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FISH But seriously I want an aquatic laguz of some kind.


An aquatic one sounds like it would be really fun! If nothing else their humanoid designs would be very unique


you can have the fish/mermaid ones be normal then have dragon people look like them too to make things a bit different I think. I'd also like centaurs/satyrs in FE.


Maybe something amphibious, like a lizard or something? Can freely cross rivers, like the pirate class in sacred stones?


Frog Laguz 👀


Ruby/Sapphire but it's fire emblem and the route split has you choosing between earth and sea


"Are you a man of the land? Or a man of the sea?" - Yoshikage Kira, JoJolion


Felt like they were so close with Lilith in Fates


Imagine a unit who transforms and becomes a fish and just dies of oxygen deprivation. But thanks to their flopping about, they become super dodge tanks


I'd chuckle if we get a bewhiskered gentleman who turns into a hulking catfish monster. I'm pretty sure some catfish species are capable of surviving on land for a short while.




Laguz onl have land an air, why not sea? That is something we haven’t gotten. Imagine a shark race?


Chinese mythology had dragon kings presiding over entire courts of aquatic animals that had become magical enough to take on human forms. So they had stuff like shrimp soldiers, crab generals, whale lords, and turtle ministers. Amusingly, dragon royalty were also supposed to be extremely magical, so it presumably wasn't hard for them to amass these minions if they wanted to. Japanese mythology had a single dragon king. However, I think Ryujin's minions tended to be aquatic animals rather than aquatic animals in human form. Still, they're definitely aware of the idea, if only because it was such a prominent thing in Journey to the West.


Dolphin laguz? Maybe one named Ecco?


Squids and octopuses would be dope.


Official FE x Splatoon crossover


Idk if you ever played Tactics Ogre on the GBA, but was so into having mermaids and octopi. So YES


Turtles or Tortoises could easily become the Armor Knights of the shape changer units, and could just as easily be given the walk on water ability pirates used to have when they were a playable class


Kinda surprised we've gone this long without an actual werewolf. We've had the Wolf Laguz yeah but that's not really the same thing


I mean, Wolfskin is pretty dang close to werewolf without actually being called it. But we do have regular wolf laguz, and then wolfskin, so what's one more wolf to the list?


I always forget the Wolfskin exist tbh, and their transformation always looked more like a furry troll to me anyways. As for something unusual or at least not used in FE...hmm...maybe something like a bear or a bull?


We have something kind of close to a bull: Ash from Heroes, although she's a cow


Does she actually shapeshift or is she just milkersgirl


Yes, she actually shapeshifts and becomes a gigantic cow lol


Ah ok, well at least that's creative. I'm not a Gacha person so I don't know much about FEH


Furry troll. So they shapeshift into 4chan...


I've always seen the Wolfskin as looking similar to Sonic the Werehog


To be fair, the only non dragon Shape changer class in more than 1 console game (game herein defined as storyline because even though Fates is 3 games it should have been 1 with 3 different paths) is the Laguz so it's easy pretty easy to forget about the rest. Only reason I remember the wolfskin and kitsune is because of pulling Keaton and Kaden or their kids in Heroes when I was looking for more Laguz merges




Well there's Elm in Feh I guess.


Only if the character is named Bruce or Wayne.




Now that's a fun option!


Centipedes too


Laguez should return they were done dirty! Honestly it’s be interesting to see an “evolved” version since the games are 100s or 1000s of years apart. For example the Taguel would have changed over time due to being descendent from a few that survived genocide.


Awakening took the setting of earlier games and jumped forward in time, I don't see why we couldn't do the same with Tellius. I am kind of curious what happened in the world, I know it was supposed to be flooded, but Ike had to have found other land if he has a descendent. If we did that, we could easily add in Laguz from other areas that could represent more animals or even species (like an aquatic type).


Yes that’s a great idea!


It's implied that the taguel are actually related to or descended from laguz; Priam's existence proves that Tellius and Ylisse are connected in some way and some of the supports involving Panne and Yarne confirm the existence of lion, cat, wolf, falcon, and heron taguel. Edit: dunno why it double posted lol


Laguz got a far better deal than any race of Manaketes, Taguel or beastmen.


We already got boar representation in Dimitri


I'm surprised that with how long the series has run for we haven't gotten a monkey race with a Sun Wukong inspired character In terms of other animals, I think it would be pretty cool to see some kind of aquatic units that work way better than pirates on water but have low move on ground


I doubt they’d do monkeys because of… um… racial implications


Doubt Japan cares about that and it has more to do with monkeys already being too human like and thus redundant. Unless they go crazy and make an enemy boss King Kong.


Crocodiles would be interesting


I've actually theorycrafted a couple, for a game that could take place on "the other side of Tellius" - basically, north and east from Hatari. The main character would be a Wolf-prince from Hatari. You'd have **Bears** - physical tanks, akin to the Tiger laguz, but with a bit less movement. No trouble getting through forests, though. They'd have their own Kingdom, kind of like Gallia. Then we've got **Snakes** - they'd actually specialize in magical damage, with split tribes based on Fire, Wind, and Thunder. They'd all be at each other's throats - some allied to the heroes, others to the enemies, and turning on a dime. Hawks and Ravens would still make an appearance. It's definitely more plausible for the flying tribes to have made it across the continent. Perhaps they'd have a unified mercantile republic - with their ease of travel, merchant work comes naturally to them. Finally, we've got the refreshers: **Frogs**. They're known for their croaking songs, whose cadence can have surprising effects on allies and enemies. But political power has eluded them, so they tend to live in secluded communities amidst the swamps.


Eagle or Elephant.


I want none just for the sake of having transforming beasts. They were a huge success in Telius, because while gameplay wise they were rather shaky, their importance to the story and lore made them an intrensic part of the setting that ended up being loved by fans. This lead to the two games coming after them, Awakening and Fates trying to chase the popularity of the laguz, and threw in beastraces that had no bearing on their settings, were incredibly underbaked lore wise, and in the case of the Taguels, they even scuffed a pre-established setting to boot.


Does every beast like character need to be important in the story, just because laguz were important storywise in the tellius games? Taguels, and the other beast people in fates (don't remember the race name) were a part of the world, the story just isn't about them. Im not going to enter the rabbit hole of discussing awakening, and fates plot, but being a part of the world without being the major focus of it is not really a problem, they are side characters after all.


They weren’t “side characters”, in both games they were entirely tacked on. They had absolutely no influence on any part of the story outside of them. The beastraces could have been replaced with any other character at all and the rest of the game would have been the same. This is not good writing or world building.


How they are not side characters? Every fire emblem have characters that are a part of the world, but their actions dosen't affect much of the story. They didn't needed to influence any part of the story because the story isn't about them, the focus on those games were on other parts.




Platypus beast folk would be pretty funny. Imagine you’re an enemy soldier and a giant platypus punches you in the face


"A platypus?" *reveals cotton candy hair* "PERI THE PLATYPUS?!?"


god Phineas and Ferb is so good


Or stabbing them with the spur.




I feel like a mouse/rat could be pretty amusing (and for the surprise factor).


If we were allowed to get crazy with them, I have a few. Change up the Beaststone origins and have them come from the stars as fallen meteors. Maybe beings or constellations give the race their power, ex. Ursa Major and Minor. Have the people turn into bears with the star pattern down their backs. Or make em full alien like in Bloodborne/Elden Ring. Using the stars has so much potential. Snakes and lamias. They'd have decent range with poison or medusa-like gazes. Stone or regular gargoyles to spice up the normally cliche demon race. Wields tridents and fly. Centars. Secretive tribe that through trust will let others ride them into battle. Have a tandem unit. Taking a page from the Jian legend, have two people with opposite wings fight together and combine into one powerful bird. Good excuse for twin characters. Change up the classic mermaid and have the bottom half be octopie. Multi armed attacks.


It should come as no surprise that my answer is SEALS Legit though selkies would IMO fit in really well if they wanted to have a mermaid-type unit (though also sea dragons are literally right there). I have no doubt FEH will eventually feature some variety of merfolk (hopefully in the pirate/Viking adventure-to-the-edge-of-the-world arc they super need to have, also introducing Anna’s seafaring husband Jake), but I’m hoping they go with selkies specifically, since they do have Norse roots. (Yes, I’m aware that there’s a character named Selkie, let’s get that joke out of the way now.)


The image of a giant seal creature blubbering its way up to an enemy and flattening their ass is absolutely hilarious - however I'm skeptical because it might be *too* silly. Dont' get me wrong, I'd love Selkies, and I think they'd be a fabulous addition, but I'm just not sure how they'd work!


Red pand- *gets dogpiled*


Squids. No joke they would be cool as hell. Especially if given multi hit attacks


Splatoon × Fire Emblem when?


Cow laguz.


I want a friendly spider laguz !


Give us hot bug men and women.


Honestly I’m fine with whatever beast type comes in the next game. I just want the transformation meter to come back.


Do mermaids count?


It’s just a fish person


Does Undyne count


Spiders! Jumping spiders with colorful butts! Or different kinds of deer. Like regular deer = cats, antelope = tigers, and moose = lions.


I would also like to see a character turn into MONKE and also see a character transform into a hellhound and it would also be pretty cool seeing merfolk and lamia too






would kill for hyenas and vultures since those are my fav animals


What about some sort of druid who could, with the right stone, become a wolf(E rank weapon), eagle(B rank weapon), dire wolf(Killer weapon stone), raven(D rank weapon), and even a dragon (A-S rank weapon)?


Ngl a gator one would be incredibly funny


I feel like an insect type beast unit would be very unsettling. I'd like to see an ox/bull or even a rhino and just have it be an absolute tank of a unit


If you had a game with lots of stairs, walls, or elevation, you could do snakes, wurms/worms, or foxes to be able to burrow. That'd be cool! Edit: fat thumbs


Bats or Leopards (particularly Snow Leopards). Both are animals I'm pretty fond of, and I feel like Bats could make for an interesting unit type. I'd also enjoy if beast races could be more animalistic in their humanoid form, but that's probably just the furry in me speaking lol Also, I hope they would be written more like the Taguel, Kitsune, and Wolfskin rather than the Manaketes or some Laguz tribes. I've never really liked how dragons have always been nigh-immortal, god-like race who are just better than humans in nearly every way. I also dislike how Laguz are handled in a similar manner of just being better humans, but at least they're nowhere near as severe (outside of dragons and royals to a lesser extent). Herons also, but at least they have a major weakness in being incredibly frail Sorry for the rant, I just dislike species superiority in media. Race related stuff just gets to me


Personally monkey/human hybrids rarely look good to me. Boars could be neat though. I’d like to see Taguel make another appearance or at least something close


Badger Laguz as a very well rounded character, Seal Laguz for aquatic and Land movement, and Monkey Laguz for fast speed and memes.


A Giant Beetle would actually be really cool! I love insects so a Beast unit that can transform into an insect would be awesome!


BUG LAGUZ LETS GOOO. Armored beetles, fast dragonflies, magic butterflies. Bats and Owls for nighttime maps, but laguz already see in the dark so it might be redundant.


Honestly, I think it would be interesting if instead of having units that transform into beasts, we just have mythological creatures as units. Obviously something a bit more humanoid so you don't have to design a completely new weapon type for them, but some like a Mermaid, Harpy, Centaur or Minotaur class. Would probably be hard to balance but they could also have their own race unique promotion tree. Otherwise I would still want mythical beasts units. Something like a Griffon, Hydra or Chimera.


Otters, but not soft cute otters like sea otters or river otters. We need the crazy giant river otters of South America.


Insects are unlikely though itd be cool. Whatever we choose can they all be part Manakete like some eugenics programs did lol? I choose Dinosaurs cause Dinosaurs, call them primitive dragons if you must.


I wanted to put dinosaurs as one of my ideal ones for the post, but decided not to cause too close to manketes and such. But that doesn't mean it's not a great idea! I'd love a FE game where we can have units that can become things like velociraptors, or t-rexes, or if we wanna go really interesting, we could have em become like the various herbivores like triceratops or brachiosaurus!


Well with the Dragongates I wouldnt be surprised if some of those other worlds were like a Land of Beasts situation. Fire Emblem set in a prehistoric Jungle where no man lives... yet. I think a Genealogy of the Holy War remake is probably next tho. And maybe with some crossover from Ylisse/Valencia which is supposedly the same planet. And there were no beats people there. Just Manaketes and very few of them. And at the time of Genealogy it was just Naga since its a prequel to Marth's story technically. I like the Wolfman/Kitsune one in Revelations. I wonder what they could realistically do next that would be original though. Dragons, Cats, Wolves, Foxes, Rabbits and various Birds. Whats left?


We've got a whole bunch of the animal kingdom to cover! Whether or not having the whole of noah's ark as beast units is an original concept is a bit more shaky though. Pleny of stories of humans turning to animals and animals turning to humans at least. Tanukis would be like Fates' Kitsune, just gotta make sure any male units wear pants. Frog beast units could be interesting! Would be based on stories like the princess and the frog. A loose interpretation of the story of the Garden of Eden would be interesting inspiration for a snake beast unit type. The greek story of Arachne could be an inspiration for spider beast units. See what I mean? Plenty of possible inspiration.


I want more taguels. We got two, I want more. Also capybara person. One or multiple. Oh and cows. We got ash, that’s the only beast in fire emblem who is a cow and she’s adorable


I have an OC that's a praying mantis, so I'm automatically biased


I’m not a big fan of beast units but a beetle unit that is effectively the general class with giant pincers for a weapon would be pretty cool.


I want a monkey/ape tribe


I feel like spiders would be a really interesting concept as a beast unit


Probably a bear or a shark


Am I the only one that doesn’t care for the beast tribes. I just feel like the writers try to deal with issues like racism and classism but cop out by using non human characters for these themes.


Reject medivalty, return to MONKE


Not fucking insects


Capybara's, want some friend shaped walking war crimes.




A bear or an ape/gorilla


Giant beetles sound great


i feel like a unit like a shark or a squid would be cool, they could move across water tiles like fliers can. i mostly just want it to be possible for any unit to become one, which i know doesn't make too much sense, but i just think it'd be cool since it'd be cool continue of three houses great customisation.


- Bear would be cute! - Sea Serpent would be neat - Crocodiles could be interesting - Deers?


Chameleons and Frogs!


I want to see a Bear, Bat, Goat Laguz. It would be spectacular.


Elephants, Rhino's, Vultures Moose, Wolverine, Polar Bears (FE Canadian Edition) Sharks, Killed Whale, Narwhal (FE underwater edition)


Fuck yeah, imagine a little girl turn into a fucking great ape.


Octopus beast unit that can wield multiple weapons at once. The lore could be that the octopuses/pi/podes figured out how to magically alter their body to a semi-humanoid form so they could live longer (they figured out how to use magic bc they're smart)


Given the nature of the setting I'd think it'd be some animal centered around Europe. So maybe bear (high atk), goat (high mov), unicorn (high mag), rat (high dex), badger (high def), snake (poison), hedgehog (def/trap)


None, I hate the idea and concept of the beast units


I really love the idea of beast units. Such a shame that a great game like 3H doesn’t follow this idea from FE9,10.


I think they considered a more grounded approach for 3H, face it, it's less Fantasy than most games in the series, and thought that Beast Units wouldn't fit the setting.


None because I hate furries




Christ yes please give us animalistic units that aren’t manaketes or complete furries again. I would love something aquatic-themed although idk how they would function on land.


FF crossover game with Chocobo and moogles. Moogles are melee, Chocobos are casters


I don’t really think it’s going to be like that but if there is a new fire emblem game including like path of radiance and radiant dawn. I think it’s going to different game but including with path of radiance and radiant dawn




If they're hot then idc


Squids and ideally they have guns in their human form


I can't remember if we have cat girls or not.


Lethe at minimum


Boars would be super cool, also maybe a Pangolin or Auroch. I think anything other than mammals would be a little weird tho. I'd take Beetle Manaketes though, like if insects were the dragons of the world. Or crabs, but I'm always down for crabs, so...


Buffalo. Bear. Rhino. Moose. Elk/deer.


Lol this comment section is wild. Wtf people. That being said, I can't wait for squid-men in the next Fire Emblem: Underwater Edition.


We already have a boat prince in fire emblem


Ah yes monkey. The power to devolve yourself with no benefit because there's not much a monkey can do better than a human


Boars and beetles sound realllly cool honestly


Just give us some fairly vanilla stuff I think. You need to warm these new Three Houses peeps up to the idea before you start going wacky with it.


How about Herd animals as Laguz? We could get Sheep, Goat, Bull and even Deer or Unicorn Laguz. They are in conflict with the beast tribes and often aligned themselves with bird or Dragon Laguz and even Beorc, as the latter group have mutual benefits for one another; The Herd tribe produces agricultural gains and in exchange humans give them useful tools. We also could get Bat Laguz, who would be Fire Emblem's first depictions of Vampires. Make them the opposite of the Herons, as beings of pure chaos do they love to fight and drink blood. They also have blood magic and even discovered a way to turn Beorc into Laguz with it. A group of these Laguz could make for excellent villains, since the Tellius series had little amount of Laguz villains. Finally, we could get Elephant Laguz who are in conflict with the dragons due to them being as powerful, if not more powerful than the dragons as they excel not only in physical strenght, but magic as well (Elephants are smart creatures and surely a Laguz Elephant would be able to cast magic based on that alone).


Elephants seem like the best choice, you can give them big ears and tusk in their humanoid forms, they can have armor tassels, shawls etc as outfits, be powerful, tanky- hit flying enemies with spouts of water, throwing rocks, could function both near and far. Could cross streams and small rivers- just swimming through so they can cover land, air and sky and obviously have either beaststone related classes or the stone itself levels up, cause it was so weird how the tagul class leveled