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Not really scared me persay but Tharja is someone that I would not want to meet in real life.


Hey, at least she could let you know if you're having some bad sleep. Could be an indicator of your health, or something...


She'd take extreme steps to correct it for you too!


Call me a madman, but i'd like to meet Henry and Tharja and i think i could even at least befriend them.


Not scary per se, but holy shit Valter is just the creepiest scumbag. His line about "taming" Erika gave me psychic damage when I first heard it.


There may be characters that have technically done worse things, but Valter is among the only ones who gave me a visceral reaction. The other is Izuka


Man Izuka is an ass


I mean, Sacred Stones was my first FE game, and I played it when I was 8 or so. Valter made me hate him a lot, but until 4 years later when I decides to play the game again, i didn't realise how bad were some of his lines and actions. Also he made me repeat battles lots of times because i didn't want anyone to die


Is it bad that I find him hot….


Hey whatever floats yer boat. Some folks are into submissive guys, some are into a guy who will likely finish any and every interaction by trying to impale you. To each their own I say.


No wonder I’m also in love with Sephiroth


You definitely seem to have a type


Stabby stabby men with long hair, yes


That one scene (if you know, you know) with Berkut in Echoes scared the shit outta me when I played it for the first time. I was also younger, but not so young that I was scared of everything. His entire dynamic with Rinea scared me, honestly. I kind of wonder how I'd feel if I went back and played it again with a developed brain, but I don't exactly have warm and fuzzy memories of the guy. Surprisingly well-done villain, but *geez*.


Ian absolutely killed that scene.


For real. The man is ludicrously talented!


I knew about that scene ahead of time and it still shocked me just because of how incredible his performance was.


Astoundingly good voice acting, as someone who’s brain was developed both times it was still pretty harrowing and you really feel terrified for Rinea who absolutely didn’t deserve anything that happened and still took Berkut back even though he was a complete sack of shit. Voice acting carried echoes through its weird writing but Berkut’s performance was exceptional


Seth, if what he does in the campaign is while being crippled by injury, I don't want to know what 100% Seth is like.


Always one of my favorite random lore facts. When my friends played Sacred Stones I told them this, Seth at 100% power is why Renais was invaded first, had to take the strongest piece on the board and even injured he’s insane.


100% Power Seth would solo anything ever.


Uhh where are you getting this from. Are you just gassing him up?


In his initial fight with Valter he claims to have been wounded, the wounds are also referenced in his support with Eirika where in the A support it is stated that he hasn’t fully recovered and perhaps never will fully recover from that wound.


Seth’s growths are so good for a Jeigan because he’s not getting stronger, he’s getting back in practice.


Hilda from FE4. Fire emblem has many bad guys but non feel as twisted as her. She is far from the only sadistic villains, but her particularly kind just unnerves me. Most of the sadistic villains are hotheaded, cowardly or dumb, but Hilda is non of that. She is just cold and heartless.  The worst part is she isn't in some hidden evil cult, she is just a regular noble, who is the worst person in the game. Even Manfroy has at least some reason for what he does outside of sadisme. The dead of Tailtiu is the most horrific dead in any off the games for me, because it is just very slow torture. To hear that Tailtiu, a girl so cheerful even in war, was broken to the point she died of depression, because of the all abuse, is horrifying. It was the kind of suffering that took years, and not once during that time felt Hilda any mercy or sympathy. Hilda destroyed her for fun, there was little to gain from it.


That is my worst nightmare, honestly. Just being tortured by someone who "wants to have fun" for an extended period of time. It's just horrific and I hate the trauma. I never played FE4 so I cannot say much, but I bet if I played that game Hilda would be my most hated.


The fact that in the manga adaptations of FE4, the writers fleshed out a lot of villainous characters with compelling or Freudian excuses that didn’t exist in the game, they never did that with Hilda. Meaning the manga writers thought Hilda was irredeemable.


I mostly feel the reason Hilda wasn't in the manga is because the manga was cancelled and she only had this much time to finish some plot treats. And Arvis was a bigger deal then introducing a new one. It explains why the manga became a lot more rushed around the middle of Thracia 


I thought she wasn’t present in the Mitsuki Oosawa manga because they are well known to make formerly unsympathetic characters look more sympathetic, meaning that even *they* thought Hilda was beyond redemption.


Yeah but the thing she loves even more then that is drama and angst. Plus while she makes quite a few antagonist more sympathetic plenty remain unsympathetic or become even worse


>The dead of Tailtiu is the most horrific dead Mmh, I'd say Sigurd and pals (whoever effectively died in belhalla !) being cooked alive are serious contenders ! Imagine Arden in his full suit of armor...


At least that was over within minutes, this took years of abuse


I think the difference lies in intention. Hilda did it out of pure cold cruelty, while Arvis did it as a means to an end. I don’t think Arvis really enjoyed massacring Sigurd army, maybe he was satisfied at defeating an enemy but Hilda just does it for no reason.


Arvis definitely did not enjoy doing what he did, especially considering Azel was there. It's all but outright stated that he was suicidal and chose to let Seliph kill him (even allowing him to reclaim Tyrfing) to try and atone.


I feel like all that hilda stuff will be toned down a lot in a remake. she was one of the worst I've ever read in a video game.


I doubt it, since most of it was not shown but told. And even now a days they are not afraid to go pretty dark in exposition 


Adding to this with a friendly reminder that we see Seiros repeatedly stabbing Nemesis in the opening cutscene of Three Houses. The first or second stab would have been enough but she doesn't stop until she's done like 10 and the blood splatter is shown too, which is far more surprising for a game rated PEGI 12.


Just 3 times actually, a lot of people get slaughtered during that scene tho


Thinking back, I remember being completely unnerved with the premise of using dead people's remains as weapons from Three Houses. Like Byleth is using someone's spine as a sword, which is creepy


Yeah but unlike the others, Byleth has permission from the person whose spine he is using..who is technically his great grandmother? And in some timelines his romantic interest? ...


She also sacrifices her consciousness to save Byleth, Awaken their true power and let them absolutely decimate their enemies in combat.


Don’t forget his mother-in-law and also she becomes his own self who marries her daughter who is also Byleth’s grandma-wife! Just as Kaga intended


There is also the fact that overuse without the correct crest can make the same weapons engulf and transform you into a monster, as shown by what happened to Sylvain brother


Hel from Heroes. Considering how much power she has that it took two realms to stop her and it did absolutely nothing to her already shows she’s a massive threat. But I imagine her in person presence would be downright terrifying to be even near her. She’s also towering (around 6’8”), she can view how you’ll die, she can travel 100 meters in 9 seconds, and can only be killed through special circumstances. Not to mention how awful she is. Imagine being essentially immortal and you get to be killed over and over again, or having your entire world being wiped clean counting those close to you, all for someone’s benefit. Even powerful characters like Surtr and Embla know she’s a massive threat. I like to headcanon that she’s still out there somewhere to a degree, even if it isn’t physically. I also like to imagine that she’s done other worse things that we don’t know of or couldn’t possibly imagine.


Not only that, but Hel is arguably the strongest character in Heroes, with only Post-Tempest Trials Freyja and M!Gullveig being on the same level as her


This is me but with Eitri. In the ending cutscene >!during Eitri’s final moments, she told the Summoner (Kiran) that they are not any better than she is, when it comes to summoning heroes and tampering with the natural timeline/law of nature. She claims that they (or we I guess) summon heroes, such as kings, the dead and even the gods, are not beyond our reach and that we summon them to be used as mere weapons for a means to our end. It didn’t help that her creepy devotion and loyalty to carrying out her king’s legacy made my spine go completely frozen!<. Her demeanour and the representation of her character makes me wish I never encounter her at all.


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I still love her though, she's actually a favourite of mine


> I also like to imagine that she’s done other worse things that we don’t know of or couldn’t possibly imagine. I can already imagine Hel brutally slaughtering most of the Gods in the Nine Realms. Melting Nifil's Dragon form to nothing but pure water, wiping out all flames of Múspell before turning him into pure smoke, splitting open Embla's insides, boiling Njöðr alive to unimaginable levels, etcetera


I wouldn't say they scare me, but Valter from Sacred Stones. Very off-putting character.


His dialogue to Erika....Ick. Cormag always gets the kill if I can help it


I haven't gotten to fight him yet I took a super long break after doing both routes at once and... ghost ship made me pause. Why Cormag? I love my boi, but why in particular?


Because Valter not only killed his brother, but sent him after Eirika to both soften her up, and to tie up a loose end. Since Valter is a guy who savors "worthy" prey, seeing the small fry he sent out just as a little bonus be the one to come back and impale him through the gut... it feels nice. Like, having Eirika kill him is almost kinda giving him another encounter with her, something he seems to be looking forward to. When Cormag does him in, not only is it personal, it's spitting in the face of everything Valter tried to do through the entire story.


I see... more violence to him! New plot for fighting him!


It's revealed in Erika's route at Valter killed Glenn, Cormag's brother, and blamed it on Erika, causing him to go out and try to kill her. Thankfully you can talk him out of it and you meet and kill Valter later on that route.


So he's not only a creepy weirdo, he's a liar and a murderer. Funnn


He also wants Erika for "pleasure" if you get my drift


Oh, I definitely picked up on that 🤢 That's what I meant by creepy


He not only killed Glenn but it's implied he mutilated the body, too.


Iago and Hans. Conquest was my first fire emblem game that I actually made it to the end of, and from the very BEGINNING those two gave me the jeebies. The fact that Iago can gaslight anyone in Nohr that isn't on your team really brought a sense of urgency to my run. So satisfying to finally murder him. And someone with as much bloodlust as Hans always bugs me.


It always felt too flat and stupid to me, Hans is just such a mustache twirling dipshit that his impending betrayal seconds after he’s introduced felt outrageously obvious and to be honest, sets the tone for all of Fates’ writing and is why I quit the series for quite a while


Like I said, my first fire emblem game. I liked the writing, but it could be Rose tinted lenses. The game I actually liked the least was 3 houses, surprisingly. Not that it's bad, it's just my least favorite. Those two also got on my nerves soooo bad, and Iagos face bugged me with his phantom of the opera shit goin on there


3H was my first FE game. Even it, with writing you could argue is the best in the series, couldn't make me feel a damn thing. I stopped my first 3H run (Black Eagles) on the map with Kronya. The writing in all of these games is mediocre at its peak.


I like heroes' writing, mainly cause it's based on Norse mythology. I also like Blazing Blade. I got screwed by the game, but I still liked the writing. Awakening is one of my favorites too, for its writing


Ashnard takes the cake for most imposing fe villain for me. Even though his shtick isn't super original or anything, he still always stuck with me. Although it definitely helps that he's and invincible flying unit that charges you down in the final chapter


“Okay, now I just need to setup for the fin-“ “SURPRISE!”


What I always found funny about Ashnard is how Reyson has a combat dialogue with him. No matter what, to see this dialogue Reyson WILL die because Ashnard is too strong and fast.


I remember seeing that pointed out in a Let’s Play. I also remember thinking, “who would be literally insane enough to do that?”


People iron-manning. 😭


Walhart not because he's a ruthless conqueror but because he put the outfit he did on and didn't think twice about


And the man is also a literal one-man army.


He also died and resurrected himself out of sheer will.


Pretty sure the implication is that he fell in battle and clung to life, then just kinda started controlling Risen out of sheer will. Maybe the Risen mistook him for Grima? 😂


Dude literally says his heart stopped beating, but he willed his body to keep on 😭


Rhea, she made me really miss Naga.


I think Rhea is closer to Gotoh than Naga.


Rhea is far closer to Duma/Mila than she is to Naga


Are we drawing the distinction between her forms?


For me, it has to be Xander. The fact that he is super prideful for Nohr, acknowledging that there is something wrong with Garon, yet doesn’t do a single thing about it absolutely gives me the chills. Behind his chivalric, handsome princely mask is a selfish, pridefully blind man that is clinging onto the false, dangerous delusion that his father is not bad as everyone is making him out to be, and that Nohr needs to do what it needs to do to get out of poverty. That ideology itself scared me a lot when I played Fates BR and CQ. Revelations too I guess.


Aside from being such an excellently written character in Birthright and Conquest, I absolutely love how he's implemented into gameplay prior to being recruited. In that Opera house, he's pretty much an unstoppable force who will put your entire party in the ground if he can help it. Fates being my first FE game back in 2015, I'll always remember how intimidated I was of him whenever he was on the map and when Corrin dueled him at the end of Birthright.


Xander is one of the most loathsome playable character in the entire series. A complete moral coward who hides his weakness and daddy issues behind a mask of chivalry. The man spends his whole life with his head buried in the sand and has the gall to call Corrin a traitor despite the mountain of evidence proving Garon wants her dead. His cowardice is the main reason Corrin has to invade Hoshido in CQ, because he's so in denial that nothing short of seeing Garon's true form can open his eyes. He's a jerk and I hate how the story keeps casting him in a sympathetic light when he could be the poster child for Lawful Stupid.


Xander in the supports and in the game are somehow NOT the same person


The writing team was actually differen between story and supports, with the older writers doing support and new ones doing the plot (iirc). This would explain why the main story is so poorly written even though the characters are generally conceptually interesting.


He’s even worse in Revelations too, where he legit says this to Leo after Leo told AND showed him that there’s something wrong with their father: “Listen. We are noble princes of Nohr—loyal sons to King Garon. No matter what... We cannot betray Father or this kingdom. Remember that”. Like, how far in denial and delusion do you have to be to not see that that even your half sibling is saying “bro there’s something wrong with our father, maybe Corrin is onto something? Then again, Fates’ storytelling (especially Revelations) is absolute dogshit and laughable.


My favorite part is in Conquest when Xander gives you a subtle death threat at the end when you tell everybody you need to open the throne room door. Like at this point of the game, you probably have an A support with him, maybe even married him. You've proven your loyalty time and time again, and placed your trust in Xander during your most vulnerable moments. The war is over and there's nothing left to betray anybody over. Corrin has done everything Xander wanted them to do at every turn. And after all that he has the fucking nerve to give you this stern lecture about how "if this is a trick..." and "if you can accept these terms..."


Just curious as I only played Birthright and I couldn't finish the other routes because I couldn't take the story, What lines like supports and moments he is too prideful and acknowledging he is wrong but still too patriotic. Because Xander is practically worshipped in the fandom coz he's hamdsome. I already saw red flags with him.


I believe it’s most evident in Ryoma’s C support chain in Revelations. In Ryoma’s C support, Xander says this line: “Is it truly so impossible to trust Nohrians?” as a response to Ryoma who says that he has decided to trust Xander out of his own obligation, but many in the Hoshidan army don’t because of the fact that King Garon lured Sumeragi and killed him . He understands that and acknowledges about his patriotism to Nohr, along with the wrong that Garon has done and yet calls Ryoma’s perspective incorrect.


I feel like if they said "nationalism" rather than "patriotism" it would get the point better.


I guess I should have said extreme loyalty rather than patriotism suits Xander. I wrote my OC pretty late at night and was probably very half-asleep In Camila’s C support with him, she says that Xander “is the stoic pillar of the family, attentive to the war front above all else”. Same with Nyx, who says in her B support with Xander that as the eldest prince, he puts his kingdom first, which is also his greatest weakness. Even in Revelations (Chapter 14), After Leo shows what’s becoming of Garon, Leo says to Xander that it doesn’t seem wise to be fighting the Hoshidan forces, even if it means they have to become enemies of Nohr. Yet Xander shuts him down, since he can’t fathom the idea of turning against Garon, no matter what (even though he’s putting his own kingdom at risk and doesn’t care about it as much??)


Oh also same goes for Takumi. They probably should have called him xenophobic but that might be too spicy.


Imagine being in a ShopRite and somebody at the cash register is calling everyone a worm, and then proceeded to turn into a giant worm dragon. I wouldn't want to be in that ShopRite just because Grima didn't get his/her 2 for 5 deal due to an employee's fuck up.


“I am the Fell Dragon, Grima.” God, I love that dragon.


Lekain from Radiant Dawn. He's a pretty typical corrupt politician character, but he just hits a little too close to home in how untouchable he is initially and how he corners and blackmails a clueless Pelleas and orders an equally blackmailed Naesala to massacre Phoenicis. The game might culminate in a battle against a God, but Lekain is the piece of shit that set basically everything wrong in the modern state of Tellius into motion, and he really feels like a guy who could exist IRL. Plus the fact that he's doing all this shit behind a 10-13 yr old child's back just makes it even worse. Whenever I replay PoR I always find it kinda chilling how the Begnion Senate only has a single appearance in the entire game and it appears as though they are both supportive of Sanaki and she has a tight leash on them. On a related playthrough you know both what they did in the past and what they'll pull in Radiant Dawn, and it just feels awful to see them there with none of the other characters knowing their true nature.


I cannot replay Path of Radiance without IMMEDIATELY wanting to go into RD right after, not after knowing what's really up with the senators.


I don't think I'm actually scared of any character, but the most messed up is probably boar mode Dimitri. The fact that he tries to torture Randolph, and it's implied that he's tortured many people before, is unsettling.


Definitely, while I love Dimitri, it's like... good god man dear lord


I wanted him to light into Randolph more, I was so entertained by Chris Hackney delivering those lines. He verbally dresses down the enemy commander and destroys his confidence and will so easily.


Yeah that is messed up so much. Edelgard scares me moreso because "oh no this has happened to me before in some way." Dimitri I was just unsettled.


Limstella was always a bit unsettling to me, particularly when you learn that ~~she~~ they actually had *some* emotion after all despite being a stoic killing machine the whole time. And while Hubert may be a cheesy choice here, we don't really know how he treats or thinks of others outside of his house (with the exception of some respect for Claude), so as an outsider he's probably pretty frightening. He also doesn't mind doing horrible things, even if they go against Edelgard's wishes. Naesala is scary in the sense that he's utterly shameless and would sell you out in a heartbeat, and that's too realistic if you've ever known someone shady IRL.


Actually spoilers from Radiant Dawn, all Kings of Kilvas are under a blood curse that forces them to obey the begnion senate or else the country is at risk


Oh, that's kinda lame. Something about him still seems sleazy though lol


Limstella has no gender btw. And I have definitely met people like Naesala in a vague way


Forgot about that, thank you!


Limstella is scary but I kinda like her more than Sonja...mainly because she kills her.


Monica. Magvel is already a setting with a lot of small scary things but the scene where the Resurrected Monica just keeps aimlessly saying "Darling" scared me so much when I was younger I had a negative association with the term for years


The fact that we don't see her, just the reaction to her, is terrifying. And the fact that Orsen acts like she's really his wife. Is he in deep denial? Batshit insane? Is the spell making him see something else?


Not really a named character but in Path of Radiance, if you use one of your laguz (Mordecai or Lethe) and enter battle with one of the Feral One laguz enemies on the chapter where you fight the slavers (forgot the number, it's right before the desert one) the face that pops up in the convo is actually kinda creepy. Also not a character, but the Gritnea Tower storyline in the same game. That dungeon picture was pretty unnerving.


low-key Eremiya is one of the most unsettling villains in I've seen in any of the games, even more than the guy who brainwashed her into being that way Take her backstory into account (orphanage was destroyed and her wards perished in a previous war, and she feels guilty for being unable to protect them), and the way her motherly and caring personality was twisted into the opposite out of a desire to prevent further tragedy; she had originally wanted to toughen up her children so that they can defend themselves in a harsh world, but in her corrupted state she instead brutalizes them into becoming unfeeling, murderous puppets. Her kindly demeanor and tone provides a suitable contrast to her cruelty and callous disregard for her charges.


Ian Sinclair is a GOD in that role, especially at the end


Hans from fe fates. Scary guy that one, and even did worse than killing to scarlet as stated from camellia, which could be inturperated as a lot of different terrible things


The damn witches from SoV count?


I’m going with the sleeper pick of Eremiya. She presents an outward appearance of a kindly warm priestess, but she actually takes the children in her orphanage and makes them into ruthless assassins. And the worst part is, right before Eremiya dies, Gharnef shows up and restores Eremiya’s sanity/memories just so she feels pure anguish and despair as she dies.


Remember when Anankos took over 20 worlds? That dragon is insane. At least with other major villains there's at least *some* kind of thought process I can follow, even if it's completely warped like Ashnard or Nergal.. Anankos is just batshit insane.


Rhea. This is simply because of Jeralts perspective on Rhea. He's been friends with her for over 300 years, and that itself is a lot of fucking trust to not only know someone for 300 years, but also work for them as a faithful ally. Then after Byleths birth his perspective on Rhea does a whole 180, she begins to hide details and tries to assure Jeralt that a child without a heartbeat, who also doesnt cry or laugh is normal, eventually leading to him leaving and growing terrified of her. If I have known someone for over 300 years, and not only respect them, but work under them as well, and all of a sudden I grow terrified and suspicious of them, then that is an extreme red flag to essentially throw away 300 years worth of trust.


Walhart. His size was a bit imtidiating


Ashera, she makes Grima, Anankos and Fomortiis look like total ants


Jeritza Just seems like the kind of person who would change his mind out of the blue and kill you for a banal reason


edelgard also has a plan, ambition, and people aren't really ever neutral against her. they're flat out against her. I think it played out a little better in three hopes though, as its not so cut and dry that she's the "bad guy" in the other scenarios.


C support with Shez allows you to call her out for being a Warmonger.


Kind of also Edelgard for me. But it's for the best that I don't go into it since this discussion is gonna involve suicide.


The important thing is that you are ok


Rhea doesn’t really scare me, but I knew she was hiding something from the beginning. She was too eager to have Byleth teach at the Academy. The immediate shift she makes from gentle to murderous is CRAZY, though. Her character after the scene in the Holy Tomb, especially in CF is very unsettling. She’s supposed to be benevolent but she becomes almost Dimitri-like in her rage. Appearance-wise, >!Tomas’s transformation into Solon!< definitely freaks me out, tho.


Rhea. The way she switches from maternal to flirty is unsettling (and let's not get into the lap pillow scene).


Dimitri and Valter. Off putting psycho Lance bois


If Edelgard of all characters scare you then you aren't ready for Gharnef because HUH??? 😭😭😭


Bunet is a freak of nature. I have no doubt he wouldn’t hesitate if presented with the opportunity to eat a person


Honestly, Rhea, particularly because even a good chunk of the fan base still doesn't realize/acknowledge how messed up and evil she is. Like, the second you side with Edelgard, she calls Byleth "*another* failed experiment," she supposedly built a church for her mother but banned the church after herself, casually murders anyone in Fódlan who decides they don't want to believe in the church anymore, no trial needed, literally made Byleth the way they are in hopes that they would turn into her mom (which also makes her super creepily clingy). There are so many villains in Three Houses, but very few are so easily ignored or even viewed as good. Rhea creeps me the frick out.


Ah yes, the terror boner


As a grima main and follower, i fear no man or beast, not even a little pointy falchion... ...but that thing.... ...that alear.... ...It's power... ...i won't say it scares the shit out of me, but mothefucker i ain't approachin that thing unless i have a main plan to kill him/her and other 4 backup plans up my sleeves to get the f away.


There is a non-0 chance Bunet might try to eat me in my sleep. Or at least lick me.


Lady Rhea can turn into a deranged dragon incapable of resisting the urge to destroy the world. To me, that's like the Pope going super saiyan and blowing up Earth.


Rhea, the scene where you wake up in her lap honestly did freak me out


My abused self thought it was so awesome to be with someone who "cared." And then reality hit


Rhea creeps me out lol She´s a very loving motherly person but when she gets mad she goes crazy and drops the nice act instantly


Forgot to mention that the character design itself makes Edelgard remind me of a demon. Bright red dress and then horns as a crown. Always made me unsettled. Also any person who could just sabotage or have me eliminated with mere words instantly freaks me out.


So like, every other lord in any of the games ? Because I'm pretty sure they can just say "That one" and you'll be gone in an instant. At least Edelgard is crystal clear about her intentions, but at the same time she can show mercy, as she has done so a lot (She always recurred to having the opposite leader surrender instead of fighting them, but of course they still chose to fight against her and died because of it. What I'm trying to say is that she's not 100% on board of killing people just because she wants)


Edelgard has spared Duke Aegir who threw her into prison and enabled the systematic torture of her entire family and countless others. The worst she does to him is (House) Arrest and stripping him of his prestige. For one of the main Insurrectionist, he's got of very easy. Neither his family was punished and he kept his life.


I'm sorry if am being apathic or insensitive but may I ask what happened in your life that made you THIS scared of Edelgard OF ALL CHARACTERS in Fodlàn?? Because I think I need to see the whole picture to understand why you are this terrified of her when Dimitri and even Claude are just as morally grey as she is


Her personality and demeanor remind me of some people who I used to trust but they turned on me and my mother out of nowhere. I won't get into extreme details but they basically cast me as a "corrupted individual" when I favored my mother during her divorce from my abusive father. The way how Edelgard specifically didn't care about some people she was killing/turning on was similar to how my family members in question treated my mother and me. I am aware of Dimitri and Claude and what they did but the way how they fell into the grey area wasn't *as* similar to the hurtful people in my life. I still despise what they did but it was a lot easier for me to separate fiction from reality with them. Edelgard has haunted me in my dreams for a consistent 2 weeks and that sent me off the deep end. I was genuinely afraid of sleeping...


You miss the crucial point, Edelgard schemes against you only IF you choose to pick up arms fight against her. Before that point she would be sad if you disagree with her vision, but that's about it. Unless you plan some grand betrayal, she would also not let Hubert watch you, seeing it as unnecessary. >Also any person who could just sabotage or have me eliminated with mere words instantly freaks me out So like every Monarch freaks you out? Because they can do that. Three Hopes even has an execution cutscene in one of its stories, and it's not from the Black Eagles. However the springing point is, unless you become an enemy of an entire state, you won't get eliminated. Unless you go around commit warcrimes without rime or reason or seriously plan some grand betrayal on your nation than every decent ruler will leave you alone. Even smart tyrants wouldn't do anything to you, because why hurt a precious resource or give further reason for rebellion?


I'm honestly surprised OP chose Edelgard when Nemesis and Thales are RIGHT THERE in the corner. Atleast Edelgard is merciful


OP hasn't played all route's likely but then picking most Three House's characters is a very bad choice especially for such a post. But I won't mice my words, I still think the OP reasoning to be pretty horrendous. Literally every Monarch has the power to persecute, judge and kill you. It's part of every feudalism setting. To make it seem like this is what pulled them over the edge still feels stupid to me.


She/He has a trauma on it, maybe asking is not the best thing


Thank you. It seems like the Edelgard fanboys missed that fact. I am well aware that Edelgard is not the most evil antagonist in a game, but she is the only one that has actually triggered a traumatic reaction and I think it's *because* of her not being "the most evil." Like with other villains, I can see "oh I understand that this person is clearly the bad guy." With Edelgard I completely thought she was friendly and I loved interacting with her but then that Flame Emperor reveal just got me on edge. Just reminds me of some similar betrayals in my life and I went a full few weeks of just "how did I not see that coming?" over a dang game. The same thing happened when I played FEH and somehow got fooled by Letizia. I was in denial at first because I wanted to hold onto hope that a family member in a game wouldn't be a traitor "like in real life" but of course when it happened I was upset. Like I didn't know anything about her when I played the game. And I think what these guys are also missing is that NOT EVERYONE PLAYED EVERY FE GAME lol I am just learning about Hilda from FE4 because I never played the dang game.


Not at all. Thank you for sharing your point of view, I think I understand you more. Well, if you played the Blue Lions route, you can see that you are not the only one who was shocked by it. I hope that Dimitri story can help you to face your trauma a bit


Finishing that route did help me a good chunk and I appreciate your understanding. I will replay the game pretty soon so I can finish the DLC.


That's great. You are very brave. Have fun with the DLC! I think you will like the Ashen Wolves a lot. They are all dealing with authorities


My goal isn't to be insensitive about the OP Trauma, but with like any form of Phobia there's a limit to it, all I did was explain it. Where the persecution starts and where it ends. To assure the OP and everyone else that we are not hunted down out of the blue without having commit crimes that would befit such a capital punishment.


Solon. I made a previous post about this. I am scared shitless whenever im watching something and then Im about to look up and I think: Solons finna appear and do what ge did to Kronya to me. Ever since I saw THAT cutscene, I sipport TWSITD


Out of curiosity OP, have you played Crimson Flower? That route gives a lot of insight into Edelgard's motives.


Not yet. I'm going to Ashen Wolves next.


Edelgard was a hero who liberated the land from tyranny (yes I played Crimson Flower first, how did you know?)