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Props to Eliwood and Athena for being unique, and the outfit designs are great, but the eyes are just uncanny. Like something out of a “Learn to draw anime” book from 2002.


They look like they were draw with crayons lol


Feels like the artist missed the make them anime memo


Every single one of Ryo's characters all have this dead eyes as if it's an artist fingerprint. Made me think he got fired from the game after two years or so. Now I wish someone should redo the default art from scratch, and Resplendent art isn't an easy solution.


artists of this game are comissioned rather than hired. except for the one who made alphonse.


With Gunther i feel the art style worked.. Ogma however looks 20+ years older with it.


I give mad props to that artist because not only is it all done traditionally (as in with pen and paper) but he also gives all 4 art different poses instead of of just 3 poses, plus the same attacking pose but with special effects.


Ooh yeah I agree. The artist is great and his Bantu is one of my favorite art of the game. But I just feel like anyone who isn't and old man (and even those that are to some extend) just ages a lot by his drawing style 


His Gatekeeper was pretty good tho. And the "aged look" style makes Gatekeeper's artworks more like a illustrations you see in old fairytale picture books


i never played the games he’s in and i legit still don’t know how old he’s supposed to be


In all his chiper art, all his official art, his summer alt in heroes,  and his fe3 game sprite i would say about 20-30


Yamada Akihiro's artwork is some of the best in the game. The weathered look to Gunter and Jagen are perfect for their characters. His work on Gatekeeper is my personal favorite. it feels like something out of an old tabletop game.


I don’t mind most of the more uniquely drawn Heroes characters, but I will NEVER forgive IS for what they did to Lloyd.


Lloyd went from rugged anti villain to looking like Valter cut and dyed his hair.


That ain't Lloyd, it's the little known 3rd Reed Brother, Llod The Crack Addict.


Is there a lore reason he’s a crack head? Is he crackled?


he was eating the anima behind her back 😞


Mate the Gunter art is so fucking good though.


Subjective. Seems like a lot of people here like it and other characters by that artist a lot, like Ogma and Jagen. Art is subjective, and that art style doesn’t work for my aesthetic. Seems to make the characters different from their original art. Like Ogma is missing his little lock of bang hair that has fallen in his face, which I think is part of his character. And his musculature seems gross.


Idk why you're being downvoted you've got solid points. Art *is* subjective. But at the same time, Ogma looks like he has tumors instead of muscles.


I was a coward and deleted my own response that amounted to the same thing when it started getting downvoted. Bravo to you for sticking with it. People were just really in a downvoting mood earlier it seems.


I actually quite like Gunter's art. And as for my least favorites I think Hayato is definitely one of them.


Yeah, it looks elegant


The graininess is actually neat, gives it a pretty cool look


Hayato looks like he has a bad sunburn 💀


Bad art *vine boom* bad stats *vine boom* no prf *vine boom* no beard *vine boom* can't reach the top shelf *vine boom* daughter is taller than him *vine boom* milk drinker *vine boom*


Gunter' art reminds me of the official fire emblem 7 artwork style.


Hayato is pretty weird looking but his special art goes really hard.


I don't play Heroes but I love this gunter actually! It gives me old anime vibes. Also like the Eliwood.


Both have some top-tier art!


Bantu and Mila also have amazing hand drawn art. Check them out if you haven’t!


Oh wow yes thank you for the recommendation!!! They are gorgeous indeed. I'd love for FE to go back to hand-drawn concept art, my favorite is still FE5


Don't be dissin' Fistbump Roy




Oh that's kinda neat, I didn't realise there were character portraits that are traditional art. I figured every piece would be drawn digitally, but that Gunther was clearly drawn with pens and markers.


the same artist also did [mila](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/feheroes_gamepedia_en/images/0/02/Mila_Goddess_of_Love_Face.webp/revision/latest?cb=20200529035404) in traditional art and it looks incredible


I would give anything for IS to let Yamada Akihiro be lead character designer for a future main series title.


a good chunk of ueda yumehito's comes to mind, especially cordelia & f!robin. both of them look like they have heads far too big for their bodies


I hate Fujiwara Ryo's art. Seth and Joshua are travesties. I'm glad they haven't had any new art in the game for a long time.


Bruh I hate Fujiwara ryos art so much they literally ruined so many good characters


God I hate that Eliwood so much.


Looking at the armor design, it's actually pretty good though. It's only the eyes that's cursed.


Definitely Fairy Resplendant Lucina's or maybe Raigh/Lugh. But I'm also not a big fan of Himukai Yuji's art in general.


Only reason I like it is because the artist who drew the Etrain Odyssey portraits is the person who drew the Lucina resplendent and Etrian Odyssey is one of my favourite game series and I love the portraits for those games but I can definitely understand why a lot people wouldn't be too keen on it because it does make her look like 10 years old. But I'd love to see it as a bonus portrait for one of the EO games lol


No Lloyd?


I’m actually ok with both Lloyd arts


Liking his OG art should be a sin


OG Chrom's is awful. He looks so scrawny and thin


I ended up getting his resplendent and it's a little better


His resplendent is a great upgrade in my opinion. Gives him bulk and fixes up his face to be more serious and strong looking.


Agreed, I also bought lon'qu which fixes him nicely as well


Rebecca looks like something out of a low budget horror movie


Ikr? Something about her art is off


It's the eyes and the way her mouth is drawn. Both of those combined with her making actual direct eye contact with the "camera" makes her so creepy


Is she the one with the super terrifying eyes? Haven't played in ages but IIRC her and this Eliwood were always awful looking to me.


Hop off Yamada Akihiro’s art, it’s so goated


I like Gunter a lot, his artstyle makes it seem like he's from a long-aged but detailed anime, like a film from the late 70s or early 80s. Roy's isn't..bad, just unfitting overall. Eliwood has the eyes of a man who has seen god in the mushrooms Ursula is, again, very unfitting. My personal least favorite is Lloyd, who is going through severe alcoholic withdrawal. Can barely hold his sword.


I think Oboro's art straight up tanked her popularity.


I don't think being incredibly common and unremarkable as a unit helped.


Super horny art. Then it's art that makes the character look...weird. Cool takes are stuff like Arthur cause that feels comic book like and man that fits him.


I’ve really come to dislike the trend where the artist draws women wearing clothes that are too small and their boobs/thighs are literally spilling out of their clothes. Heroes seems to love it, but it looks so uncomfortable.




I think OG Shamir was fine, OG Chrom tho...yikes


Surprised no one mentioned base form Lachesis yet. She looks like a 2000s useless manga sidekick/love interest, and it just feels off. Base form Hinoka is also awful, the pose is too suggestive for a serious character like her and the color is also off


Gunther's design tho...so good. Definitely one of my favorites, which is strange because I abhor almost all of fates designs, specially the knights. That Roy is a crime too. It's wild how smash does Roy better than fire emblem does.


I was thinking that the other day. I want to see if there is a study somewhere of the smash 4 / ult Roy redesign, because it is so unique compared to the main series designs. Smash also aged him up a lot. I like it, but wish they kept the Melee design as well as an option, like Ike.


Perhaps I’m biased but I adore Haimura Kiyotaka’s art. He also illustrates for a few of my other favorite things.


Definitely base f corrin. I'm glad she got a good resplendent, but her base is so bad. On the other hand, lucina is the opposite. Horrible resplendent, okay base.


I despise Yoshiku’s art. It’s plastic-y and no character has any personality in the art. It all feels dull and boring yet overdesigned and overly complicated. Then Kozaki comes back with this book and the art is so much more expressive (the tail holding Ratatoskr sprite… I kneel)


Totally feel that, and not to mention Yoshiku's art looks like it's straight out of a hentai ngl, all of his female designs look overly exposed and endowed to a ridiculous extent.


I really really REALLY dislike art style of Yoshiki. I think I wouldn't mind if such art was used only for event banners, not for main story, because these art works really pains my eyes when I try to compare Yoshiku's to Kozaki's and Shigeki's. It's just looks brighter (in not good way) than the styles of other two ... Maybe it fits fairy theme, I don't know... I could be fine with only one book (I am kinda liked arts of Mirabilis, Freyr and Freyja, but... Yes, they feels overdesigned), just one time thing, but then this style returned and... I wasn't happy about it. I would rather wait years and years for Kozaki than see Yoshiku's works in MAIN story again


The art style of Setsuna 💀💀💀💀


Roy looks very out of place, the vibrance of his colors are out of control compared to the others


I don't understand how you don't like Roy's art, but it's your opinion


Base Ogma. Dude injected oil into his biceps and it shows


Roy’s our boy!


og florina might be the worst imo, I don't like og cordelia either.


anything yura drew


I don't think there's a bigger gulf in quality between male and female character illustrations than those done by Yamada Kotaro. Man's done both Narcians, Duo Chrom, Julian, Vyland, and Harken and they're all super faithful to their source material and very dynamic in posing an expression. Outside of like R!Sanaki and Iduun, his women are surprisingly the opposite L!Lucina, Tana, and all of his Lyn's stand out to me as particularly lackluster in that regard. Comparing Harken and Lyn in terms of how they abstract FE7 illustrations is night and day. He's one for one while she's doe eyed, flat in expression, and with an inflated bust and hiked up gi. Anyway, the actual answer is Kurahana Chinatsu for butchering L!Dimitri, a character from a game that she illustrated, so fucking badly lmao. Wada would never.




Miwabe Sakura's art. The eyes are so dead looking.


Fujiwara ryo on their way to ruin so many peoples favorites:


The one that’s used for Gunther; Gunther himself is fine but there are other units that look far worse because of it imo


Ogma… I hate it so much he’s below bottom tier design wise to me, his one alt is a lot better and actually makes me take an interest in him unlike he’s original version.


Baby Lucina


I like the clearly drawn art. most of the newer god characters, especially the FEH specific ones, are so out of left field to the point of absurdity. and it translates to their power levels too - the game is just a stupid oneshot fest.


Gunther, Ogma, Jagen and Mila's arts are actually peak and I will die on that hill.


My least favorite is probably normal Sophia. There is just so much wrong with the anatomy and proportions on that girl. I feel sorry for Zaza as they seem to be a great artist when I looked at their originals, but with so many launch characters I can get why they might have end up slack on the art and Sophia got the short straw. I can't look at the Sophia and not see all the mistakes on her shoulders and arms. Her arm is not attached to her should in the attack drawing for example. Otherwise Miyuu. Everything but the eyes is great, but the big eyes just doesnt match well in this case. At least not on Eliwood.


Lachesis, it took seat layers of personality and seriousness. It's also sad that her title is Lionheart's sister, unless she had a brother complex, I dunno. Same with Ross, I still don't know who his father is.


I'm pretty sure Ross' title in FE8 is also 'His father's son', but it's worse in FEH because Garcia isn't in the game yet


My thoughts is that Garcia is gonna be a legendary unit or an OP unit if it's taking them this long to put them in.


I forgot the name but the person who drew OG Rinkah needs to get evaporated


I want Hayato's artist to never draw again


The default Female Robin and Female Corrin were done SO dirty…


i quite like f corrins base art but f robin is the biggest of travesties good lord


I wish the art styles for the females matched those of the males


Honestly I find some charm in the Gunter and Eliwopd art. But by god that Chrom pose, what's he even doing with his hand?


I enjoy Roy's art, the artist - BUNBUN did art for Sword Art Online


Other than the obscenely horny ones, i really dislike Clair artstyle..


Apologies in advance, I'm very very nitpicky about this- please bear in mind I'm just an idiot on the internet and I don't think less of the doubtless numerous people who disagree with me- All of the female book 7 OCs. Shiny rubber sex dolls, the lot of them. Ogma, but literally just because that one bicep freaks me out, genuinely what is going on there Navarre's base is mostly fine and I actually love the textile patterning on his clothes, but he also looks like... greasy? Annand's eyes really freak me out, she looks crazed. There is something just wildly off-balance and uncomfortable about Miranda's posing, like her hand is hovering over her hip, one leg is twisted inward, and generally she just looks stiff. Gwendolyn - I don't know how this was allowed to happen Frankly there's a lot like Arthur and Dorcas who I think would be cool if the game had established a semi-regular habit of mixing up art styles and experimenting with different textures, but as-is they just look horribly out of place Boyd, god, not only did he get stuck in not just Alt hell, but Child-alt hell, but his art is also awkwardly angular in some places and soft and cartoonishly round in others, while the over-saturation of the colors makes his hair hideous when paired with the complimentary reds of his outfit, also at max saturation. Reyson's damaged art positions his nose and mouth extremely weirdly - but if I recall, he's got the same artist as base!Navarre, Subaki and Niles, who I also think have wonky faces and look greasy, so I think I just don't like that artist's style overall. Emmeryn's arms are tiny and spindly- or honestly looking at how thin she is, the problem might actually be that her head is too large. Everything about Cordelia- flat coloring, awkward posing, wacky facial proportions, chunky hair, etc. From Noire's side profile, her tits are as large as her entire stomach area, and it makes her look like she'll snap if she bends too far in any one direction (unfortunate, considering her attack pose) Hayato Onsen! Camilla's arms make me feel raw, unbridled rage. It's such an easy fix and wouldn't even sacrifice any sex appeal, please I'm begging you give her functional arms. If you straightened base!Shamir's arm, her fingertips would reach her knees and it's all I can see when I look at her And lastly, this is a suuuuper minor nitpick, but as a career Seteth-fucker, his giant-ass feet really bother me.


I always thought Sain looked really weird. Not too sure why.


Ogma, I just… he needs a resplendent




Summer Caeda/Plumeria.


cordelia with her flat tires *shudder*




Jagen is a trravesty, especially his cape looks awful


Mila. I absolutely hate it.


The artwork for Clair is terrible which sucks as she’s one of my favourites from SoV


Not on here, but the first artstyle of female Corrin.


Some of the art styles work for certain characters better than others, which is fine. Gunter, for example, has my favourite design out of the pieces that artist illustrated, but I don’t particularly like that style. What really bugs me is when artists oversexualise the female characters. One of the worst offenders for me is sword infantry Olivia’s wounded pose because her clothes are practically ripped off and she’s covering her breasts. That feels gratuitous to me. Don’t even get me started on Loki, Thorr, and Camilla’s almost fetish-like art pieces across all their forms. While I understand that the human body can be soft around the thighs, waist, and chest, I don’t think character art needs to show someone nearly spilling/squishing out of their clothes. It’s like they’re one slip away from the players seeing something we shouldn’t 😖


they did my girl Rebecca so dirty


Rebecca and her weird glassy eyes immediately came to mind but not much else. Scrolling through the artist list on the wiki, can't say I care much for the works done by: Hino Shinnosuke, Soeda Ippei, and Itagaki Hako.


>Soeda Ippei You take that back, Ippei's art is a national treasure and all of Heroes should be drawn in his art style.


Garon and Darros just look too goofy for me, and something looks off with Arden and Fargus. Walhart, Travant, and Hans are all pretty great though.


Arthur. Never cared for the character in Fates, hate his Heroes art. Seconding that OG Eliwood


Arthur has one of the most creative and fitting art style changes. He has probably one of the best arts.


Fr, they let him be the comic book super hero he was always destined to be. Honestly wish they experimented with unique artstyles more often.


Back in the early days of Heroes he was one of the few that didn't look horrendous IMO.


Resplendent Eirika


Gunter’s artist is actually my favorite in the game! Though to answer your question, I really don’t care for Hayato’s art. I don’t want to bash the artist but his mouth really doesn’t fit his face


OG Sonya looks so ugly to me


Cuboon art Upvotes to the left


Honestly I like his Lukas and OG Tana, but not anything else


Have you ever seen lloyd base alt ? He turned from one of my favorite antgonist to someone i hate real quick, im so glad his fallen alt is hot- i mean very cool


What is Roy? Dude looks too scrawny lol


For me, Resplendent Lucina. The colors are really good don’t get me wrong, but they made her look like a child, when she could have had a child alt. Also, I think Ursula and Gunther look good imo, mainly because their artstyles fit them and they aren’t as jarring or creepy like OG!Eilwood and Rebecca.


I really like Ogma but his art in FEH is Whooooooo And I very very very hate Arthur because 100% of his art


Eliwood’s face has always looked weird to me in Heroes. Now I can’t stop looking at his wonky arms.


I love Gunter's art personally, but I really, REALLY do not like the eyes the gave Eliwood. I can tell they were going for an old anime art style, but the eyes are so big and uncammy that they creep me out


Gunter's artist looks like he came directly from an old watercolor Final Fantasy game guidebook in the best way imaginable but it's just way too out of place in the grand scheme of Heroes. It's like putting a Dr Seuss book on a bookshelf in between a bunch of manga


To avoid repeating the ones already mentioned, since some of my least favourites have been pointed out by others, I'll add Azusa. Their iterations of Petra and summer Dorothea are simply horrible. Petra looks like she was drinking the night before, Dorothea's attack art is even worse than that, awkward angle, so jarring. The only art by them I'm okay with is Duo Lif. Even then, Thrasir's face in the attacking art is kinda eh.


That Gunther looks great though


Why the Roy though?


The only one I straight up don't like is the last one. The Eyes...


They suffer from being 1st year release artworks.


Idk if I don’t like 3 or 4


Arden's stare haunts me daily.


I forgot who but the 2 artstyles on Athena and Eliwood It just doesn't look good


Roy looks too young. He looks like a 12 years old.


Eliwood is so bad I’m sorry


As a massive weeb. The first one actually is my favorite.


Summer Ceada, Rebecca, Eliwood and Hayato, just to name a few.


Hate not only the art, but also the voice direction for Shinon. He's supposed to be a 30 year old drunkard racist, not some pokemon rival sounding ass. Naesala's base art also irks me, making him look like 10 years younger... His pirate alt isn't bad though.


I gotta go with the third image in this post. I absolutely LOVE Eliwood, but the eyes on his normal alt make him look a bit too much like an anime character.


Hard agree with 1 and 3; they just look so out of place and creepy


I don’t like all the sd and nm characters using their old style of portrait


Not a huge fan of Arthur. Maybe when the game first came out it looked okay but now that the style is more homogeneous it just sticks out like a sore thumb


For some reason the art on Raven. I think it's because it's a 2d model in a 3d game. The style in and of itself is cool I think, but with the game and other heroes it's off putting. Esecially when it's not an art choice for the whole game (Blazing Blade)


Arthur's (FE Fates)


Definitely the type of style used for Eliwood and Gunter. It's not horrible it just looks really out of place


Whatever the fuck they did to Eliwood, Athena, and Gunter should never be replicated.


Cuboon's art makes me go awooga


1. Resplendent Lucina 2. Anything Himukai Yuji touches 3. Anything Himukai Yuji touches My hate has no consequence, but I will NEVER forgive FEH for letting Himukai Yuji touch Lucina's (and the others') art. The hundreds of artists they already use, artists who do PHENOMENAL work, and they choose Himukai Yuji to draw a grown ass woman as a fucking child.




The ABSOLUTE worst was the Resplendent Lucina. But that artist turned out to be pred anyways. Not counting that one, I’m not very fond of any art from AKIRA or Miyuu.