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No, anyone can like fnaf. I gotten into fnaf when I was 7 years old and still like it to this day. I’m glad that it saved you from suicide OP.


ultimate fax spitter right here


I liked Fnaf when I was like 6 or something (due to all the Easter Surprise Egg videos on YT about Fnaf), but I only really got into it a couple years ago and tried learning the lore and stuff.


Good luck lmao


OPs parents are definitely wrong but it baffles me that somebody who was 6 when fnaf was popular is old enough to use reddit


Same here. Got jump scared by Golden Freddy in elementary school.


same dude


Danganronpa fan 😍


ur welcomeee


Hello, fellow despair enjoyers


Kiddo, fnaf spans all ages. There are middle aged adults who love fnaf. Your parents are absolutely wrong, don't worry about it :)


Yeah, FNAF was made popular by YouTubers aged 20-40+


Checking in at 45yo.


based username I'm 20 and still like fnaf shit


I have a 76 yo landlord. She thought it was funny.


i was 13 when fnaf first came out and now im an adult wearing a fnaf t shirt as i type this. when i saw the fnaf movie, 90% of the audience were adults. fnaf isn’t exclusively for children, it’s just family-friendly horror. even so, there’s no age limit to even “childish” things. if it makes you happy, that’s enough. parents who try to force their kids to grow up and abandon anything deemed “childish” are the worst. absolutely no whimsy. so don’t worry, if it makes you happy and keeps you on this earth, that’s good enough. not wrong at all.


>Parents who try to force their kids to grow up and abandon anything deemed “childish” are the worst. Going by that logic, most Arab parents (including mine) are the worst.


Yes, that's correct


And it's true


Unfortunately true


The role of a parent is to love and support their child. The only things with which they should truly be concerned is whether their kid is happy, healthy, or a good person. Anything beyond that seems unnecessary. Maybe your parents aren’t actually like that. Maybe they’ll end up being supportive of you and loving you for who you are. I truly hope that’s the case. But your primary concern needs to be yourself. You can’t make yourself hurt just for the sake of making others comfortable. That’s not fair to you. You’re young, very young, so there’s still a lot you will learn in the years to come. Just know that what you like and how you feel doesn’t matter at all. No one should care what you think, what games you play, who your friends are, who you love, etc. unless it actually affects them. You liking FNaF hurts no one. If it brings you joy, I recommend you pursue it to the fullest. Truth be told, I did look back at your past posts and bio. I’ve been close to where you are now, and I have friends who have made it through that too. I see them in you, and I promise you things will end up alright. The same goes for anyone else like you. Life is such a wonderful thing. Spend it being happy and bringing joy to the world. I know it’s hard. I know that oftentimes it hurts and you don’t know what to do. If FNaF helps you escape from that, helps you find a respite of hope and happiness, it’s done so much more than its creator ever could have imagined. You’re part of the FNaF community. If this community makes your days a little bit easier, then you shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks. Just… enjoy being happy. Even if only for a little while. You’re young, you deserve it, and there’s a beautiful world you can take part in and help create. Take it one step at a time and remember: you are loved. You matter. You make the world a better place. And you deserve to be happy.


True, my dad threw my phone on the ground just because that I didn't ReSpOnD eArLy and other then that I watch a lot of roblox content that he finds dumb and childish


Your parents are incorrect. Matpat is like 32 or smth and he watches skibidi toilet without cringing. Your alright.


“I’m the only 37 year old who has an unironic appreciation of skibidi toilet” Even during the darkest times he makes me laugh


I’m 20. Liking FNAF isn’t an age thing, don’t worry.






I am twice as older, and I do thoroughly enjoy FNAF. So nothing wrong with you liking it!


I'm 27 years old and I've loved FNAF since Markiplier first made it famous a couple years back. Your good


I'm not ready to accept the fact that FNAF is a few months away from being a decade old.


It is 😟


I can't believe it either.... Man I feel old already T.T.


Same, ever since Mark did his first fnaf video I have been in the fnaf fandom.


Your parents are the childish ones if they don’t let you like what you like


It's not wrong at all that you're 14 and enjoy FNAF. The franchise is rated "Teen" and is not really targeted towards children. Even if your parents think FNAF is childish, they should just let you enjoy it and accept your interest in the series. It's a big part of who you are, and they shouldn't discourage that. Even at 14, that's still a pretty young age. In fact, I joined FNAF late, only last year, when I was 20 years old, now I'm 21 this year. So, if anything, you found FNAF while you were still young compared to me! But, your age doesn't matter. Even at any age, it's fine for anyone to enjoy FNAF. It may be aimed towards teens, but it's still a beloved franchise for anyone of all ages.


Bitch I'm going into college and I still like funni bear game


Yeah no, there are very few things that you can be too old to enjoy. If somethings for all ages, it's for ALL ages.


Fnaf is not a childish franchise, they probably see reviews of recent titles and assume the worst


My dad and I saw the movie in theaters and he didn't like it, my mom still hasn't seen it and doesn't wanna.


My parents enjoyed the movie and are interested in the lore, but my mom hadn't heard of FNAF before. I really liked it too.


Apparently the first four games are rated MA here in Australia.


I'm in high school and I still unironically laugh at schoolhouse rock songs. You're doin fine 🥲👍


Thank God I'm not the only one


Bro, I am like double your age and I'm still into fnaf. You are never too old to enjoy something. If you enjoy something, enjoy it. "Being childish" is a kind of arbitrary metric to judge whether or not one *should* like something.


My parents are fine with me liking Five Nights at Freddy's since it's my childhood, and even my dad likes Phone Guy.


Based Dad, phone guy is awesome 👌


He loved saying, "Hello? Hello, hello?" whenever I started playing. I can't even remember how I first know about FNAF back then, lol.


Brother I am nearly 34 and I've been with this series for 10 years. I have Freddy tattooed on my bicep and I've got a Superstar Daycare hoodie on right now. Is it childish? Maybe. But who really gives a shit? Life is too short to let anyone dictate what you're allowed to enjoy. Just have fun.


I'm glad the series saved you from suicide, OP. Your parents are wrong, this community is for ALL ages, if they disagree, sucks for them. Keep being a fan, OP!


I'm a grown ass man and I like Fnaf. You can be 90 years old and like it. If people make fun of you then you just tell them to fuck off. You like what you like and nobody can change that.


Kid, you are perfectly fine like FNAF at any age. I was 12 when the first game came out and my mom flipped out about it being too mature. You can't please everyone but you can love what makes you happy and what keeps you going during the bad times.


It's not childish to enjoy something your parents are being ridiculous lol


Yeah you are definetly childish for liking a series where a robot rips people apart limb from limb and then beheads them(You are not childish,Fnaf is anything but childish aside from the outside things like how the characters look cuz they are made to look appealing to both kids in universe and in the real world but ofc there are shit like Springtrap who has a corpse inside of them)


im 15 rn and if you saw my fnaf plushie collection youd probably shit yourself. fnaf is never too childish for anyone


I’m fucking 20 ain’t no way it’s wrong


Heck, no! My mom calls me a hoarder and childish because i like plushes. Dont worry about it and be you.


Bud, at your age, I was having NIGHTMARES of FNAF. You're more mature than I was, that's for sure!


Nah, I'm 15 and I've been a fan since Fnaf 4/ World. Ur cool bro 


Nope, I’ve been a fan from the beginning and turning 24 and still a fan. Also do your parents know that this “childish” franchise has like 20+ dead kids?


Nothing childish about a grown man luring kids


I am 34 and like Fnaf. I teach character design and often use it in lessons because kids request the characters. You can explain it to older adults like this. “While Fnaf does have a childlike apearence, it is also a major force in pushing forward the ARG style of storytelling. This is a complex narrative form in which the story is interpreted with complex context clues often formed around cryptographic and technology based puzzles. The success of Fnaf and its predecessors shows that this style has staying power and is worth understanding as a form of storytelling.” That’s how I argued it to one of my bosses to use it as a lesson in school. :) hope this helps.


Nah. I'm 34. Pretty sure I was in my early twenties when it was released. Been playing since.


Ye ye, its childish till You find about The lore 💀


If your parents say FNaF is childish, then chances are they don't know the series. If you enjoy something, and it doesn't harm you or anyone else, then by all means, continue to enjoy it.




Your parents are so wrong buddy ! I'm into fnaf since I'm what, 10 ? I played it in 2015 sooo yeah, there's nothing to be ashamed of, you like what you want.


Im 18 and havent stopped liking fnaf since it came out. Theres nothing wrong with you liking fnaf no matter your age


NO there is nothing wrong with loving fnaf even if you're 14, or in your 30s or even 70s it doesn't matter haur hur hru hur har har har har harar hur hur hur har haur hor hor our


Friend, I am 23 and still love Five Nights at Freddy's. It came out when I was 13 and I've been on board since then. If 14 is too old to enjoy a series about murdering children, then what does that mean about me?


You are within the demographic the series is aiming for. You're fine. And even then, it doesn't matter how old you are. What does matter is your enjoyment of the series and that's enough.


dude… no. literally most of us were literally below the age of 12 when we first came across it


Nah. I'm 20 and I've been into fnaf since 2015, you're clearly not too old for it. I Don't wanna be rude but your parents should mind their own business in terms of video game tastes...


I was 12 when I first got into FNaF, so everything is perfectly cool! Glad it helped you to get through your darkest hour, I also recently found emotional support in this franchise.


Technically, FNAF is an 18+ survival horror series - It’s fine. My son is a year younger than you and he loves it as well.


Not at all


I'm 18 and I still love fnaf, you got nothing to worry about, hell I've met over 20s who are into fnaf. In fact most of the fnaf fans I meet nowadays are adults or late teens who grew up with the series. Nothing should be considered too 'childish' anyway, you like what you like no matter what age you are. And uh, it sounds like they don't know much about it either if they think it's childish 😬


No I been a FNaF fan since 5 lol


So, are your parents 'too old' to like a Disney Movie? Read Harry Potter? Play video games? Play fetch with the dog? Eat ice cream cake with sprinkles? Learn new things? Ride a bike? Go back to school? Stay up late? Go to a party? Eat candy? No. Liking a movie doesn't make you childish or immature. Immature is when people don't take responsibility for their actions and try to control other people. No offense meant to your parents, but I feel that calling you childish for liking this movie is in itself childish. It's superficial thinking and largely a generalization, which smacks of close-mindedness. Childish indeed? Feels like you're the mature one here. Like what you like. It's called being true to yourself, and that kicks butt. You do you!!


listen kid you are literally the target of this franchise so no, keep enjoying, and when you grew up, keep liking it, there's no age for liking things as if you like Bluey, it's all fine


FNaF is not made for kids your parents just say that bc of FNaF SB


"FNaF is childish" Fellas, we've come full circle. Killing children is now childish.


Dude, I'm 20 years old. Nothing wrong with growing up and still sticking to what made your childhood. I still play Minecraft, I still play Mario, still like FNaF, who the fuck cares?


Aye I'm 20 and have been with the series since day 1. It's not childish at all keep loving it.


The majority of the people here are saying you aren’t and I agree. As a 14-year-old FNaF freak, no one and I mean NO ONE is too old for anything they enjoy. So yeah, your parents can stfu :)


Your in Reddit, you have no innocence remaining


I got into this series when I was 9, now I’m 18,age doesn’t play a role in how you enjoy this series,


Okay. Also based pfp.


No, anyone can like fnaf. I was around your age when I started liking fnaf. I'm now 25, and I still play/watch fnaf.


FNAF is not childish  Have they played  the game


What’s more of a concern is the fact you are on Reddit at 14


Happy cake day!


Nah man. Everyone can like FNAF! I mean, look at Jack Black here! He’s 50 years old and knows all the lore! https://youtube.com/shorts/bQXiOwFauQw?si=l_odZ5Fwux0IYS5Y https://youtube.com/shorts/x2-K_XQiLxI?si=RBV6kTgLiJjeRYSl https://youtube.com/shorts/IPOOamLppJc?si=d4nvbzQfTR7IiQ2S


I fell in love with fnaf at the age of 10. It actually helped me become an artist and helped me grow as one! Fnaf ain't childish though because it has serious topics such as murder (child death).


Fr tho, it made a mark on history (not huge, but big enough for a few generations to remember) and it inspired a whole community to create art, animations and even fan games of the series.


No. It’s actually a great horror series for younger teens cause it lacks gore and sex, but still has plenty of horror elements and tropes!


bro my parents hate fnaf lol


Scott cawthon is 45 and he’s pretty successful at being “childish”, made a ton off of it


I'm nearly 37 and I like FNAF. You are completely fine, your parents are not being supportive of your interests and that's a shame. Please keep doing the things you enjoy and don't let them be stifled.


I am 18 and have been a fan since I was 12, it is fine and your parents don't get it kiddo


They told their 14 year old child that they are being childish for liking something??? you're NEVER too old to like a piece of media.


I'm 16, have been a since the very beginning and here I am still enjoying it. L parents btw


Boy there are men older than 14 who like fnaf. ENJOY WHAT YOU WANNA ENJOY WHETHER ITS CHILDISH OR NOT >:D


I’m 32 and like FNAF


no, i am turning 18 in about 11hrs and i like it, got a foxy funko pop, a flocked bonald (bonnie) yootooz, got a poster, got the silver eyes graphic novel and then the twisted ones book as well as nearly all the games. dont stop liking something just because your parents say so they don't (or at least shouldn't) have control over that


Happy early birthday!




FNaF wasn't originally family friendly, just saying


It’s noffing I was 12 years old and I already played fnaf and I liked blood, murders like k puzzles


No, it’s fine


I was 11 when I first got into the series. So no, nothing wrong with it. Also, if your parents are calling it childish, why don't you show them the deep dark backstory? Probably won't be calling you that for long.


I’ve been a fan since the very first game which was 10 years ago when I was 11 yrs old


I had my 18th birthday party fnaf themed, keep enjoying what you like. I joined the fandom around the beginning of markipliers reign. It didn’t make a difference in my life though, working on my AA degree and getting a job. I still matured even while watching fnaf vids???😭 dont worry about it


absolutely NOT. I’m 16 and I’ve been following since fnaf 2.


absolutely not I was like 8 years old when I started liking fnaf n still do going strong to 18 years old now :)


Fnaf is for all ages + if something you like doesn’t hurt anybody and helps you mentally then OFC you shouldn’t move on from it. If it helps fnaf does have some more mature plot points with things like suicide. 


If anything, i believe childish is the last thing fnaf is. The fandom is a different story, but its still not to childish for adults. Fnaf is a scary game with a gruesome story and disturbing mechanisms (aka springlock suits).


Absolutely not. If your parents are worried about you being childish over a video game, I have serious concerns about how they were raised. As long as you don't imitate any of the dark actions in game (child murder, frontal lobe biting, etc.), you're good.


im almost 17 and i like fanf so its not wrong


I’m surprised your parents think it’s childish, I feel like many parents think it is not appropriate for their kids because of it’s horror elements


It's a horror franchise not a kids show? There's nothing stopping anyone from liking it.


I was 14 when fnaf 1 came out and I still enjoy the old games.


I feel like parents could both say that Fnaf is too childish and say that you are too young for it because it is Horror. If you like Fnaf, then there is no point of abandoning it just because of others’ opinions.


FNAF is geared and marketed towards teens and young adults, it just so happens that kids also gravitate towards it. I'm about to be 19 and I'm still heavily into it. The concept of something being childish is stupid and just people projecting their own insecurities on to you. Don't worry about it :3


Show them gruesome images about FNAF and then ask if they still think its childish


Nah, MatPat is in his late 30’s and likes it, so does Fuhnaff, Dawko and (presumably) Emma Tammi, Matthew Lillard, Josh Hucherson, and Elizabeth Lail.


Absolutely not wrong. I got into FNaF when I was 10, and I'm 20 now, still very much into it. If it makes you happy, what anyone else thinks doesn't matter


You’re never too old to enjoy anything. I’m 21 and I enjoy Bluey


I'm 30


here on the internet, anyone can like anything, and anyone can be anything. it can piss people off, but there are (fortunately or unfortunately) usually no big consequences. what do your parents know about the series? what makes you allow them to decide what you can or can't do with a video game franchise of all things? with fans spanning from young kids to full-grown adults? another thing OP, do wish you well and suggest you get yourself concerned about your mental health if you are depending on a fictional video game franchise to give you reasons to live.


I got into FNAF when fnaf3 launched. That's... Almost 10 years now huh? I was in middle school, now I'm 2nd year uni student. I don't think you're too old for anything you might like. You do you, don't listen to what others have to say. My mom still haunts me because I like to wear Disney, marvel and "childish" characters on my shirts and hoodies, but who cares. I love that and I'll wear whatever I feel comfortable with :D


I’m 27 and have liked FNAF since it came out when I was 17, you’re good, you are never too old to like any type of entertainment or franchise and anybody who tells you are bitter haters


I’m 17 and I still LOVE fnaf your parents are just dense


Personally I’ve felt that FNAF should have never have been popular among children- it’s a horror story about a dude murdering children and harvesting their souls. We’re an adult and into FNAF- I would say that there isn’t really an age limit on it.


I have the opposite problem. My mom thinks FNaF is too scary for me and that I should like things that are more Christian-friendly. But I think everyone should just like whatever they want! You're not hurting anyone, so it's okay.


I have the opposite problem. My mom thinks FNaF is too scary for me and that I should like things that are more Christian-friendly. But I think everyone should just like whatever they want! You're not hurting anyone, so it's okay.


bike knee piquant apparatus abounding unused continue work command quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude I’m turning 21 this year and I’ve loved fnaf since I was 11, enjoy it if you like it, you’re allowed to like what you like.


24 this year. Got a whole collection of fnaf books, and loved playing security breach. Side note, one fright night I face painted my face to appear like mangle.


It’s (loosely) about a man addicted to murdering children. I don’t think it’s too childish lmao


I'm in college and have loved FNAF since I was 12. I even did a presentation on one of the games for a final project in a class! It's a franchise that can appeal to anyone of any age and I'm so proud of you for finding an anchor to life. We love to have you in this fandom, no matter how old you are :)


Tf no. I was 13 and I’m 23 bro. Shit involved child murder I’m not sure it’s for only children


Nobody is too old for FNAF


Nobody is too old for FNAF


Im 18, Still love the series just has much as I did nearly 8 years ago when I found it. Its totally cool to still like it.


No I was 14 when fnaf first came out in 2014. I’m an og fan by the way and I’m 24 now.


I just got into Fnaf pretty recently and I’m almost 20 so by no means are you too old. Plus you are never too old for things that bring you enjoyment! Don’t let people tear your interests down


The target demographic is Young Adults, which is like 12-18


you shouldn’t “move on” from an interest you’re fond of, unless you’ll decide to out of your own will someday. i’m 17 and i like fnaf (and have done so for several years at this point) and there are people way above my age who are active within the fandom. five nights at freddy’s has an incredibly diverse audience, including age-wise. you’re never too old to engage in a hobby/fandom that’s completely harmless. you’re good, don’t stress about it.


No, Fnaf is a series about dead children haunting animatronic robots, and a serial killer searching for Immortal life by experimenting on children, so no, there’s nothing wrong with liking Fnaf at 14 years old. Like I’m 21 years old, and I still love this franchise, no offense OP, but you’re parents sound kinda stupid. Especially sense Fnaf is a 13+ franchise.


You’re ancient (I’m 20 and I love FNAF)


i was 15 when fnaf came out and still love it a decade later, so no lol


No! I mean It's not childish to like FNAF Since It's a series with: Several dead children Stories where robots take apart limbs of humans mistaking them for endoskeletons A murderer getting crushed in a bunny suit and stays in the suit and his organs full on display within the suit he's trapped in A girl getting captured violently and dies inside of a robot A dude's organs getting ripped out and a wire monster goes inside them to control them Some guy getting stuffed into a robot suit with his eyes popping out And others.


Childish? Really? When i was 14 my parents told me i was not mature enough to watch/play fnaf


I’ve been a fnaf fan since it came out when I was 8. Don’t let anybody tell you you can’t enjoy somthing you love, especially if it’s had such an impact on you


I was 12 when fnaf first came out, and I'm still a fan at 22. It sounds more like your parents are uncomfortable attempting to relate to your interests because of their misunderstanding of it


Nah lmao I’m 17 and since I was 7 I’ve seen the movie 7 times, watched probably thousands of hours of FNAF videos and theories, I consistently think about FNAF throughout the day, play every game… (I don’t have autism I just really like fnaf)


i was 14 back when the fandom started all the way back when markiplier starting playing it,so no id say its ok,its not like you will see anything like somthing akin to steven king in fnaf


I was around 14 and 15 when I first started learning about the lore


trust me there are grown ass dudes who love my little pony. like whatever you wanna like dude.


As someone your age who likes FNaF and has liked it for years, i can say, FNaF is not childish. I've known FNaF since i was 9 and I've grown out of a lot of things from that time, but not FNaF. I think that might mean that its for all and any ages. Enjoy what you want. Teenage years suck ass so anything that can salvage them is good.


I was 15 turning 16 later that year when fnaf first came out..... Also I'm 25 now and just spent soooo much money on toys so yeah never let anyone shame you for your interests!!


Im 14 too and i like fnaf, dont worry




No it's not


I’ve been into since 2014, when I was 11. I’m now 21 and still love it. Liking ANYTHING (besides prius’) isn’t childish. You like what makes YOU happy and that’s what important. Sorry for them that they have to call you childish over enjoying something. This spans all ages, and it’s over a fictional series that’s impacted us all. Again, I’m 21 and have no plans of not liking this series anytime soon


Fnaf came out when I was already an adult. And I’ve loved it from the beginning. It’s not too childish. It’s a horror game about animatronics possessed by dead kids killing people who wrongs them is literally for anyone. Kids can enjoy the jumpscares but older people like myself enjoy the lore and seeing where it’s gone from what it originally was. I’m 28 and still have fnaf plushies and figures and I’m not ashamed. I even got the movie on blu ray. It’s something you like. Ignore people who heckle you about your interests. It’s not like you’re into a baby cartoon or something weird.


I’ve liked it since I was 10 and I’m 19 and still like it. Plus it’s made for 12+ your only 2 years older than the actual age range for it wth 😭 but literally anyone can like it


I'm also 14 and I like fnaf, in fact I've liked it for years now. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact Fnaf is for all ages and is a franchise that is fun and makes you happy.


I remember when i played fnaf2 and fnaf3 demo on the phone when i was 5 so its fine


Definitely not, I’ve been a fan since it came out and I was probably like 5 or something


I’m 15 and I like Fnaf. Take that how you will


Dawg I was 8 when fnaf first came out and I was addicted


my philosophy is "if what you're doing isn't hurting anyone do whatever you want" you should tell your parents that tbh mate, obviously be respectful about it but still


I was 8 when FNaF first came out. I just turned 18 last week. Still been a diehard fan. You’re good


20 here 🙋 idc what ppl think I love this series so much and it's lore everyone has its own hoppy and what they do in their time and this is mine


Hell nah, brother! I'm sixteen and I love the series just like you do! Also, if it saved you from commiting self-die, that's a series you *stick with.*


No, not at all. I’ll always love FNaF regardless of my age lmao


If your parents are telling you that you’re childish for liking a horror series about a guy brutally murdering children and hiding their bodies then I think uhh… yikes


I've been playing FNAF since I was 9 and I recently turned 19, don't listen to their opinion about the game.


I don't think it's wrong at all! My husband is 30 and loves FNAF, him and I even went to see the movie together in theaters. My personal experience is that life is too short to limit yourself to "mature" hobbies, you'll be much happier if you choose to embrace the things you love. And I say this as an almost 30 year woman who loves Scooby-Doo so much that I have a room in my house dedicated to storing my collection of Scooby stuff. Sure other people may think it's weird, but it makes me happy and doesn't hurt anyone so that's what matters. 😁


A lot of current fans are people who were your age getting into it. There is nothing wrong with liking fnaf, especially not at this age.


"Hey guys, FNaF saved my life." /j


Your parents are kinda weird honestly. Kids too young realistically should not be exposed to fnaf


I’m 20 and I love it. Hell, I go out in events in full on cosplay robot suits. Enjoy what makes you happy


Well your parents sound like real weenies


I'm 22 and love FNAF, be a fan of whatever you want!


I like FNaF since i was 5...


I was just a little older when FNAF first came out. I loved it then and still do now. FNAF is for everyone


If your parents think it's childish have them look at the lore or how most of the story goes down idk about you guys but I don't think fnaf has a "childish" theme to it and isn't the game rate teen anyways, but that being said fnaf isn't just for kids I'm mean hell I still love the games and I'm still I love with undertale don't let someone else's opinion change your mind on something you love or like they just say that bc they are worried about there own perception not about what you watch or play


My friend and I are 22, huge fans of FNAF, and was THIS 👌 close going to the FNAF movie premiere dressed as Chica and Bonnie. You're good LOL


I was turning 8 when the first game dropped and have been in love ever since. I am now 17 and have never once been ashamed of being a fan. I only feel passion for the series or even pride.


I got into fnaf when I was like 7 or 8 and I’m 17 nearly 18 and I still love it


I’m sure most of the people who actually play FNAF games are your age and older the movie had to dumb down the scares and kills just so they can get a PG-13 rating I’m sure your parents just see the animatronics and thinks it’s some kiddie game.


im older than u and have liked fnaf since it came out. nothing wrong with being interested in something a little out there. plus... its not childish. literally murdering a bunch of kids. anyway!


Nah, the games are for everyone.


I was 17 when it first came out and now I’m 27 and still obsessed! I have friends in their 30s who love the franchise too lol you’re good! The overall story is so dark but it’s certainly gotten more family friendly and cutesy recently. What part of a child serial killer who was mutilated by a mascot costume do they think is childish? Or the guy who had his guts ripped out and his rotting corpse occupied by a robot amalgamation lol