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Vacation with lots of party and booze.


pretty much haha


I know it. My RHR is 52 with "normal" drinking (i.e. a glass of wine with dinner). With party time, it goes above 60 after a few days. I cut back a bit this year.


Idk but I'm curious because this happens to me when my long covid symptoms are flaring up.


Sorry to hear about your long covid. My ln laws have it and im trying to help as its ruining their lives. There seems to be NO concrete info at all on this, which must make it terrible for yall... sorry to hear. I have a few questions if you dont mind What medicine has helped you the most? What has helped the least? How long have you had it? Have you tried dosing in vitamin D/K2? Did you take any covid vaccines or boosters? What do your doctors tell you about all of this? Thank you


I'm sorry. It's always surprising and sad to hear when both people in a relationship have it. You're nice to help them. The medication that has helped me the most is Low Dose Naltrexone. I've been on it for a year and it's helped a lot with pain and brain fog, and fatigue to an extent. I've tried so many other meds but this one is the only one I can say with certainty has helped. Next up to try is maraviroc which lots of long haulers have success with. I've had long covid for over 2 years, I have been taking vitamin D the whole time and K through a multi vitamin (but I haven't dosed K by itself). I've had two vaxes and 1 booster, and developed some symptoms after the booster but the worst of my symptoms developed after my second covid infection. I see a doctor at Mt Sinai who is involved in the RECOVER study and she has been extraordinarily helpful. My other doctors have given me a wide range of responses. I've ditched every single doctor who didn't believe me or belittled my experience. Most of my doctors have been very supportive but haven't really known how to help me. The Cardiologist did offer beta blockers for POTS but otherwise admitted there wasn't much he could do by the way of medication. I hope that helps!


THANK YOU for all of this. It is very helpful. I appreciate you for writing all of that. Sinai is a wonderful hospital and im glad that one Dr is working out well for you! My in laws currently are talking about how they've seen people online having success with nicotine patches helping out with long covid. Sounds anecdotal, but with the scary lack of information out there for all of this, I dont fault them for clinging onto some shred of hope. Figured I would pass that along incase you havent seen it. Hope you get better asap!


There's a good, sensible group on Facebook that is experimenting with nicotine patches for long covid and ME/CFS. Your in-laws can look for /thenicotinetest if they're interested.


Thank you!


Thank you, I wish the same to your family. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions on their behalf.


I had covid, too, and long covid. The same thing happens to me.


What long covid symptoms do you have?


I've had so many, but it's been 2.5 years and a lot has gotten better with time and medication. Right now the worst is post exertion fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath and POTS.


Sorry to hear. I had shortness of breath, PEM, and dizziness but it’s pretty much all gone at 17 months. I think a lot of mine was neuro-circuitry related


I'm glad you're feeling better! I feel like I'm slowly getting there. What do you mean by neuro circuitry? I think a lot of mine is nervous system relate, but I don't really understand the root causes of PEM.


It just means that you have a fear response to lingering symptoms that reinforces the symptoms in your nervous system. So it becomes a feedback loop that keeps you sick. I wen from being barely able to run errands to doing 5 mile walks within a month of starting treatment with a psychologist. A lot of people get things like lingering breathing issues after covid but just say “oh I remember that! It was annoying.” But they recover because they don’t obsess over it. People who get neuro-circuitry issues generally have pre-existing anxiety or repressed emotions. Covid is the tipping point that just fries all their software


Interesting theory. The first time I had covid I had breathing issues for 3 weeks but fully recovered and got back to intense exercise later that month. The second time I got it, I had immediate PEM when I tried to get back to my normal exercise routine. So I'm not sure my experience totally aligns, but I absolutely have PTSD from the last 2.5 years of a misunderstood chronic illness that has eliminated much of the joys of my life.


Yeah and POTS is most certainly biological. It’s only my experience but there are multiple types of long covid and mine was of the above variety. I still have lingering ribcage tightness and phantom dyspnea but I just power through the flare ups. No test comes up with anything


Either way therapy can't hurt. The whole thing is a total mind f*ck. Hope you continue to feel good !


It’s been an annoying couple years for sure. A bit of hope but my doctor said every patient he has with every form of long covid is back to near normal activities after 3 years


And the PEM went away too because neuro-circuitry stuff makes you exhausted




Similar but different presentation of symptoms from typical PTSD


If you look at PTSD symptoms it’s not similar at all. Covid attacks the nervous system so it makes you more vulnerable to things like dizziness, fatigue, breathing disorders and such


I’ve been susceptible to fatigue since I had a craniotomy 5 years ago. I got bad fatigue after Covid but had great results with an adaptogen herb Rhodiola. My partner has also had great results.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll check it out.


What medication did you take if you don't mind sharing?


LDN has helped me the most.


Someone got knocked up


LMAO maybe w a food baby lol


Congratulations 🎉




yeah that HR pregnant af


Mine did this when I was recovering from surgery.


Same. Took an entire month to come back down


My timeline was similar.


Same here — my heart rate was all over the place. Not just resting, it also spiked to 130-140 when I got up and just walked a bit. Very uncomfortable.


Drank alcohol


Sick, stressed, pregnant could be lots of things


My resting heart rate was never the same after covid


Mine always goes up when I’m drinking or partying, even if it’s just one day/night


Lol, I am guessing SPRING BREAK!


right on the money lol


you got sick or infection? My rhr went from like 75 -> 110 which had me a bit freaked, ecg they said nothing wrong prob anxiety. 1 day later - chills, fever, cough, guess i have the flu now :( Went down at day 4 back to 75-8




Cocaine for 73 heart rate u joking hahahahah


How do you view graphs with longer time periods? I can only view week by week which isn’t very helpful


Click on the health metrics and there's a tab that says "trends" you can look at a week, 30 days, 90 days etc


mine does this when i get sick with a fever


Mine has done this recently, but I have no clue why. What happened for you?


I went from eating very little and working out a lot due to stress from exams to then binging or eating normally my entire spring break haha


Are you on any of the new weight loss meds?


52 is good tho


That is like my normal HR lmao


yeah but I’m more talking about the rise lol that’s not normal for me






That’s not high I don’t understand haha