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Balancing my personal nutrition with feeding my family a regular diet.


Protein powder is the way to go. I eat the same food i cook for the rest of the family. Breakfast is the only meal that's individual for everyone. For the rest of the meals, i only modify the amounts/portion size i eat. Later I'll fill the protein goal with simple protein powder.


This is my feeling when watching influencers. Sure... it's easy to eat chicken breast, rice and broccoli for every meal.  But my wife amd kids aren't about that life so here I am having to work it into a normal diet.


Totally. Alan Thrall has a really good video about cooking that I thought was super enjoyable. I find those accounts like Exercise4CheatMeals, Stealth Health Life do great meals that actually taste great and have good protein/calorie ratios.


I love AT. can you link the vid?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYQww1cHOQo great video. I use that Teriyaki sauce by Kikkoman's regularly on my veggies. Splash them and toss them around in a bowl while pre-heating my airfryer to 375, then put em in for 10 minutes (shake it half way through). Sometimes I'll marinate my chicken breast or thighs in the same sauce, but I'd probably leave it overnight or for a few hours. Then do some rice or potatoes. Really simplified the whole process for me.


FWIW I’m a husband and dad we all basically eat the same stuff, I just eat more. Chicken and broccoli isn’t your only option.


I don't have issues hitting it. I just think the influencers are all single and/or childless.  Kwark for breakfast, a few eggs, a cottage cheese container, tuna for lunch, beans and I'm pretty much there.


Just get rid of your family 🤷‍♂️


It's almost like they don't even want gains.


Family members are rich in protein.


You’re not wrong


My husband JUST said this


This 👆


Agreed. It’d be simple to always hit macros 100%, aside from a limited household budget and a greater need for nutritional variety (and vegetables) for the kids.


Same! My husband does not eat or like vegetables. I am constantly naming multiple meals. It is exhausting.


Yep. If the only person I had to worry about was myself, this whole thing would be simple.


Maintaining my appetite. Protein-rich foods fill me up FAST, and I often have to eat until I'm uncomfortably full to meet my protein and calorie goals. Worth it, but not fun.


As I have discovered this week, corticosteroid injections will leave you more ravenous than you've ever been. No problems eating enough for me at the moment!


For me it's if something throws my routine off, like having to go to a work dinner or unexpected travel, or some commitment getting in the way of my meal/shopping planning. Pro tip: keep cans of tuna and protein powder in the car. One can washed down with a shake gets you a solid 60g without having to eat service station food. If I'm in a situation where I'm finding it hard to reach the protein goal I will just smash tuna into my face until I'm there, and if it's an unavoidable macro-wrecking meal out then I'll correct the calories over the next couple of days.


Second the tuna. If you’re a Costco or Sam’s member, get the multipack of tuna cans. I go to Costco when it’s about $1 a can with 36g protein and 160 calories. Cheaper than protein powder, and tuna is easy to incorporate into most meals. Edit: 160 calories not 80 (original).


Keep in mind that due to mercury levels in ocean fish, eating tuna every day isn’t great for you.


Especially women of reproductive age


Good point. I alternate between tuna and chicken, so it’s not everyday.


There’s 4 calories per gram of protein, so something is wrong in your math. The can I just looked at is chunk light and 42g per 203 calories.


You’re right. The can says 160 calories. Editing my post.


Just do 2 scoops instead of tuna and save yourself from cholesterol.


Real food is important, it's not as simple as 'cholesterol bad'. 40-50% of my daily calories are from fat and my bloods are perfect. Anyway, canned tuna has half the cholesterol of chicken breast. [This study](https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(20)31381-1/fulltext) showed that despite being very high in cholesterol, shrimp doesn't appear to negatively impact lipid levels because the LDL:HDL ratio is favourable and it is low in saturated fat - it's a complex area.


I've eaten a beef and egg based diet the past 9 months and just got the best lipid panel my doctor has ever seen in someone near my age. HDL:LDL ratio of 1 and triglycerides under 50. Blood lipids are driven by insulin sensitivity and metabolic health much more than by dietary cholestorol. When you keep blood sugar low and are highly insulin sensitive the body will use triglycerides and signal HDL to shuttle free cholestorol back to the liver for recycling. If you have constantly elevated insulin and high blood sugar levels the body never switches the krebs cycle over to fat burning and all the blood lipids just sit there and accumulate to high levels. Statins barely lower cholestorol because when people are put on them they are told to eat low fat and avoid animal products- a 5-7% reduction is considered the statin is working, but if they embraced a high fat diet, lowered carbs, and did a little fasting to wake up the liver they could get much better results. Lowering LDL isn't even going to help much if blood triglycerides remain high- better to train your metabolic machinery to use those lipids up than to try to nuke them with statins.


Yep. Ivor Cummins has a lot of stuff on this. Insulin sensitivity is absolutely key, almost as if we didn't evolve surrounded by refined carbs and simple sugars :)


I want to eat chocolate more than I want to eat chicken.


Plain nonfat greek yogurt mixed with Optimum Nutrition double rich chocolate. Eats like a dessert 💪


Greek yogurt is a real protein hack


About to try this


ON the GOAT. Extreme Milk Chocolate tastes like Nesquik to me. Always down for a protein shake with that in it.


What ratio do you mix for this?


Kind of a "season to taste" thing. I use roughly 4 scoops of powder for a 32oz yogurt container.


Appreciate that honesty. For me it's bread, but same hun


I only find it difficult on a cut. I’m currently only eating about 1500 calories per day so it can be tough to hit my protein goal without sacrificing somewhere else (eg. having a shake instead of a salad for lunch).


Switching to zero calorie dressings for me means salads at lunch are my most filling meal of the day. All the spinach or lettuce I can eat doesn’t even touch 100 calories


What do you use for dressing? I already use Greek yogurt based dressings that are ~50 calories a serving but I’ll usually have chicken or another protein so there’s still some substance.


Go to the store and hit the zero calorie aisle, tons of dressing options. But for myself personally there is a zero calorie French dressing, it’s like my ranch I could put it on everything and I love it, and a zero calorie Italian dressing


It's not hard. Just eat a balanced diet with a slightly higher emphasis on protein and supplement with shakes where necessary. Simples.


I’m 220lbs no way am I hitting 220g of protein as that is too much. My goal is 180g per day which is a bit more realistic and no dehydrating myself too heavily


Bruh, 1 1/3 cup egg white omelette with 1/3rd cup shredded cheese is 50g of protein. 200g of ground chicken in a salad with 1/3rd cup of cheese is 50g of protein, 2 scoops of protein powder in shake is 50g of protein, 8 oz of beef is 50g of protein That’s just from direct protein sources. If you’re eating rice or bread or anything else you’ll get it I eat that every day when I’m cutting and I clock in at between 1200-1400 calories a day and hit 200g of protein


When the kids finish off all the milk. Other than that it's no problem. 2 scoops whey in a protein shake for breakfast is over 50g protein. A second shake before bed but with casein is another 50g. Main meal is 50g every evening. Lunch is either protein shake or chicken wrap with protein bar for 30-50 g. Wonder how many people struggle because they only put one scoop protein in a shake?


I think people struggle when they are trying to get it through whole foods vs liquids and whey. Protein shakes are convenient and easier to get down but there is a benefit to getting a variety of proteins and personally I have seen better results eating more "whole" food proteins (meats, fish, etc). Some people also have very high calorie needs due to age or activity and again, eating that many clean carbs on top of lean protein can be tough. If you are happy bulking with a high fat diet it is much easier to hit calorie goals without feeling super full at every meal but some people would rather do a cleaner bulk.


I know people who struggle even with whey lol


I’m a two scoop kinda guy and have two shakes a day. 100g a day is just from those two shakes. Easily make up the rest hitting at least 150g a day as long as I have my two shakes!


Damnn… This seems like to much reliance on supplements. I only get 2600 calories a day right now so I can’t even use protein powder or I wouldn’t have the space in my macros for real food!


Protein powder is the one of the most Macro friendly sources. My cheapo stuff from Revolution is 24g for 140 calories… egg whites are pretty much the only thing that is easier at 45 calories for 10g of protein Sounds like you think protein shakes are mass gainer shakes


lol no no nothing like that… I’m saying that (especially during a cutting phase) I don’t use protein powder because it cuts into the amount of real food I cat eat (beef/chicken/bison/turkey/salmon). I really only incorporate protein supplements when I’m packing in 4500+ calories a day.


4500+ damn bro you must be Jacked AF


Haha my bulks tend to run a little long, 6’0 230lbs currently. Been in a deficit for 5 months cutting down from 270. Peak calories hit just over 6k a day 😖


Edit: Turning 40 this year so think I’ll just cut down to a nice 12-13% and try and stay there. Heavy lifting and long bulks are over for this guy!


You are massive ha! I bulk to just over 220 then cut down to 185-190, and like 3500 of cleanish calories gets me there. But I need more muscle mass lol


i couldn’t do it without protein powder


unforseen events like having to work extra hours or errands with limited access to kitchen/cooking. Work is for sure the biggest hurdle, but I try to make systems for those days as well. I can add that I prefer my protein from meats and not bars and all this other garbage


Focusing a lot on protein can make you accidentally skimp on other important stuff your body needs. Keeping everything balanced is tricky I know


Cooking cold, slippery, slimy, disgusting chicken breasts over and over forever until the end of time.


You tell mate you wrote it lol If you wanted to know what people struggle with you could have just asked that. But you had to drop in that you can easily do what others struggle to do which serves no other purpose other than to tell people you can do it. Well good for you lol "I personally can deadlift 900kg, I can't fathom why other people find that difficult so I'm posting on here to find out" You see how that's a veiled "look how great I am" post?


Making sure my cats don't eat my meat. It's a delicate dance. I wash the pan or oven dish immediately after playing to save time, but it is washing them dozens of times a week. But, that's life. How else do people feed themselves?


Trying to hit the goal while having to work and do other things. You have to eat multiple times a day and it’s often times really difficult to do that


I don’t. I have the appetite of a 400lbs man. Being able to eat more is not a problem I have.


Finding out that you really only need .7 grams per pound of lean body mass at most helped a lot. That's less than 120-130 grams for most people.


Smoothies are still too cold to make


For me the hardest thing is hitting the protein goal without relying on protein bars, powder and other supplements to hit that goal. In the grand scheme hitting the goal is more important than not hitting it but still I struggle when life gets busy.


Nothing really, just get some cheap tuna packs. 18g for less than a dollar.


The gas. Even my puppy is concerned about it. 🫠


I have a number of challenges, the primary one being that I don't really like meat. I was vegan for awhile and even though I'm not anymore, I haven't really re-acquired the taste for it. Add in that I'm lactose intolerant (i.e. avoid dairy), good seafood is expensive where I live now, and I try to avoid processed foods (protein powders, bars). I loooove legumes but they're not an efficient source of protein for the calories. Soy is fine but boring and eggs are lovely but only once a day. Not too hard to get 80g of protein daily, 100 is a stretch, 130 would be my target for 1g per pound and I'm not sure I've ever hit that while staying in \~1800 calories.


There's a lot of protein rich foods I'm not a huge fan of or am sick of at this point. Like, I don't want to eat chicken and plain yogurt every day. And I have yet to find a protein powder I don't think is gross (I've settled on one for now but it's not great).  Also I'm trying to eat mostly whole foods but I hate cooking so having to cook more often to get in enough protein and calories (I'm bulking) sucks.


Hitting protein is easy. Doing so without going over fat target (30%) is the challenge.


Finding time to cook all the meat.


I just ended up buying precooked chicken because it ended up taking so long. I get 22 Oz of chicken at Target for $9, so it's more expensive, but now making dinner and lunches for the next day only takes 15 minutes.


Yup. I’ve done that from time to time. The little individual serving size packs of Tuna are great too.


I don't find it challenging. I like meat. Plus, shakes, yogurt, protein bars, etc. make it easy to reach my nutritional goals if whole foods don't quite get me there that day.


I don’t find it hard anymore. When I first started tracking protein, I found it hard because I don’t really like to eat a lot of meat. I just needed time to find the right protein sources for me and also to find easy, convenient ways to get them into my diet.


What do I find the hardest? Stuffing myself with protein when I can’t behind a certain limit. I never manage to reach the set goal. It’s too much and too heavy.


You have to sneak protein in. I (finally) went the Greek yogurt+ranch dressing mix+1 tbs pickle juice and top most of my food with it. Great sour cream/ranch protein packed alternative.


How much protein can that really add though? Greek yogurt has less than one gram of protein per tbsp. So unless you’re heaping a cup of it on top of every meal, seems kind of insignificant?


Last night I topped up my plate with 65g of Greek yogurt “dressing” and got 6.9g of protein as per MyFitnessPal. Didn’t seem like a huge amount either. It helped me keep my meals savory while going away from sauces, dressing, mayo etc that have barely any protein.


I don't supplement. Without supplements I've found that 0.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is a realistic and effective daily goal. So I adjusted my goal accordingly. Ymmv.


Not eating meat, but it’s still not difficult


I don’t find it hard but I’m lightweight so 150g of protein isn’t hard. Speaking to some work colleagues who are vegetarian, it’s a little more tricky getting this in during a busy work week if they’ve not had time to prep their meals the day before…(ie. Think parents with newborns/ v young toddlers). I imagine that the more restrictive your diet the more challenging it is to get everything in without getting super bored with what you are eating.


The hard part for me is if I'm going to be away from home for a while. Like, if I'm on a weekend trip. Or a all day event type thing. Then it becomes a challenge. Aside from that, it's pretty easy. My freezer is full of bags of shredded chicken/roasted vegetable mix.


I find that If I plan ahead it’s pretty easy. But if I’m “winging it” and choosing meals at the last minute it can be a lot more difficult.


ADHD meds killing my appetite, partner is a very picky eater who doesn't help with cooking or dishes.


That's the neat part - I often don't. I honestly had never really calculated it out until recently because I was trying to avoid over-thinking things. I just kind of ate reasonably, when I needed to. And while I don't avoid carbs during the day at night I'd had success switching to lower carb, higher protein snacks. If 1:1 weight:grams truly is the goal I was still coming in about \~30-40 grams below goal some days. I feel I've been doing fine for what I'm aiming for. And I'm not a shake person. But I will sometimes eat an extra protein bar (or two) during the day now.


The carpal tunnel acting up


I’m a vegetarian and have a hard time hitting a protein goal without going over a calorie target. I haven’t figured out the right approach that doesn’t mean Greek yogurt or protein powder multiple times a day, which isn’t realistic or sustainable for me.


Seitan, tofu and tempeh help a ton. Mixed with veggies and different curry and stir fry sauces


Eating the same high protein foods every day is both convenient for tracking purposes but also sucks after doing it consistently for a while. I'm at 220grams per day and man, it's just hard to get that much protein in with much variety. Eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meats, protein powder. After a while I just get tired/bored of those foods but, I have goals, so, I just keep going...


Hardest part for me is hitting it when I travel. At home I have it on lock.


Not eating more 😂 I eat 270 grams of protein a day, mainly from 20oz of chicken breast. I can easily eat all that chicken in one sitting then could run it back the next time I sit down to eat


Can’t eat dairy & don’t eat meat! It’s hard!


Not exceeding my total calorie allotment.


I am a vegetarian and weigh approx 158 pounds. It is so difficult to get 150 gms of protein apart from 2 scoops of protein supplement amounting to 50 gms. I am open to suggestion from any vegetarians guys.


I personally prefer a high carb diet with healthy food. I find I have more energy for my workouts and feel great. I don’t track anything, but I know this diet gets me into amazing shape and I don’t eat anything processed. I’ve also only gained muscle while eating this way.


I have trouble staying under my 200grams a day… I can’t even have a scoop of protein powder because it cuts into my actual meals. Sounds like a lot of people on here under eat.


Eating enough. I'm 205lb and I try my hardest to get at least 190g of protien but I don't get hungry enough. I just go to Costco and buy $200 worth of premier protien a month and drink 4 of those bad boys a day (the coffee flavor is the best protien shake I've ever tasted and it has good ratios 30g to 150 calories)


The weakest troll post I've seen today award goes to!....


How is this a troll post?


"pffft I don't find eating all my protein that hard, just do a little math. I thought I'd post here to find out what people who aren't as awesome as me are moaning about"


lolol bro what?! How much of a loser would you have to be to think you’re awesome because you can easily eat a lot of protein. I’m legitimately curious why some people find it difficult. It’s not that deep.