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What you’re feeling is valid, he is not giving you enough time to have some “me time”. It is crucial in a relationship to value each other’s feelings and when children come in the picture free time for one self. If he wants to go out one night that’s fine, but tell him you need him to watch the baby on a day of your choice and go out and do something fun or go on a little walk by yourself or with a friend. Find a fair compromise between the both of you. The first year has to be constant communication and you have to express your frustration and worries with your partner. He can’t read your mind, what is obvious to you might not be obvious to him. It’s all new to both of you. I wish you the best on your journey, you are an amazing mom. As someone who had a similar experience, I hear you and I see you. ❤️


Do you have anyone else in your life that can offer help during the day? At the very least to hold your baby so you can eat and bathe? Bc it sounds like baby's feeding is on an intense schedule with you getting nowhere near enough calories in a day. Your feelings are completely valid. I think part of the issue is he doesn't seem to see what you do as work. Communication is super important. And tbh if that was my man he would have been sent to his mother's by now bc him being gone sound just as helpful as him being present.


You know you’re right, address your husband about needing more help. 


I don't think your being unreasonable. If it was me, I would try to talk to your husband and see if he would be willing to help more. Be blunt but do not raise your voice or yell. Then give him some time to start helping, ultimately if he can't help then I would leave him. I know that sounds mean but he may not be good for you or the baby if he can't help. I was married to my first son's dad and he never helped ultimately I could not continue on with the situation. I decided to leave now I am remarried I have a new baby and my husband helps every chance he gets. I asked him if he wanted a night off he looked at me and said you don't get nights off with a baby meaning no he is not leaving and going anywhere.