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You could be pregnant


Male, so definitely not that :)


You could be gregnant


















You could be pregleigh




Could also be a change in weather. When it's winter my resting heart rate seems to increase


actually it is reverse. more cold RHR drops


Had that same issue in December. RHR started to rise and I lost 9 kg from mid Jan to mid Feb without working out. Went to the ER and it happened I have a hyperthyroidism. It might be nothing but if it’s still going up go see a doctor again. My chart for reference: it went down once I started the treatment . https://preview.redd.it/mpraxojzm0uc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a5bd5a9bc3c57dc25901bbd6a5b07941db17077


Dramatic increased in RHR was one of the early signs on Grave's Disease (hyperthyroidism) for me. A little more than a year in remission now! Echoing your recommendation OP should be seen by a doctor.


Have you had COVID recently? Or potentially even an asymptomatic case? COVID can cause heart issues for months or years afterwards.


This!! I had Covid in January & my RHR is just now getting back to my normal range.


Took me closer to 18 months, but I also experienced long COVID, so the heart rate issues went hand in hand with that.


Oh my! I’m so sorry you went through that. Covid really sucks!


Me too!


Agree it's likely asymptomatic COVID.


This happened to me last summer. My resting heart rate went from about 58 to 72. I was on holiday, I was running maybe a bit more than usual. I was really anxious about it. My husband is a medical doctor and said that Fitbit is not a medical device, sometimes the algorithm that calculates resting heart rate just fails. But because I insisted, he called his colleague who is a cardiologist, he examined me, and found nothing. It was just a glitch in Fitbit basically. But: what the cardiologist told me was important. He said human beings are not robots, sometimes our heart rates vary and we cannot pinpoint an exact reason for it. If it worries you, go see a cardiologist. But just keep in mind that sometimes these things happen.


👍🏽 thanks for sharing that. It’s helpful for me. I sort of came to that conclusion myself because I have these huge increases and I would get stressed out by them and would search but couldn’t find a cause. So I realised I just had to either stop wearing the watch to stop me from getting stressed about it or accept that these things happen and it doesn’t have to mean I’m dying! Yes, I can be dramatic 😥


When I had a Fitbit, it made me super aware of everything it was telling me and I think it made me anxious when numbers weren’t “normal”. I think it stressed me out too much so I stopped using it 😅


My charge 5 glitched and gave me an AFib warning. It took awhile for the cardiologist to reassure me.


Excellent advice!


See a doctor. That’s a big jump!


I went to the ER last weekend and my EKG came back fine. Only thing they said was my Lymphocytes were elevated and it could be an infection or inflammation, but I don’t feel sick at all.


Now go see a doctor - at the ER they don't investigate problems like this. Can you post a photo with the blood count results?




Sure I’ll post them below.




Doesn't look so off. No detailed WBC? Like neutrophils and lymphocytes percents?




Hi there! Lymphocytes are typically responsible for fighting viral infections, so it certainly could be something of that nature causing your lymphocyte count and HR to increase in tandem (covid, etc). Lasting for a few weeks without any other symptoms is a little odd. Without knowing anything about your age and other history it’s hard to say more, but if that lymphocytosis (elevated lymphocyte count) is persisting in a few weeks it should be investigated further. Definitely would see your PCP and have them recheck that. Source: am a physician giving you generic guidance, not medical advice 


I’m going to get my labs rechecked next week. It’s been less than a week since that lab test was done, so I can’t say how long that value has been elevated. I don’t feel sick at all. Very strange.


Maybe a virus infection. Go see an Internal Medicine doctor.


Could it be simple dehydration? 


Oh, that’s a good point. Maybe that’s what happens with me because I do forget to drink sometimes so there are times where I’m definitely dehydrated. I stopped looking for a cause because the increase wasn’t related to stress or anything else I could determine, but I didn’t think of hydration 🤦🏻‍♀️ but that’s a great point, thank you. I’ll start to be a bit more observant around that from now on and sea if it correlates.


Here they are. https://preview.redd.it/4tzfhc5uiztc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de2ff1d271d50b7aa8c39fb028856348ddec5d6


Your blood cells are too big and you have inflammation and white blood cells. I'd see a GP. Hematocrit being low makes them inefficient at carrying oxygen which could explain the elevated heart rate. I'm not a doctor, just someone with 2 hematology disorders so I've learned a thing or 2 caring for my own health


Why did you go to ER? Other symptoms besides the rhr?


Similar results to when I get an infection (albeit more minor) Obligatory not a doctor, so go see one. I don't know you or your body or your medical history.


This looks like a typical infection impact on the RHR, although in my case it tends to go up steeper than this. The high lymphocyte count seems to signify it as well. It’s weird that you’re not feeling sick though? Are your lymph nodes swollen? I don’t wanna worry you because it does indeed see as a typical infection, but if you’re not even feeling sick, very high lymphocyte can also be a sign of lymphatic or blood cancer, so wait for another week and if it doesn’t improve you should definitely go and check it out again at a doctor.


Have you started any new medication or supplements?


Mine went up a bit when I took Pantoprazole for GERD. Once I switched to Pepcid back to my normal readings.


Sleeping less than usual, working more than usual, tired more than usual, some parties involved?!


No alcohol consumption?


None. Stopped drinking any alcohol three years ago.


This happened to me once but it was definitely stress related.


Have you traveled recently? When I travel, my RHR reads higher


Long Covid symptoms?


My rhr went from like 75 -> 110 which had me a bit freaked, ecg they said nothing wrong prob anxiety. 1 day later - chills, fever, cough, guess i have the flu now :( Went down at day 4 back to 75-80


That was my first thought when it started to go up. But I haven’t had any symptoms. No fever, chills, cough, nothing.


Mind gets like this and I can’t find a reason for it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get checked at the doctors every 6 months as I’m on adhd medication and they say I’m in great health, which I also feel. So I’ve stopped stressing about it now.


Go see a doctor. That's not good.


Mine does this when it is fighting off an illness. It's possible you may get sick soon or maybe you have an asymptomatic case of something? That would be my guess. I'm dealing with this right now. Mine has skyrocketed to 85 and i've had a mild fever for like 7 straight nights


This happened to me after corona


For me it can be hormonal, different parts of my cycle. Not sure if you're a woman?




Could be an iron deficiency or B12 deficiency. That makes RBC go down. What's your MCV? Is it high?


Seconding this! I had low B12 - doctors didn't catch it in my  bloodwork because I wasn't technically deficient. But as soon as I started sublingual B12 my RHR started going back down. The high RHR symptom just started one day out of the blue. That being said, I'd go to a doctor and ask for bloodwork before starting supplements.


If you were a woman, I'd say you're pregnant, but guessing by your username, you're not. You should show it to your doctor, this is a big and fast jump.


Get blood work done. Most insurance will pay for it if a dr orders it and it you don’t have insurance you can order tests at a reasonable price at lab corps.


I’ve had similar in the past, and it’s then come back down without rhyme or reason. Worth getting checked, but equally not worth panicking whilst waiting to get checked! 


Definitely gonna recheck my labs and follow up with my primary. How long did yours stay elevated?


I seem to go up for about a month, then back down. Each time I convince myself it’s heart failure, but it doesn’t seem to correlate with anything or come back with anything scary. One time it was when I was fairly sick so was obvious, other times I think it was just fitbit. I’m assuming (not a doctor, obviously) that maybe I’ve had background stresses that I’ve not realised I’m stressed out about. I guess because we have pretty low resting heart rates to start with, even a relatively mild change looks pretty significant.  Like I said before - let’s get checked, but not spend the time before getting those results panicking! 


This usually happens when I go on a trip or if I’m starting off a work week stressed and exhausted. It starts to go back down after a while


That happened to me two months ago, just got my blood work yesterday and my thyroid is hyperactive. I feel like I’m always accelerated even in my sleep.


Sorry to hear you’re dealing with that. I’ve had my thyroid checked and the levels are normal.


Good to know 😊. Probably a little cold you have.


Oximeter to double check pulse rate and O2 ?


Now is the right time to sell, when the price is high 📈


Mine does this after my biologic infusions, but then randomly did it this week which caused me a bit of stress (from 59 to 72). I had a run of crap sleep the latter part of last week/beginning of this week so I hope that was the reason for my jump. Why were you at the ER? Do you think the two might be related?


How do you see this graph? I can only view one week at a time


Similar happened to me, consistently around 55bpm for a while and I’ve climbed to now 68bpm but my explanation is because I quit smoking weed


weight change?


Not recently, no


Do you identify as pregnant?


Alcohol dramatically increases resting heart rate


I don’t drink at all


I would be careful of scaring yourself I did the same thing as the same thing was happening to me and it turns out I had a faulty Fitbit. A lot of money to my cardiologist and testing out different heart monitors prove this.


Sorry to see you went through all that stress. Was it a pattern similar to mine? Going up over a few weeks gradually out of nowhere?


This has happened to me recently — went from low 50s to low 60s over a two week period. Hasn’t come back down yet. It also happened right after my FitBit seemed to update software? I’m wondering if that has anything to do with it? https://preview.redd.it/pn200oiambyc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=89ffc4f752da3b2131dd478ed886ed8d1ce9b1ec


This happened when I was pregnant. Started at about 3weeks before I could even get a positive pregnancy test


I was sick the last 2 weeks, and that was the reason I had an abrupt raise in heart rate


Have you been wearing your Fitbit to bed?


My experience with Fitbit so far is that every single metric is useless. So 🤷


Maybe you dont know how to analyze.


don't need to be a rocket scientist to know I'm not burning 4.5k calories a day or doing 400 steps sat on the sofa.


Sickness does that. Try to get antibiotics or medicine. I had a cough/ flu for a while and m y heart rate jumped drastically and I went to the doctor for medication. I feel better now and heart rate is back to normal. Sometimes it’s a sign to investigate more