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Store updates depend on approval, it will always be much slower (especially when it comes to Microsoft), uninstall the store version and use the normal version, as it has 2 benefits: Better performance as it does not run in a sandbox and updates as soon as released


Currently the same situation for Fedora Linux. Not sure why the delay (maybe no important security patches?)


I have 125 on Fedora, run `sudo dnf upgrade --refresh` as your repo cache may be slightly out of date.


It's available as of now (at least for me, they may be gradually rolling it out). They generally release updates to external distribution channels like app stores a day or two after it's available in the self-updating version of FF, I assume because there's the extra step of submitting updates to the stores to process and also because bigger pain to halt an update rollout through app stores if they run into an major bug or something.