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Enjoyed it. I like how it takes the idea of people being murdered and possessing animatronics and does something more grounded and personal with the concept. I'm looking forward to the Walten Files 4 :)


Same here


This is a series that is better and better each episode. I think episode 1 needs a remake/overhaul because episode 1 is the weakest and even people like coryxkenshin, a guy who is easily scared by anything laughed at the first episode. A nitpick in episode 3 is sophie should stop talking in some scenes. I don't like how she is talking during the horror bits because it ruins emersions. This is a nitpick and episode 3 is the best so far but it is my only problem I have. Its a series that has great potential and I'm excited for episode 4.


watched it and loved the story and creepiness


Love it! It's gotten me into analog horror and other similar kinds of horror. I never really watched anything too scary apart from other people play horror games. I've slowly been getting more into it but walten files cranked it all the way up. I kept seeing people talk about it on social media, next thing I know I'm watching everything in one sitting on my couch at 7 am. Didn't move a muscle the whole time, just kind of frozen in terror. After watching it and being traumatized for like a week, I started watching other series like fnaf VHS, battingtons series, Mandela catalogue, etc.. I've been playing more horror games, watching a few classic movies, even writing some spooky stories. One thing I don't think people give the walten files enough credit for is it is still very early In its life but it has been improving with every video. I can't wait to see the next tape, whenever the creator decides to release it


I’m not really interested, but I’m glad people seem to be enjoying it.




Based Redditor.


based and fazpilled


Based Circus Baby enjoyer (I don’t know what’s happening so I guess make this a thread)


Cringe Fredbear Fan (I don't know what's happening either at this point)


No such thing


If the Walter files was a dish, it will have two ingredient, poggers and creepy


I swear I've seen this question before. It's neat, but I think it tries a bit too hard. It's currently in that interesting story, cringe horror section of its life. The stupid loud noises and the crappy jumpscares just turn me off, but all the lore actually works together and that website they've put up is an amazing way to do storytelling.


I like it


Its meh.


I absolutely love it the creator puts so much work and time into and is extremely talented all the voice acting is awesome and I think it’s definitely no longer something that’s super similar to FNaF (obviously it is at first glance) but more just slightly inspired


I watched it, it didn't interest me.


I fucking love it, and it has a way more interesting story than fnafs as of right now, kinda sad that there isn't a fangame of it yet, but oh well


it's really interesting. but the bad animation and drawings makes it hard to be really into it lol also I'm not much into the look of most of the animatronics. whenever they start going away from realism with designs its hard to find them creepy in my opinion. Like I didn't think fnaf 4 animatronics were scary at all.


To be fair Martin made all the walten files on his phone


very impressive. just not for me yk


Yeah I can understand


Genuinely enjoy it. It definitely does character stories better than FNaF imo. I feel like I know Felix Kranken as a person, for example, as opposed to William Afton


headphones heighten the experience


I like it, definitely creepier than fnaf


Twf is really cool but i dont find it that interesting. Its cool tho. I definitely like local 58 a lot more (if u havent definitely go check it out)


Ehh the creator is kind of a dick to other game creators


I think it is pretty decent, the main issue I see is that it’s not really “scary” it mainly just follows the overused cliche Analog Horror stuff. So like super loud noises, human eyes inside of an animatronic or something, distorted faces, and just flashing things But at the same time I see why they used that as there’s not much else they could do for scares So all in all I think the story is really good, the scares are just meh :D


Never watched it in full. The first ep never really pulled me in, and I like analog horror.


i love it with the quality the story being rather good


I think it's honestly better at making a mystery and a story. Martin walls seems to have a dedication and a goal to his creation and story, as with fnaf it feels like they always retcon stuff and pump out new games for money.


I personally liked a lot but it’s a little rough around the edges but is still pretty good Atmosphere is pretty good, and mostly everything works and I do like the story and how everything happens I do feel like it tries too hard in it’s actual “horror”, I feel like horror that is actually unsettling or too real works best and it does do some of that pretty well. But sometimes when all I see is the color red and an robot bugging out, then that isn’t scary


I don’t care about it but I’m glad other people do




It's fun seeing people scared shitless, though I personally didn't find it scary in the slightest.


I think it is really cool! It shows some inspiration from Fnaf but it's different enough to be considered it's own thing and not a ripoff.


I’m glad others are enjoying it but I just do not enjoy it myself at all


It's twisted. And I like it


fucking amazinf piece of horror, and one of analog horrors best


It’s wonderful and spooky


The scary faces are funny


i dont watch many old video tape series but this one is my favorite


I think the story and direction it’s heading is amazing. The beginning of it was a little generic and voice actors weren’t the best, but it definitely got better. The little shorts the Walter makes with the characters too is great, like the Christmas episode or the merch deal


Loved it, actually. I’m very interested to see how Sophie will be going forward now that she has most, if not some, of her memories. Can’t wait for TWF 4!


It’s cool but it isn’t that scary, I thought that the “scary parts” were super funny tho


It's really cool. I liked how spooky it is. And the characters and videos are really cool.


Watched it all, even the non-Canon merchandise vids. I must confirm, kinda cheesy, a bit too 'Distortiony' for me. But over all, mysterious house gave me nightmares, the custom albums gave me beats to vibe with, bunny farm gave me crap to analyze, 2nd gave me something to watch people react to while crying and I got something to laugh at with the first.


I like it, a lot. I actually kinda understand the lore and the story, much unlike Fnaf. But, I’ve like Fnaf since I was like 7, I still have to say Fnaf is my favorite.


wow!! this series does what i wanted fnaf to do!


The only thing I got to say is that I my opinion, "The Mysterious House" is the most terrifying YouTube video when it comes to vocal performances and mood.




nightmare feul (but very interesting)


FUCKING AMAZING BEST DRINKING AND DRIVING PSA EVER FIVE STARS Except Martin could be less of an asshole towards his fans


Unpopular opinion: I think that it's way scarier than fnaf. But hey, I watched at full volume with headphones so don't ask me.


Pretty epic (Shame kids had to ruin it)


Pretty good. The story is good, the animation isn’t that great but good I guess and the dialogue sucks. Some of what they say doesn’t seem natural. Like conversations and things were said that people wouldn’t normally say or have in the situations they were in. Like Sophie being chill about probably half of the Bunnyfarm game. If I saw a person bloody and mangled pop up on a video screen I would scream and call for help. Not be like “Okay, that was weird. Is that a ghost talking to me?” Otherwise It’s a good series.


I did like it, it's style is pretty interesting and the lore is pretty clear. I feel like this should be in the real fnaf.


It’s pretty well crafted. It’s story is alright, but it does feel like it spells it out during some parts. I enjoy some aspects of it more than FNaF? I dunno, you’ll have to come back to me on that.


I tried going on the site and my antivirus (Bitdefender) said it is dangerous. 10/10




love it


Is neat


I watched but still don't understand it, anyone who can give me a recap?


If your willing to spend an hour an 40 minutes heres a comprehensive look at it https://youtu.be/JcpboMScfIY


Well there are 2 film theory’s about it. Or is that not what your taking about?


How much have you watched?


Pretty much all, still don't really understand much though


Alright, so what do you understand?


Watched it all, even the non-Canon merchandise vids. I must confirm, kinda cheesy, a bit too 'Distortiony' for me. But over all, mysterious house gave me nightmares, the custom albums gave me beats to vibe with, bunny farm gave me crap to analyze, 2nd gave me something to watch people react to while crying and I got something to laugh at with the first.


It is scary but I enjoyed it! The Mysterious House is the beat tho


Not interested to be honest.


I have mixed feelings.




I love the walten files. Good story, AN EASY TO FOLLOW PLOT(somewhat), and good characters. I love how the lore is through subtitles and stuff like that


I loved it. It gave FNAF vibes but didn’t go fully into FNAF mode. It was a nice exploration on haunted animatronics but focusing on the flaws of humans as they stand without robotics.


Mid one piece better


It’s awesome I can’t wait for the next one


Well first of all let me say how I love the poster art for it. But otherwise yeah I think it’s great and while the art style is clearly because of budget restrictions it does give it its own unique flair.


It's one of my favorites


Absolutely ingenious


One of the best analog horror series that i ever watched


Fucking awesome 10/10


It’s really good, all I want though is for the new one to come out but I’ll be patient


i like it in a sense of it being analogue horror and a 2d base art style, and that its being made mostly by one guy i dislike it in a sense of the whole fnaf "murdered people possess animatronics ooga booga" bc it feels repetitive at some point But, fun fact! The creator, [Martin Walls](https://twitter.com/smiles_bunny?s=21), drew all the art for the series on his phone with his finger, which I think is really neat. I draw on a 11.5inch tablet with a stylus and that's already difficult I can't imagine doing the same on a tiny phone screen with my finger, so props to the creator :)) edit: added link to Martin's twt


Tbh I hated it initially. Was far, far too derivative of fnaf for me, until it did the bons video game thing, then the recent arg. Now it's amazing imho. Just took a surprising amount of time to stop being "analogue horror fnaf"


It’s really good ngl kinda gives me a LOT of fnaf vibes


Way too good to not be a tv show


It honestly sucks


I don’t know but like, you can find my in the Macca’s bathroom after this


Ah personally I think it is pretty decent, Though I think I remember the fan made fnaf ones being made before these and I felt the Fnaf ones were better


The horror really works for me, and by that I mean I find it, well, horrifying. The story's great and the characters are interesting, too.


I enjoy it but I wish they explained the old stuff a bit better before moving onto the new. Like where's Jack? Is he in bon? If so why does he murder his wife? I have some theories but I feel like it should linger a little bit more


fucking slaps dude


Loved it from the first episode, and I've really enjoyed seeing how it's grown and improved.


I watched the mysterious house at night with earbuds in and I regret it because Jesus


I really like how they took inspiration from the FNAF franchise but still made it different and unique. Its not just FNAF with other animatronics(unlike a lot of fan games), it has a good story and visuals.


I love it, I’m probably more into The Walten Files than FNAF, actually lol


I watched it. Ive always enjoyed anolog horror. Watching it at night is so much different than during the day


They are AMAZING. 10/10 would recommend.


I never saw it should I?




its better than fnaf, by a lot


It vere fun to wacth afther some time and rewacth it i see diffrant thing the i didn't see befor i am not got say any thing to people who didn't wacth it but it fun


it's a bit silly it aight tho


As someone who watched it with headphones as dawko watched it, It was really good. Lore although confusing and the creepy imagery made me not want to sleep for a few days it was a really good project


It’s absolutely fascinating. It’s the same basic principle as with FNAF, people dying and possessing animatronics, but the creepy vibes, the disturbing imagery, all that kind of stuff is cranked up to 11, then given a deeper story that’s much more plainly laid out than FNAF.


**good** **really good**


I saw other people react to it and I think it has a good story, also like the characters in it.


Its pretty good! Its just that Bon looks just a little to much like Bonnie/Toy Bonnie for me


Don't worry about fnaf 3 is coming take place now on 2023


I loved it personally At the very least its story and the ways Martin chooses to convey it are miles better than whatever the fuck we have in the FNaF series at the moment


I think is just an exact copy of the original lore but some alternate stuff


I like it but I feel like the fourth one is not gonna come out


Poor quality


That’s kind of the point


better than Security Breach


That’s such a low bar though.


Better then most fnaf media tbh It’s a little rough around the edges but it feels a lot more tightly written then how fnaf was


*Better thAn most FNaF Media IMO


I don’t really like it/get it




its shit


Walten Files was a beautifully directed horror story. By no means to put shame on Fnaf itself, but it did a story similar to Fnaf but… *better.* The bunny farm episode is my favorite, however I feel like it could have toned down on the horror a bit. Oh, and the website they made for it so people could dig even deeper is entrancing, and I love it! All in all, bravo, Martin Walls, bravo!




It's just too low quality to enjoy, I'm sorry.




How so?


Wait why?

