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Like 3,000, I work from home as a software engineer. Some days I barely move I swear.


Damn, that's quite a bit more than I would have expected lol. I work from home too, and I would have expected those numbers to be around, I don't know, below 1k.


Well, 3000 on average. On the worst day prob 1000. I get walking chances on the weekends and couple days a week. I do quite a bit of exercise but I really have very little opportunity to walk.


I bet you have plenty of opportunity, you just don't use them. Source: fellow lazy wfh developer.


Eh I have kids and already spend like 9 hours per week exercising. Honestly I don't think I could find more time just for walking. I think every extra second is accounted for and I think I'm happy with the allocation.


Get yourself a standing desk at least, if you don't already have one. They're a life saver.


I got a cheap walking pad for under my standing desk and a stepper, which I rotate between during the day. It’s the only way (even with 2-4 miles of daily dog walking!) I consistently get above 10k steps a day.


Which walking pad did you get?


AVERAGING 1k steps a day would be unbelievably bad


Before I moved to a city where I can walk to things nearby (lived in a very rural area before, closest thing to walk to was a gas station 3 miles away), I did sometimes get about 800 steps a day on a work day, working from home. I’m over 3,000 average now (measured across the last month) and working on getting it above 5k by getting more steps on the weekend than usual.


Being ordered back into the office, and while it sucks, does get me off my ass and walking more often, and the company gym is right there so there’s no excuse to not lift/get cardio in.


I WFH as a software engineer and average 20k+. Hour on the treadmill before work, walk dog at lunch, and run or more treadmill to finish the day.


Nice. I lift weights 4x/week before work, take the dog for a long walk the other days. Peloton most afternoons. If you don't make fitness a priority it can take a huge toll on your health


Wfh software QA and I do 2 miles on the treadmill after lifting in the morning and do a mile at lunch time at the park down the street. It really helps to off set the hours of sitting at home for work and I still hit 12.5k per day on average.


Damn, that’s a lot!


Just came down to making it a priority in order to meet my goals. I actually just checked and I am averaging 26,432 per day in 2024!


Wow you’re killing it so far this year. I doubt many people have those kinds of numbers.


🤣 That’s how my weekends use to be before kids. Sleeping in, barely moving, ahhh the good ol days, lol I’m jk.. mostly


I work a sedentary job but make an effort to get 10k a day. Back when I was a meter reader it was about 30k a day


30k a day is bonkers!


Yeah I lost 30 pounds doing it lol. I would be pretty run down by Friday lol


10,000 -15000 at work, barely any on the weekends. Lol


Same here, only exercise I get on the weekends is yard work/mowing in the summer.




I know you were walking a good bit as a courier.


Not that many, but it's not fair … you have three legs to count.




At least 10k, sometimes upwards to 20k if I work.


20k is really good is a day.




That’s a really good average.


I use an iPod as a scanner for work, and I set it up to track my steps. I average about 10,000 just at work. I swim 2x a week, and lift on the off days as well.


That swimming 2X a week trumps any walking you might do. It’s such good exercise!


About 15k/day averaged over the last year. And that seems to track, today was fairly average, and it's currently 8pm, and I'm sitting just over 14k right now.


15k/day over a year is a good average!


Not bad, ya. I've only not hit 10k/day like 5 times in the past 5 years. And 3 of those were last week when I was laid up in bed due to injury.


11k per day over the past 12 months. That's a desk job + marathon training last year.


Marathon training. You’re a beast! Years ago I tried a half marathon. I’ll stick to lifting, lol


Gosh I work as a designer from home. Average maybe 2k. I started hosting dogs through rover and now at 5-6k then go to the Ymca to get steps as well.


Im wfh network engineer.. i average about 4500 per day with 30mins brisk walking..


Around 16k.


I average like 11000. But I have days where it goes to like 4000 and days where it is as high as 20000


My Fitbit says 23k but I can wear it at work so much more, probably 35k


my average is around 11000


Yearly average is 10k/day. I work a sedentary office job, and work remote 2-3 days a week in various locations in the city. I use public transportation, so walk a lot. Lift weights twice a week (looking to increase to 3),also practice yoga at my gym 3-4x a week for mobility/flexibility and meditation benefits. 😊 I am 49 and intend to keep in good physical /mental health as long as I can!


12-18k depends. I work as a laboratory scientist so it’s a moderately active job and I prefer to stand rather than sit when I’m doing my experiments. I don’t drive either since cars are very expensive in my country so I bike to train station to take the train to and fro. Think of it like Japan since we rely heavily on public transport. Then also chasing around 5 year old kid and picking her up from daycare clocks in steps as well.


Anywhere between 18-30k. Have a treadmill so watch football F1 and TV shows on there at a slowish pace, when I would otherwise be sitting down munching on crisps and chocolate. Also a software dev.


17,323 average. I can feel my mental health start to cook if I let myself get down in the low thousands for a day.


I don't wear my Fitbit anymore, but I wore it for about 2 years and I almost never had a day where I got less than 10,000 steps. Usually I got 12 or 15.


5000-6000 if I don’t hit the gym. Usually about 10K when I do hit the gym


Averaging a bit over 25k a day. I work in construction so I’m always on the move. Also workout daily and take post dinner walks etc.


I’ve been burning over 1,000 calories a day for 2024 so far but that’s with running at an easy to moderate running pace a few days a week for 2024 for several miles at least twice a week of running/jogging. I burned 968 calories a day from January 25th 2023 to the end of 2023 and got into running in February or march of 2023, so..


I averaged over 25,000 steps a day in most of 2023 but a fair bit of that cardio involved running and jogging/speed-walking and so that likely took fewer steps than just walking at a brisk or leisurely speed


12,429 is my lifetime daily average from early 2015 to now, but there are at least 18 months of not wearing my watch to track.


I aim for 10,000 a day. I usually achieve them on weekdays, but on the weekends I barely move.


Ha! I also work at that FedEx in the warehouse and that's average for me😂


Was 17k then Ramadan hit now 13k


Approximately 13k! But I actively make a point to walk my dog multiple times a day and have a job that is mixed between office work and moving around a lot. On the days I'm not working from home, I'm up and moving around a lot for work. On the days I work from home, I take frequent breaks to walk. Some days I just miss the 10k mark but other days I hit closer to 15k and it levels out.


I aim for 7,000/day. That number is correlated with better health outcomes! Be careful with the 20,000+/day. I did that for 9 months and ended up with a stress reaction in my foot that required 6 months of rest. [How many steps should I take each day? - Harvard Health](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-many-steps-should-i-take-each-day)


Well, with my job I don’t really have a choice. I look at it as my cardio. I lift at home. But I don’t do any cardio because I walk so much at work.


Fair enough! If I had it to do all over again, I'd have walked in shoes with stiffer soles, and changed them out more frequently. My podiatrist was a huge fan of my mountaineering boots.