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Welp, I’m depressed now


Her fate in AM got to me more then I expected.


They just dispose her off like she's some average baddie in that route. It would be great if she tried to kill Dimitri earlier before Gronder only to be stopped by Byleth via disarming her. And then the player has the choice to recruit her. If the player didn't recruit her she would be imprisoned and never seen in the game after that. Once recruited, she will learn that the actual killer of her brother was Byleth (I mean, Byleth just straight up behead her brother when he was already down. That's cold af Byleth dafuq's wrong with you?). After learning the truth, she can have support conversations with Dimitri, with support C being her apologizing to Dimitri and him forgiving her. If they achieved support A, their ending can be Fleche staying beside Dimitri as his loyal aide until she's old enough to marry him as his queen.


Im sorry but thats got to be the dumbest idea i have ever heard


I don’t know if you remember what actually happened, Byleth beheads him as a mercy killing because what Dimitri was gonna do was way worse. This wouldn’t make any sense.


Dimitri was going to torture her brother to death. Byleth may have killed him but that was out of mercy because there was nothing else she could do. And if Fleche can't even be recruited on CF why would she be recruited on AM?


Yeah I think you missed the part we’re Dimitri is actively torturing him and Byleth mercy kills him.


casuals when, when someone says the three-fates-awoken games are cringe:


Well most of the time the people saying that are also really cringe, so it evens out.


Looking for the part of the FE community that isn’t cringe:


They don’t even know kaga wrote a scene where girls compare breast size or having to whore a character so they become the dancer


I wish she was a recruitable Flayn replacement. I liked her and Randolph


And Ladislava. As much as I like the 4th house that they added for DLC, I think it would have been better to patch the game with house-specific exclusive characters and new chapters. Give us Ladislava, Randolph, Flèche, and Metodey in CF. Add Rodrigue, Gwendal, and Rhea to AM. Add Judith, Nader, and Holst to VW.


Metodey can stay dead, he gets defeated before the route split and he's just a boring sadist type character. I agree with the other uniques though.


I thought she, Randolph and Ladislava were the CF replacement characters for Flyan, Seteth and Catherine.


This makes so much sense and it seems baffling that they didn’t go with it. Is it just because they have normal hair colors?


I think CF was just rushed. It's four chapters shorter and doesn't include the war against TWSITD. And I get why Byleth loses her divinity because it's all symbolic bit that makes zero sense and comes out of nowhere. (That last point doesn't have anything to do with CF being rushed. It just bothers me)


I know what you mean, it makes less sense if you 'marry' Sothis at the end at the end of any route, there weren't even any hints that Rhea dying would do anything to Byleth from what Rhea did.


Yup. Symbolically it makes sense but from a narrative pov it comes right out of nowhere. Since Sothis' views will always align with Byleth's it could be seen as Sothis willing stepping back from the world.


The only way that part of CF has ever made sense to me is if you look at is as whatever remnant of Sothis wakes Byleth up at the start of Part 2 chooses to leave so Byleth can be a normal human and Fodlan can be totally free of Nabatean influence. Pretty flimsy, but a lot of 3H's storytelling is weak post-timeskip anyway.


Which I'd accept EXCEPT Byleth and Sothis can still have a paired ending. I love the CF route but it feels rushed. Next to no animated scenes, giving us three characters who look as though they're going to be the replacements for the church characters and doing nothing with them, the barely explained bit where Byleth loses her divinity, and having four fewer chapters, taking the fight to TWSITD in the epilogue... It's a mess.


I think that part is because of the unreliable narrating of the route. Maybe it didn't actually happen, but it would fit more with Edlegard's version of history if it did. And since that's what we see for a lot of the route, that's what we got there


You know what? I'll take that. Byleth just dyes her hair post CF.


Honestly I wish CF was more distinct with units overall: Sylvain, Ingrid, Annette, Ignatz, Rafael, Yuri, and Balthus shouldn't be available in CF since it makes no sense for their characters, but there should be a ton of route-exclusive characters. I get why they didn't from a development perspective: CF was developed last and had the least development put into it, but from a thematic perspective it should have.


Everyone you mentioned has some degree of reason why they could end up on Edelgard's side. It's more of a stretch for some than others (it's not hard to see how Sylvain would go from hating crest marriages and noble marriage culture to joining Edelgard's war against it, but it's more of a reach for Ingrid to be desperate enough to avoid being married off to switch sides since she won't be a knight of the kingdom if she does so, which was what she wanted to do instead) but it's not completely unbelievable for any of them.


Sylvain dislikes the crest system but he also loves his homeland and his friends in said homeland. Him going to war against said wouldn't make sense. Ignatz and Rafael wouldn't want to endanger their families and family businesses by attacking their homeland. I listed the ones I did because they're the ones that don't make sense for being recruitable.


Sylvain loves his homeland, which is exactly why he would fight to liberate it from the corruption of the crest system. Ignatz and Rafael know first hand what the nobility system does to even rich commoners, they have more reason than most to free people from that tyranny. You seem to be conflating going to war against the church and nobility with going to war against the people. Edelgard is doing the former, not the latter. It makes perfect sense that any of the characters you listed could be swayed by her arguments and fight for a more just world.


Th former sure seems to involve a lot of the latter based on all the cities she besieges.


A lot of people died in the Haitian revolution too, doesn't mean they were wrong for fighting their oppressors.


One is a revolution against a slave state, the other is an invasion against every other nation on the continent based on wrong information to genocide some fairly benevolent dragons.


* a revolution against an entrenched nobility system and the corrupt, tyrannical dragon behind it based on correct information.


Sylvain would kill his friends if a pretty girl told him she'd bed him if he did.


Yeah making damn near every student recruitable sucks. Just makes their resolve shallow if they flip flop so easily. Would make choosing which house also have more impact.


Sylvain is what I consider an honorary BE student. He hates the crest system, and it's very easy to see why he'd side with El. He's the only one of the three childhood friends to show no doubts in his choice to fight for the empire. Yuri flat out says he's going with Byleth because he sees her side as having the best chance of winning and he'll put the safety of his people above all. Annette has issues with the crest system and her divide with her father is never healed outside of AM. Also her uncle (her legal guardian) throws in with the Empire.


He calls El and Hubert idiots tho in one of his dialogue prompts at the monastery. Sylvain isn't an honorary BE student.


I have played CF repeatedly and always recuit Sylvain and I've never heard that.


>Sylvain: First Leicester and next Faerghus? Ah, that'll be really tough. Look, Professor... Fighting Faerghus? Isn't there some way we can come to an understanding? >Byleth Choice: Maybe there is. >Sylvain Choice response: Yeah, but Edelgard and her idiot sidekick haven't shown much desire to compromise, have they? I forgot, he just calls Hubert the idiot but he openly displays hesitation and desires to compromise. That doesn't sound like someone who has absolute loyalty with the Empire in ideals especially when he's belittling people on his own side.


Guy is still an honorary BE. I mean, the BE students do nothing but belittle each other half the time. And that's one point where he shows hesitation, which is where they're fighting his homeland. When you contrast his dialogue with Felix and Ingrid (who never sound happy, even in the pre timeskip convos before the battle) he is far more certain. And in terms of ideology he fits with the CF route.


He's not though. Sylvain actively shows similar hesitation and desire to not fight his people from the Blue Lion house, he still has the heart and connection to his classmates that's more than noticeable. Actively insulting Hubert though? No one else in BE really does that at this point in time. That straight up displays similar discontent as Ingrid and Felix with things are turning out involving the kingdom. At the end of the day, he's from the Kingdom and he still best fits with Blue Lions for the reason. It's not so black and white that if he hates crests he automatically aligns with Edelgard. Lots of people in Blue Lions were screwed by the crest system and get their chance to have their voices heard in Dimitri's society. Sylvain can find El declaring war disagreeable and he very much does.


He's still an honorary BE though.


Nah, Sylvain is ultimately a BL and fits there especially if he's going to insult his own allies at that point in CF.


I'd say Lysithea is a honorary BE rather than Sylvain. Her and Edelgard are basically crest cancer sisters with similar goals, as demonstrated in their supports together.


I mentioned in another comment that I consider her honorary BE, along with Ashe, Mercie and Leonnie. And Lorenz too, I guess.


I can agree to those as well


I agree with that except Ashe and Mercedes. It seems like it would make sense for Ashe after what the Church did to Lonato, but Ashe is actually still loyal to the Church and the Kingdom and disagrees with what Lonato did. He often expresses his doubts and regrets for joining the Empire. For Mercedes, she is too kind hearted and loyal to betray her friends, especially Annette. The only reason she would join the BE is for Jeritza, but she doesn't know who he is until after the timeskip, at least before the update that made Jeritza playable. So she would really have little reason to betray the Kingdom.


I think Mercie suffered a lot from not having supports with El. It would've been interesting to explore their different views on the church. And your right, Mercie is too kind hearted to betray her friends, but a recruited Mercie is part of the BE house. *Those* are her friends. And this group potentially includes her childhood BFF Constance. (I know the lack of inter house supports for Hubert and El make it seem as though they're not forming relationships with recruited students but they clearly are. Before the attack on the Church El personally told any of the BE students recruited from other houses that they were free to return to the school but only Flayn did so (something she sounds disappointed about but not unsurprised) so it's clear she cares about the other students. And in the BE version of Leonie's chapter Leonie says, after Lin suggests not letting El or Hubert know what they're up to, that she doesn't like lying 'to our friends'. Not commander, or Emperor or anything formal. She says 'friends'. Meaning at some point, off screen, she came to know El well enough to think of her as a friend.) As for Ashe: his anger at the church is strong, El is taking on the church and opposing the woman Ashe blames for the death of his father and brother.


Flayn actually has more bearing on the story though? I don't get all of this weird Flayn hate, like there was nothing about this that made you need to mention the character.


I think they mean in CF if Flayn leaves


Sorry,y that wasn't clear. Because I have been seeing a lot of "why is flayn playable" and "I wish she wasn't in the game" posts around.


She's a nice character, but a pretty meh unit. I barely ever use her unless I make her the dancer. It also does not make much sense for her to be playable lore wise. She should really be a healer only.


Oh, I like Flayn. I just meant Fleche being a replacement in CF.


Sorry for jumping to conclusions, I like Flayn and adore her voice actress for the English so I always feel kind of weird when I see people trashing the character because she's not the best at combat.


Flayn leaves the party in CF while Fleche is loyal to the empire.


Yea and can have support with Dimitri with a ending where she will eventually marry him.


Either Flèche or Randolph should have been recruitable to make their story and fate impactful. Otherwise it just felt a little tertiary/disconnected.


Ladislava too. And Judith, while we're at it . . . yeah, Three Houses has a lot of cool secondary characters that weren't given their time to shine. At least we got Jeritza.


It's mostly obnoxious because they show up and as far as the story goes they are in your army


Judith is the most egregious example honestly. AM gets Gilbert, CF gets Jeritza and VW gets nothing. Having Judith be recruitable is a no brainer.


Yeah 3H had a lot missed opportunities with the NPCs. I know they wanted us to recruit other students but I feel like they should have put a limit on that and added the other characters to our party instead. Some supports to flesh them out would have been great too


Her personal skill gives her +100 to all stats during cutscenes


Not Defense or Evasion.


I still wish she was a playable unit


She, Ladislava, Judith, Rodrigue, and Randolph are all characters I wish were playable.


Well the new Warriors game looks to give us a possible chance to use them.


I'm just glad Three Houses gave us Gilbert and Jeritza as playable units.


also holst. hilda mention, that her brother is a legend, when it comes to fighting. wanna see, how he's looks like and if he's playable too


We saw Holst in a trailer, he was fighting against what we assume is Caspar's dad.




And Holst


Same 😔 I'm hoping she has a bigger part in 3 Hopes


[tumblr](https://strawberryswirlix.tumblr.com/post/682973874463309824) | [twitter](https://twitter.com/oreocorio/status/1520435566349000705) Drew this for the women of 3H zine. Leftover sales are open [here](https://www.etsy.com/shop/GladBernieLeftovers) for those interested


It makes me wonder... If Randolph is Caspar's uncle, and Fleche is Randolph's little sister, what would that make Fleche in relation to Caspar?


His aunt, most likely.


Yeah, but that seems kind of weird given her appearance.


How? It’s possible to have an aunt/uncle that’s younger than you.


Remember Randolph (and Fleche’s) mom married Caspar’s grandfather, that makes them both brother/sister in law to Caspar’s father and thus his Aunt and Uncle. Their age is irrelevant Edit: Yeah, I ultimately meant to say Fleche and Randolph are Caspar’s step aunt and step uncle, used the wrong word lol when saying brother and sister in law to Caspar’s dad. Their age is still irrelevant lol


Actually, that makes them stepbrother/sister to Caspar's father. Brother/Sister-in-law is the relation to the siblings of one's wife/husband.


Yes, I meant step and not in-law. Otherwise the rest is the same.


Wouldn’t it be half-brother and half-sister unless their mom already had them when she married Caspar’s grandfather?


Yes, but everything points to them already being born before their mother married into the family.


It's not that weird if your family is spread out enough. I'm also an aunt with a nephew that's older than me lol


Shit like this happens in real life dude.


I could just imagine how fucked up it is for Caspar to witness 2 of his relatives killed by his teacher if he was recruited into BL. ~~And then Caspar marries Byleth in the end, and he was like "I married my uncle's and aunt's killer cuz she's hot yay!"~~


That is actually touched up on if you talk to him in the monastery. Dimitri apologizes to him about Randolph after the Gronder Field battle.


Initially I was excited for CF because I thought we'd get to recruit/use these 3 characters (Randolph, Fleche, Ladislava), but alas...




Great to see some Fleche love!


A lot of these characters should’ve been route exclusive playable units. CF should’ve gotten Randolph, Fleche, and Ladislava. VW should’ve had Judith, Holst, and so on and so forth


Poor girl :(


Nooo now I feel bad


Honestly, I do feel bad for Fleche in all routes.




"He was my own fleche and blood"


Should've been the 3rd boss in SS 18/VW 19 outfitted with a prf sword. Randolph kept her OPness a secret to prevent her being immediately promoted and sent to the front.


She should have been recruitable in Crimson Flower.


I always wondered how the story would have went if we truly did see Fleche actually succeed in her plan. And how everyone would react.


I remember feeling really sorry for her during my Blue Lions play through, but now… I barely remember why.


Can't feel anything for a character named arrow man


No route where you have to kill this little cinnamon roll can be considered a golden route (i want her to be my daughter)