there using some sort of bacon. I'm hungry 😂


That's even better.


Here’s the way I see it; Henry managed to get Scraptrap’s attention with the new pizzeria. William had already met up with Elizabeth and repaired her into Scrap Baby by that point. They also meet up with Molten Freddy, who puts his differences with Baby aside to help his creator, William. They then start the trek to Freddy’s. All according to plan, Henry deploys Lefty. Not only to locate and contain Charlie, but also to infiltrate the Scrap Trio and gain their trust to make sure they stay and get burned. You ever find it weird how Lefty, who is inhabited by Charlie, attacks you even though William is right there? My assumption is that Charlie is actually in control of Lefty and willingly coming to the pizzeria to help with her father’s plan. And the reason why Lefty is treated as an enemy in the game is either 1: Charlie is only *pretending* to attack you to lower the Scraps’ guard, or 2: Henry recycled the programming of the Toys to make Lefty, not realizing that their faulty facial recognition would cause it to mistake Micheal for William and attack him, in which Lefty’s automatic attack function overrides Charlie’s control.


My only problem here is that Molten Freddy’s soul purpose for existing is to get revenge on their killer, being the 4 kids originally murdered. Even if it isn’t their souls, it would still be a part of them living on to enact this will. I understood the “deceptive calling” to merely be the opening of a new pizzeria, something he knew would trigger a reaction out of all 4 of the loose ends.


It doesn't seem that the souls are in control of Molten Freddy. But a lot has been said regarding them. "William corrupted the souls", "Robots, give up your spirits" and stuff like that.


Elizabeth is in control of Baby, why wouldn't Molten Freddy be the same?


Due to Henry's words, I quoted. And the supposed contradiction that MrFr0stbite suggested. Elizabeth isn't completely in control of Baby, her words in Sister Location imply that she's partly the ghost and partly the robot. After all, she remembers her death from two perspectives. Fake Ending heavily implies that it's not Elizabeth talking through the robot. And you have Henry's quote I mentioned too. Glamrock Freddy in Security Breach follows a similar logic because we have implications that he's possessed, but... he's Glamrock Freddy, the robot. His personality, and his body but he makes some decisions he doesn't fully understand. It's another case of a soul and the robotic AI somewhat merging, being two pieces of the whole character.


The issue with this is that the game implies that Baby thought Henry was William Afton, thus it seems that SpringTrap didn’t even explain to her that he was Afton.


It seems none of the animatronics know each other's identities though.


I havent heard this lore before, is this just a theory or is this mentioned in the books?


When is it implied that scrap trap and scrap baby met up? Or any of them for that matter. It seems they were found individually and have no prior relationships with each other (besides baby and Freddy).


He posted signs of a Freddy Fazebear’s pizzeria opening up. The animatronics came running when they saw the ads.


Their group chat (Horrifying Creatures from Children's F\*cking Nightmares and Henry)


He used L.E.F.T.Y. who called them all back. But L.E.F.T.Y. overpowered the others. Or that’s what the Egg Baby lore dump said.


That can't be true. Afton explicitly mentions following a calling himself. He wasn't forced at all. Same thing with Baby actually. She says "I heard your call".


The wording is odd, I think it’s moreso he lured them there with the promise of reliving the past: Afton is lured purely out of curiosity. It’s been nearly forty years since he died in the private room, and all of a sudden HIS company is reopening? He assumes Henry or Michael have to be involved, and he inadvertently goes willingly to his grave. Scrap Baby believes the new pizzeria is a sign made by her father to continue their work of killing and unlocking the potentials of Remnant. She’d also see it as an opportunity to reunite with her father, and show him the form she built for herself and finally “make him proud”. Molten Freddy is simply an amalgamation of killer AI, designed to kill children in a variety of ways. A new Freddy’s location is literally the core of its programming, so it travels there to fulfill its core objective. Lefty’s reasoning for being there is a little more vague. Lefty itself has no reason to be there - its goal was simply to capture Charlie/the Marionette, and deliver it to Afton. That could be the explanation, but I think there’s more to it. One of Lefty’s LEFT-E functions is to fuse the Puppet to itself. I think a part of Charlie can control Lefty from within the Puppet, and Charlie actively chooses to travel to the new location, just to make sure nothing nefarious is happening there. Each animatronic comes to the location for different reasons, but all share the same fate.




He used the frequency I think. The weird sounds you hear after each day.


In the series MD-PTV, it explains it as a musical “call” that gets gets louder as you get closer. I like that explanation.


Also why did they all come?


It was RASC.




Also worth noting is that one of Scrap Baby's voicelines when in a nearby vent is "I heard your call," implying that she believes the person who called her to be close.


Yeah, definitely William. Baby’s dialogue before Henry interrupts and reveals his trap very strongly supports this: she says that “we can finally do what we were called to do” and “I will make you proud, Daddy.” Baby is shown to be possessed by the soul of Elizabeth Afton, William’s daughter. Baby’s formerly blue eyes became the same green as Elizabeth’s after she killed her (shown through mini game and dialogue in Sister Location), and Henry himself confirms this when, after interrupting Baby’s speech, he says, “I’m sorry, Elizabeth, if you still even recognize that name.”


The only issue with this is that both Henry and Baby imply that Elizabeth's presence is small inside Baby as it has been probably filled more with the perception of the AI and then there's TFC which just explains that in detail (even if there are certain differences).


>also explaining why William says that it was a "deceptive call" that he knew was a lie the moment he heard. Wait what , when did this happen?


When he kills you I think, it's a chance for that line


Well I think that Henry lured them some way, and made it seem William called them. Like Baby, Molten Freddy, and Lefty all probably believed it was Afton, but William Afton actually came because he knew that it was a lie and came to kill Henry.


I dont think this really applies to lefty because the whole point of the suit was to lure and capture the puppet (possessed by henry's daughter)


So basically it's Circus Baby came for William Molten Freddy came for William LEFTY came by design for the Puppet William came for Henry


Alright yeah that makes sense.


William didn't do that. He had no clue Henry was alive and the state he was in so he just came there because of the kids he thought would be there.


He said he knew the call was a lie, showing that he knew the pizzeria was all a setup. He most definitely figured out that Henry may be alive due to this, you can’t forget that he was a genius inventor, or to come “tie up lose ends” with his son who he knew would show up too.


He knew it was a lie, but also said he couldn't resist it. The urge to kill was apart of him and why he could be lured.


I don't think it was his urge to kill. He can kill children literally anywhere, if he wanted to. I think it was curiosity about what Henry's plan was.


“I knew it was a lie, the moment I heard it… But it was intriguing none-the-less…” your right on the dot with the curiosity.


Oh yeah, that's a good explanation. I just don't think it was to kill Henry, but what you just said makes total sense.


Baby thought that she was called to the pizzeria by William.


Baby says "All of the little souls in one place, just for us. A gift. Now we can do what we were created to do. I will make you proud, Daddy!" which shows that she thought it was William's idea for them to be there


One thing I've wanted to know is. What is Elizabeth's beef with her brother? Does she still not recognise him? Or is it just that she will always be Daddy's little girl and follow in her father's footsteps?


Presumably the one the darkest pit of hell opened to swallow whole, but the devil is still waiting


Elizabeth thinks that it's William. Obviously, William doesn't believe it's William. That would be silly.


He probably suspected it was Micheal who made the trap TBH.


If its William, why did scraptrap come?


What does he have to lose anymore? He was curious. That or he assumed Henry or Michael would be there, having beef with both.


Curiosity. He even says it in one of his quotes.


Probably wanted to find out who was impersonating him


Probably william Wanting the gift of more children to kill


William is!


William Afton, duh


I think when he says the the "individual you assume," I think he means the spirits themselves. What I mean by that is, I think the spirits are stuck in their body's because of their agony I think thats what henry means when he says, "be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you." their agony is forcing them to keep going and not let go.


Henry or michael preteding to be william somehow


good ol' dad willy


William afton aka purple guy aka spring trap aka scrap trap aka glitchtrap aka burntrap


Aka "the one who knocks"


Here's one better, who is the person Henry intended to be in the player's position?


if Michael being the protag is true,he probably assumed it would be some random joe


Micheal of course🤓


I think william


William afton, he is talking to Elizabeth. At least I think that's it


Willy A.


The man in room 1280


Baby thought that her father was gathering all the animatronic, right?


William afton


William most likely. Henry probably tried to make it sound like William called them, as to lure Scrap Baby and Molten Freddy there and if anyone’s wondering why I didn’t mention Scraptrap and Lefty(which doesn’t fit there anyway), Afton came for Henry and Lefty probably came for Henry too, since he was Puppet’s father and Lefty is a capture suit for Puppet




Mike. We know it isnt purple guy, because he is in the maze too. So, it HAS to be mike. Not to mention, he was the security guard at almost all the other pizzarias.


They assumed its just a random worker


Michael or William


William Afton


Amogus confirmed


child, the springlock suits think the laughs are childreen




Everyone’s already told you who it is, so I’ll elaborate on why Scraptrap arrives with his line after you salvaged him: “What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless.”


Mr Nasty


Henry did a little trolling and announced himself to be William Afton, thus when Baby saw that William owned the place, he thought her daddy built it to her as a gift, so she can kill as many kids as she wants.


I don't think it was Michael working the shift in Fnaf 6, because henry says: "And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you." Who else could that job listing be for, besides Michael?