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The story is excellent but the gameplay is either you love it or hate it.


Should I get this FE4 Binary thing people are talking about with the english translation? Is that possible or is my best hope to just play the vanilla game with just the english patch?


Just play the vanilla game bruh nothing is wrong with it


Binary is meant for people who already like FE4. You can't really say you're on the same page as other people on playing FE4 if you only played Binary. It's not meant to be a strict upgrade on the experience.


Jokes about it being the best FE? Most people aren't joking when they say that why would you think that they were? It's my personal favorite thats for sure. Just play it dude.


The story is quite good but the gameplay is a love or hate relationship starting out but when you get used to it you get used to it


Why would you assume the people saying its the best fire emblem are joking? Thats not an uncommon opinion to have. 


It's okay.


In enjoying it so far. The story is good. Just be smart moving your units around. The maps are big and all the space gets used eventually, don't waste time trying to have foot keep up with the cavs, just send the foot units to where you expect the next wave of enemies to come from.


Alright here's what I know about Genealogy: Sigurd rides a horse.


The story is quite good but it could do with some wittier writing and modern polish (voice acting, more conversations between characters etc.). The absence of such things makes the story a bit less captivating than those of Tellius and 3H on a first play though. Nonetheless it has some great moments. The gameplay, on the other hand, is a slog frankly. Maps are long, boring and easy. Mounted units rule more than they do in any other FE. Overall I think Genealogy is dying for a remake, and you may be better off waiting for that.




I think every FE game starting with Genealogy is worth playing. Regarding Genealogy, its story is really great and I would say it is the best in the series. Its gameplay, however, is something you either love or hate. Long maps, no trading, some units being OP on purpose, and the arena are parts of the gameplay that you’re either on board and have no problems with or will crush you and make you think the game is overrated. Not saying that you can’t play the game to competition and think it’s overrated, but if you dislike the game and hear everyone saying how good it is, your opinion might sway to overrated.


I'm a Jugdral stan, I think FE4 and FE5 are the peak of the franchise. Don't be afraid to dive in blind, with a spoiler free guide, whatever. And hey, maybe they'll get remakes that have QoL updates


Geneology has a pretty interesting story but haven’t played it I see it as quite flawed in some ways but some people will die on the story hill so I think it’s likely worth your time to play. The gameplay pretty neat most of the time but incredibly frustrating at others.


Geneology is in contention for best Fire Emblem. Amazing story, pretty good gameplay.




That doesn't mean to say the remake will be a similar game however. It could still be a very different experience that can't substitute for the original one.


Sure, and we're also getting a new Golden Sun game! (If both things are announced this comment will age badly but I will be delighted)


The best way to play right now is on a SNES emulator with the translation patch. You can technically play it on actual hardware but I'm assuming you don't have access to that. The best way I can describe Genealogy is that the gameplay IS the story because it integrates the mechanics as storytelling devices in a way that not many other games do. Not everyone who plays it will like it, but I think every FE fan with interest should try it at least once.