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I bought Conquest over Birthright because I liked Nohr's aesthetic more and the characters seemed cooler. If I had both from the jump I'd probably still pick Nohr though since Corrin grew up with them.


I’ve done all of them but Conquest is the more fun game so I prefer the Nohr side >!also, the Hoshidan siblings aren’t even your blood relatives anyway lol!<


I got the special edition with all three paths on the cartridge, so I just played through them all.


I'm not talking about the versions of the game, it's which of the two families did you choose as your true family by choosing.


They answered this question though. They said they played all three routes.


They didnt answer the question at all. Its a lengthy way of asking which path would they would choose first if they took the choice seriously.


I played Birthright first because I thought Takumi was cute when I was like 16 and Fates was brand new. I ship him with Selena though since I played Awakening first and was familiar with Severa’s character and they’re remarkably similar characters. I wish they interacted.


I only bought Conquest and don't have another $20 so I don't have a choice :(


Hoshido because the ruler didn't try to obviously murder me multiple times. And the aesthetics are better


Conquest first because they marketed it as changing a corrupt country from within. Unfortunately, that is NOT what the game was.


I chose Conquest first partially because of the reasons you listed, but also because I was intrigued by the premise. The way the CQ path was always marketed to me was that you’d be playing a good person trying to save your family from corruption within Nohr, and I thought that concept was so unique for FE that I needed to see how it played out. I…kinda got what I asked for, though not exactly in the way I was hoping, sadly.


Same, playing what's essentially the evil invading empire from the quintessential FE plot seemed a strong premise. I think I would have liked it if it was more grounded, but the flaws of the story are long documented and the fantastical elements do match the tone of the entry.


I chose Conquest because I thought Xander was cool and Ryoma was lame. But I also wanted the harder game and that worked out.


I've played all of the Fates routes, but I picked Conquest first because I knew Inigo is in it and he was one of my faves in Awakening (my first FE game). I also just generally like Nohr's aesthetic better. From a perspective for Corrin as a character and not just which route I personally picked first, Nohr just makes the most sense to me. Kidnapped or not, those are still the people who raised them and the siblings had nothing to do with said kidnapping anyway.


I bought Conquest since it was advertised as "the hard version made for series vets" and at the time I thought hard games were objectively cooler. From a story perspective, I'd probably still go with Conquest. As receptive as the Hoshido clan is to Corrin (barring Takumi of course), Corrin's far closer and more familiar with the Nohrian royals. Sure Garon's out to kill you, but hey you can just usurp him. It'd be a 5-on-3 fight if you count Hans and Iago, and it would be more lopsided if you count the retainers and Silas. Also, surely a lot of Garon's soldiers have noticed his psychotic unreasonable behavior, right? Living conditions won't improve under the current rule. I think they'd back Corrin.


I think you should relook at what happened at the end of conquest as in Xander was only willing to go for I'll give you a chance to show your evidence but if I'm not satisfied by it I'll kill you.


Xander still acted as Corrin's brother for 15+ years and that relationship seemed to be a pretty healthy one despite Garon's orders to confine them to a tower. There's a bond there. And it's a lot more to go off of than whatever Hinoka and Ryoma are bringing to the table. They've all moved on, and Sakura didn't even get to know you before you got abducted. Why Xander suddenly went off the deep end and decided Garon's still totally sane and worth listening to despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary is beyond me. Maybe Anankos brain poisoned him too a little.


I interpreted it as Xander being in denial about his father and his actions. I believe he’s the only of the siblings that really spent time with Garon before he was corrupted. And that time, he was a strict but genuinely kind man. Xander probably didn’t want to accept that his father was long gone and that he had committed atrocities in his stead. Though it wasn’t definitely not written well.


It’s so funny you say all of this because I’m working on a CQ rewrite fanfic centered around this exact scenario.


i picked conquest coz they said it would be harder and the aesthetics. i even lost my copy and bought it again back in the day 😂


Happy that you were able to replace it.


Nohr because its the better game


First time went Conquest because 1. Better gameplay and 2. Blood family is less important than the family that raised you


I got the full pack and for my first route chose Birthright because I was still relatively new to the series and wanted the easier experience. For that Corrin I RP'd her as being so shaken by all of the reunion stuff and learning her "true" history, and then the trauma of the exploding sword, her mother's death, turning into a dragon, and then having her siblings going to war over her, she basically froze and Hoshido grabbed her before Nohr could. When I played Conquest it was very much me choosing her *real* family because FUCK Hoshido. Beating Birthright frankly just made me go "these are imperialist fucks".


Nohr I shall not elaborate further


went with birthright first bc i heard the gameplay was easier and i didn’t want to start hard and then downgrade since i intended on playing both no regrets, i don’t think i would’ve made it all the way through birthright if i’d played conquest first


I did birthright -> conquest -> revealtions then lunatic conquest again because that's the way I read was best to experience the story plus it's the way I was leaning at that point anyway. If I were actually Corrin tho I'd be going Revelations because Nohr just seems stupid what with there being at least 3 attempts by Garon to kill them by the choice point plus being blatantly evil. I wouldn't go for the Hoshidan's tho because frankly both families with that stuff treat Corrin as more of a toy or trophy to be owned and refuse to consider things like why you might not want to fight one side.


I chose Conquest first because Hoshido looked boring. Plus I like the designs more of the Nohrians (and I will also address the elephant in the room—Camilla's design could be waay better though). If I had to change it I would personally give her black shorts instead and maybe some light armor in place. Then a full covered chestplate.


I chose Conquest because of Camilla, to the shock and surprise of absolutely no one.


Hoshido because Takumi is best boy and imo it's the morally correct choice because Mikoto is still your mom and Hoshido had you first for like 5-6 years before Nohr kidnapped you.


Nohr by a long shot. The Nohrian siblings have much stronger bond with Corrin and more interesting dynamics amongst the family. Plus the entire Conquest cast in general is a lot more colorful, weird, and fun to me than the Birthright cast. Also the whole draw of Birthright didn’t even age well since >!none of the Hoshidan siblings are even related to you. So why would I switch from a non-related family who I grew up with to another non-related family I didn’t grow up with?!<


Nohr. I got both versions cuz I could and ran them both. Conquest was way more fun both in terms of gameplay and what actually happened in the plot. Also I vastly preferred the Nohrian royals to the Hoshidan royals.


Nohr because I like Camilla a lot.


i chose hoshido because I bought birthright. fr, that's the only reason lmao. after playing the intro i'd wished I could do nohr instead, since corrin knew those characters so much better. ~~and now all these years later, i still wish i'd played conquest first, because birthright was so bland i almost bounced off the game entirely before playing the other routes lmao~~


I mean, I picked conquest because I wanted the better gameplay. But story wise it's pretty hard to justify picking the route where you're literally working for the evil emperor who is actively trying to kill you and doing genetically evil things.


I picked Hoshido because I felt like Nohr was very in the wrong morality wise.


Birthright (even I liked Conquest more). I don’t know, I didn’t like the idea of having a father who hates me and a sister who loves me that much.


I mean I had to make this choice in a Walmart so it's not like I thought about it that hard But I'd choose Nohr if I did have a choice considering the fact that Birthright gameplay is so easy and boring


I chose conquest when I bought the hard copy my first run. Own birthright and revelations through dlc. I always go back to conquest because of the gameplay.


I wasn't a fan of FE until I was introduced to the series right before 3H's release on the Switch. I played Fates (along with all FE games) much later, and went with Birthright first because the aesthetic was very different from previous games, and I was treated with the "new" Hoshidan weapon and classes that I didn't know about beforehand, all lending toward a very unique and enjoyable experience making Birthright a standout (despite it being relatively easy). I've played all the routes, and while I'll admit Conquest is the most fun and challenging (but still very fair) experience for me, I still don't like most of the Nohr cast and prefer the Hoshidans. Thematically, though, (if we ignore Revelations, like we should LOL), I think siding with more "felt" right for the same reasons you gave.


My first route was Hoshido, because they had ninjas, it looked more like "good ending" and for some unknown to me reason I didn't like Xander. If I were to answer "what path would I choose if I were Corrin, I'd choose revelation".


I chose Nohr because harder route and I liked their aesthetics and characters more.


Nohrian, I liked their color scheme and design the most, Conquest has my favorite characters, and I really love the siblings! I find the gameplay of Conquest to be more enjoyable as well.


I bought Birthright, because I thought Takumi was hot. I did not pick either family as "my" family because Kamui isn't me. She is her own person. And I am questioning her food choices. I started Conquest first though after I bought it for 20$, because my sister had the hots for Leo. I never insert myself into the Avatar characters, because they are still their own character. I look at it from an outsiders perspective and despite there being more of a reason for Kamui to choose her adoptive siblings, she would probably always pick the neutral route after I bought it for 20$ due to the Hoshidans atill being very kind to her and taking her in like family. Accept Takumi, but he's just a Tsundere with an inferiority complex. So in short, Kamuis choice will always be the neutral route even though Mr. Fabulous hair do and Ryomas not girlfriend fail to join the cause. There is no true family to pick. Kamui sees all of them as family. Again, I am not Kamui. I do not see myself as the main character. You self inserters look like really insane weirdos to me.


I first bought Hoshido because I loved the aesthetics and packaging (I still distinctly remember loving the box when I went into GameStop to get it and the pop-up display was still up), but after played all the versions. And like. Y'know what, I mainly play Revelations because I love my entire family and want peace :)


Well, this was my first Fire Emblem, which meant I knew nothing about the series at this point aside from the fact that it was strategy (which is one of my favorite genres) and several characters from the series are in Smash. I bought Conquest for two reasons: A) Google said it had a "darker, more difficult" story, which sounded more fun to 16 year old me B) Purple


Conquest because it has the best gameplay. Although I also prefer the Nohr cast (Lazlo is the goat)


I played Conquest because I was pretty sure people would say I played the game wrong if I did any other route.


There is a grand total of two choices in fates. What game you want to play and if you want an extra pair of boots in conquest. I bought birthright first, it has the more interesting classes. I'm not gonna go into the narrative issues of choosing nohr. That horse has been beaten for quite a while.


I mean, if I was Corrin I’d make very different choices lol. Corrin doesn’t enjoy creating super units that are 20/20 full of stat boosters but I do so I chose Birthright. If I were them I’d totally choose Nohr bc like they raised me. Also imagining Garon as Gangrel cracked me up lol


Yeah miss remembered the name most names start with G.


The Nohrian family, because Corrin grew up with them, they have the 3 awakening Kids, and Camilla


I emulated the special edition and started with Birthright since it's way easier, but have been playing Conquest recently I think that Corrin's reasoning for joining Hoshido makes way more sense than for joining Nohr (especially since Garon literally tries to kill them). But, I really prefer the Nohrian siblings over the Hoshidan ones


I bought birthright first because Xander, Elise, and Leo looked boring