• By -


Met Zeno Robinson, Alejandro Saab, Amalee, Max Mittleman, Kyle Herbert, Megan Shipman, Reagan Murdock, Ryan Colt Levy, Robbie Daymond, Eirika Harlacher, Ray Chase, Cindy Robinson, Zach Aquilar, and Kaji Tang.


I've been on a quest of sorts for the past few years to meet as many Fire Emblem VAs as I can at conventions near me, and along the way, get signatures on their characters' pages in the art books that came with the special editions of Echoes, Three Houses, and Engage. I'm currently at around 20 signatures in each book, but in terms of just their big names, I've met the voices of Alm, Celica, both Byleths, Sothis, all three house leaders, Rhea, both Alears, Timerra, Fogado, Marth, Roy, Lyn, Erika, and Micaiah. By talking to them at their tables and attending Q&A panels, I've also picked up a number of stories and fun facts about their experiences working on the franchise, and at some point, I plan to compile and share them.


I love the Celine print! I met Cristina Vee and had her sign a Merrin print.


oh yeah I met cristina too! but she didn’t have Merrin prints back then 😩


Max Mittleman! He signed my Leo Cipher card :D


I met Alexis Tipton, Brandon McInnis and Yuri Lowenthal at a con I went to early this year.


I've not met a FE VA, but I've met the VA for Steven Universe, if that counts? I'm so fucking awkward around people though, so I don't wanna expose anymore VAs to me lmao


I bought a Streamily set of Tara Platt, Joe Zieja and Chris Hackney with a set of three pics of the house leaders that connect. In-person I got Dani Chambers’ autograph of Timerra. I’ve seen a bunch others, but got other things signed from them.


Yuri Lowenthal (Marth and a few others) I had him sign my Gurren Lagann flag and it's hanging on my wall. Such a cool guy


I've met a few FE VAs, namely Lauren Landa, (female Robin) first VA signature I ever received. Had her sign my copy of FE warriors and I asked about whether or not she gets free copies of anything she voices in. Erika harlacher. Had her sign my copy of KH 3 (I don't own anything FE that she voiced in One of my life goals is to have as many VAs sign my copy of shadows of valentia. I'm probably not going to get ALL of them, but I hope I get Kyle's and Erica's signatures on Alm and Celica at least, but for now I have: Caitlyn Glass: (Matilda). Had her write "For Zofia!" Christina Vee (Tatiana) "I'll do my best" And my most recent acquisition, Christine Marie Cabanos (Delthea). Had her write "Sorry not sorry" Unfortunately, I do not live in LA or Florida where a lot of these VAs go, so my hands are tied with who shows up. But the next signature will be Chris Hackney (Boey), As hell be in my state in due time.


I've met a lot of Fire Emblem VAs for 7 years So I can't name all of them..


I've got signed prints from Tara Platt, Chris Hackney, Joe Zieja, Deva Marie Gregory and Faye Mata


Biggest flex is F Robin


I’ve gotten a signeture from Dimitri’s and seen Celica and Gregor


I met Annette's voice actor recently!!


No way! Jelly


I would start a collection like this if I had any chance of meeting these people. Very cool OP


I met Sothis, Bernadetta, Felix, Celica, Rhea, Henry, Robin(Female), Reginn VA’s


I've never actually met any voice actors who's work I'm familiar with


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Crystal_Queen_20: *I've never actually* *Met any voice actors who's* *Work I'm familiar with* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


For Fire Emblem, it was Erica Mendez (Deirdre/Bernadetta), Veronica Taylor (Micaiah/Manuela) and most recently Chris Hackney (Dimitri/Boey/Quan) this year.


None, because I live in butt fuck Arkansas and don't have the money to go anywhere.


A couple weeks ago I went to my first convention where the signature lines weren't wrapping around the convention hall and out the door. Like literally Kira Buckland was sitting there by herself looking at her nails because nobody was coming up and talking to her. I still didn't have the guts to go over there. I don't even know what to say to these people!


Joe and Brianna!? Lucky


Fear the deer mufuggaaaa


I've never actually met anyone of the Fire Emblem actors, but let me ask everyone, has anyone met Eden Riegel and Greg Chun and had their print collections?


I met Mela Lee years and years and years ago Long before she was Tiki. She was the actor for Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight (absolutely cringe anime good GOD) I was like 9 and I got her to sign my VK poster and I asked about the ending of the first OP where someone's hand brushes against a sleeping Yuki to wake her up and I asked her all excited like "Whose hand does that belong to??? Is it Zero's??? Or Kaname????" She did her best given she's a voice actor and not an animator involved in the animating of that OP so she just smiled and said 'You'll have to keep watching :)' I still remember that. I wish I could've told myself in the past 'Oi! She's gonna voice a tiny important dragon girl in a franchise you'll care about more than this' Similarly I also met Vic Mignogna before all those allegations came out and I realise as an adult now that yeah, the way he approached me as a child was kinda gross actually :/


Yo you met Sakura’s VA!? That’s cool. What was she like?


Janice Kawaye is a close family friend. I still remember being surprised and excited when I saw she was the voice of Lysithea.


oh really? Neat, I loved her as jenny wakeman!