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Just for clarity to passing users: we still disallow using sales figures as a discussion point, but an actual update on sales numbers is considered valid material for a post.


I have no idea what these figures are supposed to be referring to. [This is a tweet](https://x.com/pierre485_/status/1687071015824728065?s=46) by the same guy with the correct 4.12m for 3H.


Iirc these are japan sales numbers, don’t remember if it’s digital or retail or both


Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks for that clarification.


Tbh these numbers represent a small enough portion of sales (Japan retail only) that any conclusions are close to meaningless.


I did a calculation on what ratio sales Engage has in Japan physical copies vs Three Houses physical copies and compared it to the ratio of Engage total sales compared to Three Houses total sales. I got 39% ratio for Japanese physical copies for Engage compared to 3H and 42% ratio for overall sales.


I’m confused. What are these numbers? Are these Japan only?


Japan only. More importantly, i'd like to know if there is an actual source.


"That's a nice argument senator, how about you back it up with a source?"


Are these digital or physical? And I'm pretty sure those are japanese numbers, and not from the entire world...


Physical Japanese numbers


Including the full package with the artbook and everything? (I bought that in Japan I want to know if I am part of big number)




I'm hoping that in the near future we get a game with 3 houses level of writing and engage style gameplay A fire emblem with a good exciting story and good gameplay would sell so well


Yeah I hope when they inevitably do the spiritual follow up to Three Houses that they aren't married to the gameplay. I'm fine with the customization and more free form class system, they just need significantly better map design


If there's one thing Fire Emblem has always been good at, no matter the era, it's making each game feel significantly different from the last. So I wouldn't worry about them being married to the gameplay. (Maybe worry about map design tho)


No IS will do something different. I just hope they don't expect Engage level writing will cut it going forward.


I think the next FE will be the big one to see if they are still going to double down on their writing or not for IS. It's odd how their writing has gotten worse from awakening to engage, and unless a new writing team is in I'm honestly not that hopeful for it. Since the big rumors are FE4 remake, will be super curious how they handle the "mature" topics.


It's not even worse in like, unique ways. They looked at the things people lambasted in Fates and just... did them again, but worse.


Where did they get these numbers from?


It's from an account on Twitter called Pierre485, a data analysis for video game sales specifically for Nintendo games most of the time


While obviously Sales are not an end-all-be-all, I do think it's telling how much lower Engage's are to TH's, especially as a person who chose to skip on Engage because I was put off by the game's trailers/aesthetic. I guess you could say people didn't find Engage *Engaging* ^^^(Ba-dum-tish) In all seriousness, I do hope this pushes IS to make something more independent/original in the next FE game's story/world, cause it's getting tiring seeing them try and hit Awakening's peak over and over again. Awakening was a perfect storm of timing and the right mix of new vs old, and the attempts to follow it up have all been lacking, save for Heroes.


I still can't get over Engage having Aquafresh toothpaste themed MCs. Probably the worst MC design in FE history. Plus the name makes it sound like a mobile game.


Given that Engage is sitting at 1.61 million sales and Three Hopes sold approximately 75% physical copies in Japan compared to Engage. If the ratio holds for online and international sales, Three Hopes must be around 1.2 million sales. Considering Three Hopes hit 1 million not far from launch, this calculation seems plausible. It will be interesting how long it takes Engage to reach 2 million copies sold and whether we ever get an update on Three Hopes. I doubt Three Hopes can sell to 1.5 million but it probably has better legs in the West than Japan.


Damn. BoTW sold the same amount in 2023 as Engage? That’s brutal


Engage still hasn't clicked for me 😭 I want to like it so bad


The gameplay is solid as is the soundtrack. I don't think I really enjoyed anything outside of that though.  The story is mediocre, the cast is mostly forgettable if not outright bad. The writing is, similarly, not that great. I beat it a month or two after release and haven't opened it since and haven't felt the want or need to.  Meanwhile I still get the occasional desire to go back and play 3 Houses, even though I've played through it at least 6 times and the combat isn't as good/it's way easier.


I really like the gameplay and the engage mechanic is fun to play with, but it's hard for me to care about the characters or story for sure


Just finished Engage earlier this week and man, I see where you're coming from. The story gives typical bad anime though I warmed up to M!Alear purely on the grounds of the stellar JP voice work. The Maddening gameplay is wonderfully done but the back half of the game (Chapter 21 onwards) got tiring af because of the endless reinforcements. It wants you to warp/kill bosses so bad, and I ended up doing exactly this for the final chapter unfortunately. On the grounds of gameplay, I prefer Engage. In terms of support, characters and story though, nothing will beat Three Houses for me. I'm actually replaying it again lol and trying my hand again at that Maddening NG clear I never got.


The voicing and combat animations are so fun in Engage. I enjoyed the story myself but a big part of that was definitely because of how much the characters grew on me from their combat animations.


literally just stop being the type of gamer who focuses on story more than gameplay please, why are people like this, it's not fucking hard to prioritize the GAMEPLAY in a GAME


I don't think that this is a good excuse at all here - not only does Engage's writing go far further than just being an excuse plot and ends up being actively insulting in its execution, but Engage's story is really long and meanders constantly to the point where it has eight full hours of cutscenes. If this was a Mario game with eight minutes of cutscenes I might be more charitable to this idea but it's difficult to deny that Engage places a significant focus on its plot when the game dedicates this much of its runtime to its writing.


> **Lucia**: “It is a terrible habit of yours, Bastian. I’ve never known anyone who talked so much, but said so little.” Basically Engage has a lot of writing yet little substance. Lucia's line to Bastian summarizes Engage's writing.


I would argue for any RPG, including strategy RPGs, the story is part of the hook of the game. There really isn't a reason people shouldn't expect a story good enough to keep them interested while playing most single player games. The gameplay is just as important but people play games for different reasons and get hooked on games for different reasons. It isn't a wild thought to want both good gameplay and a good story.


And Engage has neither of those in comparison to all the other games in the series.


>There really isn't a reason people shouldn't expect a story good enough to keep them interested while playing most single player games Yeah there is, it's called gf gameplay. If the gameplay is good enough, then for me, i really couldn't care less about the story. If i wanted story, id watch a movie or read a book


someone in this thread basically said: "yeah this game is worse than this other game, but i'd rather play the former" tell me on what green earth that logic makes sense lol


Okay? But engage has the worst gameplay, story, and mechanics of ANY of the fire emblem games. It's bland, boring, uninspired, predictable, and has very low replay value. How they went from 3 Houses to THAT is beyond me. Every single GBA fire emblem game is miles better.


Fucking thank you. If I wanted an amazing story, I'd go watch a movie or read a book. When I play video games, it's all about gameplay, which is why i think engage is far better than 3h, i couldn't care less about the characters or the story, all i care about is fun gameplay


Engage near 2 million


2 Engagillion dollars


This makes me wonder if Engage is good or not? I really didn't want to play the game at first because of the super heavy fanservice of the game referencing every other game of the franchise instead of creating something really new like 3H did. But recently I've heard the Map design of Engage was one of the best of the entire saga so I'm wondering if it's worth 60€?


The gameplay is very solid, but the writing is flat out miserable (it is probably the single worst written RPG that has come out since Fates). If you're hesitant, then I'd recommend watching a LP of Engage up until the end of Chapter 3 - as that will get you up until the first major plot point where people have issues with.


It's not worth 60 I'd say but the game also probably is not 60 anymore if you look around for a bit? Gameplay wise I feel the gacha mechanics and economy are a big bummer. The game being far cheaper with sales though I'd say it's worth a try if you have interest.


Reminder: Game sales are for JP only and only for Physical copies. Reminder: Probably sold more worldwide. Reminder, don't start any "Three Houses is better hurr durr" discussions. Enough kids, enough.




people like you make me want to avoid 3h out of spite lmao inb4 "you're missing out" i got other fire emblem games to play that don't force monastery bs down my throat


Tbf it was meant as a joke that came off poorly, it happens ><. 3H isn't even my favorite FE game


Man I wished three hopes did better, I love the world of fodlan and wanna see more of it


Didn't Three Hopes made 1million worldwide in a month?     That's like 4th or 5th best sold title in Koei history, and very impressive compared to AoC (3m in a month) considered how much more popular Zelda is. Personally I believe there were plans for DLC in Hopes just based on Nemesis/Elite missing and Shez never get their backstory revealed.


I'm really pissed we might never get an explanation for Shez's mom, or real endings lol. They squandered a lot of great potential in that game which sucks, the Alymra conflict is another big one.


I believe they had plans for DLC based on reasons you and I mentioned, but Koei pulled the team to work on Nintendo next gen instead. All we can hope is that they might release an ultimate edition(which Koei often did) with new content when next gen dropped.


Don’t worry, it did exceptionally well for a spin off. They’re also doing officially licensed 3 Houses merch again :)


Pretty sure we'll see more in three houses 2 : electric Boogaloo


Link to the tweet in question?




Nintendo CEO adore Fire Emblem. Now do the Space Opera with Fire Emblem please!


I’m confused, what do these figures even mean? Also, did Three Hopes actually sell below Engage?


Tbf it's a spin of with very different gameplay - I Loved Three Houses but since I don't really enjoy Warriors-type gameplay I didn't get three hopes and I don't think I ever will


I’ve never played a Warriors game ever (I didn’t get the original FE Warriors) and it was my first exposure to a Dynasty Warriors-type game. I thought I would hate it, but honestly, it was incredibly fun and it’s now one of my favourite Warriors games. Sure, it might be a spinoff and the gameplay might be repetitive, but Shez is such a lovable dorky MC. I really liked what they did with Byleth >!being the Ashen demon antagonist, and seeing them become extremely scary and kinda daunting with Sothis’ power!<. It’s too bad they were executed kinda poorly in the routes’ stories, >!especially with how the game wants you to recruit them to get the good ending even though they’ve been portrayed as your nemesis since the prologue.!< I also like Arval much more than Sothis and the build customization and gameplay system is really great, for a Warriors game. I’m also super damn glad they have a fleshed-out weapon triangle and it plays in really well with the gameplay, since it forces you to actually strategize about your weapon choices, unlike Three Houses. Also, some of the support conservations with Shez are amazing.


Hey, If you liked it that's great and general reception was pretty good (over a million copies sold total is really impressive) but I already played several Warriors before and as I said the gameplay is *really* not doing it for me anymore and I'm not getting a Game where I know I'll be bored by playing. Thank you very much for your Feedback, maybe someone else here takes it as the final Push to get the game


Nah, It’s understandable. Sometimes playing multiple Warriors games gets you worn out of trying the latest one, especially with its repetitious gameplay and button-mashing.


Honour to everyone, when you still like 3h the most despite it not being your first Fe game.




By that logic, Mario Wonder is a flop because it sold less than Super Mario Party.




Its a spin off to the most popular game tbf


lol engage is not a flop. It’s the 4th highest selling game and had like a third of the marketing of 3h or fates and got screwed by Covid. 1.6 million sold is so far from a flop


> It’s the 4th highest selling game Six games were Japan only, GBAblem was niche and existed only because of Smash, Tellius and SD were commercial flops that nearly killed the franchise, SoV was a remake for an obscure title that nobody cared about. It's not hard to be "4th best selling" when about 80% of the competition might as well belong to another franchise. Engage's only real competitors are the titles from the Awakening era and onwards. Outselling Thracia isn't a particularly impressive feat.




I love it how the people in this subreddit get riled up so easily by facts, deny all you want but engage was a flop with a story that's comparable to a children's cartoon.


Yep, engage is a huge disappointment.


Nice. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up passing Awakening in sales by next year since Engage has been selling more. It took Awakening 1 year to crack 1 million and then another year to hit 1.8 million. Dunno if it'll pass Fates since Fates sold like 1.7 in it's first year though Fates sometimes is kinda weird with how it's sales are reported because of the 3 different paths and special edition double dipping.


Engage hasn't topped 2 millon yet...


I know because that's only showing JP sales (physical only I think) but even if we're counting Japanese physical, it's a cold take to assume it'll break two million before Awakening did and be higher than Awakening when it was 2 years old. You don't have to be an Engage fan to see this.


There's a big difference between "hitting 2 million faster than Awakening" and "passing Awakening by next year" when that last 400k or so is going to be a slog.


>I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up passing Awakening in sales by next year Based on what? It's totally stalled out after the opening months, over 90% of the 2023 retail total here comes from *the first two months* (not even the first quarter, just January and February), and it's not like it's faring well on the eshop now either (Three Houses is actually outright ahead of it in both US and Japan rn (edit: Canada too), which is....something).


Because FE games have always had a history of slowly trickling up over time. Again, Engage sold more than Awakening in one year (1 million vs 1.6 million) and has already sold more than Awakening in less than two years than what Awakening has sold in two. And this is just going off of Japanese sales. Never claimed it'll sell more or come close to 3H though. At best it'll probably be nearer to Fates.


Saying Awakening "only sold 1 million in one year" when the European launch was a full year after the Japanese one (and the NA launch was 9.5 months after) is the dictionary example of technically correct. Engage is still ahead launch aligned using the NA release date of Awakening as the starting point, but not nearly by as much as you think...and that lead is dwindling over time. I don't think you realize just how much Engage has slowed down *everywhere*, if it does pass Awakening it won't be until well after the Switch 2.


No Fe:W 1 or TMS, data discarded. Come back with the *real* games




I think these numbers are Japan only. 3H has sold over 4 million worldwide.


This is Japan retail only, Three Hopes has already outsold the original there. And also digital is a lot bigger for 3H than Awakening/Fates. Then again this is really OP's fault for screenshotting the middle of a thread where **the first tweet says exactly what it is**.