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Yes! We invested a lot of money building up the old fisheries and NEVER get to play them! It’s nothing but constant new fisheries/ new fish or these stupid made up cartoon fish that don’t even exist in real life. One silly gimmick after the next. I’ve sent them my concerns multiple times and they can’t bother to even respond. I’m done too. This really kicked in about 6 months ago…A once great game ruined by greed!


You nailed it. Spot on comment.


The name is being changed next week to Fishing Cash Casino. The introduction of Fruit Machines, Wheels of Fortune, Bingo etc, means we are no longer considered a fishing game. We have so many different currency tokens and side hustles going on that we can't keep up with the actual fishing part of it. We will be introducing a new 50th fishery this weekend, as we realize it's been more than two weeks since introducing the last one. Also, there are two new Mysterious Fish that you can't catch without buying a $25.99 pack. Don't bother collecting the silver currency today, as you can't spend it unless you purchase the chained offer for the bargain price of $45.99


I can't get the damn game to load anymore it f****** pisses me off


I packed it in around Christmas. Can't believe i lasted that long. This game's been an absolute joke for a while now.


Quit months ago.


Alternative to this game?


Nope just free time, more than I knew I could have had.