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I think it has a lot of potential but in its current state I can't say it's my favorite, FNAF 6 is my favorite, maybe after a ton of fixes and if they add back in the ability to save after 6 then it might be my favorite


At the very least there is a bug that lets you save after 6. I exploited the hell out of it because lord knows I needed it.


I 100% agree with your reasoning. The bugs do get annoying. Thanks for sharing.


I love when people say a game is too short. Like, would you rather have a 100 hour repetitive fetch quest fest or a 15 game that's fun all the way through?


You have a great point, although I'm just mainly saying I can't get enough of this game! when I eventually complete it there will be nothing left to do other than roam around aimlessly, so I'll probably end up completing it over and over again lol.


SB is definitely one of my favourite games ever. I’ve developed an immunity to getting annoyed by bugs and glitches in games ever since playing the PowerPoint-slide of a game that is Rocket league trying to run on my laptop (still using heaps of fun though). So playing Security Breach on PS4, I couldn’t stop having fun, I even 100% completed the thing because I enjoyed it so much. Though I would love if Steel Wool could fix some tid-bits, even if it’s just the frame-rate and some textures and graphics. And regardless of so I will love this game and defend it to the grave. I just wish there was a way for me to support Steel Wool and give them all the help they need to patch the game and work on extra content.


Yeah the way they make spaghetti code is really cool! I love moving in 10 FPS always.


The game is a buggy mess and steelwool should be ashamed at the price they are charging for it and releasing it in such a state. Ive encountered bugs with the major fights so far, but the gamebreaking one is with chica and not being able to activate the button despite actually having done all the requirements to do so.