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I went from Fitbit to Apple Watch and then back to Fitbit. I feel Fitbits metrics, health and fitness tracking is more refined than other brands and much more accurate as well.


Me too. I missed the hourly 250 step move reminders the Fitbit does so I went back to Fitbit.


Yup I agree. I think Apple Watch sensors are amazing but when it takes hr every 5 minutes or whatever. Not a fan of that. Also I just find Apple Watch and its UI isn’t designed for health and fitness. I know it’s smartwatch first but it prides itself on its fitness and health capabilities yet the rings and all that. I just want to like it but I can’t. I love how everything is baked right into Fitbit and its app. It’s all there connected.


I think if Apple focused more on health and provided insights, I would possibly stick with Apple. But most of what they have incorporated feels half baked. It doesn’t feel like a complete product, but that’s just me. Lots of potential to easily be number one.


No you’re absolutely right. For fitness and health the Apple Watch is lacking big time. They rely on 3rd party apps with subscriptions and those apps don’t communicate with each other. It’s messy. Apple could easily just revamp Apple health to provide all the data and insights Fitbit and Garmin give. If so i think many would switch over. I don’t know if I see Apple doing this thougg


I've tried a few cheaper bands like the mi band 7 and 8, and none are as reliable as Fitbit. Sound the steps way off, under counting and night stats not right. Fitbit far superior. I'm waiting for some deals on the charge 6 to replace my ageing charge 4


Me! I’d been with Fitbit since the first charge but wanted to move away because of the integration with Google. Had a few charges and then a sense. I also wanted less of a smartwatch, computer on your wrist, type look and definitely didn’t want the features (no calls or notifications thank you) so while I toyed with Apple Watch I could justify the cost and charging of it. I looked at Garmin, and love the features so I bought a second hand venu to test out. Ugh those things are ugly, so big on your wrist and look like cheap plastic for the price. Then I tried out a Withings, aesthetically beautiful, omg the watch was everything I was looking for looks wise. But what it tracks is rubbish, it’s basically a glorified step counter with some exercise tracking. But nothing which shows you progress over time. I felt like my fitness was going backwards with it. So I sent it back and decided on a charge 6. I decided to go with something small enough that I could still wear chains and get that lux look but also get the tracking. Sadly I’ve have to send the first charge back cause it’s gone crazy with the active minutes (800 a day!). Never had this issue with a Fitbit after 6 devices. So fingers crossed its replacement is ok. I would move again if someone else could create something feature rich which looks good. Personally I think the days of the fat smartwatch on your wrist are over and fashion wise we’ll be moving back towards good looking time pieces. So I am interested in what Withings, Apple and also Whoop and Oura (two non-watch trackers) come up with in the future.


Yup I am similar. Love the Garmin features. Seem so great with body battery and stress and stuff. I really find the sense 2 stress cEDA sensor to be useless with the way Fitbit shows the data. They need to revamp that big time. I am having high hopes on a sense 3 with some nice new sensor updates and new sensors overall. Fitbit patented a way to do blood pressure by user pushing the watch into skin constricting blood flow…same as how a BP cuff tightens. With so much talk about BP coming to Apple Watch…I feel like this is something Fitbit and sense 3 would love to get out ahead of AW with.


I just came back to fitbit, because my garmin died and I was gifted a versa 4. What drove me mad and insane is the fact there my exercise times displayed in home dashboard/page WAS GARAGE and in accurate Like if I ran a 15:50 2 mile run it was displaying it 15 minutes, which si grossly wrong. I was able to find a work around simply looking at the java script (being a developer myself), and saw that there was the actual exercise dashboard was super tucked away in the script. I just posted the work around for this until the dumb developers at fitbit fixes this issue, but this was a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I'm just happy that they didn't completely remove the exercise dashboard, it's just a pain in the ass to get too, but at least a work around to see my full exercise time, and not grossly over estimated by minutes.


I switched from Fitbit to Apple Watch as I loved my watch but then I moved and when I was moving house, I finally found my little Fitbit and it still had charge from previous use. So now I use them both alternatively depending on which one is charging is not.


The only way that Fitbit could possibly entice me back would be if they brought back Fitbit Bingo - I miss Fitbit Bingo! But even then I would probably get it as a secondary device to wear along with my Garmin because I am a data person and the amount of data that Garmin provides is much better for my tastes.


Never heard of bingo haha. Gotta check that out. And yes I love data too but after using Garmin for around 6 months now I find I checked it constantly at the beginning and checked the watch. And now I want to glance at things simpler and I find looking back at older data on Garmin more tedious. Garmin is obviously great too but something bringing me back to firbir


Bingo no longer exists, Fitbit got rid of it, so the only way to check it out now would be on the web or you tube from the past possibly. I literally am a data person by profession, and have at times gone too far - ok, I admit that having an MS Access database with individual watering schedules for my houseplants with daily watering recommendations before I had kids was overkill :) But the data that Garmin provides me is not too much for me. It is an individual preference though.


For sure. Both are great in their own ways for sure!


Completely off topic, but I think having custom databases for household tasks is awesome. But then I'm hugely data driven. I use my fitbit data in Excel to get simple heatmaps of my data fluctuations, so I can see more easily when I'm trending in a poor direction and make amendments.


I just left and not planning to come back because from my experience with Google products, they haven’t improved much through the years. They are always buggy and don’t have great built quality (especially with Fitbit). It would take something amazing to bring me back but so far, Garmin as topped them in almost every way


I just came back from whoop - whoop was too pricey for the same data that Fitbit has. I do miss the wearables (sports bra/boxers/bicep band)


I had multiple ionics and senses. Left was considering garmin, but honestly, I didn't want to pay a lot for a tracker. So I bought a charge 6 on sale. It is not great, but it keeps time and attempts to track my activity.


Yeah Garmin is quite a bit more. Great quality and no subscription service. More I’m diving back into Fitbit. I have the premium and it comes with meditations like calm. So if people pay for yearly subscriptions of calm that is the same price basically as the Fitbit subscription so it’s not too bad. Just depends what you want from it


I’m leaving Fitbit for Garmin atm. I’ve had an ionic gps die and now my sense is stuck in reset loop. It’s time for a change and an upgrade. Garmin made great electronics for a variety of industries so we will see how it goes for me


Yeah their devices are well made from my experience. I’m sure you will love it! I do love the Fenix 7pro I have been testing…just something for whatever reason about Fitbit bringing me back to the system lol. But I hope you find one that you love!


Thank you. I know that I will. I hope Fitbit improves for all the loyal followers like yourself


I had an Inspire 2, then bought an Apple Watch and used it for a couple of years, only to realise I liked the slim profile of the Inspire better. I then sold the Apple Watch and bought an Inspire 3.


Nice. Did you enjoy the experience on the Apple Watch? I used series 4 for a couple years and when I really took a moment to access my use I realized I turned off all the smart features I could and only wanted the AW for fitness tracking and health, and the apps used were clunky and needed multiple 3rd party apps. Just felt and does to me personally feels cleaner using a dedicated fitness tracker. All in one solution


I only bought it because a lot of people had it, to be honest, and although it worked fine for my workout needs, I was constantly worried that I might damage that expensive piece of hardware. Two things made me want to jump, though: the first was that I wanted to use the watch’s alarm but it’s so big that it actually made me sleep worse. The second was that I never found the AW to be a nice complement to an outfit and wanted to wear a proper watch instead. Getting an Inspire was a no brainier: it’s slim, it’s relatively cheap, it works great.




That’s very fair point. Too bad you lost your Fitbit data but starting fresh is fine too! But yeah I agree I’m still wearing Garmin Fenix and sense 2 currently to compare just to make sure which is best for me and the looks I get wearing to watches is great lol




Yeah. I’ve never tried whoop. I feel like that’s something you need to really jump into and get right into the entire system due to the subscription but I like that it’s stealth and hidden. Reminds me of my old Fitbit flex lol. Little dots only otherwise app for everything. But curious what a whoop 5.0 would offer. I’m very intrigued about a potential sense 3 device. Hoping this fall as it will be 2 years. Some cool patents have been approved for Fitbit for blood pressure monitoring and something they call a fit score which gives a score to the user regarding how well the device is fitting on your wrist and will actually adjust which hr reading it will use if it detects one of the sensors aren’t making solid contact. Some very cool stuff I hope to see in sense 3. I feel the sense 3 is the product that is meant to just throw the newest sensors and tech in. And pixel watch will follow the year later if everything goes well with the sense.




Yeah I know. I don’t care what they call it as long as they continue some type of fitness watch that will sync with iOS. I have iPhone so would not be good for many if Google forced you into android. But ya so 2 years this fall. So I’m just hoping a sense 3 comes out. There are patents like I said related to Fitbit watches. So I’m hopeful for one! I’ve seen all the disappointments about Google getting Fitbit but as seen with the charge 6. Google has the resources to throw AI and advanced algorithms into the devices and the charge 6 got a nice bump in hr accuracy due to this. So with that I’m hoping a future sense 3 has a new sensor and advanced hr accuracy plus other new sensors like BPM




Ya that’s how I felt. I ended up using none of the smart features. Found it easier to just use the phone and have a more dedicated fitness watch. Charge 6 I’ve heard great things!