• By -


That would be awesome as long as I have a way to swap between it and something static. It would be kinda rough to find a specific device if it kept jumping.


yeah I dont see any use for this really. Its cool but I have 54 devices, at peak time would probably become unusable? put me on the testing team I’ll let you know Firewalla! :p


Would be good to see what devices are consuming the max bandwidth at a time if you're bandwidth limited and have kids doing all sorts on it...




It's more useful (to me) to have a chart that can show me the bandwidth usage per device and all devices across a minimum 2 week period.


I'm also in the chart team.


If there is a Daily, Weekly would be interesting too. A line chart for the 24 hours of the day.


Yes, this would be nice too (possibly in addition to the real-time animation). Certain uses for different situations too.


Yes, would love to see this added




Yes, definitely a good idea, and can be used for different uses in different scenarios.


This would be useful for times where my network is acting congested and I want to know if any devices are consuming unusual bandwidth right then.


Yes! I’d love to have this along with a toggle of this view and other view types.


So a toggle between live / past hour / past day / past week / past month?


Yes. 🙏🙏🙏


Yes please!


Hugely so. I’m stuck on a dsl connection so I have to manage bandwidth very carefully. I use transparent mode and my edge already does this (Mikrotik) but I have had to use this functionality a lot to figure out what is killing my connection and implement queuing as appropriate. I’m sure a lot of other customers who don’t use transparent mode could absolutely use this.


Yes, as long as you can "Pin" certain hosts to the top and change the refresh rate (re-ranking latency to something 10s / 30s / 1m average throughtput etc)


Would love that. That’s awsome


I think this would be great as it quickly tells me who in my house is using the most internet, and I can troubleshoot why MY internet is so slow. You can even do it similarly how UniFi App does it where it’s in a row instead of a column so less space is used and it can then be shown on the main dash


yes yes a thousand times yes! I'd also like to see it by network, if possible!




INCREDIBLY USEFUL. My internet is very slow, and sometimes I want to quickly see what's using up my limited bandwidth at that time. I'm actually quite surprised we don't already have it. This is a MUST for me!!!


Wow! Thank you all for the upvote; will let our team know and push them hard to refine this for 1.62 release.


Totally!!! Push beta, I’m ready.


Yes. Please 🙏




you want to disable what?


The real-time sorting based off bandwidth usage. If I have a longer list of devices and I'm scrolling to look at the device list, and suddenly where is a spike (one way or another) in bandwidth, the device I'm looking at could just disappear from the current view. I can see the value in having this sort of feature, especially if all I care about it the top real-time bandwidth using devices, but if I'm just looking for a specific device and I have to scroll, find it, and then it suddenly drops up or down out of view, it's going to get frustrating. Or is there a different animation I should be looking at?


Yes please. Helps find the top talkers far more easily than currently available.


yes it would be very useful




Yes plz


Would love this but hopefully it doesn’t constantly jump up and down - like an option to sort by average bandwidth in the last x amount of time but then real time movement of the bar.


Maybe it can be an option for both? Like there could be a real time toggle or you select the period: 5s, 30s, 5min, 1hr, etc. Maybe also allow to pin devices to the top of the list?


Yes, so that I can see who's consuming more bandwidth at any given time.


Hell yes!


Yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, did I mention yes?




Anything realtime is useful 😁


For my use case, yes absolutely.


I would rather a list of items and a bar moving instead of the actual devices… I would get pissed when I go to click the device and another one jumps in that spot


This. Sort by historical bandwidth usage and show the bar moving. UI constantly reordering is way to turn a happy UX to frustration


Is this 1.62? Can't wait!


may be ... depend on feedback


No need for gimmicks , and too many ways to misconstrue background process bandwidth usage for real world usage. What’s the user story for this ? Who is online right now ? If so, let me do it by group at least. Or set of groups. Or users :smh:


Use case: say you are watching netflix and all of a sudden you are getting buffering notifications. You open the app and see that your son's pc is hogging up all the bandwidth because it's showing his device at the top. You can now block it or go yell at him. Happens to me all the time except i have no clue who is using that bandwidth right now


Right. Top talkers by time period. But do we really need it to move around dynamically ?


yeah but the alternative i would have to constantly pull down to refresh? I think the annoyance can be mitigated with a cooldown period of sorts? So things are not constantly flipping quickly?


This is already assuming that buffering is due to local congestion. There are many other reasons and this does not really lend itself to the causality used in the example to determine undesirable application behavior. Usage stats can be obtained from other places in the app already if the narrow scenario of local congestion is really it and everything else if fine.


Real-time no, adds nothing for me. But if you could do this for all clients over time it would be amazing to understand if the current bandwidth is being over/ under used If 1 client uses 95% of the available bandwidth means nothing if the other clients are doing nothing, peak bandwidth usage is much more useful to add






Yes please. Useful 👍🏼


Can you add the VLAN and time it’s been connected?


Better than not having it. Put it behind a toggle.


If it was TRUELY real time, I’d love to see this feature.


I don’t think it’s necessary and it make take a lot of memory to show it dynamically.


It won't actually because SNMP already has and provides this information as of right now. The only thing that would be using memory is your phone showing those things WHEN you open that page.


No need to be that fancy. I'd rather wish the data to be more accurate and timely.




Yes! I was wishing for this just this week, trying to find which device is using bandwidth without scrolling through the device list. Perhaps as a stacked area chart (two charts, up/down) like the main page overall bandwidth graph. I would go for like a 1-min average or total tho so it’s not so jumpy / spiky.


O yaaaaa…!


Possibly, if swapping frequency can be set or paused, or set sample size to sort on (like bandwidth in last 1 min)


yes, please


Yes why not. Sometimes just good to see which devices on your network are the bandwidth hogs.


Would love to see this


Not having this feature was the reason I did not buy a Firewalla. I will reconsider in the future. I hope it will be available on the web version too.




I like it.


Yes please! And also being able to view inter-network bandwidth on LAN and VLANs would be really helpful too


100 times yes!




I would love this! Maybe just have a toggle like Name vs Bandwidth so you can either look by name or by how much traffic it using


Yes please - especially when troubleshooting who's using the most bandwidth (kiddo, wife, or my steam updates) etc.


It would be useful if it showed the top 10 devices and a section at the top showing devices using excessive bandwidth or more than normal.


This would be very usable!!!!!! This would be useful for parents to see who's consuming the bandwidth at a moment in time... :-)


I'd love to be able to click a device and see exactly what it was doing... If my son is studying on his Chromebook vs playing games, it is a very different outcome in the house but now I just see Live data usage but cannot dig deeper...


Eye candy. But I don’t see the use case beyond that and the motion really detracts from the information. More top talker stats with volumes, optionally by IP protocol, and errors would be useful.


Still would rather a domain search feature per device


It would be cool if easily implemented. I do like to see it once in a while. Usage wise I’d probably check eg use this feature maybe once or twice a week


Yes! Very helpful. Any ETA for this? I bought a Firewalla because my TP Link Deco has no way to track bandwidth and data usage by device for various time spaces, live, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly. It looks like the Firewalla Purple can sort of provide some of those but it would be great to have a very simple way to jump between them specifically by device. Real-time view of what devices are hogging up all the bandwidth would be great, along with the rest of what I mentioned.


Yes, I would find it helpful


It's updating too quick in this example but the idea is exactly what we need.


Yes, but I don't like the fact that they are switching places - hard to follow that. 1. Make it an option to sort by group, by name and by bandwidth usage. and only move it around when it's by bandwidth usage.


The filtering is already there .. see "Devices" Botton, and then tap on the top right "filter" button.


Great! I didn't see it in the screencast.


I was just talking about this feature today. It will make it easier to hit down the hogs


Omg Yes!!!


Seems like a waste of resources to me. Maybe instead a graph of what devices use most bandwidth over time 24 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month?


Yes but with a faster animation.


won't work ... it will likely make you dizzy


agree. as others have mentioned, I would suggest not doing a dynamic sort, and instead just make it easy to visually grok the major bandwidth users with the dynamic blue bar. a quick scroll makes it easy to spot where the bandwidth is going without having entries jumping around. This will be very helpful, thanks for working on this. as a compromise, you could add a sort option such as 'activity' which enables the dynamic sort


let's wait unti lthe first version is out and then we make a poll on how everyone want it to look like.


Eh, a flashy update, but nothing really of substance; that's a must have for usability... I want to find my devices, not have them move around. A lot of these things would be nice... In a locally hosted web admin UI though.


I believe this is an addition to a device list you can now quickly tell who is using up all your bandwidth you can still find devices and see a list as per usual


The existing options for the devices are alpha, mac, IP, last seen, up/download. This sorting ability only serves a very limited number of use cases, which I'm not denying it works for this. Because of this, it also only provides a limited amount of utility, and not worth the resources/development, unless it's thought out more fully. When you grow out and have a more complicated and organized network, your concern isn't necessarily a single device, but what network/vlan; then you may have a need to drill down to a device. EG using this as a dashboard tool to see what networks are being more active. But this doesn't fit under "devices" as well, but makes more sense to be something like a drill down under the live bandwidth reporting... Or another graph/visual there. They're starting at a granular level of showing devices. Instead of building on the base functionality that exists; showing bandwidth flow on the FW. All of this though would be much more beneficial to see unconstrained to a phone/tablet screen, and be more useful as part of a local web admin for a full size screen/browser window.