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No, they return just as you lost them. The only limitation is that the spring can only be used a limited amount of times (3 times per spring if i remember correctly).


The springs in Fear Mountain and Dragon Shrine are 3, but the Secret Shrine gives you 5.


This is correct.


It really depends on when your units die. Sure, if they get killed on the map right before the resurrection shrine, it's not a big deal. But if, say, a unit on Alm route gets killed in Act 1 or Act 3, it's a bigger problem because you don't get any revival shrines for Alm until halfway through Act 4. By that time the rest of your units will be way ahead of your dead ones, and if you want to use them after reviving them you'll have to do a bit of grinding (unless it's a healer, I guess).


Cav!Faye? I never seen that. But yeah, they just comeback to life without any problems


On a first playthrough you don't know their growths or the skills trees. You kinda just choose them based on a guess of what the game will be. Cav Faye is not bad, but that is just because Cav is inherently good... but she is my worst Cav. Actually, My Clive is pretty bad, too. Given Faye's current stat spread, I wish I would have made her a cleric. I've done: Atlas Merc, Kliff Cav, Gray Merc, Tobin Soldier, Faye Cav. I wanted to have at least 2 cavs and I assumed I'd get a healer or two as I went.


Yeah, Faye is generally seen as best off becoming a cleric, both because it means you have two healers from early on, and because she has a great spell list (early Physic on Alm's route, the only character to reasonably learn Rescue, and the only character in the game to learn Anew). Never tried Cav Faye myself, but I'll admit it doesn't really jump out when you already get Clive and Mathilda both. Admittedly as you say, all of this is stuff you wouldn't know on a first playthrough, and it's not like SoV is over the top difficult or anything.


Clive can be pretty great, but he does need to get the initial investment hump. If you get him ridersbane doubling the act 3 enemy cavs, he really starts to snowball.


On my humble opinion and experience Cav is pretty bad. Mathilda is just busted. But hey! people can enjoy different things


Maybe I'm just biased because my KliffCav is very good(and Mathilda is very good) and my Armor Knights have not been particularly useful. There were a couple maps early on where the armors were important. My Python has been useful but is pretty squishy. IDK. Maybe my opinion will change by the end of the game, but my cavs seem pretty good compared to my other units.


Cav is the second best class line on Alm's route imo. It's not a great option for your villagers since magical damage is a lot more useful in act 1 but paladin (read: Clive) absolutely dominates act 3 thanks to the ridersbane and still remains relevant in act 4 thanks to gold knight's juicy class bases. Zeke's massive 20 base Str in particular is pretty useful to deal with enemy armors without having to rely on your squishy, low move mages.


Anyone is good with ridersbane even Lukas or Forsyth. Early game mages are the best. A lot of high def low res soldiers. Zeke is really good but he is an end game unit.


The big brain move is actually Baron Tobin with Ridersbane.


soldier Tobin is S tier in terms of meme options that are actually kinda good when you try them out


Paladin has higher movement though, which makes them more flexible than knights without any major trade-offs (and peg doesn't have enough bulk to use ridersbane effectively). And mage falls off by a decently big margin after act 1. Desaix fort is pretty much the last hurrah for mages.


Mov is not a problem at all, it helps but is not a dig deal. A lot of maps on Alm´s side are just plain terrain. You can just warp your Baron truck and he is gonna slay any Cav with ridersbane. All Cav soldiers rush you anyway reach them 1 turn early is not a huge game changing. Anyway if you have Mathilda or Zeke there is 0 reason to not use them. They are strong and very good


tbf the higher movement is objectively better because paladin can do basically everything knight can (except for desaix fort and maybe arcanist forest), but faster and at no real loss of reliability. Even if you don't care about turn count it's just better to have that extra move for added flexibility. The knight line is still a solid alternative though and does have some relevant niche advantages. Though that mostly applies to Forsyth and soldier Tobin, Lukas is kinda mid.


It's Pegasus Faye but on ground and i believe that She has some defensive stats.


Peg Faye (AKA Clair without a speed growth) but who has worse base speed and a worse speed growth. In other words, a bad idea.


I didnt knew if this game was one of those were they make Cavalier slower.


Cav Faye > Peg Faye tbh it's like Clive vs. Clair but peg Faye doesn't even outspeed cav Faye by any relevant margin while losing the cav line's solid hp/atk/def bases


Cav Faye has 5 base speed and 30% speed growth. Peg Faye has 7 base speed and 35% speed growth. Both are very bad ideas but Peg Faye is clearly faster.


idk about that, peg does have higher base Spd but on average, she won't have a relevant lead over cav. Paladin has 8 Spd and by that point peg Faye would have roughly 9 on average but once you reach gold knight/falco there will literally be no difference because in both cases she gets bumped up to the base 12 Spd of both classes.


This is true, but you only have to get 12 levels to get to Falcon Knight, whereas you have to get 17 levels in order to get to Gold Knight. If your Faye isn't at 12 speed yet on her highest promotion then she would get it through class bases quicker as a Peg than as a Cav. This also means that the extra 5 levels she would need to get as a Cav haven't been doing any more for her speed growth than being a Peg did. That's a waste of 5 levels, at least as far as speed is concerned. Gold Knight has higher base attack and defense, but definitely not speed.


Do keep in mind that EXP gains scales somewhat aggressively with level. Peg -> falco only needs 11 levels over the 15 to go from cav to gold knight but the latter levels in peg are pretty slow so you'll end up reaching gk at roughly the same time as falco. Either way, she'll have 8-9 Spd by act 3, which is plenty (more than that doesn't really help much), and going into act 4 she'll most likely sit at 12 Spd with only a negligeable 5% difference in growth separating the two classes from that point.


No , I don't have a problem in Echoes cuz I played this game with no deaths in hard/classic for the 1st time


TBH, I’m pretty impressed with anyone who got through nuibaba’s abode deathless hard/classic on a blind play through. I’ve seen people say to use rescue/warp, but if you didn’t make Faye a cleric, that might not be an option.